Canada - Sentry killed in War Memorial shooting, Ottawa, 22 Oct 2014

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one way flight without the passport ........ and automatic loss of citizenship??

Exactly. Any new Canadian that shows signs of wanting to commit murder for the sake of murder should be immediately expelled from Canada. They can earn their way back, but the benefit of the doubt should be gone. It's better to expel a couple of innocent people than to err and allow more murderers into a country that has always been welcoming to people of all nations from all places.
This in not the correct response, but ... I haven't seen any radical Christians marching aid workers into the middle of the desert and hacking off their heads for filmmaking purposes ... but I have seen that from radical muslims. There is a distinct difference between a radical Christian and a radical muslim.

no but there have been a few that have killed doctors!!! both in Canada and USA
This in not the correct response, but ... I haven't seen any radical Christians marching aid workers into the middle of the desert and hacking off their heads for filmmaking purposes ... but I have seen that from radical muslims. There is a distinct difference between a radical Christian and a radical muslim.

Fred Phelps was a radical Christian spewing forth hatred. Not all Muslims are terrorists, just like not all Germans were responsible for the Holocaust.
Tid bits

[h=2]Canadian Parliament to sit tomorrow as scheduled, minister of industry says - @JamesMoore_org
2h [h=2] Report: Search of FBI databases has not come up with anything about suspected Ottawa shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, officials tell @nytimes
[h=2]Ottawa mayor says he has asked for City Hall flags to be flown at half-mast in memory of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo killed in shooting - @ctvottawa[/h]
Another doggie without a loved one:
Tid bits

[h=2]Canadian Parliament to sit tomorrow as scheduled, minister of industry says - @JamesMoore_org
2h [h=2] Report: Search of FBI databases has not come up with anything about suspected Ottawa shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, officials tell @nytimes
[h=2]Ottawa mayor says he has asked for City Hall flags to be flown at half-mast in memory of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo killed in shooting - @ctvottawa[/h]

ok am calming down === I totally agree we should be paying respects to Cpl Cirillo but also we should be mentioning Warrant Officer who was killed Monday too.......two soldiers murdered by nutters
This is really important for folks to understand:


Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was last to address Canadians, saying Canada has “never been innocent” to the threats it faces.

“We have never let those threats shape us. … We will get answers to how and why this happened. They will be vital in preventing any future attack,” said Trudeau.

“And to our friends and fellow citizens in the Muslim community, Canadians know acts such as these committed in the name of Islam are an aberration of your faith. Continued mutual cooperation and respect will help prevent the influence of distorted ideological propaganda posing as religion. We will walk forward together, not apart.”
Cpl Cirillo was also a dad.....there's a little boy who won't know his dad.
His most recent court record indicates Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau fell off the map for three years, as far as the Montreal courthouse was concerned, because he failed to show up in court on a simple marijuana charge that had been filed against him on March 14, 2006

His most serious conviction came on Dec. 7, 2004, when Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau pleaded guilty to possession of phencyclidine, also known as PCP, and was sentenced to a 60-day prison term.

On the same day, he also pleaded guilty to marijuana possession and was sentenced to one day in prison. He has also been convicted for failing to comply with conditions of a release

In court records related to another charge for breach of conditions, Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau listed his address as being in Aylmer, QC, a city of 40,000 just 23 minutes west of Downtown Ottawa.
And, just two years ago, Mr. Bibeau was on the West Coast.

A ps: On Tuesday, the RCMP confirmed that Martin Rouleau, the man accused of running over two Canadian Forces soldiers in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, had been one of 90 suspects under similar observation.

Although, if the example of Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu terrorist suspect Martin Rouleau is any indication, he may have changed his name following his conversion to Islam.
Before he allegedly ran over two Canadian soldiers in the parking lot of a Service Canada location, Mr. Rouleau reportedly changed his name to Ahmad LeConverti (Ahmad The Converted).
That reference is to one radical Christian. ISIS has recruited hundreds and thousands of Muslim terrorists. They live all around the world and their mission is to kill anyone who does not subscribe to their way of thinking. Yes I am acquainted with Muslims in the City where I live and they do not hold this doctrine in any way so yes Canadians know the difference. What we need to keep in mind is that there are thousands of ISIS supporters in our cities throughout North America, Britain, worldwide. This is a real and immediate threat. Yes CSIS, our security intelligence has proven that some mosques in Vancouver Toronto and Ottawa are harbouring and have harboured ISIS terrorists. I am a Christian, a few of my friends are Muslims and we interpret our God as peaceful. These radical Muslims do not yet they attend the same mosques. Yes there is a difference - a difference between treating others kindly or believing fundamentally that God instructs us to kill anyone who does not agree with our religion. We cannot compare the religions as there is this huge difference and yes there is a huge growing population of Muslims who believe that killing anyone who does not convert to their religion is what God wants. It is right in there in Islamic teachings. It is not in Christian teachings. I pray and hope that everyone realizes the difference between moderate Muslims and fundamental Islamists such as ISIS. However ISIS has been successful in swaying many Muslims and I do not understand why but they have. This situation is real, the threat is real and it is worldwide and nations need to come together to stop this evil in its tracks.
just as most other Muslims don't consider these terrorists to be true Muslims

This in not the correct response, but ... I haven't seen any radical Christians marching aid workers into the middle of the desert and hacking off their heads for filmmaking purposes ... but I have seen that from radical muslims. There is a distinct difference between a radical Christian and a radical muslim.

I have never considered Phelps a Christian. To me he was nothing more than a cult leader.

But even old Phelps who was a hating old fool never cut heads off innocent people or raped women and children.
One answer I believe is to reach out to the majority of Muslims who are moderates, offer to assist them in removing these jihadist terrorist fundamentalists out of their mosques. The average Muslim is probably terrified of informing police of the radical groups meeting in the mosques. I believe if we could reach out and offer our assistance and protection it would be well-received. JMO
“For the past really two weeks, there's been increased concern among Canadian officials. Some of it expressed publicly, some not. The terror threat level, which is not a public system like we have in the US was raised up a notch in Canada a few days ago. There was no public announcement of that” he said.
Williams added, “Canadian officials were worried that there would be these sort of, if you’ll pardon the expression, low-tech attacks, using guns or knives or in the case of what happened, apparently in Montreal two days ago, a car, to attack government facilities, soldiers. And so there was concern they would attack either Canadian or US targets within Canada.
Some if CSIS' greatest alllies and informants are imams and members of established mosques, from what has been reported in the media over the last few months.
So now there is a debate between radical Christians and radical Muslims?

All radicals, by any name or religious affiliation are dangerous. Phelps was as disgusting and dangerous as any radical Muslim.

But I'm bored and tired. The rest of you can debate all night and into the wee morning hours if you choose.

I just regret the loss of lives of that this carp caused. That poor man killed today didn't deserve that nor did the soldier deserve to be run over by a car.

I'll refrain from posting my own religious beliefs but will leave the rest of you to to debate over whether radical Christians or radical Muslims are really much different from each other.
I think we probably should refrain from speaking about religion or the mods will shut down the thread.

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