Capital Crimes/ Death Penalty VS Life in Prison

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Death Penalty VS Life in Prison if Capital Crime Conviction

  • Death Penalty is Appropriate in This Case

    Votes: 184 50.4%
  • Life in Prison is Appropriate in This Case

    Votes: 181 49.6%

  • Total voters
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My post will be kind of disgusting so read further at your own risk.

If she gets the death penalty she will live in a cell that is 6' x9' for almost fifteen years. Her meals will be prepared by prison staff. She will have a short time every day to get a little excercise and can shower every other day.

If she gets LWOP she will share a cell. There will be something from someones bodily orifices in every meal she eats. She will be raped with objects and forced to stick her face in the worst of places for a long time. She will get beat up on a regular basis. She will end up telling where she put Caylee even if they have to twist her arms out of the sockets or cut fingers off. For spite, some may break her knee so that every painful step she takes for the rest of her life will remind her of why she is there. She will eventually fall under someones protection which will be no picnic either.

LWOP means that Caylee will be coming home for a proper burial, the easy or hard way. I vote for that. Solitary and death would be way too easy.
:praying::praying:I think the appropriate punishment for her is a long, long life without the loves of her life (no of course I dont mean her beautiful daughter or her parents or her brother). I mean the real three loves of her life-Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll!
And, I think we should all become her penpals and let her know everyday just what she is missing and what she has lost through her own selfishness.
Life w/o parole that's my prayer
I say long, slow, painful death. in my opinon People like her love attention even if it is negitive. It is like my son he is 5 and when he gets in trouble he begs for me to spank him and I wont becaues I dont believe in it, he enjoys the pain and loves negitive attention from anyone the thing that kills him the most is ignore him.
Death would be way to easy for KC. She should rot in jail. I've been to jail before when I was much younger and it is not a piece of cake even for the 3 days I was there. Especially for a younger, white woman who's not tough. Woman in jail don't like baby killers the way the men don't like pedophiles. Sleeping in a dorm with women that would love to get their hands on her would be the ideal setting but if not she should be stuck in a cell 23 hours a day with no phone, tv...

Just my opinion of course
The DA is going to use the Death Penalty as a bargaining chip.

"Tell us where to find Caylee & you can spend the rest of your life in prison if not you will die by lethal injection."

I doubt it but Maybe she'll take the deal

Once Baez see's the case against Casey maybe he can talk her into it...!
KC might be just take the death penalty... I wouldn't be surprised if she did. Her mind works in weird ways.
Here is the other might be interesting to see how opinions have changed. I don't know if you want to merge them....:blowkiss:
I'd like to see her get the dp but I also think that that might be letting her off too easy. I'd almost prefer for her to live out the rest of her life, getting false leads (b/c her mother lives on another planet), pics of Caylee, etc...from her mother in the jail mail. She may not ever feel guilt about Caylee, but I am convinced that losing her freedom will destroy her. No more guys, sex, parties, clothes, salon appts. etc...I think either punishment will do. Either way she is going to hell, one way might just be a little quicker.
DP W/aggravating circumstances. Pick one!


(4) The defendant committed the murder after substantial planning and premeditation

(11)The victim of the capital felony was a person less than 12 years of age

(12)The victim of the capital felony was particularly vulnerable due to disability, or because the defendant stood in a position of familial or custodial authority over the victim

(16)The capital felony was a homicide and was committed in a cold, calculated, and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification

WOW-if she did premeditation, then she is guilty of ALL of the above.:eek:
She won't waste away in a life sentence suffering for what she's done. She doesn't have it in her to regret her actions.

What she will do is suffer, like a bug or a puppy, from having her entire life beyond her control, at the hands of REAL criminals bigger and meaner than her, and a system that could give a crap about her.

While I hate the idea of thinking she'll have some semblance of a life while Caylee never will, I think there are worse things than death.

What is justice for Caylee?? Caylee is gone, the damage is done. It's her memory in us that cries out for justice, and KC's LWOP will be a thin pleasure after the first while. Better than than is that KC will never be able to wreak havoc on the world again. That is the real justice. Lock her up and keep her away from decent society, keep her away from the rest of us.

It feels morally funny to me (not funny ha ha!) to wish suffering on another person. I definitely DO wish much suffering on KC, but I'm not exactly proud of it. I think it's a low kind of pleasure, but I still wish it nonetheless.
Life in prison, general population.

But then again, I have never viewed death as much of a punishment myself.

I voted DP but this is a difficult one for me. I am so angry my mind wants then to kill her, revive her and kill her again. But what little rationality I have left where this case is concerned tells me life in gen. pop would be the correct punishment.

Now, if they could put her to death the exact same way Caylee died I would agree on the DP, but that's not how it works, and that's too bad.
I am for the death penalty in most circumstances where someone does harm upon a child..
But, with this case, I think the worst punishment would be life in prison for Casey.
Everything is all about her..there is a big difference to me with her knowing she will die, and being given a date, vs having to live the rest of her life not knowing how long she will live.
I say put her in general public with all the women who stole, and wrote countless bad checks just to feed their families..

breaks my heart, so true, such a contrast to her self-involvement
DP -- She's not like you or me with a sense of normal emotions/feelings/thoughts...if she were we might not be 'here' without parole would be way too easy on her...she will just adjust to prison life and squeeze from it all she can to meet her needs....and trust me, I've worked in a state prison for several years...convicted inmates do not sit around sad and feeling remorseful for 'what happened to them' (or why they are actually in prison) (it's always someone else's fault) they are all about taking/getting what they can from any and all ppl they are allowed to have contact with...staff and/or visitors.
Once upon a time I too did not support the DP, but have come to understand now why there is the need for it.
DP -- the best choice for her cause she likes her life too much and never in a million years will she grieve for Caylee or entertain the idea of remorse for what she did.

But I would support using it as a bargaining chip if it would bring Caylee home. Honestly that's the most important thing for me is to bring little Caylee home. I don't really care what goes on with KC...or whether she gets DP or LWOP as long as it pertains to her being locked up somewhere for the rest of her life. Life or death...death or life...neither will ever effect KC the way it would you or me as she is not normal and does not have normal feelings. IMHO.
Of the 3 defendants in my friend's murder, 1 was executed and 2 got life. Having seen the effect of the execution on the family whose son was executed in this case, I realize that the death penalty creates a whole new set of victims and destroys their lives. So I vote life without chance of parole.
My entire life, I have always sat on the fence about the death penalty. Even on days where I think DP was justified, I hate to see or hear of anyone's death. Yes, I even hate to entertain the idea of Casey being put to death.

Now, on Death Row, she will be isolated from other prisoners which will enable her to continue to live in her fantasy world. However, Life without Parole will put her with the general population where she will be forced to share a cell and will have to learn to adjust to prison life. She will be beat up and abused until she succumbs to prison hierarchy and she will be reminded every day of why she is there.

My vote is LWOP!
Death is too easy. I think she needs to sit in prison -- gen pop, if possible, for a very very long time!

Oh yes indeed! Some women there do love their children and miss them very much!
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