CANADA Canada - Tamra Keepness, 5, Regina, Sask, 5 July 2004

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the search is intensifying for five-year-old Tamara Jewel Keepness.

Tamara, who lives with her mother and five siblings including her twin sister, was last seen at her downtown Regina home around 11 p.m. Monday.

The next morning, she was missing.

The circumstances of Keepness' disappearance -- from her bedroom overnight -- bear haunting similarity to those of Toronto's Cecilia Zhang.

It's a coincidence weighing on everyone who knows the missing girl.

"We hope that everything turns out okay," Keepness' aunt, Jamie Fabel told CTV. "We're just hoping for the best."

Described as aboriginal, with bobbed brown hair and brown eyes, Tamara stands at three foot five and weighs approximately 40 pounds.


Thanx Jovan ~ I never heard anything about this little girl. I hope they have a break in the case soon.
until my daughter sent me a copy of the article today from work.
Gosh Jovan, this has not even been on the main Canadian news.. makes me wonder ~ is it because she is aboriginal?
Cass..out west I have heard quite a bit about this story.

My question on this is...she was up at 11pm at night and she is five!! Does this seem unusual to anyone but me?

Next thing...they have described her clothing..tshirt, jeans, come she was not in pjs at that time of night? Does anyone think that is unusual.

The feeling I got when Laci first went missing I am sad to say is the same feeling I have been getting from this missing little girl.

I honestly and truly hope my gut feeling is wrong.
Yes.. the pajama thing immediately struck me as odd... when last seen she was wearing sandals & jeans? she should have been in her cozy jammies tucked in bed.

I am glad you are hearing about this story though... I definatly want to hear more about the circumstances of her disappearance and if there are any new breaks in the investigation.
The article above says she MIGHT be wearing jeans, etc. Kind of like she was wearing those the day before and might have put them back on or those are the clothes that her mother cannot find. Is there another article somewhere? I haven't found one yet.
As storm clouds threatened and daylight faded, police and search and rescue volunteers stepped up efforts Wednesday night in the search for a missing five-year-old Regina girl.

"It's not like her to go off by herself," Troy Keepness said of his daughter Tamara Jewel Keepness.

Sitting on the front step of the home on the 1800 block of Ottawa Street, where Tamara was last seen Monday night, the worry and desperation was evident in Keepness' voice.

More than 50 people in Regina are still searching for a missing five-year-old girl.

Tamara Jewel Keepness hasn't been seen since she went to bed at her home on Monday night. The family called police on Tuesday when they could find not her.

Police say there are no signs of struggle or forced entry at her home.
Her father Troy is distraught. He says it's unlike his daughter to go outside and play by herself.

He spent the morning putting up posters asking if people had seen her.

"I haven't even been getting any sleep. Just worrying too much, it's hard to comprehend."
Doyle said:
As storm clouds threatened and daylight faded, police and search and rescue volunteers stepped up efforts Wednesday night in the search for a missing five-year-old Regina girl.

"It's not like her to go off by herself," Troy Keepness said of his daughter Tamara Jewel Keepness.

Sitting on the front step of the home on the 1800 block of Ottawa Street, where Tamara was last seen Monday night, the worry and desperation was evident in Keepness' voice.

More than 50 people in Regina are still searching for a missing five-year-old girl.

Tamara Jewel Keepness hasn't been seen since she went to bed at her home on Monday night. The family called police on Tuesday when they could find not her.

Police say there are no signs of struggle or forced entry at her home.
Her father Troy is distraught. He says it's unlike his daughter to go outside and play by herself.

He spent the morning putting up posters asking if people had seen her.

"I haven't even been getting any sleep. Just worrying too much, it's hard to comprehend."

The father does not live in the house with her, so he would likely only know she went to bed because her family told him she did.

The amber alert was started I think Tuesday night was the first I had heard about at least it was alerted pretty quickly.

It is on the news here every half hour. I hope she is found alive and well
Casshew said:
Gosh Jovan, this has not even been on the main Canadian news.. makes me wonder ~ is it because she is aboriginal?

Cass your comment about her being aboriginal is interesting. While I lived in Ontario, I never ever saw any bias towards native peoples...but then again I rarely saw native families in Collingwood. Out west here, there are huge populations of natives living on reserves...and I must say the first year I was here, I was shocked with how many people would make comments about them.

If you want to know more about it..PM me :blowkiss:
Hi Linnafay :)

Where did you live in Ontario?

I also have not ever noticed any comments here but when I worked in Winnipeg and Edmonton it just seemed to me that community is thought of as second class citizens. :(

Any news on this little girl??
I hope they find this little girl SOON.............
It was interesting when they say she's an in the lower states we'd just say she's a native.

Five years old is a very little girl............I'll prayer for her.......
Casshew said:
Hi Linnafay :)

Where did you live in Ontario?

I also have not ever noticed any comments here but when I worked in Winnipeg and Edmonton it just seemed to me that community is thought of as second class citizens. :(

Any news on this little girl??

Hi Cass

I was in Saskatchewan for the weekend..went to Saskatoon to see John Edward (crossing over with John Edward). The radio in Saskatoon said they have been searching every day for her, but to no avail. They brought in police cadets to do some land searches, but I must say, I have not heard of any dogs being used. I wonder why?

In Ontario I lived in Collingwood. Home of Blue Mountain, although after living out west here, I must say its more of a mole hill. :)
linnafay said:
Hi Cass

In Ontario I lived in Collingwood. Home of Blue Mountain, although after living out west here, I must say its more of a mole hill. :)
Yeah ~ I had the same kind of experience when I was in Germany and we went to see the rhine falls... give me a break! :doh: It was like water splashing over a rock compared to Niagra Falls LOL


Weird that they are not using the scent dogs for this little girl.
While searchers aggressively followed up on leads, a Regina Police spokeswoman is hinting time may be running out for a happy ending in the case of Tamra Keepness.

"The likelihood of a happy ending to this becomes more remote," Elizabeth Popowich told reporters about what may be the largest missing person's case in Regina's history.

The family of a five-year-old Regina girl missing for nearly a week welcomed news that police are following up suggestions from the dreams and visions of aboriginal elders.

"That makes us feel better," said Eleanor Keepness, Tamra Keepness's aunt. "We believe that. That's our Indian way. That's the way we were brought up." Earlier, Regina police spokeswoman Elizabeth Popowich acknowledged that police have been acting on such guidance.

Lorena Keepness calls her daughter Tamra the "mischievous twin."

The five-year-old likes to explore. She's also as smart as a whip -- the kind of kid who can rattle off her full name, address and birthday without hesitation.

"She's an adventurous little girl. There's not much she's afraid of," Lorena Keepness said of her daughter in a few bright moments yesterday in what has otherwise been a bleak week.

Tamra Jewel Keepness disappeared after 11 p.m. on Monday from the downtown Regina home that she shares with her mother, twin sister and four other siblings. She was reported missing by her mother on Tuesday at 12:15 p.m.

The family of a five-year-old Regina girl missing for nearly a week welcomed news that police are following up suggestions from the dreams and visions of aboriginal elders.

"That makes us feel better," said Eleanor Keepness, Tamra Keepness's aunt. "We believe that. That's our Indian way. That's the way we were brought up." Earlier, Regina police spokeswoman Elizabeth Popowich acknowledged that police have been acting on such guidance.
The local news said last night that they were suspending the search to give the Rescue Team a much needed break - but who really knows?
Regina girl search called off

REGINA (CP) - An exhaustive ground search of the area where five-year-old Tamra Keepness disappeared more than a week ago has turned up nothing and police are now hoping that a $25,000 reward will prompt a tip that leads to her whereabouts.

"We will find Tamra," Regina police chief Cal Johnston told a news conference Tuesday. "And if there has been criminal conduct, we will find those involved." Dozens of police and civilian searchers have been checking manholes, dumpsters, fields and houses in and around Regina for a week since Tamra disappeared.

That has now stopped. She was last seen going to bed in her home in the city's downtown around 11 p.m. on July 5. She was reported missing the next day at about noon. Johnston admitted the outlook is bleak.
It appears there is more happening then we were first led to believe

However, Tamra's stepfather, Dean McArthur told the National Post the family have become "key targets" of the police investigation. McArthur said his wife was not home on the night in question and that their 11-year-old daughter has been pressured by police to implicate them.

McArthur told the paper he and Tamra's mother, Lorena, have also given police names of five people who may be connected with her disappearance, including a convicted sex offender.

Tamra disappeared from her bedroom on July 5 and was reported missing by her family the next day. Police called off the official search for the missing aboriginal girl Monday at 9 p.m.

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