Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Clearly this is a topic posters here want to continue discussing at length - and we've all got some pretty strong opinions.

Before I continue, I'd like to comment I have read every document, watched every video and news report regarding this case and yes, I read at length at the Hinky.

I think I've also been consistently agreeing that's CA's behavior has been bizarre, unacceptable and probably has broken some laws. However, I've also stopped just short of the leap many others have taken - completely laying the blame for Caylee's death and ICA's behaviors at CA's feet. Why? I simply lack the information I need to come to that conclusion.

My thoughts re all this are pretty clearly posted in #466 in the Amy H. thread. I'm going to need to watch CA throughout the trial, and do some more research before I can jump into the group singing Kumbaya - CA's guilty.

As an aside, Family Case law shows nothing in ICA's behavior would even come close to rising to the point of CA "taking Caylee away from ICA". Even if she got a judge to agree ICA was not providing appropriate care for Caylee, Caylee would have gone into the foster system, not to CA. Grand parents have no custodial rights to their grand children. None.

I can see there is a need to continue to discuss, but I'm going to step aside from this one - primarily because I've said what I've said over and over again, under many different topic headings in many threads since I joined in 2009. I love this site and admire many many of the posters here but don't see what else I have to offer on this topic.

Just catching up,but want to very respectfully correct one point.
Let me preface that I respect your right to come to a different conclusion about Cindy's culpability .I defended her,myself ,in the early days.

However, CA could prove she was the primary provider of Caylee and had been ,since Caylee's birth. Caylee had lived with Cindy since birth . Highly unlikely a judge or the foster care system would remove Caylee from her grandparents home . When children are removed from their parents the courts AND the foster care system generally try to keep them with relatives,if possible ,but that's not exactly what Cindy was thinking of doing,anyway. She was considering getting legal custody of Caylee. That doesn't necessarily mean removing Caylee physically from ICA. She could continue to live with them.Legal custody or guardianship would mean CA could make all decisions concerning Caylee and would most likely be temporary,at least initially.
If CA had legal custody ICA could move out if chose ,but couldn't take Caylee with her.
It's actually quite common for grandparents to get custody of their grandchildren ,especially when the parents lifestyle involves drugs and alcohol,abuse and/or neglect.
Custody issues aside... Cindy could have certainly called the car in stolen way before the 31 days and requested a wellness check. She knew Casey had no means to take care of the baby "Who is taking care of the angel now?".

And the one thing that stands out to me, always, is the way Cindy and George started taking money from media and the public so quickly. That just flies in the face of a person in shock and grief. I just don't know what to make of that woman. A pragmatist extraordinare? That's some kind of pragmatism. Well Caylee's gone, nuthin' we can do about that so let's rake in the dough.

I just don't see that as any kind of love or caring or grieving I've ever seen... ever!
Just catching up,but want to very respectfully correct one point.
Let me preface that I respect your right to come to a different conclusion about Cindy's culpability .I defended her,myself ,in the early days.

However, CA could prove she was the primary provider of Caylee and had been ,since Caylee's birth. Caylee had lived with Cindy since birth . Highly unlikely a judge or the foster care system would remove Caylee from her grandparents home . When children are removed from their parents the courts AND the foster care system generally try to keep them with relatives,if possible ,but that's not exactly what Cindy was thinking of doing,anyway. She was considering getting legal custody of Caylee. That doesn't necessarily mean removing Caylee physically from ICA. She could continue to live with them.Legal custody or guardianship would mean CA could make all decisions concerning Caylee and would most likely be temporary,at least initially.
If CA had legal custody ICA could move out if chose ,but couldn't take Caylee with her.
It's actually quite common for grandparents to get custody of their grandchildren ,especially when the parents lifestyle involves drugs and alcohol,abuse and/or neglect.

I don't see Casey fighting for Caylee legally. If she really felt Cindy was serious about taking the baby she probably would've just said, OK buh bye!

They played games with each other and I don't think Casey really thought Cindy would go through with it. I don't think Cindy wanted custody. As many others have said, daycare for Caylee would've been a whole lot cheaper than the money Casey was stealing daily. Plus it would have been so good for Caylee to be learning, to be with other children her age, to have fun and be exposed to all kinds of new things.

Why she wasn't placed in daycare and instead allowed to be strapped into a carseat while her mother was on the phone all day and night is bewildering. Such a shame.
How many families refuse lie detector tests and seek immunity when their grandchild is 'missing'. How many prevent Tim Miller from talking to the mother- the last person to see the child- for information? Then leave threatening phone messages for him and defame him in public?
Once you start on this kind of list it boggles the mind what a hideous family they really are.
Daycare AND a full-time babysitter would've been less costly to Cindy's bank account than what Casey was lifting from her.

I don't get it. Only thing I can come up with is it was a contest of wills being more important than the welfare of a child. The TRUE welfare of a child. Cindy had to bend Casey to her will at all costs. That's all I can come up with because nothing else makes any sense.
How many families refuse lie detector tests and seek immunity when their grandchild is 'missing'. How many prevent Tim Miller from talking to the mother- the last person to see the child- for information? Then leave threatening phone messages for him and defame him in public?
Once you start on this kind of list it boggles the mind what a hideous family they really are.

Zsa Zsa, as TM said: "Worst family in Florida". That's a pretty big statement about a pretty big state.

ETA: I can't remember TM's exact quote but it was something like that. "Worst people in the state of FL?" Something.
I also do want to say that I think Casey learned how to play her mother over the years. And Cindy just kept covering for her no matter what she did. I think the whole not saying anything for 31 days and then her mom and dad finding the car and smelling the odor was the ultimate way for Casey to get back at them, especially her mom. Who knows, maybe she left the car at Amscot on purpose, knowing it would be towed, and since it was in mom and dad's name, she knew they would have to go and get it. At the very least, I think she enjoyed that they smelled Caylee's dead body in that car. I just don't see Casey as a victim of her mother here. I think she learned how to work her mother's system to her advantage and has taken advantage of it ever since. Unfortunately, Cindy can't and won't accept the truth, and keeps seeing Casey as she wants to see her, not as Casey really is. And Casey just walks away, smirking, not looking at her mother all the while. She knows she is torturing her mother and she is enjoying every moment of it.

It makes me feel a twinge of sympathy for Cindy until I recall the shenanigans and bad treatment of people. It's Cindy's choice that she refuses to see the writing on the wall. Cindy is not a victim here. Only Cindy can end her own torment by recognizing Casey for what she truly is, not a perfect mother of the year, but the total opposite of that. Unfortunately, I don't think that will ever happen, not even with the ugly truths that will be revealed at trial. Casey will torture her mom for the rest of her mom's life.

You know,I always agree with you ,so I'm kind of shocked to say I don't agree comepletely on this one :innocent:
I think Cindy sees KC and knows KC better than anyone else. When it suited her,she was perfectly happy to tell KC's friends that she was a sociopath and a thief. Cindy was happy to complain to her co-workers about KC,when it suited her.
IMO,this is about keeping up appearances,to the extreme. Let's go back to Rick's wedding. Cindy knew KC was pregnant.Not only was she obviously showing,but from interview transcripts we know George was told about it months before.Even so,Cindy took KC to the wedding and lied when family members asked.
Why take KC to the wedding at all? I've always been curious about that. IIRC,Rick wasn't expecting KC at the wedding.
I think Cindy simply expects,simply DEMANDS people believe her,much like KC when she walked down that hallway at Universal.

Both Cindy and KC seem to think that if they tell a lie/story often enough,include lots of details, and just stick with it , people will believe it,and if they don't there's something wrong with THEM, not with her.
You see,as far as Cindy and KC are concerned,it's a perfectly good,believable story and that's the only thing that should matter.

Yeppers,I really think Cindy sees KC for exactly what she is and what she's done.
What she won't believe is that the rest of the world knows KC now It's no longer Cindy's little weapon to use against KC when it suits her.
.For some reason Cindy still thinks she ,alone,can convince us otherwise.

I'm thinking this might change when the bus starts heading her way during the mitigation hearing after the guilty verdict.

Okay,time for :offtobed:
Janelle's mother is A LOT like Cindy as well!!!
I see so many parallels in Janelle and Casey. And Janelle's mother and Cindy.

That is the only reason I watch the show! It's uncanny.

Janelle's mother is coo coo for cocoa puffs as well. Janelle is a bit of a errr, slag? hehe

For those interested in watching the horror show you can watch the entire episodes at

I completely agree...and that's why I watch too! The ARE Cindy and Casey! Poor Jace.
I don't see Casey fighting for Caylee legally. If she really felt Cindy was serious about taking the baby she probably would've just said, OK buh bye!

They played games with each other and I don't think Casey really thought Cindy would go through with it. I don't think Cindy wanted custody. As many others have said, daycare for Caylee would've been a whole lot cheaper than the money Casey was stealing daily. Plus it would have been so good for Caylee to be learning, to be with other children her age, to have fun and be exposed to all kinds of new things.

Why she wasn't placed in daycare and instead allowed to be strapped into a carseat while her mother was on the phone all day and night is bewildering. Such a shame.

I don't think Cindy wanted custody ,either. Control,yes!,but not actual custody.
I struggle with Cindy's role in this, although I cannot condone her behaviours especially after the arrest i can at times sympathize with her previous actions.

Yes Kc is a known liar and thief but a murderer? that is tough for Cindy to take in, add in the fact this is her granddaughter and well i'm not sure she will ever accept it. I think her mind protects her from this truth as she just cannot deal with it and will do anything to make it not true.

CA has called KC a sociopath but she is not qualified to make that diagnosis and AFAIK KC has no such diagnosis. Mental illness is not so cut and dry and an untreated mental illness is a dangerous thing. I think early on CA realized this and felt the burden of guilt and blame i honestly believe this is when her denial stepped in as she simply cannot continue to function with that reality.

When you live/love with a person with a mental illness it is easy to get caught up in their world and yes enable them. One of my sons has ultra-ultra rapid/ultradian cycling bipolar disorder (hows that for a mouthful) I have covered for him, cleaned up his mistakes, believed his lies, fought with my husband/ family taking his side when it was clear to them it was BS (it truly wasn't to me) and i have also called the police, had him arrested ranted to all his friends/girlfriends etc (usually when i didn't know where he was/what he was doing/ just realized he had stolen/lied to/ from me yet again). All things CA has done. I get it, you think they are just messing up and they have such a plausible explanation you actually feel bad for assuming the worse and then end up bailing them out (paying the outrageous phone bill and not telling your husband about it) You actually think after this we start fresh and everything will be okay we have dealt with the issue we can put it behind us and try to move on. then for days sometimes weeks they are the best person in your world doing everything you want to see...problem is it never lasts because they are mentally ill and you cannot fix that.

Here is where my sympathy stops for CA my son was an honor role student, exceptionally gifted in music. He was well accustomed to the stage (orchestra and musicals) everyone loves him.He excelled in all he attempted He was the child you dream of having, never talked back always considerate volunteered his time to teach music to underprivileged kids etc.. then he started missing curfew, not showing up for performances, missing his teaching time, skipping school, lying, stealing, drinking. It was obvious something was not right but he swore we were imagining it. we punished him accordingly for the infractions however alot of the time i'd cave as he was back to behaving like himself. It was a year from hell I dragged him to counsellors, dr's etc and really i was told he was just being a teenage boy rebelling a little he was under too much pressure to excel (never from us from himself). I knew it was something else the lies made no sense they were so detailed described his math assignments, conversations with his teacher and how he was going for extra help as he was struggling with it only for me to later find out he hadn't been to math class in weeks (they figured he was doing something with music) He would deny all of this when confronted and believe me was he ever convincing but deep down i knew. I took one night to the hospital and would not leave until they gave him a drug screen I was convinced that was the answer it came back clean i then stayed another 4 hrs until they admitted him to a psyche ward. It was awful he was only 16 at this time locked in an adult facility. I didn't sleep those days but i got up fought and fought hard to have him moved out of town to childrens psyche ward and there he stayed for 4mnths in patient and 2 more months as as a day patient. We finally got some answers, some medication etc.

He still struggles, sees a psychiatrist regularly, he still has issues, he no longer lives at home (he is 18 now). I visited him everyday while he was in hospital never missed but i refused to allow him to come home with me until his dr's felt he was ready. He could leave anytime he wanted to but it was clear he could not come home if he did.

I can understand CA early actions but i cannot believe she did not know something was very wrong and get help early on. In my sons case with medication he will get better not cured but his cycles should lessen with age.
KC has gone undiagnosed/ untreated I can't help but feel CA bears some responsibility here. Mentally ill people cannot help themselves the will not seek treatment as they do not think they have a problem they are unable to see it but others can and very clearly.

Would it have saved Caylee, that i do not know but i have to believe it may have just as it may have saved KC. CA is day late and a dollar short i have to wonder if the knowledge of that is why on some level she feels she needs to forgive KC in order to forgive herself. I say on some level as i truly believe she has allowed herself to slip far into denial and will do say anything to remain there.

i apologize for the epic post :) excuse the typos..
This is the first I've read about Casey running up a $40,000 debt. Is it certain that she was the only one? There seems to have been possible family financial plotting going on, so George could also have been involved in that. There's just too much loss of money in that family. There's George "losing" his whole comp settlement, the fake receipt for the deposit of George's vehicle sell money, Casey's fake mugging and having money taken, and no telling what else. I'm waiting to find out if Casey had all these stealing problems before she had Caylee and was forced to become more responsible. Cindy's Myspace post indicates that it all started after the birth, so she probably thought she was buying food, diapers, some daycare, gas, etc. there for awhile with the $200 per week, or Casey and Cindy could have been funneling money away from George and vice versa. Casey played them both and was a master at pitting people against each other. There's no telling what trouble she's caused since her teens and people still probably don't even realize what happened. I think George exploding, having to walk on egg shells and hide things from him, or horrible fights could have traumatized Casey as a child and made her even worse instead of Cindy enabling being the problem.
Scottslass ~
I won't repost your quote - but will only add:

It's what a mother does. {hugs}

Cindy is a nurse, she certainly was in a position to truely recognize that there were deep seated problems, that needed to be addressed.
I think it starts with Cindy having deep seated problems herself.
She would have had to recognize hers first before even to begin dealing with KC.
I am 100% convinced CA planted that seed.Due to her control issues she was not interested one bit to let KC grow into an independant ,functioning memeber of society.
JMO CA was the root for the evil that grew.And she now realizes that and that's what's causing her guilt and her inability to accept what KC is capable of.
Didn't know where to put this so I started a thread.

I was going to respond to Logical, but the thread was closed because we were off topic. In order to preserve this topic and Amy H., I started this.


I understand and do agree that the ultimate responsibility lies with KC and so does the law believe that - hence she is the one on trial.

But it is hard to overlook things that motivate people and I mean Cindy's defense of her daughter. It is clear to me and I believe it will be clear to a jury that KC committed the crime; however, we are looking at a sociopath and her mother labeled her as such.

If it were me in Cindy's shoes, I think it would be very hard for me to overlook the fact that KC was allowed to basically run free for years and years - stealing and lyng, etc.

We are all supposed to look out for the "children". All adults are. No one was looking out for Caylee - she was left with a sociopath, who I believe, ended up killing her.

I believe that Cindy denies her daughter's part in this crime because she knows she (Cindy) was not watching out for Caylee as she should have been and ultimately, the child was killed. The courts are not going to implicate Cindy in this death, but anyone who knows the case and speaks of it will, imo, find that Cindy was derelict as a grandparent who wanted the child to begin with and wanted her living with her and she did so, but she was derelict towards the end and Caylee paid with her life unfortunately.

Casey and Casey alone is responsible for the murder of her daughter, Caylee. From a legal perspective, Casey is solely responsible for the death of Caylee.

George and Cindy, as Casey's parents, are responsible for raising a child to adulthood who lies, steals, and is totally irresponsible.

As parents, it's our duty to instill in our children the qualities that make a good person as an adult.......the concept of right and wrong, honesty, responsibility, integrity, respect, law-abiding, making good decisions, etc. Children need discipline - punishment for wrong-doing and rewards for good behavior. They need structure and guidance from both parents. They need goals. Both parents need to work at raising children as a team.

Although we don't know much about Casey as a young child and teen, we do know that she didn't complete high school, she worked in a Kodak kiosk for about two years. She became pregnant, and at 7 months into her pregnancy, Cindy was denying the pregnancy to family members when it was only too obvious she was pregnant. Two months later, Caylee was born. We know that Casey lied to everyone about having a job, having a nanny, and lied to her parents often about where she was and what she was doing. Some of her lies were very elaborate. At the same time, Casey was stealing from friends and family. We know that Cindy and George made excuses for Casey's lies and thefts.

Casey's behavior did not happen overnight. It's more than likely that there were behavior problems with Casey, even as a young child. There is no indication that George and Cindy ever attempted to curb Casey's behavior as a normal parent would do. To the contrary, we have Cindy stating that it's not a crime to lie, and calling lies "mistruths" as if this is somehow a softer, gentler, term for lying. We know that Cindy never did anything about Casey's thefts. George never took the initiative to do anything.

If Casey is truly a sociopath, then nothing is going to change her. A sociopath is a personality disorder and cannot be "cured." But, I've read that a sociopath's behavior can be modified with discipline and structure.

George and Cindy failed miserably in raising Casey. Just from what we've seen in the past almost two and a half years, I strongly doubt George and Cindy made any attempts to give Casey the discipline and structure she needed to become a responsible adult.

If Casey is truly a sociopath (and I think she is) would it make a difference if she had the discipline and structure as a child and teen? That's something we'll never know. But, it's obvious that because Cindy and George never challenged the adult Casey's lies and didn't make her take responsibility for her thefts, Casey was comfortable with telling more lies and continued stealing.

Had Cindy and George reported her thefts and allowed Casey to go through the experience of being arrested, charged, spending a few months in jail, and having to pay fines and restitution, that might have brought Casey's thefts to a halt. If Cindy was serious about obtaining custody of Caylee, that would have been the grounds for obtaining custody right there.........the child's mother is in jail for theft.

I believe there's one other dynamic at work here too. I don't think Cindy wanted Casey to succeed. If Casey became a responsible adult, had a good job and was earning enough to support herself and Caylee, she would eventually be able to move into an apartment and become independent of her parents. I think Cindy's goal was to keep Casey dependent on her.

So, while Casey is solely responsible for the murder of Caylee, her parents bear responsibility for raising Casey to believe that lying and stealing are acceptable. George and Cindy are responsible for their lack of parenting.
I believe there's one other dynamic at work here too. I don't think Cindy wanted Casey to succeed. If Casey became a responsible adult, had a good job and was earning enough to support herself and Caylee, she would eventually be able to move into an apartment and become independent of her parents. I think Cindy's goal was to keep Casey dependent on her.
Exactly.ITA with that statement.I think that's what it all boils down to.
Casey and Casey alone is responsible for the murder of her daughter, Caylee. From a legal perspective, Casey is solely responsible for the death of Caylee.

George and Cindy, as Casey's parents, are responsible for raising a child to adulthood who lies, steals, and is totally irresponsible.

As parents, it's our duty to instill in our children the qualities that make a good person as an adult.......the concept of right and wrong, honesty, responsibility, integrity, respect, law-abiding, making good decisions, etc. Children need discipline - punishment for wrong-doing and rewards for good behavior. They need structure and guidance from both parents. They need goals. Both parents need to work at raising children as a team.

Although we don't know much about Casey as a young child and teen, we do know that she didn't complete high school, she worked in a Kodak kiosk for about two years. She became pregnant, and at 7 months into her pregnancy, Cindy was denying the pregnancy to family members when it was only too obvious she was pregnant. Two months later, Caylee was born. We know that Casey lied to everyone about having a job, having a nanny, and lied to her parents often about where she was and what she was doing. Some of her lies were very elaborate. At the same time, Casey was stealing from friends and family. We know that Cindy and George made excuses for Casey's lies and thefts.

Casey's behavior did not happen overnight. It's more than likely that there were behavior problems with Casey, even as a young child. There is no indication that George and Cindy ever attempted to curb Casey's behavior as a normal parent would do. To the contrary, we have Cindy stating that it's not a crime to lie, and calling lies "mistruths" as if this is somehow a softer, gentler, term for lying. We know that Cindy never did anything about Casey's thefts. George never took the initiative to do anything.

If Casey is truly a sociopath, then nothing is going to change her. A sociopath is a personality disorder and cannot be "cured." But, I've read that a sociopath's behavior can be modified with discipline and structure.

George and Cindy failed miserably in raising Casey. Just from what we've seen in the past almost two and a half years, I strongly doubt George and Cindy made any attempts to give Casey the discipline and structure she needed to become a responsible adult.

If Casey is truly a sociopath (and I think she is) would it make a difference if she had the discipline and structure as a child and teen? That's something we'll never know. But, it's obvious that because Cindy and George never challenged the adult Casey's lies and didn't make her take responsibility for her thefts, Casey was comfortable with telling more lies and continued stealing.

Had Cindy and George reported her thefts and allowed Casey to go through the experience of being arrested, charged, spending a few months in jail, and having to pay fines and restitution, that might have brought Casey's thefts to a halt. If Cindy was serious about obtaining custody of Caylee, that would have been the grounds for obtaining custody right there.........the child's mother is in jail for theft.

I believe there's one other dynamic at work here too. I don't think Cindy wanted Casey to succeed. If Casey became a responsible adult, had a good job and was earning enough to support herself and Caylee, she would eventually be able to move into an apartment and become independent of her parents. I think Cindy's goal was to keep Casey dependent on her.

So, while Casey is solely responsible for the murder of Caylee, her parents bear responsibility for raising Casey to believe that lying and stealing are acceptable. George and Cindy are responsible for their lack of parenting.

above bbm

Excellent post Leila.

We all know KC is an accomplished liar. We have all seen the evidence of her stealing over and over again from her mother's bank account. We know the family denied KC's pregnancy, what's more, we know they bold faced lied about her pregnancy even when it was obvious to all who saw her. And that for me is the kicker. Just think of it.....your daughter being seven months pregnant, belly out to there, and you look your sibling, your mother, your father, in the face and say "what are you talking about? she isn't pregnant" --WTH??? Think of CA overlooking all the money KC stole out of her BOA account.....many, many times. Again...WTH??? This is so (excuse my language) F'ed up to me that the only explanation I can come up with is Guilt - with a capital G. So I ask myself....what happened to KC, what did CA allow to happen, what did CA overlook, what did she not believe was happening to KC that she feels so much guilt about that she lets KC get away with murder? And yes, I mean that. Because if CA had had time to think, if she'd have realised on July 15th that KC was doing more than trying to piss her off......I truly believe she'd have let KC get away with murder.

There is no other explanation that I can come up with.

Will we ever know what the guilt is about? Whatever it is, KC still must be accountable for her crimes. It should not reduce her punishment IMO. It would just be good to understand how this all started. And if she must be should anyone who perpetrated a crime against her.

Spontaneous Mutation Produces New MAO A/B Knockout Mouse
ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 2004) — Bethesda, MD - A combination of luck and scientific curiosity has produced a mouse lacking two isoenzymes, MAO A and MAO B, that have been linked to violent criminal behavior and Parkinson's disease. The MAO A/B knockout mouse should provide an excellent model in which to address the specific roles of these neurotransmitters and their receptors in anxiety and stress-related disorders.

"Warrior Gene" Predicts Aggressive Behavior After Provocation
Main Category: Genetics
Also Included In: Psychology / Psychiatry
Article Date: 22 Jan 2009 - 2:00 PDT

Individuals with the so-called "warrior gene" display higher levels of aggression in response to provocation, according to new research co-authored by Rose McDermott, professor of political science at Brown University. In the experiment, which is the first to examine a behavioral measure of aggression in response to provocation, subjects were asked to cause physical pain to an opponent they believed had taken money from them by administering varying amounts of hot sauce. The findings are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Explorer: Born to Rage? with Henry Rollins
Premieres Tuesday, December 14, at 10 PM ET/PT

(WASHINGTON, D.C. — November 29, 2010). A rock band front man. A bullet-scarred Harley rider. A former gang member from East L.A. Even a Buddhist monk with a far-from-peaceful past. Which one carries the gene associated with violence? An extraordinary discovery suggests that some men are born with impulsive, aggressive behavior … but it’s not always who you think.

National Geographic Channel’s Explorer:
Born to Rage? investigates the discovery behind a single “warrior gene” directly associated with violent behavior. With bullying and violent crime making headlines, this controversial finding stirs up the nature-versus-nurture debate. Now, former Grammy-winning rocker, author and radio/television broadcaster Henry Rollins goes in search of carriers from diverse, sometimes violent backgrounds who agree to be tested for the genetic mutation. Who has the warrior gene? And are all violent people carriers? The results turn assumptions upside down.

It’s a hotly debated topic: nature versus nurture. Many experts believe our upbringing and environment are the primary influences on our behavior, but how much are we predisposed by our DNA? The discovery of a single gene variation affecting only men, which appears to play a crucial role in managing anger, argues that nature may have a far bigger influence on behavior. It’s this low-functioning, shortened gene linked to violent behavior that has become known as the “warrior gene,” and one-third of the male population has it.

I truly wonder if ICA suffers this mutated gene. I would love for her to be experimented on to see if this is true. Most seem to think it's prone to males but with woman becoming increasingly violent, could they also suffer from this mutated gene??? Oh, how I'd love to know....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
above bbm

Excellent post Leila.

We all know KC is an accomplished liar. We have all seen the evidence of her stealing over and over again from her mother's bank account. We know the family denied KC's pregnancy, what's more, we know they bold faced lied about her pregnancy even when it was obvious to all who saw her. And that for me is the kicker. Just think of it.....your daughter being seven months pregnant, belly out to there, and you look your sibling, your mother, your father, in the face and say "what are you talking about? she isn't pregnant" --WTH??? Think of CA overlooking all the money KC stole out of her BOA account.....many, many times. Again...WTH??? This is so (excuse my language) F'ed up to me that the only explanation I can come up with is Guilt - with a capital G. So I ask myself....what happened to KC, what did CA allow to happen, what did CA overlook, what did she not believe was happening to KC that she feels so much guilt about that she lets KC get away with murder? And yes, I mean that. Because if CA had had time to think, if she'd have realised on July 15th that KC was doing more than trying to piss her off......I truly believe she'd have let KC get away with murder.

There is no other explanation that I can come up with.

Will we ever know what the guilt is about? Whatever it is, KC still must be accountable for her crimes. It should not reduce her punishment IMO. It would just be good to understand how this all started. And if she must be should anyone who perpetrated a crime against her.


I see it as CA was willing to let GA/LA anyone else be the bad guy while she was the permanent good guy, Casey's BFF. Why she has this need to be popular is anyone's guess, but it was enough to cause a big fracture in the marriage, to make LA feel second class and finally to alienate CA's siblings.
We don't hear much of GA's family but I suspect they didn't visit often....
She married someone who did not live up to her high expectations and so she invested all her emotional energy into Casey. She raised a spoiled brat who ended up hating her for her weakness.
I love your last paragraph. It is very difficult to be a good parent, it means you have to withstand being disliked, resented and often hated, when dealing with an unruly teenager. Your mother was willing to suffer that so that you would not come to any harm from your immature decisions and have good character. Where CA failed was she did not do that, she wanted to be popular, to be her BFF as she calls her, and in doing so became an enabler.
No one in the family was allowed to challenge this; when GA tried to point out to CA that ICA was not working at Sports Authority he got scolded and told not to 'spy on her'. CA did not want to know.
When ICA failed to graduate school CA went to the school and complained -to her mind it was obviously the school's fault
When Lee sold ICA his car that he had paid for with his own money, she only made 2 payments, but when he wanted to get confrontational with her about it CA again intervened.
When ICA stole from her Grandmother and Grandfather what did CA do? Lied about it, repaid them out of her own account.
When ICA ran up $40k of debt, CA paid it off, emptying her IRA to do so.
When ICa stole from Amy, CA described it as "a misunderstanding between friends'.
Her lifelong pattern of enabling ICA had to have consequences. ICA felt contempt and loathing for CA directly because of it, and she bears a huge responsibility for the way ICA turned out, a huge responsibility for not facing what was going on when ICA was 'working' ie staying out all night. She and GA should have stood their ground and confronted her.
She should have called DCF, but she wanted to remain 'popular' with ICA.
She didn't even achieve that.


Everything you post is true and I agree with. But there is something about GA that gnaws at me......IDK what exactly it is though. In the beginning and for a long time, I used to think GA this long suffering, hen-pecked husband. CA is obvious in her disfunction but with GA I've come to feel there is something hidden, something sneaky & devious, and that he has used the "hen-pecked, long suffering, powerless husband" mask to his benefit. Like he presents this front for people to see him as impotent, powerless in regards to his wife & children. time went on I guess I began to wonder if I had been completely duped by him. I can't explain exactly what I mean. Does anyone else get this feeling about GA?

For me it's not how he speaks or what he has to say. It's not how he dresses or carries himself, but it's something about his eyes/eyebrows maybe. His mouth says one thing and the eyebrow wiggle says another. I get the heebie jeebies watching him speak. Windows to the soul n all.

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