Casey Anthony and Tony L.

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I still feel TL played some form of a role in either Caylee's death and/or disposing of her remains...anyone else share those ideas?

Honestly NO,.,,, just curious as to what your reasoning is .. what would be his motivation to kill, or even dispose of a child that has literally NO bearing on his life what so ever??

What would he gain out of killing her? What evidence has there been to show you that he is involved?
i think of him as innocent b/c i have exactly zero reason to think him otherwise.
what is it that makes you think he is guilty of something?

I think TL is innocent too. Guys that age always say things like "I only want boys" or stupid things like that. I remember all to well. From all I heard/read IMO I truly believe that Casey acted alone in killing Caylee. I think CA and GA are only guilty of trying to protect their Daughter. I don't agree with them, but it is their Daughter.

What motive would TL have to kill or help Casey dispose of Caylee body? TL has nothing to do with Casey now.
I guess I consider all the ingredients in this scenario and basing my suspicions to inlcude TL.

Where drugs & alcohol are involved, than anything could be possible.
Can you elaborate more as to what changed your mind?

Has there been any information that I've missed that can eliminate TL from any involvement?
Ex: TL was not in town on the date (give or take a few days) of Caylee's estimated death?


1) He was "cleared" by LE
2) His responses in interviews don't seem to indicate someone who has a hidden agenda.
3) Most other websleuths do not think he had anything to do with the death or disposal of Caylee's body.
He did not "play a part in the death of a little girl" as you say. That is a horrible statement to make.

A GOOD mother would put her child ahead of a bootie call- the only person who played a part in Caylee's death was Casey Anthony.

Well said! I just don't get why people are trying to give TL such a huge role in the sad death of this baby.

He didn't have anything to do with it. Directly or otherwise!!
So what exactly has led you to believe that he was an "innocent bystander"?

I'm really interested in knowing what facts that we know of TL which can place him on a innocent list?

Just to put that one back on you.. WHERE are your facts to prove that he is guilty of anything other than poor choice in girls?
what exactly are you basing it on?

In all honesty, it's a gut feeling first. Then it's the environment of drugs & alcohol. The fact that many children are killed by either a parent or boyfriend. The obvious seclusion of TL, whether by the advise of LE or his own attorney.

I really just wanted to know what swayed many of you from possible involvement to innocence for TL...real examples.

1) He was "cleared" by LE
2) His responses in interviews don't seem to indicate someone who has a hidden agenda.
3) Most other websleuths do not think he had anything to do with the death or disposal of Caylee's body.

Good to know...I haven't read anywhere that TL was "cleared" by LE.

Do you have a link to that info?

I came to this thread to seek info on TL presumed innocence and to ask why those who feel this way do.

Just in case anyone suspects I have a hidden agenda...I do not.

It is pure interest and nothing more.
In all honesty, it's a gut feeling first. Then it's the environment of drugs & alcohol. The fact that many children are killed by either a parent or boyfriend. The obvious seclusion of TL, whether by the advise of LE or his own attorney.

I really just wanted to know what swayed many of you from possible involvement to innocence for TL...real examples.

these two were not in a relationship. they had just started dating eachother. i can think of no motive for tony to be in any way involved and i don't believe that drugs and/or alcohol is likely to cause people to murder babies.

as i said - i do not believe tony to be guilty of anything b/c i have no reason to even be suspicious of him imo.
these two were not in a relationship. they had just started dating eachother. i can think of no motive for tony to be in any way involved and i don't believe that drugs and/or alcohol is likely to cause people to murder babies.

as i said - i do not believe tony to be guilty of anything b/c i have no reason to even be suspicious of him imo.

Call me old fashioned but, based on TL's own statements in his interview with LE, he states..."and once I came back from New York she was full-time at my house."

That to me sounds like a relationship...
Call me old fashioned but, based on TL's own statements in his interview with LE, he states..."and once I came back from New York she was full-time at my house."

That to me sounds like a relationship...

that to me sounds like complaining.

i'm sorry miabell but i just don't see that they were together long enough for it to be a relationship - i know, i've had a few.
anyhoo it's bedtime for me (i'm in the UK)
sweet dreams when your timezone ticks round to nocturnal
I don't know any rational person who would participate in the murder or disposal of a dead body to help someone they have known for a month or two------------especially when the victim is a small child.

Anyone who thinks TL could have been involved needs to remember, they were together for about six weeks by the time Caylee went missing. It's not like this was a long term or deep relationship. Six weeks ago it was the beginning of december. Not that long ago.

They were still both in that "best behavior" stage- there is no way Casey would have asked him to cover up an accidental death at that point.

If he was involved Casey or Cindy would have thrown him under the proverbial bus back in July when all of this started. Casey wanted to see Tony and he would not see her. He did not take her calls and he has not remained her boyfriend or defender through the time since.

If there were any way for the Anthonys to pin even the slightest bit of responsibility on that young man it would have been done by now.

Pirate...good points especially about the Anthony's ability to see guilt in all but KC.

That fact actually seems odd to me that CA especially didn't hone in more on TL, too.
that to me sounds like complaining.

i'm sorry miabell but i just don't see that they were together long enough for it to be a relationship - i know, i've had a few.
anyhoo it's bedtime for me (i'm in the UK)
sweet dreams when your timezone ticks round to nocturnal

Like I said...I'm old fashioned and actually in the context of the interview, it didn't sound like a complaint...just an answer to LE question.

Thank you for your dialog & good night to you, too :)
Let's try coming at TL from another angle. If he was involved, it would had to have been before the night CA came to retrieve KC.

Given that, would he really have remained on the sofa playing video games with his buddy while KC and CA were outside? Especially after seeing how upset/angry CA was?
Nobody has come crawling out of the woodwork to say anything at all about Tony.

No ex girlfriends claiming he was violent or nasty. No school friends claiming he had a severe drug problem. No people from NY that he grew up with slinging mud.

This entire case is full of opportunists looking to get their name and face on Nancy Grace or the National Enquirer. Nobody- I repeat, NOBODY has come forward to say anything negative about Tony L. If there were something to be said, it would have been said by now.

All of that, in addition to the fact that he has not once tried to capitalize on his involvement with Casey Anthony------ despite the opportunities that I'm sure have been presented to him------ lead me to believe that he is basically a good person who just wants to put this horrible chapter behind him.

Everybody makes bad choices in who they date. Most of us have been bowled over by someone who seems wonderful during the initial dating period.

I refuse to assume that Tony L was anything other than another person who was victimized by Casey Anthony. An innocent bystander who was minding his own business and living his own life but got sucked into this vortex of evil.

And I have not heard that he has lawyered up either----------- if he had anything at all to hide there would be some sleazy attorney out there doing TL PR.
I kind of got the feeling that TL was "the catch" of Fusian. He was pretty involved there. His attention fed into her narcissistic personality disorder.

my thought exactly! I brought that up earlier as well...

KC was kind of out the 'outskirts' of the AH / RM / etc group. They all lived together, partied together, dropped everything to vacation together etc, and because of her circumstances, KC just couldn't quite live that same lifestyle. She tried SO hard though to insert herself in that group however she could, even if it was all fantasy. "Hey Amy, you should move in with ME!" / "Hey everyone, I'LL book the trip to PR!" etc - but it was so obvious she was not truly in the mix.

Enter TonE. All of a sudden KC gets to play an exciting, highly desirable new role - Queen Bee of the shot girls, girlfriend of the musician, friend of the band, etc.

Look how feverishly she promoted Fusian nights to ALL her friends (countless myspace comments, hounding Iassen over IM, etc). I think this was less about 'helping promote' (did she REALLY care that so and so need support for their new Cd?), and more about relishing her new role - and making sure everyone got to see!

I think this new persona was HUGE for her. Absolutely HUGE.

I think that's why she latched on. It had nothing to do with TonE directly - he could have been anyone that gave her such connections.
Mother's (good & bad) unfortunately often do put the love (and/or bootie call) for a man above their children...and many times it results in the harm or death of a child.

Until all the details of this case are revealed in court...we can only speculate as to TL's role or presumed innocence.

Mothers often do put their bootie calls above their children.

But, in NO WAY EVER did Tony intend for harm to come to Caylee. I do not believe anyone but Casey did.

Yes, I think that his saying Casey could stay over but not Caylee and Cindy saying Casey wanted custody and that Casey was unfit, festered in Casey's mind and led to her actions. But, no way did anyone but Casey have bad intentions toward Caylee.


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