Cases possibly of interest for the LISK case

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Most of the times no heroic effort is needed, just taking a decent look at what you have solves so many crimes.

Note: Houston is one of few cities to run through the rape kit backlog, consider others.

You see such police work causes 'problems' for the cops and prosecutors. Now they have to go and arrest and prosecute these people. I hear that SCPD still hasn't forgiven BLUE The Dog for finding those bodies.
Such a shame that nothing is going on with this case.
You see such police work causes 'problems' for the cops and prosecutors. Now they have to go and arrest and prosecute these people. I hear that SCPD still hasn't forgiven BLUE The Dog for finding those bodies.

Why don't they just tag Bittrolff as LISK then...wouldn't that solve their problem?
Why don't they just tag Bittrolff as LISK then...wouldn't that solve their problem?

I am sure the thought has occurred to them and may have decided against it because too many people are watching. They tried that with the nursery owner and it got shot down in flames.
There's that name, "McDaniel" again! That name has come up somewhere a few times and I can't figure out where but it has some significance to me...anyone have any ideas?

Not a victim's name but, maybe you are remembering this:

Eight people are now under arrest in an operation that sold heroin and engaged in prostitution and Monday police showed off the loot and more. The ring worked out of several areas of Suffolk Co.

Steven McDaniel and his gf Sandra Russell (aka "heroin madam")
Many times it is easier to convict and innocent man than it is to convict a guilty man. You might find that hard to believe but is so. You first 'paint' the picture of the crime and at the last minute to paint in the suspect. It is like photo shopping. When you have 12 idiots sitting on a jury, a demented prosecutor, and a judge that is part of the district attorney's office and it is a piece of cake if you don't have a conscience.
Hawkshaw, your right. Ive seen it many times. Some people have a knack for getting others to believe whatever they want them to. The idiots and liars come in all professions.
1)actually it would be sleuthing Bitrolff, and 2)there is no solid alibi for HA

I have already given links to news stories that HA was reached in Florida at the time of his wife's death (more than once, I believe). Also links to an article saying there were 164 detectives on the AC case to check him out. They even went to Florida. It doesn't do any good, apparently, to point this out.
I have already given links to news stories that HA was reached in Florida at the time of his wife's death (more than once, I believe). Also links to an article saying there were 164 detectives on the AC case to check him out. They even went to Florida. It doesn't do any good, apparently, to point this out.


1. you know very well that a news story saying that a potential suspect was, or says he was, at x location has absolutely no merit whatsoever.
I mean if that potential suspect was the killer it 100% sure that he would say he was at a different location than were the murder took place.

2. HA arrived at Kennedy Airport Nov 22, 2006. Kim Raffo was found dead Nov 20, and had been dead for 1-2 days according to autopsy. So 3-4 days between Kim's murder and HA arriving at Kennedys airport.

3.I believe I have read all news reports and seen all videos avaible and in none of them have I read that LE/detectives went to florida, I could be wrong of course, but would you please provide a link to that info ?

4. The police did NOT reach HA to tell him that Kim Raffo was dead, which is kind of odd.
According to HA himself, HA got the message from his brother-in-law BUT then in another interview he suddenly change that and says it was Kim's mother who called him !!! ODD right ?:
And when/if either of these persons called HA to tell him that Kim was found dead, they would not be able to tell WHERE he was when he got the call.
And even if he was in Florida when he got the call, he could have taken a plane or driven by car.
Kim was killed the 18 or 19th Nov, 2006 and she was found Nov 20th in late afternoon (some reports says at early night time), then lets say it takes at least 10-20 hours (possibly more) for the police to establish her 100% identity, find our who her relatives are, find them etc. and then we are at the morning/afternoon Nov 21st, 2006 before the police contact Kim Raffo's relatives (I believe her mother).
According to Google map it takes 18-19 hours to drive from Atlantic City to Fort Lauderdale.
SO all together he would have had well enough time to get back to florida, in time to get the call there, IF that was the case.

Kim took a bus back to Atlantic City and returned to the streets. Hugh went home to Florida to regroup.
Then came the call Hugh will never forget.
"I found out from my brother-in-law that something had happened," he says. "He just heard that she was found dead; he didn't know what happened."
Nobody else knew either.
Hugh says, "I at first thought she committed suicide because things were so crazy for her, and I didn't think she could be killed because she was such a nice person. How could anybody kill her?"
Read more:

And here is a post on the subject that I posted back in Nov 2012:

In this recent, fall 2012, interview that Fieldnotes did with HA, HA says that it was Kim Raffo's mother who called him and told him that Kim was dead.
But in the Dark Minds "The Eastbound Strangler" episode (recorded May 2011) he said it was his brother in law who called him and told him Kim was dead.

Such a call, reciving the information that the love of your life has just been found dead, IMHO would be somthing you would NEVER forget, or is it just me???

HA: After Kim got killed, I was literally in the bowels of Atlantic City trying to find out the who, what and where for like six months, draining every penny that I had. Wound up losing my job because of it. I just went all out trying to find out what happened.
When it happened they called Kim's mom who in turn called me and ended up telling me. I didn't believe it. I immediately called Kim's phone.

HA (at 35:14 into the Dark Minds: The Eastbound Strangler video):

"The last time that I spoke to her,
It was just a quick conversation,
and you could see that she was avoiding any type of help,
I didn´t know what to do,
and then two days later my brother in law happened to call me, he told me that Kim was dead."

5. JFYI according to HA himself, after Kim Left Long Island Oct 14, he DID followed after her to Atlantic City !!!
That was something he said on the LISK forum back in 2012, but until then he had always claimed that they had a fall out on Long Island (and a couple of other different versions of how/why they split up on LI) and Kim hopped on a bus to AC and he never saw her again, and he went back to Florida.
BUT that was a lie, and that is a FACT.
So WHY did he lie about that back in 2006,- 2012 ???

Add to that, that Kim Raffo actually left Long Island for Atlantic City one more time during those 5 weeks on Long Island.
According to HA himself, at the very end of Sep Kim left him and LI and went to AC and returned at some point to LI at the beginning of Oct, Oct 3rd her husband claim.

So Kim was in AC in beginning of October (we can not be 100% sure HA is telling the true dates Oct 3rd and last time Oct 14)
And Oct 14, and HA followed after her this time but did he do that in the beginning of OCT as well?

Of interest is that:
the first AC victim Molly Dilts disappeared Oct 7.
The 2nd victim Barbara Breidor disappeared Oct 17 !!!

6. I am still waiting for you providing what HAs "solid alibi" was ?

And by the way ALL THIS INFO HAS BEEN POSTED BEFORE ON THIS FORUM, and is therefore to be found in various threads, so nothing new here.
Molly Jean last spoke to her family on OCT 7, its not known if she disappeared that day is it?. I read a article yesterday that had a witness, I think a restaurant owner maybe, saying he last saw her late OCT or early Nov.
This is not directly related to the Long Island victims, but I think it is about about sex trafficking and the dangers that females that get caught up in the lifestyle face.

CBC’s Fifth estate “Too Young to Lose”
(Interviews with young women who were targeted and forced into prostitution). It’s a very informative program about what is happening to girls and brutality of sex trafficking and criminal enterprises.

One of the factors that is similar to most of these LISK victims is that they were escorts. Even if they had different "pimps" or no pimps they may have been connected to some larger circle of gangs/sex-trafficking ring. I still feel like it may be one or two serial killers "johns" that committed these crimes, however, the brutality of the work especially if the girls were linked to gangs/group of johns should not be ignored. I'm sure LE is well aware of the heinous, exploitative and brutal lifestyle escorts/prostitutes get caught up in, and how dangerous gangs/criminal enterprises are that exploit women. I hope that LE are investigating not just the crimes, but the larger criminal enterprises that exploit women like these victims. No one deserves such cruelty. Jmo/
Molly Jean last spoke to her family on OCT 7, its not known if she disappeared that day is it?. I read a article yesterday that had a witness, I think a restaurant owner maybe, saying he last saw her late OCT or early Nov.

I think it was Kim Raffo who was seen at a restaurant by the owner getting into a black car - this is just from memory...
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