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Sarcasm alert: Very thoughtless of Amy, what was KC doing with such a loser?
KC had been working on her buddy Mark H for a little while. He certainly sounded open to settling down with her and even said he wanted to be a role model for Caylee. I don't imagine he would have expected her to fend for herself had she showed up on his doorstep. It seemed that everyone KC knew extended her financial courtesy's due to her single mother status. Which given what we know about the generosity of her parents, seems very unnecessary. Had KC worked even part time at minimum wage she could have paid her own cell phone bill and kept gas in her car.

With Mark, I do think eventually KC would have had some explaining to do about why Caylee had disappeared off the face of the earth. Unlike TonE, Mark actually expressed an interest in Caylee. In a comment to him in July, 3 weeks after Caylee went missing KC told Mark how amazed he would be at how much she had grown since he last saw her. He agreed and told KC, Caylee is beautiful just like her mother. Not to be mean, but Caylee possessed an inner beauty that KC couldn't compete with on her best day.

Mark BTW wasted no time looking for greener pastures after KC was taken off his dance card. He started dating one of his MySpace friends back in Oct and by Christmas they were expecting a baby and are engaged.

Strange how KC was the first of her contemporaries to have a baby and felt stymied by her, shortly after Caylee is abruptly taken from their lives several of her friends have gotten married and/or made babies. I hope and pray they all remember the pain of losing Caylee and only warship and adore their own babies all the days of their lives.

(emphasis added)

Bolded: lol, lol, LOL too funny!

KC wouldn't have shown up on the marine's doorstep as a single mother. There was no Caylee to take with her. I don't know enough about the marine to know whether or not he was open to settling down with her but it's a far stretch, in my mind, being willing to begin exploring that possibility and having someone show up on one's doorstep, bag and hat in hand. Do we know if he even had his own place? Wasn't he active military?

Also, the life he had to offer her may not have seemed nearly as exciting as the life with TL. Remember too, LP's observation that has been shown true time and again: KC lives her life 10 minutes at a time. Also think of KC showing up there without Caylee, without funds, without anything but a suitcase. So far from home and everything she knew. That would be pretty scary for anyone but especially for this spoiled woman-child who seemed incapable of going farther than j-ville on her own.

Sure, she could spin the yarn about leaving Caylee with her parents or the imaginanny but sooner or later she was going to have to come up with something. And I don't think it could be that she put Caylee up for adoption or gave her away. That wouldn't fit with the persona that KC had made up for herself. Maybe the 'secret' she had to tell him was whatever cover story she had made up and maybe she was going to admit defeat in not being able to juggle motherhood, school and her glamorous job but I kind of doubt it.

Either way, I don't recall ever seeing him offer to have her move in with him. Nor did I see him fawning over her as she required. Leaving JG because he loved Caylee more than her could be a sign of BPD, as I've already discussed. And TL was willing to take her in now. Maybe she was still working on the marine on the side and hoping he'd be coming through as her escape plan. Remember also Timer55. She thought she had nearly two months to get it all together and explore her options. Sure, Amy would be back soon and eventually discover the checks. She'd deal with that after "work" tonight at Fusian. Or maybe she had already thought of a way to deal with that, when it came up. Maybe she was going to tell Amy about the kidnapping and her "desperation" like she told LE in her interview at Universal.

I disagree with you about TL not having any interest in Caylee. The reason he didn't want her around was because there were activities going on that she shouldn't be around. He did have Caylee over several times and took her swimming. He asked about her when she stopped coming. His friends asked about her when she stopped coming. He didn't have to cooperate with LE to the extent he did; repeated interviews, road trips, wearing a wire. I think he did these things not only because they were the right thing to do but also for Caylee. In these text messages we're discussing, he didn't lament that KC couldn't come to him that night. He wanted to come to her. It seemed he wanted to meet her parents. He even remembered CA was a tea drinker, though we don't know how he came by that bit of info. It also seemed he had no problems with her suggestions that they'd be able to spend more time together after the three day period was up, and that would necessarily include Caylee.

I'm not willing to judge this guy a loser, especially based on these text messages. Consider also they'd been dating a month already. There were probably lots of times he wanted to see KC but couldn't and there were probably several times he saw KC with Caylee. So far so good and now these messages show he's wanting to get in with the 'rents. To me it's bizarre that he thinks it would be ok for him to stay the night there but who knows what KC had told him to lead him to that assumption. Again, wasn't just scratching an itch; was wanting to stay the night and get Starbucks in the a.m.
exactly. despite the occasional altercation, her parents provided emotional and financial support. they Always caught her when she slipped. They never let her suffer consequences. Why would she want to eliminate that?

Because she'd rather have their house and some insurance money.
Originally Posted by evergreen
exactly. despite the occasional altercation, her parents provided emotional and financial support. they Always caught her when she slipped. They never let her suffer consequences. Why would she want to eliminate that?

Because mom crossed her when she told her to get out?
Exactly. If she could get them, she'd much rather have the house, its contents and whatever money. To her, $100 was a fortune and she had no real concept of "bills." Add to this that she likely does not have the capacity to bond with anyone, including her parents and you get her fantasy of taking over their property and life.
Whether or not Casey actually made chloroform might point to her intentions when she was chatting about getting the house.

If there was chloroform that is overkill for making a baby sleep. It has to be administered in such a way (dribble at a time...mixed with a gas if you don't want any burn) that it would be ineffective to free Casey for long timeframes. One dose would render somebody totally out for about 15-20 minutes.

If Casey made chloroform I think it shows premeditation to kill somebody. I don't think it is impossible for George and Cindy to be on the list.

Please stay on topic and feel free to groan at this remark :)
The groan was joking but seriously, I do think the discussion of KC possibly planning something nefarious regarding her parents based on telling TL that she'd have the house in three days is on topic. Is that the off topic that both you and PattyG saw or was it something else, JBean?
The groan was joking but seriously, I do think the discussion of KC possibly planning something nefarious regarding her parents based on telling TL that she'd have the house in three days is on topic. Is that the off topic that both you and PattyG saw or was it something else, JBean?
General request to stay on topic. as we read the thread it wanders off, so just stay on topic of the chat logs and it is all good.
Things that are seriously OT are removed or moved to the right thread.
Does anyone think KC was joking when she referred to Caylee as "snot head"? I don't. MOO

I actually do. I think she is very immature and thought it made her sound cool. Sort of like when people refer to their kids as "rug rats". I hate that!
TonE is Tony L. Maybe you meant Tony R., the former cop? There wasn't much of a relationship with Tony R., from what I recall reading. Just sex a few times and talk of having more sex at some future time. Don't recall them ever going out or talking about anything other than getting together to have sex. But I've been wrong before... :)

Whoa....just finally get back to this. These two abbreviations that we use here are for the same guy?!?!?! Ok, that just split my brain in two. I always thought these were two different guys. We even have two threads with one saying TonE and the other saying TonyL.

So this this dumb kid from out of town who goes to the questionable Full Sail ( I have railed about this school many times here...where my son went) hooks up with this loose girl and he ends up as a police informant with all of his sex talks exposed online. What a twist his life turned.
Forgive me if this has been said, but I've been gone for the last few days...

I can see KC wanting to off the G and C, but she obviously never succeeded.

At one point in one of the later pages of the transcript, she tells him that she feels uncomfortable having him over as long as they're "staying here."

That choice of words really jumped out at me. You don't say that about the homeowners of the house you're living in as a dependent, and KC was a dependent, for all intents and purposes.

They seem to have some mutual friends and that makes this implausible. I just find that one comment very odd, and if she had the heinous gnads to off her little girl, then why would she procrastinate against killing G and C? Did she need help and couldn't find someone who was willing? Did she feel she had to kill Caylee first, as part of her plan, because her live-in babysitters would no longer be able to care for her after she killed them? Who WAS in line to inherit the house? I'd imagine it'd be Lee. Was he next? Dear goodness.

I'm not even sure any of that made sense. Tylenol PM-induced thoughts. I should have warned y'all in retrospect.

snipped for space (respectfully)

That line jumped out at me too, who says something like that (aside from Anthony speak) unless she has told TonE they were staying in her house? Thus all the respect she has for them too, they're her guests, she doesn't want them to be uncomfortable?

Maybe when Cindy wouldn't "let KC go out" on 6/15 this caused the huge blow up. No wonder Cindy doesn't admit to having a fight, it was just KC acting like KC, not wanting to take care of her own kid and Cindy acting like KC's mom and saying "no, you're staying home tonite" like she did when KC was 12. Fights like this were prolly a dime a dozen in this house.

When Cindy made KC stay home she inadvertently destroyed KC's alibi of being at her boyfriends house all night.

I have always rolled my eyes at the thought of KC offing G & C, she's just not that clever in my book. But she was obviously planning something. And what she did with Caylee certainly took no planning...Maybe killing Caylee (unplanned, in a rage) and having to deal with all that, made her reconsider what she would be up against with G & C. She couldn't kill them at the house, leave them there, then move in there with her friends.

If dealing with little Caylee's remains were difficult, she imagined 2 adults to dump somewhere and realized she physically couldn't do it.

KC is a scary character, if God forbid she gets out of jail free, the people in her world will be in danger of whatever she's come up with during all the time she's had to plan and scheme and get it right next time. She doesn't seem the type to learn from her mistakes to me, she will do it again. Just differently next time. And just think of all the people she has good reason (in her warped mind) to be pizzed at after all this.
Whoa....just finally get back to this. These two abbreviations that we use here are for the same guy?!?!?! Ok, that just split my brain in two. I always thought these were two different guys. We even have two threads with one saying TonE and the other saying TonyL.

So this this dumb kid from out of town who goes to the questionable Full Sail ( I have railed about this school many times here...where my son went) hooks up with this loose girl and he ends up as a police informant with all of his sex talks exposed online. What a twist his life turned.

I feel so very sorry for everyone who associated with KC and on many levels but more so for her 'boyfriends.' Just imagine them moving forward from this and into other relationships.

I feel so very sorry for everyone who associated with KC and on many levels but more so for her 'boyfriends.' Just imagine them moving forward from this and into other relationships.

You are NOT kidding. These guys may question everything from every female from here on out... yes, you say you have a job, but take me to your employer, right now, and while I'm at it let me run a quick background check on you...what was your date of birth again ?
She doesn't seem the type to learn from her mistakes to me, she will do it again. Just differently next time. And just think of all the people she has good reason (in her warped mind) to be pizzed at after all this.

....and just think of all the new knowledge she's gleaned by hanging out with lawyers.
My take on the whole exchange was that KC was leading quite a rich fantasy life.. her parents were talking about breaking up.. her mind made the jump to 'maybe they will give me the house when they move out!'.. when they didn't break up she thought of getting rid of them..that would give her the house, (at least it would in her mind) and maybe she could get ppl to stay with her and support her, financially and emotionally.

but even for KC that was a bit too much of a problem, at least for the immediate future. How to do it? Not too easy to physically overcome two healthy adults..What to say to explain the situation afterwards so she could go on living there? What to do with the bodies if she simply 'disappeared' them? Too many problems for this to work.

So like any sensible girl would do, she looked for a temporary soloution to her woes, which as we know was a not very well thought out plan to get rid of Caylee, move in with Tony, steal some money from Amy, and simply stonewall her mother about Caylees whereabouts until some new plan occurred to her.
She no doubt knew things were going to get interesting in the near future, whether from her parents, Amy, or both directions. Being Casey, I think she assumed she could move on rather quickly, but when it came down to the wire, she didn't have any real direction to head off in. She froze like a deer in the headlights, and could come up with nothing better than the nanny nonsense.
It is the sort of fuzzy thinking we are all do, (albeit it would never occur to us to kill anyone, of course) Just saying that type of trial and error thinking is the way we often process things until we come up with a workable plan, but in this case the fuzzy thinking came from a very strange and disturbed mind.
You know...we don't really KNOW what was ACTUALLY going on in that house...It is possible, although unlikely, that Cindy had said something like "I am leaving! I am done paying the bills. George get the heck out and Casey-make the payments and you can have this house! I am finished being sucked dry by ALL of you and I want out!" She may have even given a date for this dissolution to occur...with Cindy-it is SO hard to say!

If not, then Casey was either planning to have the place to herself due to their vacation...HEY! Maybe that was what THE fight was about! Maybe they were ruining her plans with Tony by NOT going out of town and taking Caylee with them and also ruined her Puerto Rico trip at the same time-by busting her up on some of the credit card theft.???

Casey had a lot planned for herself last summer:
1. Get TonE to fall irrevocably in love with her (casey lazarro, casey lassaro, casey and tony lazzaro, etc) and live happily ever after.
2. Go to PR with group of friends including ex boyfriend (Rico) and guy who hates her (JP) and the woman who she was stealing blind (Amy).
3. Figure out how she's gonna have Amy move into HER house and and get G&C to move OUT.
4. Make being a shot girl "manager" a paying job by being irritatingly available and pimping out your girlfriends as bait for the bar.
5. I know there was one more thing she had to think about ........ what was her name......... little thing.....big eyes..........what was her name......dang.
She PROMISES Tony that she will have the house to herself in 3 days...that is on June 16.

She is telling Amy she can move her stuff over.

I am not sure Caylee was the intended victim. Maybe she chickened out with her parents and since she had the chloroform already mixed and good to go...?

Bolded by me. I have wondered that too. I wonder if GA and CA were the intended victims and KC's plans were thwarted when CA found out KC had stolen from gpa and throttled her! That sent her into a rage...her plans were ruined because maybe CA said, "That's it. You're out. And we're keeping Caylee." Since her plan to kill CA went awry, the next best thing would be to kill what was most precious to CA....Caylee.
Casey had a lot planned for herself last summer:
1. Get TonE to fall irrevocably in love with her (casey lazarro, casey lassaro, casey and tony lazzaro, etc) and live happily ever after.
2. Go to PR with group of friends including ex boyfriend (Rico) and guy who hates her (JP) and the woman who she was stealing blind (Amy).
3. Figure out how she's gonna have Amy move into HER house and and get G&C to move OUT.
4. Make being a shot girl "manager" a paying job by being irritatingly available and pimping out your girlfriends as bait for the bar.
5. I know there was one more thing she had to think about ........ what was her name......... little thing.....big eyes..........what was her name......dang.
Yeah, unfortunately Caylee was not high up on her priority list. As others have said before, with all the time she spent on making her make believe life look real, she could have been really working towards becoming an independent adult...I know for Casey that would be "reaching". I always thought that getting my children, now adults, to be independent was a step process and it does really take years. You can't protect, protect, protect and then the day they hit 18, say OK, pack your bags, hit the road...go be an adult now ! Cindy set Casey up for dependency,IMO, that's a shame.

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