Found Deceased Canada - Yvon Lacasse, 71, Lachute, QC, 14 Sept 2017

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So Yvon may be in Rouyn-Noranda or nearby. Why drive north and come back south again? To dump someone IMO.

I hate to say it, but I don't think Yvon ever left the Lachute area :(

As I said, I'm going to take a break.
I have to bow out for a while - I've just posted "breaking news" on LF's thread.

UF "self-harmed", or "attempted suicide", in his cell. There are conflicting reports :( Links on LF's thread in Located forum.

Also heard on the news he is at hospital for non life threatening self inflicted wounds
UF is scum. He holds the answers to M. Lacasse's whereabouts and he's not talking. Can the boy provide some clues? I can't even imagine what LF may have witnessed but he is old enough to provide somewhat of a narrative.
I am curious now as to UF's advocacy role in the Cedrika Provencher case. Going to try and find his posts on the Cedrika FB page and catch up.
Small vent: it's been very frustrating with the news supply. Vague, no details... I don't think we even know if M. Lacasse is from Lachute or where he is from. Equally with the dates - it was very vague. So I went with the 15th. Can ask a mod to change to 14th?

There's still barely any helpful info out there. But it does seem they're (Surete du Quebec) putting on quite the search, so that's good. Newest I could find this morning is this one:

Still no trace of monsieur Lacasse. Searches will continue on Sunday and volunteers can report to the command post at the road stop on Highway 158 in Lachute, at the intersection of Route 329 in the direction of Gore.

"If someone wants to volunteer, he has to report his presence at the command post, which will be near the parking lot," said the SQ spokesperson, specifying that the volunteers were supervised by members of the search of the police.
Small vent: it's been very frustrating with the news supply. Vague, no details... I don't think we even know if M. Lacasse is from Lachute or where he is from. Equally with the dates - it was very vague. So I went with the 15th. Can ask a mod to change to 14th?

There's still barely any helpful info out there. But it does seem they're (Surete du Quebec) putting on quite the search, so that's good. Newest I could find this morning is this one:

Still no trace of monsieur Lacasse. Searches will continue on Sunday and volunteers can report to the command post at the road stop on Highway 158 in Lachute, at the intersection of Route 329 in the direction of Gore.

BBM: Monsieur Lacasse is from Gore in the Lachute area.

The search yesterday was a big one, with a lot of volunteers, local firefighters and LE. TVA did report on it briefly, as did some other outlets, but it's still being overshadowed by UF news :(.

I found a post from M. Lacasse's son (FL) on the SQ Facebook page, which led me to his page where he's posting about the searches.
Thanks Sjm! So he is from Gore and the rest stop his car was taken from is in the direction of Gore. Do you have any idea what kind of rest stop this is? I had been picturing something like the rest stops I'm used to along the interstate, for through traffic... but I guess it could be a rest stop that locals also use, like if there are food places/convenience store etc.? Just trying to figure out why he may have been at that rest stop if he was that close to home. I'm trying to come up with scenarios where he might not have been near the car when UF took it and he's somehow alive in the area (although I'm sure I'm grasping at straws :( ).
Never mind, answered my own question, for some reason I overlooked the picture of the rest area. That still leaves me with the question why M. Lacasse may have stopped there, that close to home... just trying to think of any possibility that he may be unharmed and maybe walking home? I don't know. That seemed to work better yesterday, but now it's been so long since he contacted anyone, which makes that hard to believe...

I don't recall reading anything about the river being searched? Or did I miss that too, the French to 'Google Translate English' isn't too easy to follow sometimes.
Never mind, answered my own question, for some reason I overlooked the picture of the rest area. That still leaves me with the question why M. Lacasse may have stopped there, that close to home... just trying to think of any possibility that he may be unharmed and maybe walking home? I don't know. That seemed to work better yesterday, but now it's been so long since he contacted anyone, which makes that hard to believe...

I don't recall reading anything about the river being searched? Or did I miss that too, the French to 'Google Translate English' isn't too easy to follow sometimes.

The "rest stop" is also a park. It's a nice place to go and sit by the river.

River was searched Friday (boats and divers) for L. I believe (local sources, not in MSM) there were people out on it again yesterday.

As I mentioned earlier in LF's thread, I'm quite local, and have family and friends in/around Lachute. Gore is VERY rural, as is most of the 329 - heavily forested. There were people out searching there, upto and down from Morin Heights yesterday.

It's even more rural around Manawaki and upto Rouyn Noranda :( I have to think that LE have good reasons to be searching so hard around Lachute.

ETA: if you search for "Ultramar 1295, rue Principale, Lachute" on google maps, it's on the corner of 158 and 329. The rest stop/park is just across the 329.
UF is scum. He holds the answers to M. Lacasse's whereabouts and he's not talking. Can the boy provide some clues? I can't even imagine what LF may have witnessed but he is old enough to provide somewhat of a narrative.

Reading between the lines of a report I caught on TV yesterday, IMO it's possible that LF is severely traumatized...

I could also speculate that maybe he has been able to provide some info: I don't think the SQ would be concentrating such huge resources on the search around the Lachute rest-stop etc. without good reason.
Local radio reporter just said "the police have good reason to believe" that Yvon Lacasse is in/near the area they are searching...
Thank you so much for all the info Sjm! I see now that you and I are thinking along the same lines. It does not look good for M. Lacasse I fear... I'm going to sit on my hands before I post how I feel about UF :mad: and get put into time out by WS.

Interview with a friend and neighbour of Monsieur Lacasse. Nothing really new.

- she noticed Thursday afternoon/evening when she came home from work that his car wasn't at his residence, nor was it there when she left for work Friday morning. She learned he was missing Friday afternoon.

- she & Monsieur Lacasse recently had a conversation where he asked advice about getting a cell phone. It sounds as if he didn't have one.

The report is worth watching if you're interested to see the immediate area being searched, even if you don't speak/understand French. This is in and around the rest-stop/park. Images, imo, mostly from yesterday afternoon.
Thank you so much for all the info Sjm! I see now that you and I are thinking along the same lines. It does not look good for M. Lacasse I fear... I'm going to sit on my hands before I post how I feel about UF :mad: and get put into time out by WS.

I would like VERY MUCH to be wrong.

I'm doing some sitting-on-hands myself :(.

Damn. That doesn't sound good.

It isn't IMO :( I'm trying very hard not to speculate ATM.

Report from this morning showing activity on site:

- massive LE presence, volunteers coming from all over, not just locals.

- family (didn't want to be interviewed on camera) say M. Lacasse is the kind of person who would be willing to help anyone if approached and asked for help, without thinking about danger/being suspicious.

- also an update on UF: he's still in hospital (Ottawa - was transferred there from Renfrew yesterday), self-inflicted head wounds. Situation being monitored and as soon as his health/condition permits he'll be brought back to Quebec.

- police won't comment on whether UF has given any information about Monsieur Lacasse.

ETA: the search area could/might be extended. No mention of whether they (LE) mean in the current location or elsewhere.
On LCN news they interviewed an old man that witness the arrest. UF, car was in the ditch and the old man got out of his house to help UF thinking he had a flat tire, police then yelled at the man to get back in the house and he saw UF with a rifle in his hands, he then dropped the rifle and immediately the police used a taser gun.witness also said he saw the fear in the boys eyes...

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