Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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That is not a law and that is not enforcable. I don't think that is in any civil, criminal, or evidence code. If that is SOP among psychologists, it is a travesty and a gang mentality of CYA. You are required to produce it under court order or subpeona. If you wish to file a Motion to Quash, I do not think your "ethics code" will prevail.

ETA: In are required under HIPPA to release anything that the patient requests you to, unless you can prove that it would be detrimental to the health and well being of the patient.

Maybe your definition of raw data is different than mine.

It is not gang mentality. I am not required to release raw data to anyone that is not qualified to interpret the raw data.

Would you seriously get in front of a judge and say, "I received the data and I interpreted it myself." What type of response would that elicit from the judge?

Also, raw data is not part of what I have to release. I only have to release my notes and the final psychological evaluation.

If a lawyer requests raw data and proved to me they are trained in the specific tests I administer I would turn it over. Otherwise, I would let the lawyer know I would turn of raw data only to the psychologist they have hired.
Tests can be faked. The real test is conduct. She is an anti-social personality, motivated by a basic evil purpose to do others in. No cure. Should have been locked up. The end.
You can't diagnose on the MMPI alone. Standard of practice is three or more tests.

Question. If the MMPI is such a valid test that can not be manipulated by the client and the findings not vulnerable to subjectivity, why is standard practice to have three or more tests to make a diagnosis?
Question. If the MMPI is such a valid test that can not be manipulated by the client and the findings not vulnerable to subjectivity, why is standard practice to have three or more tests to make a diagnosis?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used Personality tests.
The MMPI has 10 clinical scales that are used to indicate different psychotic conditions.

The MMPI helps determine criteria that must be met, from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), to actually form a diagnosis. It can take several hours and sometimes days for the patient to complete.

The DSM is used for actual diagnosing of mental illnesses and personality disorders.

After the patient is finished taking the MMPI (taken on his own, without a staff member with him), the answers are sent away and the type written results are returned several days to a few weeks later. It is usually several pages long and always a very interesting read about the patient and his/her history and personality and "what makes him tick"..

ETA: If anyone has a better explanation, please go at it.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used Personality tests.
The MMPI has 10 clinical scales that are used to indicate different psychotic conditions.

The MMPI helps determine criteria that must be met, from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), to actually form a diagnosis. It can take several hours and sometimes days for the patient to complete.

The DSM is used for actual diagnosing of mental illnesses and personality disorders.

After the patient is finished taking the MMPI (taken on his own, without a staff member with him), the answers are sent away and the type written results are returned several days to a few weeks later. It is usually several pages long and always a very interesting read about the patient and his/her history and personality and "what makes him tick"..

ETA: If anyone has a better explanation, please go at it.

I'd be interested to read an abstract/article on how various sociopaths respond to the survey and if any have had success skewing their own results. I'd like to read about an admitted sociopath who has fooled the tests and the doctors. There has to be someone.

Also, I think it should be noted that attorneys and judges alike seem to require the patient be examined by more than one professional (IIRC Casey saw three to determine if she was 'fit' to stand trial towards the end of the trial) indicating that it is reasonable to expect that diagnosis may vary.

Honestly, I'd just love to know what key element of sociopathy she is missing, if she is indeed not a sociopath according to all who have examined her. If she's not a sociopath, she sure does an excellent impression :waitasec: MOO.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used Personality tests.
The MMPI has 10 clinical scales that are used to indicate different psychotic conditions.

The MMPI helps determine criteria that must be met, from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), to actually form a diagnosis. It can take several hours and sometimes days for the patient to complete.

The DSM is used for actual diagnosing of mental illnesses and personality disorders.

After the patient is finished taking the MMPI (taken on his own, without a staff member with him), the answers are sent away and the type written results are returned several days to a few weeks later. It is usually several pages long and always a very interesting read about the patient and his/her history and personality and "what makes him tick"..

ETA: If anyone has a better explanation, please go at it.

Thank you so much. That really helps
I'd be interested to read an abstract/article on how various sociopaths respond to the survey and if any have had success skewing their own results. I'd like to read about an admitted sociopath who has fooled the tests and the doctors. There has to be someone.

Also, I think it should be noted that attorneys and judges alike seem to require the patient be examined by more than one professional (IIRC Casey saw three to determine if she was 'fit' to stand trial towards the end of the trial) indicating that it is reasonable to expect that diagnosis may vary.

Honestly, I'd just love to know what key element of sociopathy she is missing, if she is indeed not a sociopath according to all who have examined her. If she's not a sociopath, she sure does an excellent impression :waitasec: MOO.

Above bolded by me.

I would guess that it's because there isn't a true & accurate history of her behavior before age 15.
In order to be diagnosed as a sociopath (anti-social personality disorder), there must be a diagnosis
of "conduct disorder" before age 15 yrs old.

(Google Conduct Disorder to see what traits are needed for diagnosis).

Plus some people can just have a personality disorder (Axis 2), without having one of the true psychiatric diagnosises (Axis 1)



The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - defines antisocial personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:

A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:
  1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
  2. Deception, as indicated by repeatedly Lie - use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
  3. Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
  4. Irritability and aggressiveness as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
  5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
  6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
  7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;
B) The individual is at least age 18 years.
C) There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia.
I hope this kinda helps you to understand. I'm not all that good at explaining.
The MMPI uses specific algorithms that all psychologists learn. There is no "opinion." You interpret the significant scales and that is it. I never put my opinion and all my sentences begin "Individuals with similar profiles..." The computer generated profiles is the exact same as hand scored it just takes a lot less time. And the funny part about your comment is, the print out doesn't even give you a full interpretation of the elevated scales and codetypes. And it is not subjective. Otherwise, there wouldn't be reliability and validity involved.

I do not EVER release raw data to any lawyer because they are not trained in the MMPI. I ONLY release raw data to other psychologists. How in the world can a lawyer do all the algorithms and interpretations if they have not been trained in it? That would be a scary world if raw data is released to an uneducated (in psych interpretations) person and say here you go you interpret it.

I am getting tired of people saying psychologists don't know what they are saying and doing. Why do you think they go to school. To learn to pick their nose. I just don't get it. I don't bash other professions and tell them they don't know how to do their jobs. Rant over.

There are many psychologists who do not know what they are doing and many who are unstable to boot. Just like there are bad lawyers, doctors, journalists...all professions. It is not bashing in my opionion. But just to accept someones' opinion becuase they have a license or is verified is lunacy imo.
Above bolded by me.

I would guess that it's because there isn't a true & accurate history of her behavior before age 15.
In order to be diagnosed as a sociopath (anti-social personality disorder), there must be a diagnosis
of "conduct disorder" before age 15 yrs old.

(Google Conduct Disorder to see what traits are needed for diagnosis).

Plus some people can just have a personality disorder (Axis 2), without having one of the true psychiatric diagnosises (Axis 1)



The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - defines antisocial personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:

A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:
  1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
  2. Deception, as indicated by repeatedly Lie - use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
  3. Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
  4. Irritability and aggressiveness as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
  5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
  6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
  7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;
B) The individual is at least age 18 years.
C) There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia.
I hope this kinda helps you to understand. I'm not all that good at explaining.

Actually I think you did a great job explaining! In my opinion, if it is simply a matter of her not 'fitting the criteria' because of a missing 'before age 15' element ... well, can you imagine Cindy giving the psychologist/psychiatrist a true and accurate account of Casey's possible misdeeds since age 12 ... which would mean admitting there were all sorts of warning signs she swept under the rug?
Actually I think you did a great job explaining! In my opinion, if it is simply a matter of her not 'fitting the criteria' because of a missing 'before age 15' element ... well, can you imagine Cindy giving the psychologist/psychiatrist a true and accurate account of Casey's possible misdeeds since age 12 ... which would mean admitting there were all sorts of warning signs she swept under the rug?

It would be interesting to know how she treated the family pets, if she stole or lied or set fires or was sexually
promiscuous, a bully, etc, as a child.

Someone, (I can't remember if it were a family member or a family friend) said that she was kinda weird as a child.
I wonder what they meant. Her affect? Expressions? Demeanor? Behavior?

Two of the potential issues Anthony could suffer from are borderline personality disorder and psychopathology, the experts said. The main thing these issues have in common is a total lack of empathy...

Borderline personalities have more emotional regulation problem and often use lying to get away from something and not ever feeling like they're responsible."

It would be interesting to know how she treated the family pets, if she stole or lied or set fires or was sexually
promiscuous, a bully, etc, as a child.

Someone, (I can't remember if it were a family member or a family friend) said that she was kinda weird as a child.
I wonder what they meant. Her affect? Expressions? Demeanor? Behavior?

It would be interesting! The story about one of the family dogs seeming lethargic alarmed me.
You aren't a pest!

I'm clueless.. a couple dogs.. a cat and her child. All her grandparents are still alive.. aunts and uncles too as far as we know and the family isn't even close. My guess is she told the shrink the same story she told others, that Caylee's father died on the way to Caylee's birthday party and that she later had a miscarriage with B. Snow's baby (Neither of which I believe). Those are the only stories of loss we have heard of her telling, right?!

Agree 110%.....with one exception;
There were more than a couple dogs....more like half the humane society. :):):)

Guess I better not start where I left off post is probably a duplicate of another poster. Apologies all around!
Casey and Casey alone is responsible for the murder of her daughter, Caylee. From a legal perspective, Casey is solely responsible for the death of Caylee.

George and Cindy, as Casey's parents, are responsible for raising a child to adulthood who lies, steals, and is totally irresponsible.

As parents, it's our duty to instill in our children the qualities that make a good person as an adult.......the concept of right and wrong, honesty, responsibility, integrity, respect, law-abiding, making good decisions, etc. Children need discipline - punishment for wrong-doing and rewards for good behavior. They need structure and guidance from both parents. They need goals. Both parents need to work at raising children as a team.

Although we don't know much about Casey as a young child and teen, we do know that she didn't complete high school, she worked in a Kodak kiosk for about two years. She became pregnant, and at 7 months into her pregnancy, Cindy was denying the pregnancy to family members when it was only too obvious she was pregnant. Two months later, Caylee was born. We know that Casey lied to everyone about having a job, having a nanny, and lied to her parents often about where she was and what she was doing. Some of her lies were very elaborate. At the same time, Casey was stealing from friends and family. We know that Cindy and George made excuses for Casey's lies and thefts.

Casey's behavior did not happen overnight. It's more than likely that there were behavior problems with Casey, even as a young child. There is no indication that George and Cindy ever attempted to curb Casey's behavior as a normal parent would do. To the contrary, we have Cindy stating that it's not a crime to lie, and calling lies "mistruths" as if this is somehow a softer, gentler, term for lying. We know that Cindy never did anything about Casey's thefts. George never took the initiative to do anything.

If Casey is truly a sociopath, then nothing is going to change her. A sociopath is a personality disorder and cannot be "cured." But, I've read that a sociopath's behavior can be modified with discipline and structure.

George and Cindy failed miserably in raising Casey. Just from what we've seen in the past almost two and a half years, I strongly doubt George and Cindy made any attempts to give Casey the discipline and structure she needed to become a responsible adult.

If Casey is truly a sociopath (and I think she is) would it make a difference if she had the discipline and structure as a child and teen? That's something we'll never know. But, it's obvious that because Cindy and George never challenged the adult Casey's lies and didn't make her take responsibility for her thefts, Casey was comfortable with telling more lies and continued stealing.

Had Cindy and George reported her thefts and allowed Casey to go through the experience of being arrested, charged, spending a few months in jail, and having to pay fines and restitution, that might have brought Casey's thefts to a halt. If Cindy was serious about obtaining custody of Caylee, that would have been the grounds for obtaining custody right there.........the child's mother is in jail for theft.

I believe there's one other dynamic at work here too. I don't think Cindy wanted Casey to succeed. If Casey became a responsible adult, had a good job and was earning enough to support herself and Caylee, she would eventually be able to move into an apartment and become independent of her parents. I think Cindy's goal was to keep Casey dependent on her.

So, while Casey is solely responsible for the murder of Caylee, her parents bear responsibility for raising Casey to believe that lying and stealing are acceptable. George and Cindy are responsible for their lack of parenting.

Good post and I agree with you. I think Cindy, for some reason, "needed" to have control over Casey. I think she wanted the same thing for Lee, but it may be harder to do that with a son. Some of Lee's behavior has been bizarre and immature for his age. I've felt since the beginning that the key to the dysfunction was Cindy. I've never felt comfortable with her vibes.
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link

Thank you. I don't remember hearing about the underpants. I think Dr. Drew said he had spoken off camera to GA's ex. Or maybe it was on JVM. Never heard of this author, wonder if he is just cashing in, or really has some insight.
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link

well...anything anyone says about their ex? take that with a whole truckload of salt. what's she to do with anything when GA's kids are a quarter century plus of age?

OCA isnt the only spiteful B GA has ever known is my guess.
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link

Speaking of media attention seekers - I was going to use a different word than seekers - this guy is one of the biggest - someone who uses his title to publish gossip. To the best of my info - he has never spoken to any member of the Anthony family and in particular - the bit about George standing at the foot of the bed is in direct conflict to what CA and GA have had to say - he says he was very uncomfortable even being in the room and this is one of the few times I believe him.
I believe his book on FCA was one of the first to hit the market....ugh!
It would be interesting! The story about one of the family dogs seeming lethargic alarmed me.

Me too. I guess the fate of Tinker and Tilley was not a good one. They were just puppies in 2008...

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