Casey and TonE Chat Logs

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Maybe because she had some loose ends to cut before she ran but the timing was off by one day.


She didn't know Cindy was going to come bursting in.

If she was gonna head for CA, why leave Tony's wallet untouched? Why not hit his roommate's wallet another time, too?

Or maybe she thought Tony was going to propose after the video game?

I don't think Casey was ever going to report Caylee missing. I think she didn't think Cindy would find her. And she didn't expect Amy to discover her money missing for a day or so. She procrastinated. George said Casey took things to the edge.

One thing that really concerned me from the IM was where was Caylee and who was she with when KC went to TL's??

casey o marie:as soon as i get off work, i'm heading over
L7Tone: when do you?
casey o marie: i'll try and see if i can't just leave cays with my nanny for a little bit
casey o marie: i'm done at 1-1:30
casey o marie: we have a meeting at 12.
L7Tone: really
casey o marie: afterwards, i'm out

According to her cell phone pings, it pinged near TL's around 1:30 then near the Anthony home after 6. GA would have been leaving for work around this time IIRC and CA was at work. So where was Caylee?

Tony said on June 11 or 12 Casey came by with Caylee and they went to Cheesecake Factory.

Tony's roommates said that Casey came by on June 13 and Casey left Caylee with them while she went into the bedroom where Tony was. Then Casey came back later and went with Tony to Fusian. Maybe the bedroom visit actually happened on June 12?

OR maybe Casey called Tony later on June 12 after she texted and blew off the visit altogether. Seems like Casey liked to make plans hoping in advance she'd find a way.

She didn't know Cindy was going to come bursting in.

If she was gonna head for CA, why leave Tony's wallet untouched? Why not hit his roommate's wallet another time, too?


Didn't the latest document dump mention a previous break-in at Lazarro's of his roommates stuff or wallet?

Food for thought...
But if you are planning to kill your parents, now I know we are talking about KC here, but still....if you are seriously planning on killing them, why would you tell anybody and everybody that you will have the house to yourself in exactly 3 days?

Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is BIZARRE, but what was she planning on saying to Amy... "C'mon on in, don't step on the bodies though and don't worry, as soon as I get some more trash bags, I'll get them out of the way?"

And even if there WAS something going on with C&A, why would Casey think she would get the house? Even if they did split, the house was in CA's name, wouldn't it just be George moving into an apartment?

It is all just tooooooooooooooo weird.
Don't forget Scott P. telling Amber that his wife had died ~ before he killed her. I do think there's something to those computer searches for 'self-defense' and 'household weapons' when taken with Casey's statements about her having the house. She may not have gotten the plans finalized but it seems something she thought of. MOO
Didn't the latest document dump mention a previous break-in at Lazarro's of his roommates stuff or wallet?

Food for thought...


I don't think even desperate love would have saved Tony's wallet if Casey thought she was close to being cornered.
Don't forget Scott P. telling Amber that his wife had died ~ before he killed her. I do think there's something to those computer searches for 'self-defense' and 'household weapons' when taken with Casey's statements about her having the house. She may not have gotten the plans finalized but it seems something she thought of. MOO

You're right, he did.
Sounds like there may have been some words exchanged between mom and daughter that very evening because of how Caylee acted before bed:
CA "My mom is in bed, my dad is working till 11 or so. the kid is passed the out."
L7tone "Oh"
CA "She kept telling mom that she's a boss, and was patting herself on the chest.?

Any thoughts?

Caylee (if KC is not lying in this statement) is quoting this song:

It came out right around then and was VERY POPULAR with KC's age set and with the types of people (club goers) she was trying to impress. Prob even TonE would play it when he was spinning. I think she either taught the kid the phrase, sang the song in front of her alot, or just told TonE she said it to show her friends how "cool" her kid was.
Originally Posted by truecrime
Sounds like there may have been some words exchanged between mom and daughter that very evening because of how Caylee acted before bed:
CA "My mom is in bed, my dad is working till 11 or so. the kid is passed the out."
L7tone "Oh"
CA "She kept telling mom that she's a boss, and was patting herself on the chest.?

Any thoughts?

In an interview with LE TL he stated that HE taught Caylee that when they were hanging out at the pool and getting her to go around and say it to the other people at the pool. I think Casey was just telling him that Caylee liked him and was saying what he taught her.

I can find the interview if you'd like!

Ah! Yes, perfect. Def from that song, which he would likely have been into.
Yes, makes me think TonE sprinkled his conversations with a little Italian and perhaps he was the inspiration for her tattoo. Was a life with TonE the "beautiful life" she had in mind?

Well, they did find that creepy paper w/ his name written over and over as her's.
The same lack of logic applies to her identifying a ZFG (her nanny) as the kidnapper. Didn't she know that when LE found the person who fit the id that she would be able to prove there was no connection? Wouldn't have it been easier and smarter to have planned on saying a stranger kidnapped her?

There's just no logic to either plan/lie.

Well, lets say---------she fixed herself a "new life" (jfg). She was planning on offin the older 2 and baby and hittin the road. She starts with a long term plan. But as she goes along she slips up---never always connecting at the time she needs them to. Just like a trapeze artist without a net. OOOPS!

She told Amy she could move in. Talked to TonE about these little fantasy. She had to have these little fantasies because her mind has to be busy while she doesn't her evil deed. But thats when she slips up and kills CAylee. Now her plans have to change because she has a dead child on her hands. While she is changing which way she needs to go with this she stays away from CA.

I think she still wanted to off CA at least. Her clothes were packed (and really good re: LA) ready to go. She was surprised when her mom showed up at the door. Bet she had money hidden. There was just 2 much she got. Maybe somebody in the Daisy Chain was helping her to disappear.
What ever the fight was about I don't think it was gma's stolen checks. Gma had already gotten into it with KC about the money back in April or May per Gma's statement to LE.

Thanks---------swat I thought
I was saying that when she was out on bond after I found out about her telling Amy she was getting the house. "Watch your back George and Cindy......"

LMAO----Me and me buds were saying the same thang. Did you ever hear if GA handcuffed her to something in their room? Now I can't member if that was fact or a joke......... LOLOL
And once she got out of town, then what? Who would feed her and keep her? She didn't have enough to truly get away because Amy didn't have enough for her to steal. Some friend Amy was, huh? Not having more money for KC. (Oops, should have put up sarcasm alert.)

Sarcasm alert: Very thoughtless of Amy, what was KC doing with such a loser?

KC had been working on her buddy Mark H for a little while. He certainly sounded open to settling down with her and even said he wanted to be a role model for Caylee. I don't imagine he would have expected her to fend for herself had she showed up on his doorstep. It seemed that everyone KC knew extended her financial courtesy's due to her single mother status. Which given what we know about the generosity of her parents, seems very unnecessary. Had KC worked even part time at minimum wage she could have paid her own cell phone bill and kept gas in her car.

With Mark, I do think eventually KC would have had some explaining to do about why Caylee had disappeared off the face of the earth. Unlike TonE, Mark actually expressed an interest in Caylee. In a comment to him in July, 3 weeks after Caylee went missing KC told Mark how amazed he would be at how much she had grown since he last saw her. He agreed and told KC, Caylee is beautiful just like her mother. Not to be mean, but Caylee possessed an inner beauty that KC couldn't compete with on her best day.

Mark BTW wasted no time looking for greener pastures after KC was taken off his dance card. He started dating one of his MySpace friends back in Oct and by Christmas they were expecting a baby and are engaged.

Strange how KC was the first of her contemporaries to have a baby and felt stymied by her, shortly after Caylee is abruptly taken from their lives several of her friends have gotten married and/or made babies. I hope and pray they all remember the pain of losing Caylee and only warship and adore their own babies all the days of their lives.
I have wondered about this is well. There was obviously some discord happening between Ga and Ca, for quite some time. It seems they were together only because of fnancial reasons, but even then they were on the brink of bankruptcy? What would keep them together at this point? We can deduce that there was bad vibes in the home, to say the least. We have viewed each family member expressing rage and anger, even towards each other. With the searches done on the computer, Someone in that house was considering doing to harm to someone else...OR afraid of someone else. It wouldnt be that difficult to see a scenario of a murder-suicide being staged. KC could easily do that if she can murder her own child. Dad kills mom and then kills himself?
I agree that Caylee was probably tattling on mommy. She was at the age where speech comes together well and forms fluid sentences. It makes me wonder, since Cindy had taken Caylee to see Grandpa in mt Dora the same day, if something wasnt said that infuriated Cindy. A confrontation ensues that afternoon or evening- and KC is really mad at Caylee for telling on her. This seems so likely- as it was Caylee who was murdered. I am not totally convinced KC would do this to get back at her mother- but I can see it happening if she felt that she was betrayed by Caylee...a double whammy. The duct tape is indicitive of wanting to shut her up- forever.

Just my own opinion and thoughts on this.

One of my BFF hit on this way back there and I'm more certain as time goes on. It's like watching it play out.
If you go by KC's cell phone pings it looks like they went to Mall of Millenia on the 11th not the 12th and she was at TL in the afternoon of the 12th. The only reason I question this is KC mentions the 'nanny' in the IM on the 12th. She also mentions 'she is trying to get every girl she knows to come out' for the next night which coincides with the messages she was leaving on Myspace that night.

This is also the same day there is a search on the computer at 11:15pm for -Zenaida Fernandez/Jacksonville, Fl --Zenaida Gonzalez/age 25.

If KC was at TL's that afternoon and she did use the 'nanny' what happened to Caylee in this time frame and was the first time she used the 'nanny'?

Tony said on June 11 or 12 Casey came by with Caylee and they went to Cheesecake Factory.

Tony's roommates said that Casey came by on June 13 and Casey left Caylee with them while she went into the bedroom where Tony was. Then Casey came back later and went with Tony to Fusian. Maybe the bedroom visit actually happened on June 12?

OR maybe Casey called Tony later on June 12 after she texted and blew off the visit altogether. Seems like Casey liked to make plans hoping in advance she'd find a way.

Tony R was asking her to come over to his place (you know why) he offered to cook for her. (yeah we've heard it called that before too) KC didn't have a sitter, which was her usual reason for standing him up. She said "I could bring the little snot head with me" and then goes on to complain for 15 more minutes about not having a babysitter.

Just wasn't feeling any love in the conversation, compared to the love readily apparent when you say "lil doo-doo".

My 15/16 y o son and I were getting into it one day. I don't remember what it was over but it was wasn't really angry talk just butting heads when he tossed in a low blow and I looked at him and said "You S.O.B" which caused all the kids to stop in their tracks and drop their mouths open, then point at me and laugh "You just called yourself a B" which is exactly why I don't call my kids names, I don't do it right!! The only time I ever tried and I ended up calling myself a worse name than my son!! And anytime we're all together (preferably with company) they still bring up to this day, the day I admitted to being a B! The lil doo-doos!

LMAO Ahhhhh! The memories the leave for us.
How sad for lil baby Caylee gurl.
She didn't know Cindy was going to come bursting in.

If she was gonna head for CA, why leave Tony's wallet untouched? Why not hit his roommate's wallet another time, too?

Or maybe she thought Tony was going to propose after the video game?

I don't think Casey was ever going to report Caylee missing. I think she didn't think Cindy would find her. And she didn't expect Amy to discover her money missing for a day or so. She procrastinated. George said Casey took things to the edge.


Right on.
Tony said on June 11 or 12 Casey came by with Caylee and they went to Cheesecake Factory.

Tony's roommates said that Casey came by on June 13 and Casey left Caylee with them while she went into the bedroom where Tony was. Then Casey came back later and went with Tony to Fusian. Maybe the bedroom visit actually happened on June 12?

OR maybe Casey called Tony later on June 12 after she texted and blew off the visit altogether. Seems like Casey liked to make plans hoping in advance she'd find a way.


Cuz she can't see past her nose. Paddy (LP) always said, "KC can't think any further then 10 minutes".

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