Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

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Is there a motion to remove the ankle monitor? Is there a motion to modify conditions of release--based on a change in circumstances???

(Haven't read the motions yet.)

Because ya know, people who are out on bail, with strict conditions are hardly ever allowed to go on secret missions. It is a bit contrary to the whole monitored bail thingee...
ABSOLUTELY!!! She said in that 911 call, "I was using other resources to find her, which was stupid." Even more stupid is her now wanting to secretly search for Caylee! So sad! I hope the judge denies that motion. Who does she think she is?

She thinks she is a celebrity and in a sick, twisted she has been turned into exactly that.
LOL! Oh sure. Whaaaa did Jose petition the judge to get kc's passport back so she can go to Puerto Rico to look? Ummm....Is the whole family traveling? ROFL!!!!

Maybe she can do some "event planning" while shes searching all the nightclubs for Zani. ERRRR Caylee.

Hey, maybe shes gettin a little nervous because TES is coming to town! Woooooo:eek:

I bet shes petrified. ABSOLUTELY petrified!

GO TIM, GO!:blowkiss:

she is not petrified.........she's BORED!
omg, Talk about blood boiling!!! WTF!! Is JB insane? She had 30 days to travel to find her daughter and all she did was party and sleep around. Now almost 4 months later she decides she want to look? RU kidding me.....

There is no way on earth this judge is going to allow any of this and if he does I can see a protest at his house.
I'll bet LP is laughing his *advertiser censored** off!!!!
Is there a motion to remove the ankle monitor? Is there a motion to modify conditions of release--based on a change in circumstances???

(Haven't read the motions yet.)

Because ya know, people who are out on bail, with strict conditions are hardly ever allowed to go on secret missions. It is a bit contrary to the whole monitored bail thingee...


As for the Insanity defense.....I think even Jose knows better.
He is going to NEED a new career after this! Let's many ways can you tank your client in the media?! Saying she is more or less guilty isn't you make her a laughing stock, too. How about asking the Judge for a trip to the Bahamas with your attorney so you can work on that tan while waiting for them to arrest you on bigger charges?! That should work! Really!
Oh that's rich! Why don't you hold your breath KC, while you're waiting for that request to be approved. Pretty please.
She thinks she's such a "rockstar". Guess she wants to go on tour. :behindbar
Does "No Way Jose" really think his motion to allow Casey to travel has any chance of being granted?

Casey is charged with several felonies & is the main suspect in a murder
I think that if they were worried about protesters before, they haven't seen anything yet! The good people of Orlando will be outraged!!!!!!!:furious:
Oh, let me guess - she wants to travel to Fusion on Friday nights and other clubs in the area just in case the Nanny and her sister, no wait the people who stole Caylee, no wait the people she sold Caylee to, might drop in and have Caylee with them!!! Oh yeah, like the judge is REALLY going to fall for that one.

THIS is what she and JB have come up with during all their hours long sessions in his office???

She could also hang out at an ex-boyfriend's house. The kidnapper/buyer might show up there. :rolleyes:

Yuh gotta admit, the babe's got chutzpah!:-(
Casey Anthony wants to be allowed to travel to assist in the search for her missing 3-year-old daughter Caylee, according to defense motions released on Monday.

The motion, one of eight filed in Orange County Circuit Court, also asks that the time and date of the travel be kept secret from the public.

I can't believe this. Now she wants to travel to look for Caylee. No way it sounds like she wants to flee to me. I can not see any judge in their right mind granting this unless it is with police assistance.

Okay - someone might have already said this, I haven't gotten through the whole thread yet....... but, if she wants to travel to the location she left Caylee at, I'm okay with that as long as she takes LE with her. If her request is for "local" travel.... maybe she will show where Caylee really is. Maybe that's why they are requesting it be kept secret from the public. If I was the judge, I would grant the motion providing she took an LE officer with her where ever she went!

This new request is so upsetting I think I'm going to go start smoking again (after quitting for some years.) It's just scary to think that she could be coming to my state to "look for" her daughter. Doesn't she know that I've already LOOKED at every possible place that kid could be?

If I start smoking again, can I sue that TW (total waste)? Just kidding but really, a ciggie looks like my only recourse at this time.
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