Casey Anthony and Tony L.

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Lorakai can you please shorten the line under your name so that it does not cause your posts to keep blowing the margins. It makes them very hard to read. Thanks!:)

Yes, thanks! I don't like having to scroll! ;)
did anyone out there capture anything from Tony's myspace or has any comments been documented from his space or facebook?

I did come across this on face book, you will have to join group it has phone info on it for contacts.
Revolution Entertainment and Promotions
So, as long as TonE called the police on his own that makes him innocent? Man, the Florida LE is gullible. No need for anyone in this case to take a polygraph, they are all innocent, they are all truthful, and none of the players involved need to worry. LE is looking for the nanny what's her name ZFG remember? Staying out the the spotlight has a two fold issue. One, maybe TonE doesn't have a clue what happened to Caylee and doesn't want any media attention, or two, TonE had a major involvement and doesn't want media attention. Either way, he is avoiding the media, whether he knows or doesn't know where Caylee is. IMHO I say, come out of hiding and let's hear your side of the story instead of just listening to your ex room mate's version of things. Set the record straight.

:praying: for Caylee
I'm sure if this Tony guy knows anything that might help find Caylee, the police are already on it.

Tony giving interviews to Geraldo or Greta would satisfy the public's curiosity, but it would compromise the police investigation. And the police investigation is much more important than the public having more information right now.

I'm glad the friends are cooperating with the police and not the media. The media want ratings, the police want to find the child and figure out Casey's involvement. If the friends give media interviews, they will seem less credible at trial. Why risk this?

Thank you! I couldn't agree more! :clap:
How do we know that he is still speaking to the cops or LE? As far as I know, There is a brief mention of a statement in the Affidavit, but I haven't heard of anymore connection to talking to the police? Where is that info?

With respect, why in the world do you think we're entitled to know the entirety of LE's investigation -- who's being questioned, when and how often? I don't know how familiar you are with investigations, but it would be an odd (and stupid) thing for LE to lay their entire investigation open for public scrutiny.

LE's function isn't to keep all the curious of us in-the-know; it's to solve the case so that justice can be served. Discretion is key for LE...loose lips sink potential-arrest/case-solving ships. I would love to know every detail, believe me, but it is in the best interests of the investigation that the public is not privy to all that goes on behind the scenes.
So, as long as TonE called the police on his own that makes him innocent? Man, the Florida LE is gullible. No need for anyone in this case to take a polygraph, they are all innocent, they are all truthful, and none of the players involved need to worry. LE is looking for the nanny what's her name ZFG remember? Staying out the the spotlight has a two fold issue. One, maybe TonE doesn't have a clue what happened to Caylee and doesn't want any media attention, or two, TonE had a major involvement and doesn't want media attention. Either way, he is avoiding the media, whether he knows or doesn't know where Caylee is. IMHO I say, come out of hiding and let's hear your side of the story instead of just listening to your ex room mate's version of things. Set the record straight.

:praying: for Caylee

Now where in the world did anyone say the only reason they think Tony could not be involved is simply because he called LE on his own? Also, we don't know who may or may not have consented to a polygraph. Because LE doesn't give the public a detail-by-detail blow of their investigation doesn't mean things aren't happening and that people aren't cooperating or being investigated, etc.

It's to LE's advantage to share info with the public only if they need our help with an aspect of the case; to correct misinformation when it hampers an investigation; or to warn of a public danger. I just can't get over that some of us may think that because LE isn't sharing every single detail that they therefore must not be looking at all aspects of a case or doing what they should.

Tony is certainly not required to satisfy public curiosity by "telling his side of the story" to "set the record straight". He doesn't owe us any explanations. Why in the world would he want to do that? It doesn't benefit the investigation at all for everyone to run out to the nearest microphone and start blabbing away.

As far as Clint's interview, there was a young local reporter on that night who told Greta that Clint had told him (IIRC) that Clint and Tony had actually had a falling out prior to Clint's appearing on the show. Tony didn't send Clint to be his mouthpiece -- he didn't want him to go on the show at all.

My opinion is that he doesn't want to be dragged into this any further than he's already been and/or that he may actually be honoring a request from LE not to give interviews so as not to muddy the waters and hamper the investigation.

After seeing the way the media and folks like us pick apart every tiny shred of someone's life, I think a person in Tony's position would have to be absolutely CRAZY (or in desperate, sick need of attention) to start giving interviews.
Poor guy? There is nothing that I see about him that screams that out to me. I don't feel bad for him. Many people have been asked questions and many have answered those questions.

I feel bad for him because people keep bringing his name up, and insinuating that he's suspicious or he's hiding something, or that "he's sending people to 'do his dirty work'", when there's absolutely no evidence of this. I feel bad for him because people have posted his phone number on this board, and some have called him. I feel bad for him because people are harassing him and badgering him -- and regardless how righteous the motivation, that's still totally messed up.

Geraldo's brother's questions had nothing to do with wanting to find Caylee, and everything to do with ratings. That child was an afterthought. He was seeking something juicy and salacious, which is why his first questions weren't "Can you tell us about Caylee? Can you tell us ANYTHING that might help us find her?", BUT "Let me talk to you about your relationship with Casey Anthony. What was it like with her that last month? Why can't you just tell me? Just tell me what it was like". I don't blame Tony one bit for not opening up to the slimebag.
Well if TonE picked up Casey when Casey called him after abandoning the car, I would like to know what excuse she gave. That the car ran out of gas, or the battery was dead, you know something along that nature. Whether you'd like to hear it or not, TonE is indeed a player in the Casey saga. I don't know 100% that TonE is involved in Caylee's disappearance. I just want the LE out in Florida to know that waiting for Casey to start singing like a canary, is just not going to happen.

:praying: for Caylee
With respect, why in the world do you think we're entitled to know the entirety of LE's investigation -- who's being questioned, when and how often? I don't know how familiar you are with investigations, but it would be an odd (and stupid) thing for LE to lay their entire investigation open for public scrutiny.

LE's function isn't to keep all the curious of us in-the-know; it's to solve the case so that justice can be served. Discretion is key for LE...loose lips sink potential-arrest/case-solving ships. I would love to know every detail, believe me, but it is in the best interests of the investigation that the public is not privy to all that goes on behind the scenes.

Agreed! It is none of our business what Toniy is doing, nor to question what his involment with LE is. There is nothing to suggest that he is in any way involved with Caylee's disappearance. He seems to have just been unlucky enough to have dated Casey for a very short time, which I am sure he now regrets.
Well if TonE picked up Casey when Casey called him after abandoning the car, I would like to know what excuse she gave. That the car ran out of gas, or the battery was dead, you know something along that nature. Whether you'd like to hear it or not, TonE is indeed a player in the Casey saga. I don't know 100% that TonE is involved in Caylee's disappearance. I just want the LE out in Florida to know that waiting for Casey to start singing like a canary, is just not going to happen.

:praying: for Caylee

What difference does it make what she told him about the car? Why is he a player in the Casey Saga? Because he dated her for a short time? I think the LE in Floridsa are well aware of what Casey is like.
I feel bad for him because people keep bringing his name up, and insinuating that he's suspicious or he's hiding something, or that "he's sending people to 'do his dirty work'", when there's absolutely no evidence of this. I feel bad for him because people have posted his phone number on this board, and some have called him. I feel bad for him because people are harassing him and badgering him -- and regardless how righteous the motivation, that's still totally messed up.

Geraldo's brother's questions had nothing to do with wanting to find Caylee, and everything to do with ratings. That child was an afterthought. He was seeking something juicy and salacious, which is why his first questions weren't "Can you tell us about Caylee? Can you tell us ANYTHING that might help us find her?", BUT "Let me talk to you about your relationship with Casey Anthony. What was it like with her that last month? Why can't you just tell me? Just tell me what it was like". I don't blame Tony one bit for not opening up to the slimebag.

Great post! I feel really sorry for him also! I think poeple should stop zeroing in on him!
Great post! I feel really sorry for him also! I think poeple should stop zeroing in on him!

I saw that Craig Rivera following him around asking all those questions, it was disgusting. it seems like harrassment to me.
I saw that Craig Rivera following him around asking all those questions, it was disgusting. it seems like harrassment to me.

It is harrasment, and it is disgusting. Same thing for the Anthony's. Like them or not...these people are NOT suspects. Everyone talks about how rude the A's have been to the media...well, look at how the media has treated them. For instance, blurting out insensitive and downright painful questions to a victim's family just for shock value and a sound bite. Constantly encroaching on private property uninvited, up the driveway to the garage with cameras and microphones running after they've repeatedly been asked to stay back and across the street. Hell, I'd threaten to take a hose to them, too....

That said, I respect that the media has a job to do, but more and more... it seems doing it with respect and class has gone out the window.

Sorry, I'll stop now...guess this really belongs in the rant thread!
It is harrasment, and it is disgusting. Same thing for the Anthony's. Like them or not...these people are NOT suspects. Everyone talks about how rude the A's have been to the media...well, look at how the media has treated them. For instance, blurting out insensitive and downright painful questions to a victim's family just for shock value and a sound bite. Constantly encroaching on private property uninvited, up the driveway to the garage with cameras and microphones running after they've repeatedly been asked to stay back and across the street. Hell, I'd threaten to take a hose to them, too....

That said, I respect that the media has a job to do, but more and more... it seems doing it with respect and class has gone out the window.

Sorry, I'll stop now...guess this really belongs in the rant thread!

Hell, I'd probably be going crazy from the whole situation... missing this precious little girl, the media... I'd probably be waiting with the hose for anyone to dare step foot on my property... maybe a paintball gun...
IMO, LE would verify all information gave to them by Casey's friends. I don't find it odd her friends are avoiding the media.

I don't blame them one bit for being as quiet as possible. As much as I want to know what the heck happened, the trial and any appeals could go on for months, possibly years. In the meantime, they still have to earn a living, finish school, etc. Depending on how this turns out, hust being associated with her could make it hard to find a job later on.
So, as long as TonE called the police on his own that makes him innocent? Man, the Florida LE is gullible. No need for anyone in this case to take a polygraph, they are all innocent, they are all truthful, and none of the players involved need to worry. LE is looking for the nanny what's her name ZFG remember? Staying out the the spotlight has a two fold issue. One, maybe TonE doesn't have a clue what happened to Caylee and doesn't want any media attention, or two, TonE had a major involvement and doesn't want media attention. Either way, he is avoiding the media, whether he knows or doesn't know where Caylee is. IMHO I say, come out of hiding and let's hear your side of the story instead of just listening to your ex room mate's version of things. Set the record straight.

:praying: for Caylee

I for one have not concluded that simply because Tony called the police, he is not involved. I don't think he has to talk to the press at this stage, but until I know more about him I'm not writing him out as possibly being involved. It just seems really weird to me that you are seriously dating a lady with a child, and you don't see that child for 1 month, and just assume she's with a nanny etc???? Why didn't he say "let's get caylee and do something today?". I mean really, 1 month, no kid, no questions???? I doubt he'd believe she was with a babysitter the whole month, and even if he did believe it, what did he think of Casey ditching her child for the month to party & sleep with him?

One, of many possibilities in my mind, is that Caylee died while they were partying, and he felt he was also responsible and would also be in trouble, so he assisted in getting rid of the body.

All above is IMO only.
LE always asks anyone who may be called to testify at trial to keep a low profile and not speak to the media. It taints there testimony if they do. Both Tony and Amy have dissapeared from the public eye.

Craig Rivera was obnoxious in that grating attempt at an interview. The manager of the restaurant should have had him removed or arrested.

What Tony knows will come to light later in his testimony.
I for one have not concluded that simply because Tony called the police, he is not involved. I don't think he has to talk to the press at this stage, but until I know more about him I'm not writing him out as possibly being involved. It just seems really weird to me that you are seriously dating a lady with a child, and you don't see that child for 1 month, and just assume she's with a nanny etc???? Why didn't he say "let's get caylee and do something today?". I mean really, 1 month, no kid, no questions???? I doubt he'd believe she was with a babysitter the whole month, and even if he did believe it, what did he think of Casey ditching her child for the month to party & sleep with him?

One, of many possibilities in my mind, is that Caylee died while they were partying, and he felt he was also responsible and would also be in trouble, so he assisted in getting rid of the body.

All above is IMO only.

He was only dating Casey for a very short time and by all accounts she was into him way more than he was into her.
It was not a serious relationship so why do you think that he should have all this interest in Caylee? So he did not see her for a whole month how was he to know that that was not the norm with Casey? he hardly knew her. You have no idea what she told him as to were Cayley was, he probably was not interested in were she was she was not his daughter. I really feel sorry for this guy there has been no indication that he is involved with Caylee disappearing yet there are a lot of people who keep insinuating that he is. He was just unfortunate enough to have known her.
Idle curiosity...Wouldn't it be expected of the media to seek out Tony, Amy, Ricardo et al regardless of whether they choose to speak or not? Have they gone underground? I'm just intrigued that the media hasn't shown footage of them say...going into a starbucks or hiding their faces from cameras. It just strikes me as odd that media has accepted they won't talk, and has ignored them.
Casey Anthony should stop trying to divert suspicion to others. She's the one who should be hounded by the press. She's the mother of the missing child and she's the one who should be concerned. If she isn't concerned, why should virtual strangers be? The focal point and central player was, is and will always be Casey Anthony. The defense red herrings and false trails aren't going to change the focus.

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