Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, husband arrested for abuse, Oct 2017 #2

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The difference is behavior like those priests committed was always condemned and religious tradition required strict punishment. It was never remotely a typical part of Roman Catholic to embrace pedophilia and then hide it. Ancient penitentials etc had strict punishments. However I'm not remotely defending it. It's disgusting. I'm glad it's out in the open now though and they don't get to hide it anymore. I'm just very grieved however for all those who suffered at the hands of these priests and the faith of their loved one's shattered.

My point is though there is a difference between people lying in a way that violates their religion and people lying as an accepted part of their religion. These two examples are not the same.

Lying to the non believer in an enshrined practice in Islam. And like I said, I dismissed it previously without really looking into it. That is until I watched a man I knew personally lie through his teeth to protect and hide himself. Here is the term and some historyand info below. You can do more research on the history and practice of it if you like.

Taqiya - Wikipedia

Oh, that makes sense. I thought you meant lying was acceptable. This is about lying in the face of persecution.

I imagine there are Christians that lie in the face of persecution. Jews certainly have.

I see nothing wrong with that
Granny, MSM only. <modsnipped>
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WS TOS say MSM only for links. Please show a MSM link for the FACT that Boyle is Muslim.

It is not Christian bashing in the least.
Do you have links from the Koran?

We see that people profess Christianity and lie such as with the pedophile priests. They were moved around and sent to treatment. The worshipers never knew .
You asked for links. I have links.
Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Quran (66:2)- "Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths..."
Sahin Bukhari (84:64-65) - Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an enemy. The Quran defines as infidels -nonbelievers as enemies. (4:101).
From Islamic Law:
Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746 - 8.2) -
Compare the bad consequences entailed by lying to those entailed by telling the truth. If the consequences of telling the truth are more damaging, one is entitled to lie.
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How about this? He was raised a devout Christian and has possibly converted to Islam. It seems that both while he was a Christian and now, whatever religion he claims, he has latched onto the most extreme tenets of either/both of those religions in terms of women’s subservience. Whatever religion he currently claims, he is a violent creep.
I don’t understand how the conversation got to this point. I’m a Christian and I saw no Christian bashing.

Can we move on?
Joshua married a Gitmo terrorist's sister. Even though he lives in Canada, he chooses to dress like an 18th century Muslim from South Asia. His attractive wife wears a hijab. It was theorized that he is a radicalized Taliban-ish creature. Someone then announced he and she were Christians and that's incorrect.
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How about this? He was raised a devout Christian and has possibly converted to Islam. It seems that both while he was a Christian and now, whatever religion he claims, he has latched onto the most extreme tenets of either/both of those religions in terms of women’s subservience. Whatever religion he currently claims, he is a violent creep.
There's no evidence that Joshua was ever a devout Christian. None. His parents are said to be Christians, but nothing is known about Josh's childhood beliefs. He went to a Mennonite high school and he clearly isn't a Mennonite. They are pacifists.

There is evidence that he studied the Islamic faith and told at least one person that he was a devout Muslim. The reason he and Caitlan weren't killed after the Muslim kidnappers realized their worth as hostages was nil was that they were practicing Muslims.
There's no evidence that Joshua was ever a devout Christian. None. His parents are said to be Christians, but nothing is known about Josh's childhood beliefs. He went to a Mennonite high school and he clearly isn't a Mennonite. They are pacifists.

There is evidence that he studied the Islamic faith and told at least one person that he was a devout Muslim. The reason he and Caitlan weren't killed after the Muslim kidnappers realized their worth as hostages was nil was that they were practicing Muslims.
Excuse me. I should have said “raised to be” rather than “raised a.” The point is, he seems to have been immersed in the Christian religion growing up, even attending a religious school. He then seems to have immersed himself in Islam at some point as an adult. Both religions, in their most extreme forms, call for women’s subservience.

Creeps often use religion - any religion will do - to justify their evil behavior, from enslaving other races to committing domestic violence.
Boyle was convinced the 2001 U.S.-led invasion that toppled the Taliban regime was unjustified.

Islam became Boyle’s weapon, and in some ways his armour. Joshua used his Islamic faith to divide his guards between true believers and the munafiq.

At sunrise, Joshua would wake up for morning prayers and berate his sleeping guards. “I would loudly start declaring, ‘Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!’ to wake them up,” he said. “Then, with a smile on my face, I would say, ‘Brother, you are about to miss prayer.

What really happened to Joshua Boyle and his family -
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Thanks for posting the Macleans article Gunslinging Granny. I don't think I've read this article.
His controlling nature was noticed

What really happened to Joshua Boyle and his family - Jan 2018

In a week of meetings with Maclean’s before his arrest, signs of Boyle’s controlling nature and distress were evident. During interviews at the hotel, he refused to leave the room while Coleman spoke, at one point snapping at her when she responded to a follow-up question. “Check with me before you say any of that on the recording.”
I fear his defense will be to announce Caitlan is a bondage queen who was the real abuser and was a horrible mother who needed his strict disciple. Her children will eventually read his lies.

Even if this Taliban wannabe doesn't go to prison, Caitlan's disturbing testimony should prevent tens of thousands of women from buying the book Josh will eventually write.
Thanks for posting the Macleans article Gunslinging Granny. I don't think I've read this article.
His controlling nature was noticed

What really happened to Joshua Boyle and his family - Jan 2018

In a week of meetings with Maclean’s before his arrest, signs of Boyle’s controlling nature and distress were evident. During interviews at the hotel, he refused to leave the room while Coleman spoke, at one point snapping at her when she responded to a follow-up question. “Check with me before you say any of that on the recording.”
Yes, this reporter verified his controlling nature.
How about this? He was raised a devout Christian and has possibly converted to Islam. It seems that both while he was a Christian and now, whatever religion he claims, he has latched onto the most extreme tenets of either/both of those religions in terms of women’s subservience. Whatever religion he currently claims, he is a violent creep.

Caitlan is being cross examined now. Defense attorney is trying to force Caitlan to say that she's the violent person in their marriage. Seriously? She has bite mark scars!!!

Thank God that her mom was in Ottawa and sheltered her when she escaped that night. Joshua would have eventually killed her and we'd have a thread on Websleuths searching for her body.

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Caitlan is being cross examined now. Defense attorney is trying to force Caitlan to say that she's the violent person in their marriage.

What in the world? Why would the defense turn this around on Caitlan? I don't think that is going to go over well. Perhaps he could've taken stabs at her "version" of the events (I believe her version, but the defense could try to cast doubt on it), but to actually suggest that she is responsible for violence in the marriage and family? Outrageous. The defense really thinks that will be believable? Or acceptable to rake the victim over the coals?


What in the world? Why would the defense turn this around on Caitlan? I don't think that is going to go over well. Perhaps he could've taken stabs at her "version" of the events (I believe her version, but the defense could try to cast doubt on it), but to actually suggest that she is responsible for violence in the marriage and family? Outrageous. The defense really thinks that will be believable? Or acceptable to rake the victim over the coals?


Defense attorneys need to create reasonable doubt. It is their job.

As much as I may not like it, I would rather have this than being thrown into prison for fake reasons as they do in Iran. Really, even in the US we get it wrong.

As someone said on a WS thread, we are a system if laws, not justice. So true
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