CANADA Canada - Sharin Morningstar Keenan, 9, Toronto, 23 Jan 1983

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

Four articles from Toronto Spanish paper third of these has excellent image of the composite the fourth of the widely distributed photo. The articles in the Star in Sept. 2012 confusingly called the photo a composite. Nothing new here but the composite is tough to find and never at this size of image.

More info than usual about the Argentinian boarder who heard the attack.

Some detail I have not seen elsewhere use of name Byrne or Brynes as well as Burns also bit of detail of length of attack on Sharin.

Link would not show any info.but sounds interesting..
OK if you punch Sharin Keenan into the top search bar you get the four results (only) just from the Spanish Toronto paper. Let me know if this still does not work.

Good resource for any Canadian crime with an "ethnic" element, where there might be a newspaper whether Spanish, Lithuanian whatever.
I do wish the FBI or whoever it was had followed up on the guy who said Howe had stayed with him at his art gallery in Idaho. Idaho makes sense as a place Howe could be just south of Montana where the brother had supposedly gone for visits from Sask. - Idaho also borders Canada. A long shot obviously but he actually claims he has belongings including a garment with blood!

The gallery owner mentions he used alias Tommy Ross and got that name from movie Bullit Steve McQueen. But the "double" in that film is Johnny Ross not Tommy. But Tommy Ross is the "nice" guy that Carrie goes to the Prom with in the film Carrie based on the King novel. Interesting King is one of the aliases Howe used though you have to question how useful listing those old aliases is - surely something who is a "master of disguise" would use a different new ID.

Also interesting I may not remember this it seems the posts were taken down mostly from UC site only a couple remaining from the gallery owner - I though he said Tommy Ross disappeared on the way to the "Meyers" hardware store in Boise Idaho real name of store is Myers just a typo no doubt since the gallery owner is from Boise and would know better - interesting that Myers is also one of Howe's aliases "Jim Myers" so "Tommy Ross" if it was Howe must have been freaking thinking the gallery owner was on to him in some way. Gives a good description of this guys paranoia and caution and says he even used the term "turkey"!
Question: on the prairies is it still easy to cross the border without going through customs? Walking surely it is still possible?

The Ridgen film shows a garage in Morse Sask. not sure if that is where the brother lives or if Ridgen and crew were just passing through they also seem to have gone through southern Manitoba where again it used to be possible to easily drive to the US from the little Anabaptist communities along the US border.

Of course if Howe has a new ID such as Tommy Ross that is clean he can go where he wants.

Not to stir the pot to excess: was the death of Crawley the retired det. who was supposedly obsessed with the Sharin case 100% for sure accidental i.e from being kicked in the head by his horse? It would be an unusual death horses aren't rhinos or elephants and don't usually kick their owners. Not trying to be sensationalist just worried on his behalf though it is too late of course - did Howe come back to Canada get into his confidence and then cleverly kill him with a blow in the stall? But for all I know there are witnesses though I thought I remembered reading there were not. I have the same suspicions about the death of the Det. who found Sharin. At Rosedale subway supposedly a very quiet station close to ravines. Took his own life they said.

I would love to know the status of the sighting of Howe up north in the Sault the day after Sharin was murdered at a bus transfer on the way to Winnipeg. Is that certain?

As another poster said on this thread "slippery eel" - that can't be emphasized enough.
Chorley, could be wrong- but it looks like the name is Helen Leskiew( from Austria)

Not a common name none actually on Canada 411 at the moment though evidence there are Canadians out west with that name. Interesting fact musician from the Guess Who sometimes used that name sometimes Leskiw which is a fairly common name - not sure which is his birth name Leskiew or Leskiw.
Anyone know whether the second article in the Spanish paper talking about the man who lived downstairs and heard Sharin's cries says that police came to the house four times BEFORE finding Sharin's body after learning "Byrnes" had disappeared. I'm confused my Spanish is not great does it not also mention a long distance call?

"La policia habia ido a la casa pocas horas despues de la desaparicion y podria haberla vuelto a visiter en cuatro ocasiones antes de descubrirse el cadaver de la pequena luego d que la ausencia de Byrnes durante varios dias motivo una llamada a lot agentes del orden."

Mentions Howe's rent as 45 a week which makes sense Toronto paper had said 45 a month too low.
Any chance at all that DMH was a paid 'fall guy' for someone else?
No I don't think there is a chance DMH didn't kill that little girl. He should have been brought to justice; unfortunately, considering his hard living lifestyle, I think he's probably dead.

But then how come he has never been identified... I guess it's possible he is hiding under an assumed name, possibly in Saskatchewan where he's from. I remembering reading on another message board a woman who was convinced he was working at the same hospital as her under a different name. Like DMH, said person was always calling people "turkeys".
Wondering if there has ever been any indication that H. did not act alone and why would he leave the body in the rooming house where the crime could be linked back to him? Would his m/o in be the same in other crimes and did any of his drinking cohorts have suspicions about him before or after the murder?

I think it was said somewhere that he really wasn't very smart. If he didn't do it, he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of disappearing off the face of the earth IMO, he would have blamed the real killer.

He had a criminal history and I really think this was just sheer stupidity or carelessness on his part, stuffing her in his fridge. He did it for convenience and skipped town soon after, he probably didn't intend to stick around anyways.

I think the police had enough evidence to put him on a most wanted list and continue to search for him, their killer, after so many years.
No I don't think there is a chance DMH didn't kill that little girl. He should have been brought to justice; unfortunately, considering his hard living lifestyle, I think he's probably dead.

But then how come he has never been identified... I guess it's possible he is hiding under an assumed name, possibly in Saskatchewan where he's from. I remembering reading on another message board a woman who was convinced he was working at the same hospital as her under a different name. Like DMH, said person was always calling people "turkeys".


Thanks for the feedback Danaya, wondering about that rumour about dmh working in a hospital...was it one in Ontario or Saskatchewan?
Dmh has managed to find work before including working in prisons where he was known to be very clever at fixing things.
Maybe he has (prison) skills to work in a hospital laundry or cafeteria?
Sorry for totally hogging this thread, but wonder if there is any chance at all a recording of h's voice is to be found, perhaps from a prison, family video ect?

Why do you ask? I would guess he also disguises his voice. The thing that interests me is the early years after Sharin's murder how did he do it, stay on the lam? Couldn't instantly change his appearance and behaviour would take a bit of time a bit of training. By now ok as has been said dead or esconsed somewhere could be Mexico, whereever. Extraordinary thing as Det.Wilkinson said in jail didn't seemed to have more success as a criminal putting Sharin in the fridge in your own rented room isn't exactly brilliant, using your mother's real name at the Seaton House hostel (that is how they found out is real name) not really necessary. And then nothing - extraordinary I agree with Wilkinson.

I see that the guy Dotr mentioned still insists on his bounty hunter theory Howe cast out of plane. That would explain why he hasn't surfaced of course. Never really clear what the evidence is of that -Sharin's Mom casts some doubt just logically at the beginning of the Ridgen video.

I am not an expert in human behaviour so a question: what traits do you think Howe would find difficult to change? He could change beer, cigarettes maybe stop lining up the ciggies, is possible to get coloured lenses weight could go up or down - enigmatic guy don't really have a sense of him - as was mentioned around his birthday maybe music C&W would stay loyal to that?
Not a common name none actually on Canada 411 at the moment though evidence there are Canadians out west with that name. Interesting fact musician from the Guess Who sometimes used that name sometimes Leskiw which is a fairly common name - not sure which is his birth name Leskiew or Leskiw.

Wondered if someone with the L name would possibly also go by the name Lewis?
Speaking of names, noticed this missing woman's last name...
Sharin' on Vimeo

The Sharin video again around 4:22 Sharin's Mom looks for a long time towards an apartment on the horizon could just be in the air - would be towards the Loretto girls school as well though you can't see it - towards Rochdale College but she really seems to be looking at that apartment - ok sorry probably just me.....

Again see photo of Sharin on title of the show explain to me how that can be the same girl shown in the police photo looks years older just strange.....

Note the "widely distributed" photo of Howe half destroyed the case does not look like him not even sure it is him.....probably is..........just a bad photo (?)

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