Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee #2

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If Casey / Jose have new information regarding the whereabouts of Caylee (push aside for the moment that we all know the poor childs decomposing body has been in the trunk of Casey's car) and have not given law enforcement that information can that be construed, in a legal sense, as again withholding information?
a hammering i will go a hammering i will go high ho the killer wants to be set free to search for a non existant kidnapper

these people are in left field
If Casey / Jose have new information regarding the whereabouts of Caylee (push aside for the moment that we all know the poor childs decomposing body has been in the trunk of Casey's car) and have not given law enforcement that information can that be construed, in a legal sense, as again withholding information?

Thats a good question:) Im sure FBI and LE will do something if they can legally. I say in a few days we will find out from JB it was a false lead. The defense team is just doing what they say the press does all the time fabricate :liar: I would possibly find it more crediable if it didnt come out 3 days before the hearing.Not to mention the defense team would of kept it private so they could produce Caylee at one of the hearings. Nope the judge just isnt gonna buy it IMO :snooty:
Nope. Fusian Ultra Lounge is the one. Casey's old crowd refused to go hang out with her there because of the fact that it wasn't downtown, where they liked to hang out.

I just read over Clint House's posting on Scared Monkeys and this is part of what Clint posted about 2 weeks ago:
"Also I would like to clear up some things about Fusian. No Fusian was not a drug/*advertiser censored*/prostitution ring. That is absolutely ridiculous. Tony and I started up and entertainment company and Fusian was our first spot. We had only been promoting there for a month before Tony met Casey. Fusian is a sushi bar (that looks like a club inside). So no, Fusian was not some club owned by the mafia. Any other questions about Fusian and the people there, I will answer."
It just ticks me off that she would even suggest looking for an "alive" Caylee. She knows good and well that baby is not alive and she knows the baby was in her trunk not alive.

This entire family is nuts and I cannot even imagine not giving my grandbaby a proper burial. If KC were my daughter, she would already have told what she did, one way or the other. I love my daughter, but no way would I allow her to do the things KC has done and is still doing if my grand daughter was missing at the hands of her mother.

CA knows KC lies and has lied for years, so why all of a sudden do they believe the half dozen or so stories she has told?

I hope they find this baby soon and put an end to this madness. I think the whole search in secret is just a ploy to help her leave so she will not be prosecuted.
I wonder if Casey wants to go look for the blackjack. I still think there is one out there somewhere and she ditched it.
I wish she would come over here to my side of town.:rage:
I wonder if Casey wants to go look for the blackjack. I still think there is one out there somewhere and she ditched it.

I have not gotten to read all of the interviews with her friends and family. Has anyone seen a confirmation from anyone (other than KC) that this "blackjack" phone does exist?
i dont think my stomache could take it..with the little shaking of her ugly gross disgusting body............YUCK :laugh:

i dont think she is hot, or pretty or even close to being pretty
all i can see when i look at her face is the look of a killer

Thank you, thank you, thank you robotdog!:clap:
The sight of her makes me sick! There is nothing at all attractive about her. All I see is pure evil!
I have the same feelings I've always had when I see a picture of Charles Manson!
Thank you, thank you, thank you robotdog!:clap:
The sight of her makes me sick! There is nothing at all attractive about her. All I see is pure evil!
I have the same feelings I've always had when I see a picture of Charles Manson!

All I see is someone who's mugging for the camera, while making sure her teeth whitener is up to par by exposing every single tooth she has. And that's no friendly grin, that's for sure.

It makes me sad to see a sweet, tiny little once near that in the photos.
I say, let Casey out.....and she will run away. Then the mystery bail bondsman will loses lots of money, Cindy and George will lose the house. In about 2 months Caseys new boyfriend will call the police because she stole his paycheck. She goes to jail and everyone else loses. AHHHH, justice.

Ya know, you just might have something here. I'd rather they not let her out, but if they do, well, justice might just be spread around a little more equally.
It just ticks me off that she would even suggest looking for an "alive" Caylee. She knows good and well that baby is not alive and she knows the baby was in her trunk not alive.

This entire family is nuts and I cannot even imagine not giving my grandbaby a proper burial. If KC were my daughter, she would already have told what she did, one way or the other. I love my daughter, but no way would I allow her to do the things KC has done and is still doing if my grand daughter was missing at the hands of her mother.

CA knows KC lies and has lied for years, so why all of a sudden do they believe the half dozen or so stories she has told?

I hope they find this baby soon and put an end to this madness. I think the whole search in secret is just a ploy to help her leave so she will not be prosecuted.
Great post Pollywog, and I so agree!
Casey is a big time gameplayer! And this game has turned to sickening disgust at her suggestion of searching only for an alive baby!
I too am totally perplexed by Cindy and George's insistance now that their daughter is telling nothing but the truth. And they, of all people, know her history!
I pray for Tim Miller and TES coming back to Orlando, and have faith they will help to end this circus when they find the remains of precious little Caylee!
Baez would be instructed to be with at all times if it were ever to happen.

Well I think 6 hrs a day is not enough time for Baez to be alone with KC and he needs more private time!!!!! :D :doh:

"A spokesman at the Orange County jail declined an on-camera interview, but said this kind of request is highly unusual and would likely require Anthony's attorney to be with her at all times. For his part, Baez has argued since a July interview that confining Anthony stalled the search for Caylee."
I was wondering when she was going to get cabin fever. Especially with her so called adoring public (All 4 of them ) writing to her on My Space. Telling her how great she looks in those big TRICKED OUT shades :D
And All Ya wanna do is dance: :dance: :dance:
Now how much fun can it be to be hooked to an ankle bracelet and JB? The daily routine kinda sucks eh? Then at night you have GA and CA leering across the dinner table at you. Unless they got wind that Casey is a gourmet chef now, then that will help the monotony.

Wait now the more I think bout it, Mommy called LE, nah pass on the cuisine :sick:
My real thoughts are maybe she would like to move the body again !! TES and LE are coming soon.

All Units on the look out for a white bronco, last seen Friday10/10, on I-95 heading South of the Border.
I have not gotten to read all of the interviews with her friends and family. Has anyone seen a confirmation from anyone (other than KC) that this "blackjack" phone does exist?

I'm not aware of LE asking her friends about the blackjack but there was a myspace or facebook post from Casey to one of her friends a while back that she just bought a blackjack.

Now, I know, that's coming from Casey too but that's a couple of accounts where this phone exists yet she somehow lost it. I do think it's out there somewhere.
Oh boy. I am one unhappy Orlando, Orange County resident! If there is a judge that allows this, hand to God you all will see ol' Diz on the national news, picketing in front of the courthouse. I will try to enlist as many county citizens who are, like me, sick of all this garbage.
Before anyone thinks otherwise, I support peaceful, non violent, non jerk acting protesting, which means no children, no pot stirring, no throwing rocks, just pure peaceful protest to remind people that a little girl is dead, and letting her mother out to "look" for her is ludicrous, and also, that we will further voice our displeasure with our VOTE!

I'm with you on the courthouse steps!
Oh boy. I am one unhappy Orlando, Orange County resident! If there is a judge that allows this, hand to God you all will see ol' Diz on the national news, picketing in front of the courthouse. I will try to enlist as many county citizens who are, like me, sick of all this garbage.
Before anyone thinks otherwise, I support peaceful, non violent, non jerk acting protesting, which means no children, no pot stirring, no throwing rocks, just pure peaceful protest to remind people that a little girl is dead, and letting her mother out to "look" for her is ludicrous, and also, that we will further voice our displeasure with our VOTE!

I will be right there beside you!!!!!!!!
The judge knows she's both a liar and a thief who is about to be tried for a variety of crimes.

Why would he consider her less of a flight risk now that she's facing even more charges than she was at the original bond hearing in July?

The judge told her then that she was using her silence as "leverage to get out of jail", and considered her enough of a flight risk to require home confinement and ankle monitoring. Nothing has changed on that front other than the fact that she's now in even more trouble for ripping off her friend, several stores, and a bank.

Casey has nothing to lose by asking, as long as she's prepared to hear the word 'Denied'. On camera and broadcast on the internet and television all over the world.
Roll up, Roll up for Casey's Magical Mystery Tour, all in your head Casey, no one is letting you go search.

I'm new to this board and I already really like it. I would like to know where Casey thinks she's going to get the money to travel around pretending to look for Caylee. I think that Casey is worried that Tim from Equasearth is on the right track to find Caylee and she's sweating bullets and wants to get out there to move Caylee's body so it's not found. Why would she all of a sudden want to start looking? Casey is not even human as far as I'm concerned. I care more for bugs in my yard then Casey cared for Caylee.

Rest in peace sweet Caylee...


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