Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #8 **ARREST**

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I really must post this here, especially in reference with the questions (arguments) that came up about maybe someone else buying the incinerator.

Someone on the WM Thread found this:

It is an employee that worked for MillardAir during the time frame the incinerator might have been purchased and he says this in his resume:

"Commenced and managed the purchasing functions for the procurement of tooling, GSE and support services."

He also left just about the exact time WM died. Didn't he die in November? I know DM had the party in Dec. But I thought the death date was Nov.
Thanks I would really like to know where this business was based, whether it was home based or based out of a commercial building somewhere.

It was a commercial operation, not home-based. The former location seems only partially occupied today. Would you like a specific address?
Okay I know we aren't supposed to sleuth others. This isn't really assigning any blame but it is looking for a link between TB and DM. I really hope the mod will allow someone to look at the Facebook photos of this person who worked at Millard Air Waterloo October 2012 – December 2012 (3 months). There are some photos that look like guys I've seen before. How do I let anyone know the name?
Some things I can't let go. Was mulling over the "call the wolf .. they found on the farm" tweet, and went back to have a look to see when it was originally posted here at WS. I think this is the first time I've noticed that bellbaby indicated three people had tweeted that to the same person (since cleared). Bellbaby's post was at 11:22 am May 14.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #3 **ARREST**[/ame]

Anyone recall what time the info regarding finding Tim's remains was released by LE. Unfortunately we don't seem to have the times or twitter names of all three tweets, but that is certainly an indication that 3 people found necessary to tweet that to the same person by 11:22 am.

So, it wasn't call the cops because the cops already knew. It wasn't reporters, because he would have no reason to be calling a reporters boss. I wanna know who was the recipient of that tweet expected to call.
Some things I can't let go. Was mulling over the "call the wolf .. they found on the farm" tweet, and went back to have a look to see when it was originally posted here at WS. I think this is the first time I've noticed that bellbaby indicated three people had tweeted that to the same person (since cleared). Bellbaby's post was at 11:22 am May 14.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #3 **ARREST**

Anyone recall what time the info regarding finding Tim's remains was released by LE. Unfortunately we don't seem to have the times or twitter names of all three tweets, but that is certainly an indication that 3 people found necessary to tweet that to the same person by 11:22 am.

So, it wasn't call the cops because the cops already knew. It wasn't reporters, because he would have no reason to be calling a reporters boss. I wanna know who was the recipient of that tweet expected to call.

21:33-41 (looks more like 9:33 p.m. to me) that's all I get out of that post

21:33 was at the beginning of the twitter
21:33-41 (looks more like 9:33 p.m. to me) that's all I get out of that post

21:33 was at the beginning of the twitter

The 21:33 was in reference to Matthew 21:33-41 was part of the tweet, it followed the other text, and was not the time the tweet was made.

He doesn't have an office????? If not Derstine, then surely we will see John Rosen, Clay Ruby or Eddie Greenspan getting this case. If he has no office, does he have a staff? smh This is a very complex case, multiple crimes scenes, there's going to be a slew of forensics. Where is this guy going to interview his expert witnesses, in his house. Methinks that when DM got into trouble, he called the lawyer he met recently because it was the first name that popped into his head. I think we should expect a change soon
We're actually very much on the same page with this, LayzeeDayzee. In fact I'd go much further. There is absolutely NO reason for LE to make any public statements of any kind on this or any case, and I dearly wish they would refrain from doing so beyond, possibly, a request for public help from time to time when someone is missing or a bad guy is on the loose and, even in those cases I feel they should exercise cautious restraint.

In the US where many roles in the judicial system such as the Chiefs of Police we've all grown accustomed to highly energized press conference circuses with police jockeying for position in front of the camera to make breathless pronouncements about the current status of some crime or other. Theoretically these are meant to show the public that everything's under control, the police have the emergency du jour in hand etc. The unspoken message, (sometimes loudly spoken) is that if the police only had more money and more gear the emergency wouldn't have arisen in the first place. The unspoken message on the next layer below that one is Vote For Chief "Gotcher Back" because crime is on the rise and only he can control it.

In Canada where police and judicial positions are not subject to the whim of the electorate it's somewhat more puzzling why the police here are now becoming media hogs too. Statements about having a suspect in custody suggests to the public that the emergency is over, the criminal is securely in irons and everyone can breathe easy. But then, there's the suggestions some more murderers of random targets might be out there but LE has no descriptions, at least none they're willing to share so the media, and yes, we here on this website too start trying to explain the unexplainable and building the case against the only individual in the sights.

Frankly, if I had my druthers, I'd call time out. LE should quietly and diligently follow all the leads they possibly can to get to the bottom of this horrible, seemingly senseless crime. The Media should get out there and dig, scratch, cajole and otherwise scrape up every morsel of information they can. Neither one of them should be giving our imaginative musings on websites like this the time of day. I have a sinking feeling that among the victims of this terrible event we can count members of several generations of the Millard family, their friends and associates and, even should DM be found innocent of this crime, this damage will not be undone. If this should be the case it will be, imo, almost entirely the fault of social media - the nouveau chattering classes.

That's the first time I ever recall being referred to as the "nouveau chattering classes". Very interesting post, thank-you. :rolleyes:
That's the first time I ever recall being referred to as the "nouveau chattering classes". Very interesting post, thank-you. :rolleyes:

Did ya ever wonder why people join here to tell us why we shouldn't exist?
He doesn't have an office????? If not Derstine, then surely we will see John Rosen, Clay Ruby or Eddie Greenspan getting this case. If he has no office, does he have a staff? smh This is a very complex case, multiple crimes scenes, there's going to be a slew of forensics. Where is this guy going to interview his expert witnesses, in his house. Methinks that when DM got into trouble, he called the lawyer he met recently because it was the first name that popped into his head. I think we should expect a change soon
Found this for the lawyer FWIW
Some things I can't let go. Was mulling over the "call the wolf .. they found on the farm" tweet, and went back to have a look to see when it was originally posted here at WS. I think this is the first time I've noticed that bellbaby indicated three people had tweeted that to the same person (since cleared). Bellbaby's post was at 11:22 am May 14.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #3 **ARREST**

Anyone recall what time the info regarding finding Tim's remains was released by LE. Unfortunately we don't seem to have the times or twitter names of all three tweets, but that is certainly an indication that 3 people found necessary to tweet that to the same person by 11:22 am.

So, it wasn't call the cops because the cops already knew. It wasn't reporters, because he would have no reason to be calling a reporters boss. I wanna know who was the recipient of that tweet expected to call.

Whatever language that tweet was in, I found AM has a second, empty/blank fb profile with the "about" section written in this language. It was opened a few years ago. The fact AM has the fb profile may not mean much, but it gives a bit more weight to the tweets. Just confirms the tweets weren't from random trolls.
JMO I have ponder the theory he may have been adopted. I considered the age of his father, which to me is getting up their in age for deciding to have a child, it happens yes I realize. Something else I thought about is MB being a stewardess. Sometimes these women consider not having children because of their careers and the time spent away from home. As WM and MB got older, they felt like they wanted a child and if she was close in age to WM, it would have become a bit of a risk having children at her age. Therefore they could have decided to adopt. MB decided once they adopted a child she would retire for being a stewardess or go part time or take a position with Millardair. Did they decide to have a child to carry on the family business? Have we been privy to MB's age or DOB? This could also explain why DM was in a private French school. One he may have lived on res while his parents worked through the week. So with DM having his DNA in a databank, possibly he was searching for parents, siblings, relatives? :dunno:

MB was around 35 when DM was born. She had left the airline several years earlier, also, I have seen speculation that she was French. I have seen speculation that she was bilingual, I'm not sure about that. I don't think you'd get hired at Air Canada today without being bilingual, but well into the late '80's you could. She is from the UK. Millard is a French name. WM's obit says he was fluent in 5 languages, so it makes sense to me that he would want his son to speak at least one other language. I don't think DM was adopted, but I don't know if he was born through the assistance of some form of reproductive technology.

The interesting part of the linked article states police are not worried for the publics safety. When the reporter questioned the lead investigator on this statement, LE said the public will have to trust him. Wondering if LE now know the motive. Also, a second law firm visited DM in jail, causing problems with his current lawyer.

Stretching waaaaaaaaaaaay out there - what do y'all think that this law firm is repping the ''unknown'' suspect? Is that possible?
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