Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #7 **ARREST**

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My source at the jail......confirms that he is on suicide watch maybe due to the fact the LE do not want any chance of something occuring ..........more or less, but the gaurd I know has been on duty with the scheduled team to be on gaurd........I trust this friend and what he is saying..........JMO

personally, i believe your friend more than i believe DM's lawyer. lol
Does anyone think its possibl that DM and suspect(s) went the hanger first to replan what to do and then split up and disposed of TB and the truck............I know the Waterloo Airport has cameras and they spent a lot of time investigating you think they have footage of the evening in question.............note I believe the cameras stream on the net.

I'm not computer savy or no the lingo well but is is possible to go back to that night and look at those cameras

JW I have a lot of questions ...........and speculating ideas
The problem Im having with this line of thinking is that at no point did DM turn himself in and say

"yep, I test drove the truck and I paid for it."

Instead he went about his business until he was arrested.

Not to mention if he had purchased the vehicle and left it to his friends to take back to the hangar, then these would have to be very close friends who had access to his hangar, locks on his trailer and whatever vehicle was used to haul the trailer to his mother's house.

So if he's innocent and the people he was with are not, why not supply LE with this story and the names of the people he was with?

And why would TB just accept payment for his vehicle somewhere in transit and then just walk away. How was he supposed to get home? If DM seriously was making an offer on the vehicle, TB would have had him take him back home, consulted with his wife, and done the deal at his home. He's not going to accept 25 grand in cash and then just get out of the truck and let someone take it.

personally, i believe your friend more than i believe DM's lawyer. lol

So do I. I can hardly see it in a lawyer/their client's best interests to relay to the media, if it's the case, that their client is on Suicide Watch - for obvious reasons.
This is very odd. Check out the ad for at the bottom of this page. Same phone number in LB's print out calls Lerner obtained from Rogers. That is DM's phone number. Did DM try his hand at real estate also? Any missing real estate people in that area? Did he steal an agent's phone? Was someone pretending to be DM? Strange.
This page also has the year 2012.

Brought over from previous thread, posted by HDMI post #344

check this
the number starts with 647 ....

That property belonged to someone by the same name as DM's facebook friend JS. It had been totally renovated...perhaps a flip. DM put it up on facebook for her privately...which BTW is against the law in ended up being listed with a Toronto realtor and selling later that year.
My theory again are drugs/money they were looking for it is possibly it was either stashed inside the vehicle or <MODSNIP>
Another thing is I have sold number of cars on trader and kijji and I never had a buyer interested in test driving the vehicle right away, it is very odd to me that someone shows up at my door and lets go for test drive, always buyers checks the car before test drive the vehicle
this is odd to me that TB allowed to go for test drive rightaway..
Police provided very little info about the first seller, that two people showed up by walking, they test drove it, and nothing happened, they didn't provide if these guys were looking for something were they doing something.. very little info

next I do not believe gun was used, stun gun or knife was primary weapon, hence missing seats were removed and burn up..

next what happened to his red truck where is it ?

we are trying to piece something that we know very little about, there are so many possibilities Police probably provided only small parentage of the case they are working on..

DM had a lot of connections drugs, sex, gangs, sports etc.. it is all possible that his closes family didn't know much beside the closes friends that he hangout with knew that he had contacts everywhere with underworld..
Well, sure you do, but if things should go pear-shaped in your relationship, would you continue to give your X complete access to your affairs 6 months after you split up and you'd found another bf or bfs?

While this line of thought does belong on LB's thread, it appears that the ex boyfriend has been very proactive in trying to find out what happened to her, including maintaining her missing FB page. Not the actions of someone who is responsible when LE is basically ignoring the disappearance. Not to mention, I'm sure he's been dealing with her family regarding the disappearance and it was likely through them that he was able to obtain a lot of this information.

and also in response to TLZZ from Arizona.

This thread is moving faster than I can keep up with. This is like the seventh thread of 40 pages in as many days.

Keeping up with both would be difficult.

Maybe the next thread should be titled differently and should focus on establishing DM's guilt or innocence.

If a miscarriage of justice occurs, TB's killer will walk free. Justice will not be served and those of us in Ontario will continue to coexist with a murderer.

Our Mod Bessie set up the Laura Babcock thread yesterday for discussion wrt Laura's case. It is not uncommon to have two threads with some overlapping discussion and common denominators. It's simply a matter of clicking between two tabs.

If you think it should be handled otherwise, please contact Bessie (or any of the mods). Let them make the decisions.
Well, sure you do, but if things should go pear-shaped in your relationship, would you continue to give your X complete access to your affairs 6 months after you split up and you'd found another bf or bfs?

I think it's a different situation, too, when you have a couple in a relationship that aren't living together (and I gathered that LB had been living with her parents up until a short time before she went missing). We have no idea if she had ever been living w/ SL or not. If she wasn't, there should be no reason he would have ever had access/passwords to her accounts, what for? This is a much different scenario than a couple who is living together, who share joint expenses (rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, etc) - so to me it's like comparing apples to oranges.

And that being said, even many couples who live together don't share such info. I've been in 3 live-in relationships over the course of my life, 2 of them I was engaged...and neither of us shared passwords and such. And we had a joint bank acct we'd each deposit money from our respective personal bank accts into, so that shared bills could be paid.

If an ex of mine, many months after we'd split, had a way to access my FB account, cell phone records, etc....I'd think they were a crazy stalker.
always buyers checks the car before test drive the vehicle
this is odd to me that TB allowed to go for test drive rightaway..

Forgive me, but what amount of time lapsed from the initial meeting in the driveway to the test drive of the truck? There could have been time to make the ruse of looking under the hood, tires, muffler, etc. before embarking on the "test drive".
On the topic of weapons, was it ever made clear as to what sort of gun was used in the suicide of WM? It was stated that he died from a gunshot to his eye (which eye?).

I have to wonder whether it was a shotgun, rifle or handgun and what caliber. If you are going to shoot yourself, wouldn't it be easier to take a more linear route to do the job: shoot under the chin, or barrel in the mouth? Shooting yourself in the eye might be easier with a handgun, but even then, that is a weird, non-linear angle to take to do the job.

the report by Ashley Rowe says there was a shotgun at WM/DMs Etobicoke's property - it didn't say what weapon WM used though
yes but a missing cheque is just a missing cheque without any other supporting evidence

yes...but if say the last one to be cashed says May 6th and there is another one after that thats missing fromthe to say it becomes a matter to be considered... true theres no supporting evidence and likely no cheque was written...but would be wise to cover all bases... I personally would not want an innocent man to be imprisoned because of careless police work or because he was set up. I would much prefer to cover all bases and find the actual murderer (s) ....
Does anyone know if 'Josie' has been seen or heard from since Dec 2005?
if he was guilty, i doubt he'd be pursuing anything if it seemed like LE had forgotten all about it. the fact that DM lied to SL when they met up tells me that DM obviously was trying to distance himself from LB from the get go.

Yes..why lie to someone who is obviously only trying to find this woman. Why wouldn't DM want to help by stating exactly what she was calling him about, even if it was drugs right from the outset? He knew her too. And he was the last person she called. Why didn't he want to help find LB? He only admitted to her calling him after he was confronted with the phone records. Very suspicious.

1.I think it indicates T.B was in trouble early..JMO soon as he left his home or shortly after as cell phone records indiacted....

2.*** remember Le on reports many have indicated ...T.B was Targeted for his Truck...exact model disel that D.M seems like D.M had the means $$$ to get what he wanted...

3. He found the exact same truck the night before..may 5.

4. My question is ...WHY did he have to kill T.B ????

5. if he wanted thr truck he could have PAID...why was there a murder..of an innocent man with good charactor...Police verfied in reportsT.B is who his family and friends say......

6. driving me crazy ...WHY WAS HE murdered...? ...<<< ideas>>>

Firstly, I agree he was incapacitated right away, probably from behind, maybe strangled close to death. They turned off his phone immediatly and when they threw it out they probably had to detain TB better. Took him to the hanger ,did what they had too , then went to the farm .

I hate to say it but this keeps crossing my mind. Sorry if I offend anyone. Maybe theys guys graduated from *advertiser censored* photography to erotophonophilia photography
Who uses cheques anymore, anyway? Would you accept a $24k UNCERTIFIED personal cheque from a stranger?

the report by Ashley Rowe says there was a shotgun at WM/DMs Etobicoke's property - it didn't say what weapon WM used though

I would think that in the case of a suicide (or apparent suicide), that LE would take the gun thought to be the weapon involved, for forensic testing. Once testing completed, I'm sure they would return it to the family -- but I can't honestly imagine any family wanting to take back possession of the gun that killed their loved one, but that's just me.
Hi everyone great sleuths here !!! that's a Ladder rack in the box of that dodge I live minuites away from the farm and have been reading all... big thank you to the mod/mods that helped me set up an acct here
Hi everyone! First time posting but I have been reading for days...Can't stress the word days enough lol there is a lot here. Sorry if I make a mistake as a first timer :(
While I was reading, and just a question, if SL knew all of LB's info and had a suspicion to DM do you think SL would have all of DM's info as well? As in properties, tattoos, phone numbers etc?
Also, could be that DM and suspect #2 test drove truck first night (without a second suv following) as a trial run or get a witness (without DM knowing...suspect #2 setting this up) then suspect #2 says that 'oh I really like this truck I want to buy it' or something along those lines and DM brings second car (suv) to test drive #2 because suspect #2 said he would drive it home? Then DM is set up (witness from first test drive etc) I'm having a hard time with this whole thing
Something doesn't taste right. Just seems everything pointed to DM perfectly and I know some have said that maybe he got cocky but it just doesn't feel right. There are too many twists and turns to this. IMO DM isn't talking because this is bigger than him and if he was to point fingers he would be dead. I'm figuring the safest place for him to be right now is jail. Anyway, thanks for letting me get my opinion oit as a newbie in advance!

Yes its all too convenient. Some people have links to people in high places.... sometimes their name gives that away...and i dont mean Millard.
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