Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #3 **ARREST**

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I believe DM thought he could outsmart LE.

Hiding the truck in a trailer and park it in his moms driveway (house not in his name, mom has a different last name, reported that he was estranged from her)

Ayr video shows area that was hidden and out of the way in a bush, he probably wasn't thinking the neighbours saw anything, like him driving in an incinerator. He thought he was getting rid of evidence/TB by using the incinerator.

Im really surprised that he was not worried about the wife seeing him, who could provide a description and id him.

Has it been reported in the press conference where exactly TB's remains were found? I imagining things when I think it was stated that remains were buried?
The only answer that addresses the paradox between the test drive the previous day, and the thought that TB was targeted, is that one of the people involved in the crime was being initiated into the gang. It could be any of the people involved. This criminal activity has probably been going on for some time, with all the access that DM provides his felon friends. DM has money, property and a lot to risk by being caught. So if you want into the group, you have to be initiated to be trusted.

Classic gang set up. Happens all the time in Toronto. In my time living in that city, there were several drive by shootings at downtown intersections, which were later to be determined as gang initiation killings.

I'm trying to catch up after a busy day of work. Just want to clarify--

1. Was the body found on the surface? (If that is the case kind of odd he didn't bury the burned parts).

2. As for the incinerator idea, I understand a neighbour alleged that, but did they actually find an incinerator?

3. My take is if it was in the middle of the field (I don't know that), he probably dropped it from above and then had a bonfire. Any 150 lb body would be hard to move alone. Of course he has all types of equipment to move stuff around.

4. My husband said he heard a reporter say they may never find the accomplices because he might have killed them too. Did you hear that?

I have considered #4 too. I have a sick feeling this is a regular game for him. This is why he is so shocked and truly believes he's innocent. . . Because he's been 'innocent' playing this game before. So, so twisted.
Has it been reported in the press conference where exactly TB's remains were found? I imagining things when I think it was stated that remains were buried?

I listened to both pressers today and I don't remember them ever being more specific than that they had recovered human remains, and the remains had been burned.
IMO No. I sadly think this isn't their first rodeo. They are incredibly dumb and cocky (too cocky for a 'first time') and thought they had a lot more time to clean up the evidence. DM got nabbed pretty quick in the game all things considered. Just cuz you have money don't mean you're smart. I'm pretty sure LE knows more than they're saying and just need a few more tips to connect all the dots to the other players. Paranoia will hit the others soon and somebody will talk in an effort to save their own backside.

DM's lawyer likes the word 'shocked' reading some of his other pressies on other cases. I wouldn't put too much stock in that either. All smoke and mirrors as they wait for disclosure. DM might crap his pants when he sees all the evidence and spill...who knows.

I also agree with those that say DM is involved with some bad boys for whatever his reasons are. TB was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing more to evaluate on this point. TB was just a 'part' to DM ..nothing more.

Wish they would release video of the other vehicle. Somebody will recognize it. That I'm sure of.

I think it's odd too they didn't say the faces were ID'd. I also think (by reading the obituary) he wasn't that smart intellectually.

My daughter says psychopaths are triggered to kill and his father's death might have been the trigger. But I think there's more to it, not saying he's not a psychopath though.
Has it been reported in the press conference where exactly TB's remains were found? I imagining things when I think it was stated that remains were buried?

Roseville Rd outside of Ayr on DM's farm property.
"Sorry, this page isn't available - The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed." at AM's FB page...hmmmm

that`s old news and we`re not allowed to sleuth him - he has been declared cleared by police
"if" a stun gun was used, what diff would it make how "big,tough,strong" the first truck seller was?
Having a gps could def be a deterant.
Was it not posted prior that DM did use fake I.D to purchase the "burner phone", 3 months earlier?
Is it possible for someone to be cleared (temporarily)?
I'm curious to know whether or not DM already had a clear/clean Vin to swap and or apply it to TB's truck assuming he was operating a "chop shop"?
Could someone please re post the "possible" connection with boots mentioned in another case, regardless of who has been cleared. Jmo.
Does DM owns the rural airstrip across from the farm land with the barns? I heard on CP24 that he does.
I just heard a interview with a spokesperson on CBC radio show As it Happens and they answered a lot of questions with regards to the investigation. Repeating a lot of what was said at presser but elaborating on several areas including how they are looking closely as to what the status of Millardair was and exactly how the hangar was being used since they found numerous vehicles and airlplanes so they want to sort out exactly what kind of "business" was being conducted. More specifically she said they need to determine if it was being operated as an aviation facility, some sort of auto shop and whether that was due to a hobby or in fact some sort of business.
"if" a stun gun was used, what diff would it make how "big,tough,strong" the first truck seller was?
Having a gps could def be a deterant.
Was it not posted prior that DM did use fake I.D to purchase the "burner phone", 3 months earlier?
Is it possible for someone to be cleared (temporarily)?
I'm curious to know whether or not DM already had a clear/clean Vin to swap and or apply it to TB's truck assuming he was operating a "chop shop"?
Could someone please re post the "possible" connection with boots mentioned in another case, regardless of who has been cleared. Jmo.

Maybe for 1st seller was too big to lift and fit into the.......
Thank God this guy is ok

Photo allegedly taken Friday at Bosma murder suspect's farm. Neighbour says Millard had an incinerator #sl


Can you just walk into your local John Deere and buy this kind of incinerator saying you're having problem with apple wood blight or a long-horned beetle infestation?

Might be a good way to get rid of your medicinal marjoram plants in a jiffy if there was a raid… jmo.

ET Ask: Is there a specific registration process for such equipment?
MOD NOTE: Watch the rumors!

Rule of thumb: If you can't link it, you can't post it.
Does DM owns the rural airstrip across from the farm land with the barns? I heard on CP24 that he does.

there was a member here who had access to the land registry info for those properties & I can`t remember who it was or even what thread the post was in
No I think it was stated they had video footage of vehicle following bosmas truck...

Do LE have surveillance of them gassing up, stopping for coffee or some other reason along the way? The time just seems so exact...If they pulled into a place with surveillance I would assume it would show the trailer. It probably wasn't long after they left Tim's place before they drove his truck into the trailer suspects and Tim inside. If it was Tim's truck on surveillance, possibly the driver with the trailer also pulled into the same location. I think the first scenario would be more likely thought because if Tim suspected anything wrong, he would have not gone any further with the perps. I keep going back to how Tim's phone ended up where it was found. Was the trailer and driver waiting at this location and in the scuffle Tim dropped his phone? I was dark at this time therefore the perps would not have noticed. JMO. One would believe though that the perps would avoid anything which would leave a trail. So troubling.

In an update Friday, Hamilton investigators said a witness also spotted the 32-year-old's truck passing through Brantford downtown around 10:10 p.m. Monday.
If you join the group "Help Find Tim Bosma" on FB (the official site), check out the 4 admins. One of them is a pilot instructor. . . this is what is posted ofcourse, but there are tons of aircraft/flight pics too.

hmmm, that is an odd twist.
Do you think they backed off the guy from the first truck ad because he seen his tattoo? Maybe the guy pointed out the tattoo during the test drive.

Maybe their original plan was to just steal the truck but with the guy noticing his tattoo they thought they couldn't get away with it.
They most likely didn't expect that guy to come forward and link his experience with Tim's disappearance.
Im just playing catch up here but this is the exact point I made quite awhile ago. I wonder if TB knew or met anyone that would link him to DM. I just can't help but think he's somehow crossed paths with him or acquaintances of his...JMO

It's also possible that he knew "of" him from the family's history of aviation through his friend and that when he was on the test drive he asked him if he was DM from the infamous Millard Air family.

Not sure how DM would have reacted if he planned on taking the truck and then he realized that the person he was stealing it from recognized him. Also not sure how TB would have reacted to the concept that these men were taking his truck. Did he put up a struggle or argument? I know he doesn't appear to be the type but did he say or do something that "irritated" these guys and so that they decided to rough him up a bit or a lot. To the point where he was injured badly enough that they decided to kill him?

It's also possible that he knew "of" him from the family's history of aviation through his friend and that when he was on the test drive he asked him if he was DM from the infamous Millard Air family.

Not sure how DM would have reacted if he planned on taking the truck and then he realized that the person he was stealing it from recognized him. Also not sure how TB would have reacted to the concept that these men were taking his truck. Did he put up a struggle or argument? I know he doesn't appear to be the type but did he say or do something that "irritated" these guys and so that they decided to rough him up a bit or a lot. To the point where he was injured badly enough that they decided to kill him?

god I hope someone cracks under pressure and spills the beans, this is just bazarre
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