CANADA Canada - Sharin Morningstar Keenan, 9, Toronto, 23 Jan 1983

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DNA Solves
Unusual site, Idaho man talks of encounters with H.???

Yes that guy is a bit all over the place but then again his suspicions are not impossible. Tommy Ross is certainly the kind of simple name he liked to adopt so that fits though it is hardly proof. I do not know if it is here or in another blog that he mentions a RUMOUR that the police threw Howe out of a plane personally I seriously doubt that but there are similar rumours around and Lynda Keenan refers to one RUMOUR in the very opening scene of the CBC film when she talks about the bounty hunters killing him and she quite rightly I think dismisses it.

The Crawley mentioned took over the case after the fact in Toronto and supposedly became obsessed with it, carrying materials on it around in a briefcase even after retirement from police. He died last year I believe when his horse kicked in him in a stall it made the papers and the Sharin case was mentioned.

I notice many people connected with that case seem ravaged by it.

This guy of course see conspiracy when they police don't check the stuff he left and just because AMW took the case down from their website he is implying that it is over and done with because they know Howe is dead.

But as you note with your links he is still wanted I believe very wanted for a long time he was the most wanted man in Canada on the RCMP site.

Late 90s there was a false alarm they though they knew where he was buried up north but it was a false alarm.

Speaking of sightings of Howe: I met at the Sticky Wicket a pub in the Toronto Annex (near where Howe lived) in February 1983 someone who I thought for a dogs age had to be Howe. Sharin's body had just been discovered. Spitting image of the composite but that wasn't released yet but I stopped in my tracks when I saw the composite in the Sun a while later. Yes I reported this same day I had some handwriting of his an address and I remember the police were very interested in that later I realized because they had a sample of Howe's writing from the Spadina near Cecil shop where he had written down colours like "gypsy jade" "malted milk" "oriental rose" "whipped cream".

Of course according to police Howe had already left Toronto. The guy said many strange not to say psychotic (literally) things and knew a lot about the case that to my knowledge was not divulged in media till later for example the guy told me "they called her Sharin because they wanted her to be shared" that just sounded crazy to me but then I found out that that was actually the case of course not in the way Howe took it. Among the numerous disturbing crazy things this guy said to me was that I should come up to a cabin he had up north "I took a girl up there one and she liked it so much she never came back". he said with the craziest laugh I have ever heard.

He was the strangest person I had ever met up to that time and I still have never met anyone stranger.

He spoke of a man upstairs and downstairs one (I guess the good guy in the story) just wanted to have sex with the girl but they guy on the other floor wanted to kill her. If you see the film you would see why this would resonate. He said insulting things about the family.

I thought I saw the guy I spoke to in Hamilton in 2007 repeatedly at a Tim Hortons by the YMCA once by a school in Westdale (I told the police at Yonge and Eglinton in Toronto) and once unnervingly behind my house in a park. So Dotr your comments about Hamilton are right on possibly as somewhere to keep an eye out but if alive he could be out of the country too who knows.

The guy I spoke to said he "had to get out of the country" I believe that is not impossible - and not just the US.

So we have three possible Howe sightings recently mentioned on this site right now possibly all of them wrong - but who knows.

He said some other things that are interesting a few I will check out a few others are of interest but they insult they family so I won't post. Strangely, they fit with some other things that came up on Facebook when Sharin had a page there though so who knows.
The "rumours" about H being dead due to murder or illness, would imo be something that he, or one of his cohorts fabricated. Slippery eel.
Cool coincidence, new long article today!

"On Tuesday, Sept. 26, the most wanted man in Canadian history, Dennis Melvyn Howe — if he’s still alive — will turn 72.

The little girl he is accused of murdering, Sharin’ Morningstar Keenan, will never be more than 9. She would have turned 39 this past July 3.

The Grade 4 pupil at Jesse Ketchum Public School was last seen alive playing in Jean Sibelius Park on Sunday, Jan. 23, 1983 at about 3 or 3:30 p.m. after having spent the day with her mother.

She was told to be home by 4. She was wearing a watch.

Nine days later, on Feb. 1, her body was found stuffed in the refrigerator of a nearby rooming house rented by Howe at 482 Brunswick Ave. in Toronto. The family lived several blocks away at 493 Dupont St.

Retired homicide detective Wayne Oldham, in a secret he kept until 2010, revealed that a dollar bill was found in the girl’s clothing, leading to speculation that the convicted felon from Saskatchewan used money to lure her to his rooming house
Cool coincidence, new long article today!

"On Tuesday, Sept. 26, the most wanted man in Canadian history, Dennis Melvyn Howe — if he’s still alive — will turn 72.

The little girl he is accused of murdering, Sharin’ Morningstar Keenan, will never be more than 9. She would have turned 39 this past July 3.

The Grade 4 pupil at Jesse Ketchum Public School was last seen alive playing in Jean Sibelius Park on Sunday, Jan. 23, 1983 at about 3 or 3:30 p.m. after having spent the day with her mother.

She was told to be home by 4. She was wearing a watch.

Nine days later, on Feb. 1, her body was found stuffed in the refrigerator of a nearby rooming house rented by Howe at 482 Brunswick Ave. in Toronto. The family lived several blocks away at 493 Dupont St.

Retired homicide detective Wayne Oldham, in a secret he kept until 2010, revealed that a dollar bill was found in the girl’s clothing, leading to speculation that the convicted felon from Saskatchewan used money to lure her to his rooming house

I would love, just love to know what facts the Dad thinks the newspapers suppressed.

So if correct this article the heads up on which many thanks gave me a new correct fact (hopefully) the witness by the park it seems DID report to the police promptly but they didn't follow up for three or four days. Equally strange is the way they handled things out west if correct not contacting one brother C. for 10 years - but the really strange thing is that they seem in essence to have scared brother E. from making visits to Washington and Montana - I mean he went 12 times and it never occurred to them to follow him down there? BEFORE you interview him?

Southern Sask. and Manitoba are thinly populated one town in the CBC film where a garage is shown has a little more than a 100 houses, Morse. How much could the police possibly have to do down there (?) I am sure they would be happy to keep an eye and report when E.N. was making one of these trips.

Not that I necessarily think the trips had anything to do with DMH but of course they might have.
I will look up the Sharon Prior case that is interesting that DMH was being compared.

I do have suspicions that the "Howe" case whoever that really is is linked other cases:- I have one in mind but the other case is too different for me to post on here - hopefully in future when I have more. The Dad's comments confirm my suspicions that there is something very very wrong with how the case appears in media - also I think the case is not so straightforward as the officer in the CBC film who says the case is "solved" suggests it is.

In his criminal career Howe could barely stay out of trouble for 5 minutes he was in jail almost all the time so it is extremely strange he has never been picked up on anything else since. Something is wrong with some part of the story, the photos, the fingerprints, the DNA something, the "identity" of Howe I really don't know what it is though. Knowing Mr. Caron's thoughts would be ideal if he would be willing to let them be known somehow.
Sorry for totally hogging this thread, but wonder if there is any chance at all a recording of h's voice is to be found, perhaps from a prison, family video ect?
Chorley, could be wrong- but it looks like the name is Helen Leskiew( from Austria)
Large sketch of H. in today's paper.Wondering if female clothing found in the attic at H rooming house would fit H? From the doc. where pic. of his mother is shown, H could look like her if he wanted to- and no one would ask questions, or look at him for too long either imo...

That is a photo of DMH not a composite not sure why they said composite in the Star.. In fact it it the photo that many felt led everybody down the wrong path. I find it very hard to match up that photo to the only slightly younger photo on the RCMP site. The use of that photo was much criticized because it doesn't look like Howe. Also why use a photo that is so light that lacks so much detail. I would even go far as to question whether it is him in that photo but I don't know the source of the photo - I guess police were satisfied with it - I think I have read it is from PA pen - but then it doesn't look like an official photo to me.

Does anyone know where the photo was taken? And I am still super interested to know where the photo of Sharin herself that graces the Ridgen CBC (now Vimeo) first page was taken = I had never seen it before that show and again, although it is obviously Sharin, she looks a lot older than the photo that was passed around during the time of the case which looks like a school photo? It is the one the Star used couple of days ago.
"Burns teeth were so badly abscessed that his jaw was swollen He often purchased over- counter remedies to massage his teeth Z along with customers of his firm helped police develop a composite picture of the wanted man While questioning occupants of the rooming house Oldham came across a roomer O H who lived one floor above Burns and often drank beer with him O told the detective he would recognize Bums if he saw a picture of him Me also informed Oldham Burns had told him he originally came from Regina Oldham figured no one in their early 40s begins their criminal career by killing a child This guy must have a criminal record He decided to take Olie with him on a tour of police stat ions in western Canada to look at photos of criminals Oldham smiles at the memory of trip At the time fellow officers thought this shol trip was unorthodox but Oldham persisted Off he and Olie flew to Regina Calgary and with side trips to and Weyburn Olie studied hundreds of faces on microfiche He drew a blank and the two men came home empty-handed Unknown In all the wanted man's likeness had been In he Sharin Morningstar Keenan files but had been purged when he was incarcerated in the Saskatchewan Penitentiary at Prince Albert to serve a sentence The composite picture of the fugitive was featured in all the Toronto The Toronto Sun devoted a full front page to the composite A street person peered into a Toronto Sun box and immediately contacted police He knew the wanted man but his name wasn't Mike Burns It was Wayne King He had lived with King for some time at Seaton House Men's Hostel Oldham called at Seaton House and found out that everyone who stayed there had to fill out a registration form Wayne King had filled out one such form He had put down his mother's name as Vivian King and her maiden name as Leskiew His father was listed as Clifford King His birthdate was given as Sept 26 1940 Oldham believed the man who had been employed and had lived as Mike Burns had changed his name once What would stop him from doing it again? Oldham felt Leskiew could actually be the authentic maiden name of the wanted man's mother He contacted Regina police and asked them to check with the Saskatchewan Department of Statistics for any male born on Sept whose mother's maiden name had been Leskiew"
"Burns teeth were so badly abscessed that his jaw was swollen He often purchased over- counter remedies to massage his teeth Z along with customers of his firm helped police develop a composite picture of the wanted man While questioning occupants of the rooming house Oldham came across a roomer O H who lived one floor above Burns and often drank beer with him O told the detective he would recognize Bums if he saw a picture of him Me also informed Oldham Burns had told him he originally came from Regina Oldham figured no one in their early 40s begins their criminal career by killing a child This guy must have a criminal record He decided to take Olie with him on a tour of police stat ions in western Canada to look at photos of criminals Oldham smiles at the memory of trip At the time fellow officers thought this shol trip was unorthodox but Oldham persisted Off he and Olie flew to Regina Calgary and with side trips to and Weyburn Olie studied hundreds of faces on microfiche He drew a blank and the two men came home empty-handed Unknown In all the wanted man's likeness had been In he Sharin Morningstar Keenan files but had been purged when he was incarcerated in the Saskatchewan Penitentiary at Prince Albert to serve a sentence The composite picture of the fugitive was featured in all the Toronto The Toronto Sun devoted a full front page to the composite A street person peered into a Toronto Sun box and immediately contacted police He knew the wanted man but his name wasn't Mike Burns It was Wayne King He had lived with King for some time at Seaton House Men's Hostel Oldham called at Seaton House and found out that everyone who stayed there had to fill out a registration form Wayne King had filled out one such form He had put down his mother's name as Vivian King and her maiden name as Leskiew His father was listed as Clifford King His birthdate was given as Sept 26 1940 Oldham believed the man who had been employed and had lived as Mike Burns had changed his name once What would stop him from doing it again? Oldham felt Leskiew could actually be the authentic maiden name of the wanted man's mother He contacted Regina police and asked them to check with the Saskatchewan Department of Statistics for any male born on Sept whose mother's maiden name had been Leskiew"

I have never seen this info before, fantastic. I don't understand all of it at the moment. Didn't think there was anything else out there in media a great find. OK adding here is the sentence that is baffling me.

"At the time fellow officers thought this shol trip was unorthodox but Oldham persisted Off he and Olie flew to Regina Calgary and with side trips to and Weyburn Olie studied hundreds of faces on microfiche He drew a blank and the two men came home empty-handed Unknown In all the wanted man's likeness had been In he Sharin Morningstar Keenan files but had been purged when he was incarcerated in the Saskatchewan Penitentiary at Prince Albert to serve a sentence"

OK I am adding can someone please explain this. This makes no sense chronologically to state the obvious. Why would there be SMK files at all let alone files to be purged when DMH entered PA pen. He left the Pen jumped parole and came to Toronto for months before he attacked Sharin. Also Leskiew is not a super common name. Wouldn't it be possible to go to Regina find the parents whose name you have and figure out registered births? Also these trips: why not visit Prince Albert that is where the penitentiary is.
OK sorry reread and the second part I understand what I suggested they do is what they did. But the photo part I still do not understand.
This may explain why they may have thought DMH wasin Jamaica..

"Equally appalling is the fact that young boys and girls are trafficked from rural Jamaica to work in the urban areas in particular tourist areas to work as prostitutes for the pedophile tourists who come to Jamaica to exploit these kids sexually. This is not exclusive to tourists, but some locals with an appetite for such deviant sexual behavior and the word is spreading in the pedophile underground world that Jamaica is the place to go for sex with minors without the risk of being caught and persecuted"
Ok if you read the actual newspaper page it is different and makes sense I guess there was some old technology to generate text only from the newspaper but jumbles things up.

So the files on Howe in Regina were purged when he went to serve his time 10 years in the PA pen. I have no idea why or if that is normal procedure. Can anyone comment?

My question remains: why did WO take OH to places like Weyburn and Estevan instead of Prince Albert with its very well known pen. Where Howe's picture would have been. It didn't matter because they figured out his name another way but it was time lost and the "unorthodox" method is mysterious in its execution.

If someone knows how to do a screen grab and link here to the composite of Howe that was shown on the CBC (now Vimeo) show that would be helpful - note it is the composite that allowed someone to recognize Howe.

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