Canada - Terry, 27, & Hailey Blanchette, 2, Blairmore, AB, 14 Sept 2015 #2

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I hope there is no problema in showing here an open letter that someone posted publicly dedicated to Hailey and her Dad. I think it is deep and beautiful and we need beautiful and pure things in our lives. As pure, beautiful and touching as a two year old like this baby can be...

Dear Hailey,

I'm a truck driver in Manitoba. We didn't know each other, but I'm a grandpa and I love my children and my grandchildren deeply and intentionally. I shuddered and my heart broke yesterday when the news of your death spread across the country. I'm also a Christian and, putting aside all the complex postulations of theology, I have hope for a heavenly afterlife of peace and profound understanding somewhere beyond time. I think, that because you are there, I can use big people's words and you will be able to understand me.

First I want to apologize. I'm so sorry, sweetheart, for what happened to you and your daddy. I'm sorry that you had to encounter that vacuous husk of soulless humanity that took so much from you. I'm sorry for the pain and fear you had to experience at those unthinking, unfeeling hands. Our responsibility as adult Canadians is to make your world safe and to create an environment so that you can have a full and rewarding life. We failed you and I'm sorry for that too.

The second thing I want to do, little one, is commend you to God. I want to lift your wonderful brief life up to God as he cradles you in his loving ethereal arms. I ask him to cherish and honor, not just the two years He blessed the world with, but the scores of possibilities that weren't allowed to come to fruition.

Lastly Hailey, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being two years old. For bringing a spark of gleeful exuberance and childish wonder to those around you in only that way a two year old can. But most of all I want to thank you for being that spark that brought purpose and empathy to your daddy's life. Even with your tiny frame you were powerful enough to turn his life around, by all accounts, and that pretty awesome for a two year old. I hope he's standing there with you reading this and feeling proud, loved, and maybe a bit humble all at the same time.

I just thought I'd write you a note to let you know I'm thinking about you dear one. I hope we can meet some day and get to know each other. Grandpas like reading stories and I know a good one about a very brave mouse.

Grandpa ....

(The letter was signed. Obviously I refrained fom posting the name)
This child was taken from her father's home screaming. She was found in what looks to be a populated area.

This appears to me to be a child abduction. Perhaps the father tried to protect his daughter from paedophilia, but I think that once this man thought he would be caught, it was probably - in his mind - better to murder the father and abduct the child than accept that he was inappropriate with the child.

That this child was found in what appears to be a populated location (lots of houses nearby) suggests to me that there may be more suspects, but perhaps this man thought it was a good idea to murder with indignity to body this 2 year old child near several homes where everyone is sound asleep ... eh?
I hope there is no problema in showing here an open letter that someone posted publicly dedicated to Hailey and her Dad. I think it is deep and beautiful and we need beautiful and pure things in our lives. As pure, beautiful and touching as a two year old like this baby can be...

Dear Hailey,

I'm a truck driver in Manitoba. We didn't know each other, but I'm a grandpa and I love my children and my grandchildren deeply and intentionally. I shuddered and my heart broke yesterday when the news of your death spread across the country. I'm also a Christian and, putting aside all the complex postulations of theology, I have hope for a heavenly afterlife of peace and profound understanding somewhere beyond time. I think, that because you are there, I can use big people's words and you will be able to understand me.

First I want to apologize. I'm so sorry, sweetheart, for what happened to you and your daddy. I'm sorry that you had to encounter that vacuous husk of soulless humanity that took so much from you. I'm sorry for the pain and fear you had to experience at those unthinking, unfeeling hands. Our responsibility as adult Canadians is to make your world safe and to create an environment so that you can have a full and rewarding life. We failed you and I'm sorry for that too.

The second thing I want to do, little one, is commend you to God. I want to lift your wonderful brief life up to God as he cradles you in his loving ethereal arms. I ask him to cherish and honor, not just the two years He blessed the world with, but the scores of possibilities that weren't allowed to come to fruition.

Lastly Hailey, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being two years old. For bringing a spark of gleeful exuberance and childish wonder to those around you in only that way a two year old can. But most of all I want to thank you for being that spark that brought purpose and empathy to your daddy's life. Even with your tiny frame you were powerful enough to turn his life around, by all accounts, and that pretty awesome for a two year old. I hope he's standing there with you reading this and feeling proud, loved, and maybe a bit humble all at the same time.

I just thought I'd write you a note to let you know I'm thinking about you dear one. I hope we can meet some day and get to know each other. Grandpas like reading stories and I know a good one about a very brave mouse.


(The letter was signed. Obviously I refrained fom posting the name)

A radio station in Edmonton also posted their superimposed version of mom's statement with a song.

Thanks to WS & Tricia for the radio segment tonight about this little angel...first time in all these years here that I've had a chance to listen! I've bookmarked so I can go and listen to some archives...

bessie...not to go OT here...*your segment was great btw!* but I couldn't quite catch the name of the cold case you tragic :( the poor mom....

If you have a chance could you point me to his thread? I'd like to read up on that case...I'll go looking in the meantime :)

ETA: Found his was right at the top in cold cases...Troy Dean Carney
Thanks to WS & Tricia for the radio segment tonight about this little angel...first time in all these years here that I've had a chance to listen! I've bookmarked so I can go and listen to some archives...

bessie...not to go OT here...*your segment was great btw!* but I couldn't quite catch the name of the cold case you tragic :( the poor mom....

If you have a chance could you point me to his thread? I'd like to read up on that case...I'll go looking in the meantime :)

Do you have a link?
This appears to be a child abduction and murder by a pedophile....burning the body to destroy dna evidence on the body. Dad was probably killed when he tried to stop the abduction......all my opinion. Very, very sad. Monsters walk among us.
This child was taken from her father's home screaming. She was found in what looks to be a populated area.

This appears to me to be a child abduction. Perhaps the father tried to protect his daughter from paedophilia, but I think that once this man thought he would be caught, it was probably - in his mind - better to murder the father and abduct the child than accept that he was inappropriate with the child.

That this child was found in what appears to be a populated location (lots of houses nearby) suggests to me that there may be more suspects, but perhaps this man thought it was a good idea to murder with indignity to body this 2 year old child near several homes where everyone is sound asleep ... eh?

DS may not have murdered her on that property. That property could have been where he decided to dispose of her. Odd place though regardless as it's not secluded. Obviously people inhabit that land. There appears to be many house trailers on the property. Is this someone's personal, small camp ground? Of course unless he knew the area and knew no one was around. It's like he wanted her to be found. And the fact he was driving a van with a flag on the that's not obvious. :rolleyes: I think DS didn't really care if he got caught. The murders were his way of desperately hurting someone kwim.

I agree Otto that TB tried to protect Hailey from being taken and paid with his life. CD said in the interview she was making arrangements to pick Hailey up from Terry's. She also said she hadn't talked to DS in three years or years and years. She also said she doesn't talk to anyone from Blairmore. Could it be there is that friend or two from Blairmore that she does keep in touch with and they are still friends with DS? Did that friend know CD was having a hard time making arrangements to pick Hailey up, took it upon them self to ask DS to go to Terry's and get Hailey? Did DS want to avoid confrontation with TB, so he went in the middle of the night hoping to sneak in and out without TB knowing? TB awoke and tried to stop DS from taking Hailey and ended up dead? Because DS had murdered TB, he panicked and grabbed Hailey leaving the house. In his mind, how could he now turn Hailey over to CD knowing he just murdered her father? He believed his only option now was to get rid of HD and act as if nothing happened. ALL MOO.
This appears to be a child abduction and murder by a pedophile....burning the body to destroy dna evidence on the body. Dad was probably killed when he tried to stop the abduction......all my opinion. Very, very sad. Monsters walk among us.

BBM - As far as I know, there has been no LE confirmation on this. It is speculation and rumour at the time. LE have not released any details as to the reason for the charge of indignity to a body and likely won't unless the accused pleads guilty or at the time of his trial. MOO.
Dear Websleuths Members and Visitors,

Tonight I mistakenly posted a cause of death for Hailey. No cause of death has been released.

What was in my post about Cause of Death was flat out WRONG!

I hope you will accept my sincere apology and assurance it will never happen again.

To Hailey's loved ones if you read my post I hope you will accept my direct apology to you from the bottom of my heart.

The information was supposed to be edited out of the final piece, but I simply forgot. No excuse but that is the reason.

If you have any questions please email

Thank You,

Tricia Griffith
This child was taken from her father's home screaming. She was found in what looks to be a populated area.

This appears to me to be a child abduction. Perhaps the father tried to protect his daughter from paedophilia, but I think that once this man thought he would be caught, it was probably - in his mind - better to murder the father and abduct the child than accept that he was inappropriate with the child.

That this child was found in what appears to be a populated location (lots of houses nearby) suggests to me that there may be more suspects, but perhaps this man thought it was a good idea to murder with indignity to body this 2 year old child near several homes where everyone is sound asleep ... eh?
That didn't make sense. Was she reported to be screaming???
That didn't make sense. Was she reported to be screaming???

Yes according to a witness (neighbour IIRC). She/he heard the tires of the white van squealing and heard a child screaming. It was in one of the CTV news videos.

Also to reflect on Kittymama's post above; in the CTV video titled Calm sadness in Crownsnest Pass a reporter also said CTV spoke with a member of TS family who confirmed the property north where LE is searching does belong to an aunt of the accused. HTH.
Doesn't sound like the plans to trade HD off from TB to CD were cut and dry. Leave many questions in my mind. Confusion or confrontation? MOO.

She was supposed to have been dropped off at her mother Cheyenne Dunbar&#8217;s Edmonton home Sunday, said the tot&#8217;s grandfather.

&#8220;She was supposed to show up yesterday, it was Terry&#8217;s turn to drop Hailey off,&#8221; Kevin Dunbar said Monday of the little girl's deceased father.

&#8220;All he did was ask me how I was and tell me updates on how my daughter was &#8212; we were making plans so that I could pick her up again,&#8221; she said.

In the interview with reporters CD said, "Last time I saw Hailey was actually not that long ago, I was just making arrangements to go pick her up again".
I don't know if the drop off/pick up situation is really all that big of an issue here. Per his coworker, Terry's day off was Mondays. This setup likely made things easier for Terry to make the drive to Edmonton to drop Hailey off on Cheyenne's Sundays. But when Cheyenne relayed to Terry that she would need some extra time in order to move, the onus probably fell onto Cheyenne to make her own arrangements to collect Hailey, as Terry would be working the rest of the week and wouldn't have time to make the trek.

Could be mistaken, but the mother seems the more reliable source for things concerning her daughter.
That didn't make sense. Was she reported to be screaming???

Good question. I haven't read anywhere that she was screaming. I believe members assumed that a 2 year old being taken by someone would be screaming but we don't even know if she was killed instantly or taken alive. :(
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