Casey Anthony and Tony L.

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Did CA and AL ever speak on the phone when she was in jail the first time? When she kept asking LA for AL's number? And if so has that call ever been released in either audio form or text? I don't recall seeing that call's contents. It might have taken place the same day she got to jail when her phone calls were not so guarded and coded.

I read she didn't reach him, and he has not called her.
Has Tony L been here? From what im understanding in some threads is that Tony is somewhere online answering questions. where???
Tony answered questions on Scared Monkeys website http://.net/index.php?topic=3434.0 on September 25.
I find it very interesting how much he refers to Casey as "her mother" (as in caylee's mother).
I find it very interesting how much he refers to Casey as "her mother" (as in caylee's mother).

Can I ask why??? That is what she was....A MOTHER.... She may have not acted like one BUT that is what she was. A MOTHER. What is so odd about his wording?????
Can I ask why??? That is what she was....A MOTHER.... She may have not acted like one BUT that is what she was. A MOTHER. What is so odd about his wording?????
mabey he was on the line of thinking of the little girl as his kid if he was gonna make this permanent with casey .. ? you know how dads say your mother . her mother ect ect .. cuz from what i read it was getting serious fast . at least with her . and he seemed to like caylee alot
Because Casey was Casey to him, his girlfriend, his sexmate. I would think he called her Casey more than Caylee's mom since he wasn't with casey and caylee all that often. He was around casey as "casey" more than he was around casey the "mother to caylee".

My husband would call me by my name when talking to someone else who knows me, not "their mother" or "his mother".

It shows a distancing of himself to casey, IMO.
mabey he was on the line of thinking of the little girl as his kid if he was gonna make this permanent with casey .. ? you know how dads say your mother . her mother ect ect .. cuz from what i read it was getting serious fast . at least with her . and he seemed to like caylee alot

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Caylee was standing in the way of the relationship?? Or am I confusing the IM's with TR??? I just rememeber TL saying that things were moving fast on KC's side....meaning NOT on his side.
Because Casey was Casey to him, his girlfriend, his sexmate. I would think he called her Casey more than Caylee's mom since he wasn't with casey and caylee all that often. He was around casey as "casey" more than he was around casey the "mother to caylee".

My husband would call me by my name when talking to someone else who knows me, not "their mother" or "his mother".

It shows a distancing of himself to casey in an intimate relationship way, IMO.

Yes, but in a setting where you are being questioned by LE, you may be more "formal" in your he may have said "her mother" etc....Just because he was in that setting and maybe was nervous....IDK. Just speculation here....FRom what I have gathered, the relationship was moving faster for KC than it was for TL.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Caylee was standing in the way of the relationship?? Or am I confusing the IM's with TR??? I just rememeber TL saying that things were moving fast on KC's side....meaning NOT on his side.
your confusing the im.s with TR .. he didnt want caylee around not tony L
Ok but didn't TL say in his interview that things were moving faster on KC's side???

I wish I had a link for you, but I do remember either Tony or one of his roommates saying this.

I think the reason he is saying, "her mother" is because he is majorly OVER Casey - probably wishes he'd never "hit her up" on MySpace. He realizes that now this is all about CAYLEE and he is distancing himself from Casey - whether consciously or subconsciously - he is not thinking of Casey at ALL.
Yes, but in a setting where you are being questioned by LE, you may be more "formal" in your he may have said "her mother" etc....Just because he was in that setting and maybe was nervous....IDK. Just speculation here....FRom what I have gathered, the relationship was moving faster for KC than it was for TL.

I was referencing his speach on scared monkeys, not in his interview.

I think the reason he is saying, "her mother" is because he is majorly OVER Casey - probably wishes he'd never "hit her up" on MySpace. He realizes that now this is all about CAYLEE and he is distancing himself from Casey - whether consciously or subconsciously - he is not thinking of Casey at ALL.
Yes i think the same thing, he is totally distancing himself from casey now. I just thought that was interesting to be able to tell that from what we was typing on there. Even over the net, you can feel the desire to disregard the relationship they had. all i really thought.
You know that new term "He really wasn't into her" She was a Cling-on not to be confused with "Klingon" although that might fit her too.

But then again it's my humble opinion.

I am very curious if this young man has more to say, in retrospect, now that so much has come to light. Especially looking back to the night they rented the videos. I wonder if he, now knowing the significance of that date, has now brought more to mind.

One additional son attended Full Sail 4 years ago. This is where Tony L goes now. We have been very disappointed by this school. We have found out, after the fact, that it is non-accredited. Their credits are non-transferable to other colleges. It is very expensive and its big lure it to draw unsuspecting young people who want a "cool" school and 'cool' profession to step into involving the very hip world of music, video production, music technology etc. The school promises employment and career counseling...but in fact does neither. There is currently a class action suit against this school.

My point in all this, is this school tends to draw naive, unsuspecting young men from all over who did not want conventional college. They are a "mark" for local girls and the local hot scene. My son was very familiar with Fusion.

I am curious, if Tony L has remained at this school to finish his education (Which btw, left my DH and me in big debt) or his fled the area due to his very unwanted notariety. Poor guy.
tony was the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wishes he never even saw KC's Facebook page, that's for sure. And yes, I believe that KC was a branch swinger who sometimes held onto two or more branches at once.
The part that gives me shudders, is this could have been my own son in Tony's place!

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