Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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I guess there is always the smallest possibility that Casey has multiple personality or just delusional, or traumatized or confused. But since she never showed up at Universal to try to work at her nonexistent job and had to be turned away, I find it impossible to accept that she believed her own lie!
None of these A people have fooled me one bit.
I'll say this though, they are THE MOST...ummm.. interesting and unusual people I have ever witnessed in my life. I 'm sure none of us has ever seen anything quite like this before.

They have single handedly turned the death of Caylee into a side show of oddities.

IMO JMO :cow: & all of it.

and PLEASE for THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING S T O P refering to the defense as a "dream team".
A dream team? Is this a dream to anyone? More like the nightmare team.
MOO again.


How about "scream team"?
I guess there is always the smallest possibility that Casey has multiple personality or just delusional, or traumatized or confused. But since she never showed up at Universal to try to work at her nonexistent job and had to be turned away, I find it impossible to accept that she believed her own lie!

Somehow I don't think "it wasn't my fault, because Caylee caused all this by interferring with what I wanted to do" is a valid excuse
The BRACE Character Profile can be used to correlate basic human nature (character) with personality disorders. There are free downloads available through my website ... and a link to Casey’s online BRACE Character Profile.


I wish you'd chime in more!!
RBBM, chefmom, brings out a point with which I've been struggling. I've been trying to determine at what point character and psych diagnoses intersect. Are "personality disorders" only a descriptor of "character" flaws or are they a valid cause to give a person some tolerance. Do these diagnoses carry with them any form of acceptability of what, in the olden days, I used to call poor moral character?

I have a huge bag of decisions and actions that I would be happy to put away in a box with a nice neat label on it if that would dissolve (or even lessen) my responsibility in those matters I regret.

I'm not being confrontational and hope it doesn't sound that way. I am really curious about how to reconcile the opposing thoughts I keep having in my own head!

Personality disorders used to be called character disorders.
Casey is still the master at fooling people, even the public. So many blame Cindy for all of Casey's problems just like Jesse and his Dad blamed Cindy due to Casey's lies about her family. It's almost unbelieveable that one person's manipulations could reach so many people through the media. Cindy made it plain in her myspace statements that Casey had changed after having Caylee, and many friends and family also verified this. A kid in elementary, middle, and high school might lie and get away with some things but there's no way they could be on the level that Casey is now without being institutionalized by the State or juvenile division and the public would have heard many more stories about Casey. I have a feeling that Casey (due to her oddness) wasn't very popular and didn't even know that many other kids growing up to cause trouble or get into much. Cindy had finally discovered that Casey is a sociopath and was going to take steps, a big rejection and an end to some manipulations. Why is Casey given more leeway than the male psychopaths who go ape when faced with final rejection. Casey didn't hate Cindy more than anyone else. Casey wants everyone to blame her mother, and now George and Lee. She hates everyone. If this stuff with blaming Cindy goes on during the trial and jurors fall for it, Casey will never be properly punished and it won't be Cindy's fault then.

Have you listened to LE's interview with TM that was released today?
TM says that it was CA who was controlling the scene in the house and making sure everyone said the right words. TM made no bones about telling LE that. He said that CA threw him out of her house and not in a nice way. TM said he has conducted over 1,100 searches and never before has he encountered the ungrateful attitude he experienced from the A family.

Something is wrong with the picture and a lot of what is wrong is because of CA imo.
Let us not forget that KC learned her craft from her mother. She lied - her mom OK'd it by accepting it as truth. They are two peas in a pod. OK, KC's behavior changed after Caylee was born. She resented the fact that her mother wanted to be the primary caregiver for Caylee. The only way KC could get to her mother was thru Caylee. They had a competitive relationship, not a mother-daughter relationship imo
I don't know what her diagnosis is, if any other than evil (mho), but here is a reminder:

[ame=""] - Missing Tot’s Mom in Jailhouse Phone Call: ‘Calling You Guys…Huge Mistake’[/ame]
Out of sheer boredom today, I went back and reread the first inverview of KC and Yuri and the interview at Universal....and I am beginning to think there is something very, very wrong with her mentally. Yes, I mean more than the pathological lying, narcissim, etc. I think KC will be a study for mental health professionals for a long, long time. Even so, I don't think her mental health issues will circumvent her being convicted of murdering her daughter. No way, no how.
But I do think it was a travesty of iustice that her bumbling idiot of a lawyer didn't plea this case in the very beginning. I think when the dust settles, he should be brought up on some sort of charges and disbarred. And you know what? I think Cindy will be just the one to do that when her daughter is sitting on death row.
I don't know what her diagnosis is, if any other than evil (mho), but here is a reminder: - Missing Tot’s Mom in Jailhouse Phone Call: ‘Calling You Guys…Huge Mistake’

:furious: Every time I listen to this recording I am floored at how callous and cold KC sounds. No concern for Caylee whatsoever. Just stop questioning me and give me Toni's number. I'd like to have a conversation with him. :banghead: I hope that the SA starts the jury out by playing CA's 3rd 911 call with emphasis on when CA tries to hand KC the phone and KC says she "doesn't have anything to talk to them about". Just play that in a loop 10 or twelve times, then follow it up with this recording, with the loop on her saying "all they want is Caylee back" and "waste, a huge waste". All the while, they can have a slide show going of the party pics taken while Caylee was missing and the pics of her new tattoo. Then, a picture of Caylee with her big beautiful brown eyes, her voice in the background singing "You are my Sunshine", transposing back and forth from her face to the stain in the trunk. IMO, no defense they provide is going to be good enough to explain her actions and lack thereof away. 31 days. Unbelievable!
"So she is not a dumb person, it's not due to stupidity."

I've known quite a few smart (brilliant, even) people over the years that didn't have much common sense...I don't think MPD is even going to come into play here.
I don't think KC suffers from MPD but along the same lines as logicalgirl's post above, I think KC might live in a world of 'shoulds'. Somewhere along the line she lost herself, her own essence. She may have been shamed or scolded too many times or who knows why. But we have seen CA's expectation for perfection and have gotten glimpses of how she lives with blinders on. KC was inventing herself to live up to her mother's expectations. KC watched how GA, her father, operated and took notes.

KC got into the habit of telling people what she thought made her look like a whole functioning person, the one her mother wanted her to be. No one really questioned her and she liked the elevated status her lies gave her even though deep down she knew she was a fraud. No one apparently questioned her so as time passed her make believe world was working for her and became her reality in a way. :waitasec:

I sense GA put forth much of the same posing but to a lesser degree. People looked past his bs too except his daughter knew the truth.

It would be interesting to go through Jesse Grund's interviews and see how the timeline between KC starting to have the fictional jobs coincided with JG stating that she suddenly did a 180 degree turnaround regarding her relationship with her mother and how she wanted to be just like her. It's not a big stretch to say that there would seem to be a really strong message to KC that lying about having a job would keep her mother off her butt and being able to make happy noises about how her daughter has a great job.

Lets hope her stripper, pole dancing personality does not come out at trial that would be embarrassing.
Lets hope her stripper, pole dancing personality does not come out at trial that would be embarrassing.

:biglaugh: :rolling: :laughitup: :laughbounce: :floorlaugh:
I have only seen one personality, whackadoo!
I do not think there is any way that Casey has anything so serious as MPD. I think plain and simple she is a sick sick "woman" as a result of her twisted, manipulative and permissive maternal unit. Sometimes I almost find myself feeling sorry for the little girl that she once was having to grow up in that mess of a so-called family. However, I then remember the little girl that never will have a chance to figure out what kind of woman she would turn out to be and I quit feeling sorry for her and make a quick 180 to extremely pis**ed the eff off at the trifling excuse of a mother who got rid of her extra baggage without an extra thought.

May God forgive me for the thoughts I have about the murderer and her "supportive" parents. I don't think Casey ever truthfully had much of a chance at any kind of normal life and I think it was almost a miracle that whatever happened to Caylee didn't happen long before it did.
The movie Primal Fear also come to mind...

Martin Vail is a prominent defense attorney in Chicago who jumps at the chance to represent Aaron Stampler, a young, stuttering altar boy accused of murdering the Archbishop. At first interested primarily in the publicity that the case will bring, Vail comes to believe that his client is truly innocent, much to the chagrin of the prosecutor (and Vail's former lover), Janet Venable.

Vail discovers that powerful civic leaders, including the District Attorney, have lost millions in real estate investments due to a decision by the Archbishop not to develop certain church lands. The archbishop received numerous death threats as a result. He also learns that the archbishop had been sexually abusing altar boys, including Stampler.

Introducing this evidence, while it would make Stampler more sympathetic to the jury, would also give his client a motive for murder, something the prosecution otherwise has lacked.

The trial does not proceed well for the defense, as there is considerable evidence against Stampler and public opinion holds him almost certainly guilty. When Vail confronts his client and accuses him of having lied, Aaron breaks down and transforms into a new persona, a violent sociopath who calls himself "Roy." He confesses to the murder of the archbishop and throws Vail against the wall, injuring him.

When this incident is over, Aaron appears to have no recollection of it. Molly Arrington, the psychiatrist examining Aaron, is convinced he suffers from multiple personality disorder due to childhood abuse by his own father.[1] However, Vail cannot enter an insanity plea during an ongoing trial.

Vail sets up a confrontation in court. After Venable questions him harshly, Aaron turns into Roy and charges at her, threatening to snap her neck if anyone comes near him. Aaron is subdued by courthouse marshals and is rushed back to his cell. In light of Aaron's apparent insanity, the judge declares a mistrial, dismisses the jury and remands Aaron to a mental hospital.

Vail visits to tell him this news. Aaron says he recalls nothing of what happened in the courtroom, having again "lost time." However, just as Vail is leaving, Aaron asks him to "tell Ms. Venable I hope her neck is okay," which is not something that Aaron should have been able to remember if he had "lost time." Vail points this out, whereupon Stampler grins slyly and reveals that he has been pretending to be insane the whole time. But he didn't make up the identity of Roy, he made up Aaron.

Stampler now admits to having murdered the archbishop, as well as his girlfriend, Linda, whom the cleric also had molested. Stunned and disillusioned, Vail walks away, with Roy taunting him from the cell.

Loved that movie!!!!
The following article is a very interesting read albeit long. I wonder if this just might be where the defense is headed with Casey...does she suffer from MPD? Could she possibly be Zanny, Juliette, Zach, etc. all rolled up into one Casey brain? Or is she possibly faking MPD?
I'm curious to hear your opinions about this and the possibility that Casey could possibly be suffering from MPD or the possibility that she and the defense are going to fake it.

Multiple Personalities: Crime and Defense

This is a really interesting thought. While I don't for one second think that Casey has MPD I do think that she internalizes her lies so much that "Zanny" is actually a fantasized aspect of Casey herself in many ways. It's creepy to think about - especially if you view it with MPD in mind. Remember how much like Casey the description of "Zanny the perfect ten" sounded? It was Casey but better looking (and richer, thinner, perfect teeth etc.) I can easily see how the defense could go down that road and stretch alot of things Casey has said and done to try to fit an MPD defense.
MPD is very rare and Casey shows no sign of it. She has never complained of "blackout" periods, and there's no indication that she has ever acted "strangely" around people she knows. She had a psych evaluation when she first entered jail and no illness was found. I think MPD is a ridiculous stretch of the facts - I don't think even Jose Baez is foolish enough to even try this.

But Casey supposedly does have "seizures", the nature of which has not been fully explained at this point. Again, I can see the defense attempting to twist the "seizures" and use them to represent black outs that true MPD sufferers have. Something like that might just work if they can confuse a jury enough. Regular folks might not understand the true nature of what a black out period is - and even the experts disagree on MPD itself. All that stuff presented in a jumble to a jury that thinks it's looking at a pretty young girl could possibly work.... I've seen weirder things happen with juries!

Luckily Casey is the biggest stumbling block to this defense because she is so proud of how "normal" she was according to the in jail testing that was done. (Her over the top insistence that she is "normal" makes you wonder if she has a secret anxiety that she really isn't normal. Or that she has been told she isn't normal by her parents and was happy to have the diagnosis to hold up to them...)

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