CANADA Canada - Tamra Keepness, 5, Regina, Sask, 5 July 2004

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DNA Solves
There has been no word on this case for quite sometime.

It is just so heartbreaking.
I have been following this story since Tamra went missing it is so sad they have no clue what happened to her.There is a website for Tamra if anyone is interested.
How sad. Some people have no concept of decency. I have been following this case for awhile also and I am quite surprised that it is still unsolved. I thought that with all of the inconsistancies in the family and the "friend" that had stayed the night would lead to a confession. Just such a sad situation for Tamara. Praying for her today.

Merry Christmas!
Jeana (DP) said:
Is everyone who ever came near this case a lunatic? What in God's name is going on there?

I've just started reading about this case and it does sound like a bunch of lunatics. Here's an article saying Rose didn't show in court:

Rose fails to show for court hearing
Last Updated Dec 28 2004 03:44 PM CST
REGINA – The woman charged with falsely providing information in the search for Tamra Keepness did not appear in court Tuesday morning.

INDEPTH: Tamra Keepness

Sherry Ann Rose was facing charges of mischief, after police renewed search efforts in the little girl's disappearance.

The public mischief is alleged to have occurred on or about September 3.
It's been nearly 9 months. Are Canadian authorities any closer to solving Tamra's disappearance?
I followed her case so closely for weeks and weeks, and think about her all the time.

Prayers she's ever found alive.
Poor Tamra. Prayers for her family. This must be such a difficult day for them.
It has been almost a year since a young Saskatchewan girl vanished from her home, and police are still looking for that elusive piece of information that could crack the case.

Six new investigators have been assigned to the Tamra Keepness file to review with fresh eyes each shred of evidence that has been dug up so far, Regina police Chief Cal Johnston said Wednesday. If nothing comes of that, Johnston said he will consider calling in outside investigators to see if there are any gaps in his officers' work.

For the mother of a missing little girl in Regina, the last year has been filled with a mixture of anxiety, sorrow and a stubborn hope that one day her daughter may be found.

Since Tamra vanished last July, Lorena Keepness says rumours swirling about what might have happened have caused her to fear going out in public. And she says police aren't helping when they publicly question her family's integrity.

Keepness is convinced Tamra was taken randomly by someone who still has her, and she prays her daughter will eventually be returned.

Early in the investigation, police said they had unanswered questions about events in the home the night Tamra disappeared.

They maintain that position to this day, though Regina police Chief Cal Johnston says several avenues of investigation are being explored.

Six new officers have been assigned to the case to review information collected to date - about 1,000 different threads. It's hoped fresh eyes may catch something.

If that doesn't work, Johnston plans to ask another police force to go over things again.

Keepness says she was told by a friend that he was approached by investigators and asked to become a "mole" within the family.

"He came and told us this," Keepness says. "They have been questioning him over and over."

She says the theory that investigators have been pushing is that somehow family members hurt Tamra and hid her body and that they are now covering it up.

Keepness says that's ridiculous.

Keepness, 32, does not try to hide the fact she has had a difficult life, and she admits she struggles with drug addiction.
How far is Regina from the U.S. border? Wonder if JED, the man who was holding Shasta Groene has ever been to Canada?
CaliKid said:
How far is Regina from the U.S. border? Wonder if JED, the man who was holding Shasta Groene has ever been to Canada?

According to this map, Regina doesn't seem terribly far from the may have to back it out to "8" to really see it, though....
CaliKid said:
How far is Regina from the U.S. border? Wonder if JED, the man who was holding Shasta Groene has ever been to Canada?
Regina is 149 miles from North Portal (the Can/US border).

I doubt that Duncan had anything to do with Tamra's disappearance though. Having previous convictions, there is NO way that he would be allowed to cross the border. More than likely, his victims are all stateside.

I keep thinking that Tamra's disappearance had to do with settling a "debt" so to speak. :(
Searchers to use cadaver dogs

Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Leader-Post

A search team from Calgary with specially-trained dogs will scour areas of Regina this weekend as part of the ongoing search for missing Tamra Jewel Keepness.

City police spokesperson Lara Guzik Rostad confirmed Friday the Calgary team would spend three days searching Wascana Lake, Wascana Creek and north Winnipeg Street with dogs trained to locate cadavers and the assistance of city police.

Guzik Rostad said the search is not based on a new tip, but arises out of continuing investigation into the little girl's disappearance more than a year ago.

Keepness was last seen in her home at 1834 Ottawa St. around 11 p.m. the night of July 5, 2004. She was five at the time.

Police searched an area around Wascana Creek shortly after the girl's disappearance. Roads near the Regina airport were blocked to facilitate the search. There have also been extensive searches in and around the family home in central Regina, air searches of the city and surrounding areas, and a search near Echo Lake on the Pasqua First Nation.

A woman who told police she and her boyfriend had kidnapped Tamra sparked an extensive search of the Muscowpetung First Nation in the fall of 2004, but the claims were found to be false. The woman received an 18-month conditional sentence after pleading guilty to public mischief for misleading police.

In the 15 months since her disappearance, police have received thousands of tips about Tamra's whereabouts and have completed hundreds of interrogations and interviews. A team of six investigators is currently conducting a thorough review of the information gathered during the investigation.

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