Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #6 **ARREST**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I actually think this is a very viable possibility. But until there are facts we have to just wait and see. MOO is that there is a sinister connection here...way outside of DM.

I agree. I was wondering if anyone here had stumbled on information that TB actually had been a witness in the past, but nonetheless I dismissed this theory because of the man that DM and accomplices approached prior to TB and took his truck for a test drive.
If the report of DM transferring ownership of assets to his mother is true it may be an attempt to keep them out of the reach of a future wrongful death civil lawsuit.

I suppose so, but there's also a more practical reason, isn't there? Many of these holdings require financial maintenance, so to speak. Rents have to collected, employees paid, payables and receivables dealt with, taxes filed, contractual obligations of one kind and another, bank matters and so on and so on. His mother can't do much, if any, of this without a legal ownership position.
I agree and OK, imo it's time to play devil's advocate here before we totally descend into webstalking instead of websleuthing... and given that we're told by LE that other suspects remain at large...let me toss this alternative explanation into the ring.

First, let's acknowledge that our primary purpose was to either find, or find out what happened to TB, and who was responsible for his disappearance. If the purpose of the thread has now changed to digging up as much dirt on an accused man's social and business life and that of his family, based on rumour, provocative hearsay, and unsubstantiated reports, then, what the hay, let's go for it. Why stop with DM? There are plenty of people associated with the case we can trash all over the net - from police to reporters to, I dunno, how about these guys....? ( Courtesy of the CBC, it's just a couple of DM's gentleman farmer neighbors out snapping pics of the farm on a pleasant afternoon? Oooooky dooky?),%20-80.43556.jpg

So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

Well the other sleuth reporting you mention isn't allowed by the forum rules according to my understanding. But as for your theory, I wrote a similar one a few threads back. Mine was also that he was taken to his car at the coffee shop or whatever...
So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

The previous articles (media) stated that TB's phone was turned off right after leaving the house...

We also have the account from SB from the first HP (LE) video that TB told his wife that the guys said they walked up, were from TO and no 2nd vehicle in sight.

The vehicle was delivered to Mom's house & left in her driveway, I know if someone pulls in my driveway, I go see who it is, something that size etc.. the other neighbors noticed it but, she wouldn't?

And DM was the driver of the vehicle from the TB residence...

If the scenario was as you have suggested... they why not just drive up in the 2nd vehicle, why have it hidden out of site? Why the victim's phone shut off right after leaving the house?

The first part of what you stated... I agree
Hi all. Sorry if I sound like a broken record but I can’t get away from the organized crime theme. Once again, I think this case goes deeper than Dellen Millard. And I think it’s much bigger than a truck…probably about the size of an airplane hangar.
I originally thought that it stemmed because of WM applying for a new MRO licence with Transport Canada at YKF. I now think it’s because DM withdrew that application and wanted nothing to do with an MRO licence.(Mechanical, Repair and Overhaul of airplanes) .
Things we know: 1. CM and WM spent two generations at YYZ, first as a charter airline Millardair Ltd from 1963 to 1990 when it went bankrupt and more recently as a MRO from the 1990’s to 2012 operating as Millard Air Inc.
2. In a corporate bankruptcy the company takes the hit, the personal fortunes of the executives and directors stay intact. The people with claims on paper against the company lose. The Millard family is not winning any popularity contests here. “ People” who “invested” without a paper trail lose nothing as the “debt” is still outstanding.
3. Organized crime at Canadian Airports is a serious problem. Read the Globe and Mail take on it here.[/URL]4. It would stand to reason that someone with a company involved with MRO and easy access to aeroplanes flying in and out of YYZ stands a good chance of getting approached to either get involved in criminal activities or to turn a blind eye to such.
5. In 2012 just before making a fresh start at Waterloo International Airport clearly there was some stress in WM’s life that caused him to commit suicide or bigger problems that caused him to be murdered. Considering the circumstances of his death and the area in which he worked I’m sure the case is still under investigation (but at a much higher level).
6. Somewhere in these two generations (CM & WM) made a ton of money .…enough that the third generation (DM) never had to work a day in his life except at things he enjoyed and was given to excesses, luxuries and indulgences. Call it La Buena Vida (the good life). I don’t think he cared where the money came from as long as he had access to it. From everything we’ve gleaned from social media I think we can all agree he was pretty self centred. He certainly wasn’t going to take on the headache of running a corporation with 100 employees without his father at the helm when it opened at the new location.
And because of that, a horrible chain of events got set off when he cancelled the MRO application. To organized crime, no MRO meant no access to planes. Did he wittingly or unwittingly stop a huge cash supply flow to organized crime at that point? Maybe he even refused to rent the hangar to them because he knows who they are. Is he avenging his father? And did the master criminals say if we’re not getting our millions you’re not getting yours either? I think this feud goes back one or two generations.
Were his “new friends” just currying his favour to get access to the hangar Who knows. All speculation. Money can buy friends but not brains.
So let’s just say for a moment that he got set up. The criminals get two punk kids who owe them through drug deals or loan sharks to make a hit. Tell them they will erase debts or give them some cash for a job. They try on Sunday in an industrial area. Nobody should be around then. Until the Hulk walks out of the door and they change their mind. Unfortunately TB happens to be the random murder victim the next day that fits the m.o., selling a truck, and willing to meet them at night. He’s brutally murdered and all clues lead back to DM. The two suspects become as expendable as chewing gum while DM’s “friends” keep him busy all week because they know it’s going down. They don’t want him around Waterloo. His orders are cancelled. Somebody doesn’t want any deliveries there either.
Why wouldn’t they just park the truck in the barn on the Ayr property and leave it? Why were clues spread all over? It was parked at his mother’s as a warning , as a sign to let him know who did it and a threat to keep his mouth shut. And there is no way out for him unless he talks. And if he would rather face incarceration and public disdain than give up a name , then it’s serious. Because even with just circumstantial evidence LE has him.
One last question. Why would an 8 million dollar hangar at an international airport filled with expensive toys not have CCTV? And if it had CCTV…where’s the tape?

You raise some very interesting points and imo I think there could be some if not much truth within. Also the matter of $25,000 that may have been given to TB could simply be a case of suspects 2 and 3 taking the money and disposing of witness (TB)....( but suspects could also be linked to the larger picture ...organized crime or sinister connections). There is also now the mention that TB once was a Crown witness against some organized crime matter (which in and of itself could be linked to both situations above ).... we need more facts....
The Suic**e G**ls website shows up in the archives commencing 2001 with a contact email for spooky@suic**eg**ls. At that time, it was a punk/goth site.

Preliminary sleuthing, but IMO, this April 2013 archive pic looks like DM (scroll down, left hand side):

Will keep going on this one ... seems like there's some international stuff, but have to have a good look around

ETA: Sorry folks ... that archive pic is from April 2013 ... head's getting fried with all these dates
Why hasn't DM hired the best, most expensive, high profile defense lawyer around? Money is no object here.
It is only 10 mins. (according to Google) from the farm & it's in a rural area so there are probably not many places to eat. Also he may have even stayed there before he bought the farm. Just things that make me go ...hmmm.

If you didn't already read the article on the chef being missing in Dec. you might want to look it up.

"...[chef G] left work at Langdon Hall on Saturday evening as usual at about 10 p.m. and drove his BMW to Toronto to meet a colleague for dinner.

He called home before he left work, at about 9 p.m., speaking to his mother-in-law, [M] telling her he would be home late that evening."

another article

"Police said [G] checked into the Park Hyatt Hotel in Yorkville on Dec. 30 and left the next day. They said they located [G]’s car, a BMW, in Toronto but will not say whether it was found parked in the Hyatt lot or whether it is now in Toronto or Cambridge. It is intact, however, with no signs of forced entry, said ...a spokesperson for the Waterloo Regional Police Service.

This isn’t the first time [G] has gone missing. He vanished for several days two years ago, his family said, but has not disappeared since joining the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Until now.

[G]’s wife and mother-in-law insist his disappearance is not stress related and has nothing to do with his job as the top chef one of the province’s most highly acclaimed restaurants."
I Googled the Riverside Drive address and in front of the yard there is a young man doing some curb work.

interesting, he has a tattoo on the right side, could be DM working on curbs ?
I agree and OK, imo it's time to play devil's advocate here before we totally descend into webstalking instead of websleuthing... and given that we're told by LE that other suspects remain at large...let me toss this alternative explanation into the ring.

First, let's acknowledge that our primary purpose was to either find, or find out what happened to TB, and who was responsible for his disappearance. If the purpose of the thread has now changed to digging up as much dirt on an accused man's social and business life and that of his family, based on rumour, provocative hearsay, and unsubstantiated reports, then, what the hay, let's go for it. Why stop with DM? There are plenty of people associated with the case we can trash all over the net - from police to reporters to, I dunno, how about these guys....? ( Courtesy of the CBC, it's just a couple of DM's gentleman farmer neighbors out snapping pics of the farm on a pleasant afternoon? Oooooky dooky?), -80.43556.jpg

So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

Your post is a good one for an alternate theory, in fact, it sounds like something the defendent might suggest himself. Unfortunately, there is alot of stuff stacking up against, DM that suggests more going on (eg. Coke dealer suggestion by Laura's friend).

People don't realize how much "information" can be seen and accessed by complete strangers using their social media accounts. That's all I am going to say about that. If you don't want a stranger looking at your life, secure your settings. Beware of your "friends" online. There is alot of crime going on, and the victims are easy targets on their social media.
The previous articles (media) stated that TB's phone was turned off right after leaving the house...

We also have the account from SB from the first HP (LE) video that TB told his wife that the guys said they walked up, were from TO and no 2nd vehicle in sight.

The vehicle was delivered to Mom's house & left in her driveway, I know if someone pulls in my driveway, I go see who it is, something that size etc.. the other neighbors noticed it but, she wouldn't?

And DM was the driver of the vehicle from the TB residence...

If the scenario was as you have suggested... they why not just drive up in the 2nd vehicle, why have it hidden out of site? Why the victim's phone shut off right after leaving the house?

The first part of what you stated... I agree

Well , first of all you would need to know the EXACT time that they left the Bosma home. Around 9-30pm is approx.

The ' viewers' of truck were obviously dropped off at end of driveway or close. IF second truck was in fact DM's gf following behind to give him a ride after the test drive.....she was prob told to wait and just follow behind. Due to the location she was probably behind bushes or trees near TB house ( country location if you search on google) SB may not have seen the second car as it may have been obscurred from vision.

Whether or not MB saw or heard the trailer being dropped off could be nothing more than her thinking it was her son and thinking to call him and ask about it in the morning...OR she was not home at the time... I dont believe we have any information on whether she was home or not.

It says the neighbor lives beside MB but his number is 26 which would mean he is 3 doors down or even 6 doors down depending on how the court number layout is. ?? Have they questioned the other residents of the court ?

We have the description from the alleged previous truck owner (1st test drive) that the test driver had an 'ambition' tattoo. Same guy also said that he had other tattoos....and also that he was wearing a LONG SLEEVED SHIRT. DM"s tattoos are on his arms where long sleeves would be ....just a thought here !!!!

I think TB's phone went off within 30 mins of leaving his house..... the circumstances surrounding why have yet to come to light imo....
I agree and OK, imo it's time to play devil's advocate here before we totally descend into webstalking instead of websleuthing... and given that we're told by LE that other suspects remain at large...let me toss this alternative explanation into the ring.

First, let's acknowledge that our primary purpose was to either find, or find out what happened to TB, and who was responsible for his disappearance. If the purpose of the thread has now changed to digging up as much dirt on an accused man's social and business life and that of his family, based on rumour, provocative hearsay, and unsubstantiated reports, then, what the hay, let's go for it. Why stop with DM? There are plenty of people associated with the case we can trash all over the net - from police to reporters to, I dunno, how about these guys....? ( Courtesy of the CBC, it's just a couple of DM's gentleman farmer neighbors out snapping pics of the farm on a pleasant afternoon? Oooooky dooky?),%20-80.43556.jpg

So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

problem with that is......
When Van Houten pulled in, Hank confirmed the text before breaking down in tears.
Texts and emails flew through the tight-knit Dutch community in rural Ancaster that morning, and by 7 a.m. some two dozen friends gathered. They learned from police that Bosma’s phone was turned off within a mile of the house. So they started searching.
Toronto woman injured during sailing trip to Croatia in August 2012

Was she possibly a friend of DM?

"During the month of August Anna was traveling with a group of friends in Europe.

On August 17, 2012, she was on a board of “Adriatic Queen” catamaran in Croatian water. Unfourtantley, Anna accidentally slipped off of a 3 meters high catamaran and hit her head on the ledge and fell into the ocean. She went uncouncious instantly."

She was on the Adriatic Queen catamaran in Split, Croatia, when she went to jump in the water with a group of new friends around 6 a.m.

Read more:
Forgive me if this has come to light already, but there has been a lot of speculation as to how Dellen Millard is connected to Deepak Paradkar. I believe I have found the most likely answer, and it is very simple:

  • Mr. Paradkar used to work at Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
  • Fogler, Rubinoff LLP represented the Millard Air companies

CanLII court file linking Fogler, Rubinoff to Millard Properties Limited

Deepak Paradkar's LinkedIn profile listing Fogler, Rubinoff as a previous employer
I am going to sit back and watch the fall of DM quietly from Sunny Arizona! I can tell already there are insiders trying to throw off our sleuthing...JMO. Remember the online presence of all of his "associates"...
Well , first of all you would need to know the EXACT time that they left the Bosma home. Around 9-30pm is approx.

The ' viewers' of truck were obviously dropped off at end of driveway or close. IF second truck was in fact DM's gf following behind to give him a ride after the test drive.....she was prob told to wait and just follow behind. Due to the location she was probably behind bushes or trees near TB house ( country location if you search on google) SB may not have seen the second car as it may have been obscurred from vision.

Whether or not MB saw or heard the trailer being dropped off could be nothing more than her thinking it was her son and thinking to call him and ask about it in the morning...OR she was not home at the time... I dont believe we have any information on whether she was home or not.

It says the neighbor lives beside MB but his number is 26 which would mean he is 3 doors down or even 6 doors down depending on how the court number layout is. ?? Have they questioned the other residents of the court ?

We have the description from the alleged previous truck owner (1st test drive) that the test driver had an 'ambition' tattoo. Same guy also said that he had other tattoos....and also that he was wearing a LONG SLEEVED SHIRT. DM"s tattoos are on his arms where long sleeves would be ....just a thought here !!!!

I think TB's phone went off within 30 mins of leaving his house..... the circumstances surrounding why have yet to come to light imo....

Don't think it was a half hour later, almost immediately more like it....

They learned from police that Bosma’s phone was turned off within a mile of the house.

I also don't think that his Mother would have thought as you stated that it was her son... and I think the neighbor was across the street. (don't quote me though lol!)

(Neighbor) He said he had not seen Dellen Millard visit his mother in at least a decade and barely knew the man or his mother.

If you have seen pics of the TB/SB residence, they have a huge and long driveway, absolutely senseless to not pull in and drive up it to the house... unless you are purposely hiding (IMNSHO)
I am going to sit back and watch the fall of DM quietly from Sunny Arizona! I can tell already there are insiders trying to throw off our sleuthing...JMO. Remember the online presence of all of his "associates"...

Yep, rather large online footprints in some cases for the "associates".
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