Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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well...anything anyone says about their ex? take that with a whole truckload of salt. what's she to do with anything when GA's kids are a quarter century plus of age?

OCA isnt the only spiteful B GA has ever known is my guess.

I have to agree with you.
Thank you. I don't remember hearing about the underpants. I think Dr. Drew said he had spoken off camera to GA's ex. Or maybe it was on JVM. Never heard of this author, wonder if he is just cashing in, or really has some insight. addition to writing "Inside The Mind of Casey Anthony", he also wrote "Inside The Mind of Scott Peterson"...

( never read it either..)

[ame=""] Inside the Mind of Scott Peterson (9780312352059): Keith Ablow: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

Dr. Keith Ablow is a forensic psychiatrist whose specialty is profiling, analyzing and exploring the black holes that seem to comprise the minds of criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes. His mission is to find out what happened in the formation and life of these felons in order to determine why they act the way they do.
I suspect the whole breaking into a "classmate's" house and stealing "panties" was a college prank. Note it says "classmate's". It was probably a bunch of frat boys on a panty raid.
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link

was this the fella that OCA signed a waiver to allow him to appear on nancy grace? cause I swear that guy said nothing was wrong with OCA but this linked article sure implies otherwise. maybe I am thinking of the wrong guy?
was this the fella that OCA signed a waiver to allow him to appear on nancy grace? cause I swear that guy said nothing was wrong with OCA but this linked article sure implies otherwise. maybe I am thinking of the wrong guy?

IDK, maybe that's why his name seemed familiar.
was this the fella that OCA signed a waiver to allow him to appear on nancy grace? cause I swear that guy said nothing was wrong with OCA but this linked article sure implies otherwise. maybe I am thinking of the wrong guy?

I was thinking the man who spoke for FKC was Dr.Harry Krop. I remember him saying there was nothing wrong with mental illness..
was this the fella that OCA signed a waiver to allow him to appear on nancy grace? cause I swear that guy said nothing was wrong with OCA but this linked article sure implies otherwise. maybe I am thinking of the wrong guy?

No,Keith Ablow has been a TH or "expert" on different shows for awhile,now.

I thought he had a pretty down to earth ,straight shooter reputation :waitasec:

The other guy only came on because he examined Casey .
No,Keith Ablow has been a TH or "expert" on different shows for awhile,now.

I thought he had a pretty down to earth ,straight shooter reputation :waitasec:

The other guy only came on because he examined Casey .

I heard Keith Ablow talking today about Chaz Bono's upcoming appearance on Dancing with the Stars. Clearly I was mistaken about his reputation. :crazy:
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used Personality tests.
The MMPI has 10 clinical scales that are used to indicate different psychotic conditions.

The MMPI helps determine criteria that must be met, from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), to actually form a diagnosis. It can take several hours and sometimes days for the patient to complete.

The DSM is used for actual diagnosing of mental illnesses and personality disorders.

After the patient is finished taking the MMPI (taken on his own, without a staff member with him), the answers are sent away and the type written results are returned several days to a few weeks later. It is usually several pages long and always a very interesting read about the patient and his/her history and personality and "what makes him tick"..

ETA: If anyone has a better explanation, please go at it.

Excellent explanation. I fail to see how we can actually believe any diagnosis re: FCA because anecdotal evidence of her early behavior would be given by a proven liar.

I would also be interested to know for personal reasons if the MMPI would reveal PTSD due to childhood sexual trauma? Anyone know?
Excellent explanation. I fail to see how we can actually believe any diagnosis re: FCA because anecdotal evidence of her early behavior would be given by a proven liar.

I would also be interested to know for personal reasons if the MMPI would reveal PTSD due to childhood sexual trauma? Anyone know?

They can tell if the person is lying. The test asks the same questions in different ways, to kind of trick you, see if you'll answer the same. And if you lie to try and make yourself look like a perfect person it's gonna pick that up. Answer honestly and your set, as long as you aren't truly ill.

(I don't know this site but the info on the MMPI is very informative.)

o/t of Casey but interesting in regard to mental illness defense

I read the whole article. Completely fascinating. Yoder (the subject of the article) is indeed, a complete jerk.

Fascinating how HE, somehow, someway, has been chosen to receive repeated re-committments. He blackened an ex-wife's eyes, no doubt terrorized and intimidated many people with his ugly threats, but since when does THAT result in someone being locked up for years on end?

From what I could glean from the article, it looks like Yoder has been re-committed as "prevention". This is practically unheard of, though the public would gladly agree with it.

I have to admit, I like that. On a completely personal level, nothing to do with what is moral or legal for our society. If my father had been "locked up", or my ex-husband, I wouldn't have suffered their abuses. Even though they would have only been on the level of "black eyes" or emotional despair and fear.

I can also see and agree with the reasons "jerks" like Yoder are not (in general) re-committed over and over again. They are not "mentally ill". They don't meet the formal criteria for involuntary committment: Danger to Self, Danger to Others, and Grave Disability (inability to do the most basic self care activities). These are the laws of civil committment. In order to re-committ Yoder, SOMEONE is pushing the criteria to the limit.

The possibility someone might inflict MORE black eyes on a spouse is rarely enough to incarcerate or commit someone repeatedly.

OK, I wish I was one of you who could just say it in few words, so I'll try here. It is probably a good thing that a society such as ours will not incarcerate a person who will PROBABLY commit further mayhem (only mayhem, mind you).

It would reduce the humanitarianism of our society, which I think is a good thing to maintain, even if a few destructive people escape the net.

Instead, we (the public) need to be educated about the presence and likely outcomes of involvement with people like Yoder (and Casey Anthony). To be able to recognize them and then avoid them like plague. To stay far far away because prevention is the best remedy. We can't rely on the system to protect us, we have to rely on ourselves to protect us from such disturbed people that the current psychiatric establishment refuses to call "mentally ill".

Thomas Szazs has some interesting points, I read one of his books when I was trying to adjust to being a psychiatric RN. My conclusion after 17 years of working in psych is that whatever the cause or manifestation, some people are so destructive that it's just stupid to get in their line of fire.

Just because psychiatry is unable to treat them does not mean their pathology does not exist OR does not demand some sort of treatment. We just don't know what to do yet. Just because our laws of committment or incarceration are too liberal to confine them does not mean there ISN'T something WRONG with them.

But we have no treatment, no solution, and must live with them somehow. So I believe it is on each of us to do this individually, a responsibility we have to take on with very little education.

So much for brevity :D . I hope this makes sense. And, I hope that people like Yoder are NOT released. Or if they are, it becomes a culture-wide effort to educate the public about personality or character disorders. It's too easy to fall victim to them. Our children and other vulnerables are pretty much undefended against them.
was this the fella that OCA signed a waiver to allow him to appear on nancy grace? cause I swear that guy said nothing was wrong with OCA but this linked article sure implies otherwise. maybe I am thinking of the wrong guy?

No, that was Dr. Krop. To the best of my recall, this guy is someone Dr. Drew mentioned once on his show - this is already his second book. He has never been involved with the Anthony family and these are his "thoughts from a mountain top" about what happened. From my perspective on the teasers the publishers give on each book - do not pass go and file under "G" immediately.
They can tell if the person is lying. The test asks the same questions in different ways, to kind of trick you, see if you'll answer the same. And if you lie to try and make yourself look like a perfect person it's gonna pick that up. Answer honestly and your set, as long as you aren't truly ill.

(I don't know this site but the info on the MMPI is very informative.)

Can you comment on my understanding that most testing does not "work" on Sociopaths?
Wow, um, some things that I've never heard before from Dr. Keith Ablow, who is writing a book on this case.

George's first wife alleges that George’s dream was to be a character at World, like Mickey or Pluto. He is known to have thrown his own father through a plate glass window. He is alleged to have broken into a classmate’s home and stolen her panties.

Read more:

eta: I knew about the plate glass window.There are a few other revelations at the link

I would take anything that Ablow says or writes with a grain of salt.He recycles news, and rumor and to my knowledge, does no first hadn research. George's incident with the plate glass according to Fanning's book, happened after his father pushed him during a fight. Not denfending GA, but there was more to this than he just threw his dad threw the window.
No,Keith Ablow has been a TH or "expert" on different shows for awhile,now.

I thought he had a pretty down to earth ,straight shooter reputation :waitasec:

The other guy only came on because he examined Casey .

You sound like you haven't read anything he has written - try a couple of pages of his Casey book and see if you think he is a straight shooter - cause I think he is :crazy:
I heard Keith Ablow talking today about Chaz Bono's upcoming appearance on Dancing with the Stars. Clearly I was mistaken about his reputation. :crazy:

Whoops - I answered your last post with a WTH..:waitasec: before I saw this one....:floorlaugh:
Keith Ablow- yep, another WTF are you?! out there spouting whatever.

On his list of "troubling" behaviors by George- that George was there when Caylee was born. Well, yay, George!! Not many men of his generation would have had the guts to do that).

Memo to Mr. Ablow: when present at a birthing, it is customary to watch the portal where baby human beings emerge into the world. George was staring at his daughter's vagina, that portal, in anticipation of one of the most amazing things it is possible to witness... new life.

I wrote Ablow's psychological "insights" off after I saw that he couldn't grasp even that most fundamental of human realities.
Keith Ablow- yep, another WTF are you?! out there spouting whatever.

On his list of "troubling" behaviors by George- that George was there when Caylee was born. Well, yay, George!! Not many men of his generation would have had the guts to do that).

Memo to Mr. Ablow: when present at a birthing, it is customary to watch the portal where baby human beings emerge into the world. George was staring at his daughter's vagina, that portal, in anticipation of one of the most amazing things it is possible to witness... new life.

I wrote Ablow's psychological "insights" off after I saw that he couldn't grasp even that most fundamental of human realities.

I would never want my father staring at my vagina..creepy, never ..George crossed a boundary IMO ..
Did Ablow even speculated on her behavior or any possible MO, such as drugging? There's all the dogs being extremely sleepy, having to be rushed to the vet in distress, Cindy's words of previous bloating episodes, Lee's illness, Amy's odd incidents, and the tales of George having a stroke. There's a lot that could be speculated about without having to dig up George's past and add to it unless he's suspecting George?

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