Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Okay - I have settled down somewhat now..again........whew.
I started reading the posts, and checking off the thank you's, and I really have to agree also, to remove myself from this one guys.

Everyone, everyone here has made very valid points and observations.

While it is true that Cindy did not murder Caylee, I still feel she holds some responsibility.
As far as her religion, I won't go there accept to say, that in the end, whoever, or whatever, if "any" type of thing holds your final judgment, then so be it.

Again, my apologies to all for being so overly charged in my above post - but, it is life, and it is reality.
And the amount of money she was taking from Cindy's accounts on a daily basis (check writing) is just incredible and it shows that she was not working and was at Target most of the time, practically every other day (what a boring human being) - this is important because Cindy does not know where her grandchild is (she is obviously NOT with a Nanny). This is derelict because it is not a one time shot, it is happening on a daily basis.

And not only this. Cindy is backing her daughter with the Nannie excuse. Cindy says she heard of Zannie the Nannie at least a year prior (I believe). Yet, she never called her to make sure not even when she found the post it with Zannie's number (which is bogus, I have no doubt) the night of July 15th.

All of this does not make Cindy guilty of the murder, but it does make her derelict as far as Caylee's goes.

Does anyone really believe that Cindy would not have called the number she had on the post it as soon as she got home with KC on July 15th. No one believes her story that she was NOT FOCUSED on that, she was focused on getting Caylee. So if you are focused on getting Caylee and you have a number for the person who is believed to have her, would you not call it.


What intrigues me is ... why not call this number on June 16/17?

I believe that there was a major bust-up on Father's day between CA and ICA and ICA disappeared with Caylee .... never to return. Given the nature of that event I'd be concerned as to the welfare of Caylee that would increase in the first 24-48 hours and then progressively escalate.

After the fact CA testifies that she checked on ICA and CA the morning of June 16 and heard them breathing ... through the door. She covers and talks about ICA and Caylee going off to bond but this is a key time.

What was CA really thinking in those early hours and days when everything changed and Caylee never came home? CA knew that things had changed, knew that ICA was not responding to requests to bring Caylee home ... even let CA speak to Caylee.

If CA knew of ZFG why did she not call her when ICA first started making the excuses as to where Caylee was? You can put it down to CA assuming ICA was being spiteful and keeping Caylee away but ... if CA knew of ZFG and given CA's ways ... why didn't she check up? Where was ICA and Caylee staying?

I think the first few days after the fight when Caylee did not come home or was available on the phone are crucial ... CA obviously did not buy the ZFG thing ... so her supporting story does not make sense.
What you said about Cindy "checking out".
Yes, she checked out on a convienace basis.
She used this checking out to her advantage, or so she believed.

Whether the checking out was from pure exhaustion, from the daily dealings with not only her daughter, but, also her husband.
Or, due to using it in a pity manner and then turning the tables to hold a dagger over someone's head.

I have no doubt what-so-ever, that in the deep nether regions of her head, that she and her daughter are carbon copies of each other.

She may not have "murdered her daughter", in the way that Casey did, but, she certainly "murdered her" in emotional ways, to mention just one.
She never allowed her daughter to grow up, to become an actual working and functioning adult.
She tells her daughters friends not to trust the girl, tries to keep her emotionally hostage and tied to her apron strings.

Casey Anthony may be breathing now, but, Cindy Anthony took the breath and life out of her a very long time ago, IMO.

She spoke of Casey's "problems", yet, does nothing??

No - it does not happen that way.
You take care of your children.

They have a cold or the flu, you take them to the doctor.
They have something so horrible, that it strikes the very breath out of you and stomps your guts out - you take care of it, as we did with our son.
When the surgeons and doctors and specialists tell you, "sorry, there is nothing we can do", you go to ANOTHER doctor, another surgeon and another specialist until you FIND that answer.
And, maybe that answer is so scarey, more so than the original diagnosis, but, you forge ahead because this is your child.

When the bills start coming in, you pay them.
When the bill collectors start calling and harrassing you, well, you get back in their faces, make arrangements, or let it slide for the time being.
My child's LIFE is more important to me than my frigging credit number. I worked when I could, till I dropped.
I came into this world with nothing but the love of my family, and that is how we all will leave it.

This child, that I gave birth to, that after surgery when things turned grim, I went to the chapel, and I cried.
But, I did not beg for my son's life, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't. There were so many people in that hospital that were in dire circumstances.
All I could do was sit there and cry, and THANK GOD for giving me this gift to TAKE CARE OF.
That I did the best that I could - that if this was His will, I would accept it.
4 hours later, he was out of intensive care.
Why?? How did that happen??

Fast forward to now, from 1996, and this same child, that is now a young man, was having problems with prescription pain management.
And, I knew it.
I saw it ~ I did what I could, and when what I was doing didn't help and I saw that it was beyond me, I took that walk up the court house steps to sign commital papers and have him removed, in handcuffs from our home.
When he was out of treatment, and I saw that he had messed up again, I called 911 and had him removed again.
I couldn't watch his removal, but I knew that it had to be done in order to save his LIFE, again.
If he messes up again, I will not hesitate to do what I have to do.

When you finally reach your breaking point, and you take advantage of your works "3 free counciling sessions", you take those.
If that doesn't take care of it, you CONTINUE at your own expense, again, as I did, and you make do and eventullay pay that also.

Whew - sorry ~ This has me shakng and I really didn't think that once I started writing, I would get so emotional.
But it is real, and it is raw, and it is what you do damn it.
No parent wants to.
But, I can tell you all one thing.
I did not care one whit or bit what people thought of the later circumstances of what we went through in the last couple of years.
Stuff happens ~ stuff happens ~ You take care of it or die yourself trying.

Yes, Cindy does hold some responsibilty.
No one wants to ever believe that their child could do the things that Casey Anthony has been charged with.
But, when you, yourself, SEE IT, day after day, at some point, you DO SOMETHING.
She never did anything because she/Cindy, murdered/crippled her own daughter many years ago, IMO.

And, she KNOWS this as well, or she wouldn't be lieing at every opportunity that is put to her.

Thanks for hearing me out ~

And this folks is coming straight from a mother's mouth. :)
This family takes "dysfunction" to a whole new level. Both Cindy & George knew Casey was not going to work where and when she said she was. They allowed her to keep up that charade. George confronted her about it, but he has no power in that family dynamic. Cindy is the comptroller. She creates the appearances and lies going, the rest I think had lived with deceptions for so long, they probably believed them. Cindy denied to everyone at her brother's wedding that Casey was pregnant. She was 7 months pregnant, and they all could see it. Why this lie? What did she get out of that? And if they knew Casey was not going to "work" what did she think she was doing all that time?? Yesterday for some reason I was reading through the threads about what Casey might have been doing for "work" and the bad pictures, and it all lead to a very bad place involving *advertiser censored*, even childporn and to a whole bunch of very shady characters. The underbelly of what Casey was up to, her very first visit in jail by PB, all is just too creepy. Cindy obviously had no idea what Casey was up to, or to the extent of neglect her granddaughter experienced. But George was told in the initial police interviews about the thousands of bad pictures out all over the web. I do not think Cindy knew about these early on either. But Caylee lived under her roof, and for that reason alone, she was ultimately responsible for her grand child. Especially in light of the fact that she herself called Casey a "sociopath." Cindy is guilty of many counts of Obstruction, and pray God her time will come.
There are some really good posts. I do want to apologize as I did react strongly in another thread, and afterwards I realized it wasn't my intention to react that strongly.

What I think about this is that Casey was born with mental problems that she probably inherited through George's family (and maybe Cindy's, but I doubt that famly would admit that any mental problems were in that family). I think that Cindy, through her enabling and very permissable parenting, shaped Casey into the sociopath she is today. She didn't make Casey, but rather, you have a child that already had mental problems, and a naricisstic mother that denied any mental problems were there and just tried to please this child she couldn't handle instead of getting help for that child.

As we know, not all sociopaths are killers. Casey might have grown up to be selfish in her thinking, but she didn't have to be a murderer. That was a choice that she made, not Cindy. I don't blame Cindy for Caylee's death. I do blame her for not protecting that precious, helpless child from someone who obviously didn want her, didn't take care of her, and took her around to parties and men's beds without having a job and obviously stealing a lot of money from her mother. It's not like Casey kept her habits secret. She lies, and she's horrible at it. Her mother should have been able to see right through all of the lies, but Cindy chose not to.

I also think I see, partially, the kind of relationship I have with my mother. When things are good, things are really, really good. Lots of praise and good feelings to go around. But the slightest mistake is met with anger and frustration, and it's like a punch to the gut. I can hear it in my mom's tone of voice even if she doesn't say anything to me or pretends that she's okay with what has happened. What this has caused is a situation where it was very hard for me to be independent of my mother. I wanted to do things my way without needing her approval, but for years, her approval is what I sought and what I needed to survive. It's only been in the last four or five years that I've really been able to be on my own and not depend so much on her approval for anything. This dependency was fostered by my mother onto me. It was like she would say I'm a good person and can do whatever I set my mind to, but only if I did it her way with her instructions, and if it hadn't been for her, I'd be nothing but a troubled loser. A lot of my life, it's been, I love you, but...

I think Casey was in this situation, but it was much, much worse for her. Thankfully, as bad as I make it sound, my mom and I eventually seemed to come to an agreement. She might not like some of the choices I've made, but I no longer get crap from her for it. I'm sure vents to my father once she's off the phone with me. And the distance of a couple of states doesn't hurt. But I can't imagine still living with her, her house, her rules, her judgment day in and day out. That is what Casey had to deal with it, probably multiplied by ten at least, with two conflicting messages and the inability to totally let go of her mother and live her own life. She just couldn't cut off the person that kept taking care of her and all of her problems, not until she was arrested and went to jail.

I think with Caylee, she ran into the first problem in her entire life that her mom wouldn't let her get out of or clean up for her. She had learned from her mother that she wasn't responsible for anything in her life, that everything was always someone else's fautl. Cindy finally demanded Casey to be responsible, something she had never demanded of Casey before, and the girl who always got away with everything thanks to mommy dearest said a loud and clear NO by murdering Caylee. And now look, it's back to how Casey wanted it, all desperate and undying attention from Cindy back onto Casey, and Casey just ignores Cindy totally in court.

I don't think Cindy ever could have imagined that Casey would resort to murder to get out of responsibility, but Casey didn't know or care what responsiblity was. She was never taught responsibility, morals, ethics, anything to make her an upstanding citizen of society. Instead, she was allowed to wallow in no job, no life, partying all the time, and no consequences, just misunderstandings for things like stealing money from people. A person just doesn't wake up one day and decide to be evil. They are usually pushed to it by not being taught to be a good person and being so defiantly selfish that nothing will work but their way of doing things.

Cindy's just lucky that Casey didn't kill her instead of Caylee. How she could be so blind to the person that Casey was and not try to get help for her sooner, I do not understand. As parents, we cannot turn a blind eye to things our children do and then wonder where we went wrong when they mistakes when they get older. It doesn't mean that even if raised well, there won't be mistakes, but it does mean that parents do have a large influence on the people their kids turn out to be. They don't wake up one day and decide to be different. It's what is taught or not taught to them over their lifetime that shapes the decisions they make. When did parenting become optional? It's not and it never should be. Casey Anthony is a great example of why parenting needs to become more of the forefront in this country than blaming everything and everyone else for mistakes our kids make, or worrying so much about self esteem that it's more about making the kid feel good than teaching them morals and ethics. If they are not disciplined at home and taught to be good people, that is the parent's fault.

Okay, I kind of got off on a rant there. No, I don't blame Cindy for the act and commission of Caylee's murder. But I do blame her for allowing Casey to be the spiteful bi*** she turned out to be. She should have sought help if she couldn't handle Casey or for Casey's mental problems and she refused to until it was far too late. That is something Cindy will have to live with for the rest of her life.
There's not alot I can add to this thread - some really wonderful posts. I do want to add that I think Cindy Anthony and Jackie Peterson have a LOT in common. Denial. Jackie admitted that Scott learned to walk late because he was carried around everywhere. He was her angel. She enabled him - gave him everything under the sun. Then there came a time when he wanted something other than Laci, he never thought twice about getting rid of her.

Both parents (IMHO) did not ready their children for the real world. I can see in Caylee's early life that she was spoiled beyond comprehension. Doesn't make them bad grandparents, but certainly would set her up for a belief in entitlement. No doubt that Caysey was raised the same way (IMHO).

We can learn a lot from both cases in how children should be raised. Gifts and money should not be bestowed upon them without regard for earning it. By the time Caysey reached adulthood, she just took whatever she wanted.

Okay - I said I didn't have anything to add (LOL). Sorry bout that.

All my opinion only.

I personally think that CA is guilty of enabling ICA, bad parenting, using a passive-aggressive stance to keep ICA and thus Caylee in her home but ... although she created a monster it was the monster that committed the act of murder.

There are thousands of parents with bad parenting skills who have created spoiled brats of varying degrees but they don't go on to murder their own daughter.

I'd agree that CA bears some blame in what ICA has become (pre homicide) but I'd argue that CA bears no blame in the ultimate crime that ICA committed. ICA had many options to deal with her situation and could have runaway as she did alone, left Caylee behind or, handed Caylee off to a caring person, kept Caylee and care for her, etc.

ICA chose to murder Caylee Marie of her own choosing out of spite, out of hatred for CA. Plain and simple. ICA bears total and sole blame for crossing the line from the "War of the CMA's" to a criminal homicidal act.

CA bears blame had ICA taken a normal non-homicide action to resolve her situ because CA did not manage the situation correctly to deal with her wayward daughter. CA bears blame for covering up for ICA after the fact and going to extraordinary lengths to try to save her and protect her. CA is basically making the same mistakes after the fact as she did before ... a lack of tough love.

However, as others have posted, CA may have bad parenting skills and is throwing her own family under the bus to try to save ICA but she is going to live in her own personal hell for the rest of her life because she cannot ever change what ICA did ... no matter what happens to ICA ... no matter how CA spins that publicly ... the facts and the regrets remain. CA cannot change history. It is too late and the hardest life lesson of all.
I know that CA herself will be reading this thread (Hi Cindy!) and she'll scan it, looking only for some "supportive" words (there won't be many).

I "know" CA really well, I was raised by a Mother just like her. I have a post here somewhere about the day my high school called a conference with my Mother and around 8-9 of my teachers....(to let my Mother know that I was cutting school and going to flunk out completely). Well, I was scared to death, as most 16 year olds would be, but instead of being mad at me, when the meeting was over and we reached the parking lot together my Mother started in on the people who called the meeting! She ranted and raved about THEM (can you believe it? Well, I was relieved, but like KC, I didn't finish high school with my class!) THANKS, MOM for the many mixed signals.

Let's be clear, over the years I hated my Mother just like KC hate(s) CA. When I hear the venom in KC's voice toward her Mother, I hear my own voice. It was many many many years later that I got it together and somewhat appreciated the other good qualities my Mother had (she had many)....but teaching responsibility certainly was not one of them. Like CA, my Mother relished praising me to the hilt (usually for my looks) and then watching me crash and burn in every other department, so she could completely lord it over me later. My Mother and CA totally love(d) the feeling of superiority they got playing these head games. By the way, both CA & my Mother were/are Gemini and my Mother fit that sign to the max. One minute she hated me the next she lovvved me (especially if people were "watching").

Here's something you need to know. My Mother NEVER accepted any blame for anything. And I can guarantee that CA never will either. Both my Mother and CA fit Borderline Personality Disorder also to the max). I now KNOW why my Mother developed a personality disorder (and it's grim business)....but what about CA? What happened to her to make her so she will never see her part in this???? My guess (based on my own experience, so it may be projection) is some manner of abuse in her own developing years. People like CA & my mother "won't take any crap from anyone!" In my Mother's case it was because she was violated. I never knew that until it was way too late to have a "regular" Mother/Daughter relationship and I'm not sure I would have been able to understand why she had to treat me like crap, because she had been harmed. I understand now....but I might not have then.

Sorry for the long essay, just wanted you to know, CA won't accept a shred of responsibility for Caylee's demise. That's one reason why she surrounds herself with her own yes people instead of hanging out with anyone who could help her.

I don't want to debate family law with you, but there is no court that will put a child in foster care if the grandparents are there and willing to take care of the child and that is where she is comfortable and GREW up. The aim of the court is to keep the child happy and well cared for. They are not going to put a child on the backs of the state if it is not in her best interests.

Since KC had stolen from her grandparents and was hacking her parents accounts on a daily basis and was NOT ABLE to provide for her child outside of the parents home, e.g. bedroom and stable environment, since she is now in the courts, the likelihood and probability is in Cindy's and George's favor and would likely stay that way as KC is a sociopath and unable to hold on to a job for any length of time.

I'd agree. Only because I watch "teen mom". The grand- mother managed to gain custody of her grandson, against the mothers will.

Simply by filing a suit for custody, claiming the mother was a bad mother, never home, etc.

The daughter had no money to fight her mother. Grandma now has temporary parental rights and custody. Up to and until the mother is responsible.

It seemed quite easy for this to happen as well.
Legally speaking, nothing Cindy did was wrong. (I'm talking about the way she raised KC, not her covering for her murderous daughter after the fact- that's another topic altogether!) However, IMO, morally..... Cindy is very much to blame for Caylee's death.

CINDY raised KC to be the person she is today. CINDY allowed KC to steal from her and CINDY made excuses for KC her whole life. Yes, KC alone made the decision to take her own daughter's life.... but CINDY did absolutely nothing in regard to what was best for Caylee. In many ways, I believe Caylee was a do-over for her. She kept her in cute little clothes and shoes, and bought her lots of worthless toys. She did feed her, yes, and put a roof over her head. But she did not give Caylee what she really needed. She did nothing to ensure Caylee was living a safe and healthy life with her mother.

And just for the record, I, personally, do not believe that Cindy taking custody of Caylee would have been best for Caylee. Cindy, after all, is the one who raised KC. Caylee would be alive, but at what cost to her if she was raised by Cindy, who I believe is as much a sociopath as her daughter.

Apples tree make apples.......

Poor little Caylee. She never had a chance in this world. :(

I'd agree. Only because I watch "teen mom". The grand- mother managed to gain custody of her grandson, against the mothers will.

Simply by filing a suit for custody, claiming the mother was a bad mother, never home, etc.

The daughter had no money to fight her mother. Grandma now has temporary parental rights and custody. Up to and until the mother is responsible.

It seemed quite easy for this to happen as well.

OMG I have been wanting to post this but haven't...Jenelle and her mother...every time I see them I think of ICA and CA. Pshwew glad that's over. I only watch to bits with those two...they are really something.
OMG I have been wanting to post this but haven't...Jenelle and her mother...every time I see them I think of ICA and CA. Pshwew glad that's over. I only watch to bits with those two...they are really something.

Janelle's mother is A LOT like Cindy as well!!!
I see so many parallels in Janelle and Casey. And Janelle's mother and Cindy.

That is the only reason I watch the show! It's uncanny.

Janelle's mother is coo coo for cocoa puffs as well. Janelle is a bit of a errr, slag? hehe

For those interested in watching the horror show you can watch the entire episodes at

What intrigues me is ... why not call this number on June 16/17?

I believe that there was a major bust-up on Father's day between CA and ICA and ICA disappeared with Caylee .... never to return. Given the nature of that event I'd be concerned as to the welfare of Caylee that would increase in the first 24-48 hours and then progressively escalate.

After the fact CA testifies that she checked on ICA and CA the morning of June 16 and heard them breathing ... through the door. She covers and talks about ICA and Caylee going off to bond but this is a key time.

What was CA really thinking in those early hours and days when everything changed and Caylee never came home? CA knew that things had changed, knew that ICA was not responding to requests to bring Caylee home ... even let CA speak to Caylee.

If CA knew of ZFG why did she not call her when ICA first started making the excuses as to where Caylee was? You can put it down to CA assuming ICA was being spiteful and keeping Caylee away but ... if CA knew of ZFG and given CA's ways ... why didn't she check up? Where was ICA and Caylee staying?

I think the first few days after the fight when Caylee did not come home or was available on the phone are crucial ... CA obviously did not buy the ZFG thing ... so her supporting story does not make sense.

I think she did call the number earlier and knew it did not work. But was afraid to alarm KC and call her on it because she did not want her to stay away with Caylee. So KC just killed her instead.
I think she is religiious big time in order to keep from thinking about the fact that she did not watch out for Caylee.

Respectfully, I do not see any signs Cindy is religious at all. She uses it as a shield, when it is convenient to mention GOD.

However, that's just my opinion.
Legally speaking, nothing Cindy did was wrong. (I'm talking about the way she raised KC, not her covering for her murderous daughter after the fact- that's another topic altogether!) However, IMO, morally..... Cindy is very much to blame for Caylee's death.

CINDY raised KC to be the person she is today. CINDY allowed KC to steal from her and CINDY made excuses for KC her whole life. Yes, KC alone made the decision to take her own daughter's life.... but CINDY did absolutely nothing in regard to what was best for Caylee. In many ways, I believe Caylee was a do-over for her. She kept her in cute little clothes and shoes, and bought her lots of worthless toys. She did feed her, yes, and put a roof over her head. But she did not give Caylee what she really needed. She did nothing to ensure Caylee was living a safe and healthy life with her mother.

And just for the record, I, personally, do not believe that Cindy taking custody of Caylee would have been best for Caylee. Cindy, after all, is the one who raised KC. Caylee would be alive, but at what cost to her if she was raised by Cindy, who I believe is as much a sociopath as her daughter.

Apples tree make apples.......

Poor little Caylee. She never had a chance in this world. :(


I don't know about that. KC is a sociopath. She started exhibiting the signs in highschool and that is right on schedule.

It is not to say that Caylee is one. Lee is not.
Cindy knew Casey was a sociopath.
Using Caylee as a pawn to control Casey was unhealthy on Cindy and Casey's behalf.

I believe Cindy knew Casey put Caylee in bad could she not think that? Casey was a thief, liar, and in Cindy's own words a sociopath. Would any sane grandmother let their child remain in Casey's care?
I know that CA herself will be reading this thread (Hi Cindy!) and she'll scan it, looking only for some "supportive" words (there won't be many).

I "know" CA really well, I was raised by a Mother just like her. I have a post here somewhere about the day my high school called a conference with my Mother and around 8-9 of my teachers....(to let my Mother know that I was cutting school and going to flunk out completely). Well, I was scared to death, as most 16 year olds would be, but instead of being mad at me, when the meeting was over and we reached the parking lot together my Mother started in on the people who called the meeting! She ranted and raved about THEM (can you believe it? Well, I was relieved, but like KC, I didn't finish high school with my class!) THANKS, MOM for the many mixed signals.

Let's be clear, over the years I hated my Mother just like KC hate(s) CA. When I hear the venom in KC's voice toward her Mother, I hear my own voice. It was many many many years later that I got it together and somewhat appreciated the other good qualities my Mother had (she had many)....but teaching responsibility certainly was not one of them. Like CA, my Mother relished praising me to the hilt (usually for my looks) and then watching me crash and burn in every other department, so she could completely lord it over me later. My Mother and CA totally love(d) the feeling of superiority they got playing these head games. By the way, both CA & my Mother were/are Gemini and my Mother fit that sign to the max. One minute she hated me the next she lovvved me (especially if people were "watching").

Here's something you need to know. My Mother NEVER accepted any blame for anything. And I can guarantee that CA never will either. Both my Mother and CA fit Borderline Personality Disorder also to the max). I now KNOW why my Mother developed a personality disorder (and it's grim business)....but what about CA? What happened to her to make her so she will never see her part in this???? My guess (based on my own experience, so it may be projection) is some manner of abuse in her own developing years. People like CA & my mother "won't take any crap from anyone!" In my Mother's case it was because she was violated. I never knew that until it was way too late to have a "regular" Mother/Daughter relationship and I'm not sure I would have been able to understand why she had to treat me like crap, because she had been harmed. I understand now....but I might not have then.

Sorry for the long essay, just wanted you to know, CA won't accept a shred of responsibility for Caylee's demise. That's one reason why she surrounds herself with her own yes people instead of hanging out with anyone who could help her.

Hi Affinity,

Thanks for your post.

I understand what you are saying, but the only difference here is that a toddler was killed and that is huge. Cindy knows full well what we are all saying. Her brother actually told her she was to blame for enabling KC. She immediately cut him off. She cut him off because she can't bear to hear it. She reads her bible because it alleviates the blame and it forgives her. Religion forgives everyone - that is why prisoners always find religion.

However, having said this, Cindy is going to hear some awful truths when the trial begins and some of it may well come from the defense during the penalty phase.

Thanks again for your post.
Respectfully, I do not see any signs Cindy is religious at all. She uses it as a shield, when it is convenient to mention GOD.

However, that's just my opinion.


When I say "religious" it is not meant as a compliment. Usually, when folks start preaching "religion" as Cindy has in her letters to KC e.g. we will all be together soon and the bible says, it is a band-aid for what ails them.

Don't confuse being religious with being honorable. I certainly did not mean for that to happen.

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