Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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These are awesome links, would you mind sticking them in the Media Forum ... PRETTY please! :)
I have been following this case from the beginning and when my family and I were down in Orlando at the end of July I was looking around at the swampy areas wondering if poor little Caylee was there somewhere. Tonight though when I was looking around YouTube I was watching videos of Caylees pictures and then came across the video of the backpacks and clothes that were found in the woods.

Does anyone know if anything came of this? Here's why I ask......
When we were in the Magic Kingdom I stopped in the Tinkerbell Store and bought my daughter the entire Belle costume; the dress, the tiara, the necklaces, the wand and of course the shoes. Well while I was watching the video of the items that were found in the woods I saw the same little yellow shoe that my daughter prances around the house in and while watching her pictures I came across a picture of Caylee in the Belle costume that I bought for my own daughter. Like so many of you my hopes of believing this little princess is alive are gone and now my heart is broken having seen these videos. Of course it could be coincidence but in my heart I really dont think it is. :(
I think its rather sad of Floridians now to show up for the search for Caylee today. I was reading online and it said only 100 people showed up to search and they were hoping for at least 1000. I don't understand that. That is a dismal showing. Even tho people may not like Casey or the Anthony's there is a little innocent child missing. I hope it was just the rotten weather that made it such a low turnout and I hope tomorrow they get alot more folks.

Well I heard that they got around 250 and the search had to be called off at 3:30 because of rain. Yes, they need more people...But I do some are not searching becasue they know that Casey knows exactly where she is...and they resent the whole family not helping..especially Lee.

But I hope they get more tomorrow. I really do. If I werent in Ohio, I would be there.
You've captured my feelings perfectly, Tracy. Where is Caylee in their pronouncements and actions? Their "psychological denial" sure looks a lot like accessory-after-the-fact to me. I saw grief and terror around the middle of July, but now I only see anger and dishonesty.

The anger bothers me a lot. Anger is not an appropriate response to anything going on. It almost appears to me that t he anger is a result of being "found out." I have heard no "thank you for your help" to ANYONE. I still say there are lots and lots of skeletons in the closet with this family and the disappearance of Caylee has opened up ther lives and they can't hide any more. If you don't want the media, you ask them to leave you alone, or if you can't do that civilly, you leave a note on your door that no interviews will be given. You don't scream at them, then step up to the mike with the attorney later that same day. You don't physically attack someone half your size. There's so MUCH wrong with the family, their reactions, and behavior that it would inspire a horror novel imo
I have been following this case from the beginning and when my family and I were down in Orlando at the end of July I was looking around at the swampy areas wondering if poor little Caylee was there somewhere. Tonight though when I was looking around YouTube I was watching videos of Caylees pictures and then came across the video of the backpacks and clothes that were found in the woods.

Does anyone know if anything came of this? Here's why I ask......
When we were in the Magic Kingdom I stopped in the Tinkerbell Store and bought my daughter the entire Belle costume; the dress, the tiara, the necklaces, the wand and of course the shoes. Well while I was watching the video of the items that were found in the woods I saw the same little yellow shoe that my daughter prances around the house in and while watching her pictures I came across a picture of Caylee in the Belle costume that I bought for my own daughter. Like so many of you my hopes of believing this little princess is alive are gone and now my heart is broken having seen these videos. Of course it could be coincidence but in my heart I really dont think it is. :(

LE is not talking re: the evidence or lack of it. good move, too.
It's hard to blame Baez for what you blame Baez for, without knowing anything about the nature of communications between Baez and Casey. Casey might be insisting that she is innocent of everything, without wavering. Baez would then have to defend her on that basis.

Casey has a Constitutional Right to insist that she is wholly innocent of every charge, and has a Constitutional Right to a trial. Otherwise, every government accusation against a citizen would essentially be the equivalent of a conviction if a defendant were obligated to confess to every charge. It wouldn't be much fun existing in that kind of society.

The most likely scenario is that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death to some degree, but is nonetheless insisting on her innocence. This is not the first time in the history of the world that a defendant has falsely maintained his or her innocence. It shouldn't shock everybody. Not any more, anyway.

If every criminal fessed up to their crimes, we wouldn't need any lawyers, or prosecutors, or criminal judges, or criminal courts, I guess.

I respectfully disagree. JB's job is to advocate for his client's best defense. In a case where Casey undoubtably knows where Caylee is, it's in her best legal interests to take the prosecution up on the limited immunity deal--not help her perpetuate the lies she told to LE. JMO
Great posts Indiana...Scott Peterson. When Laci and Conner cramped him, he killed them and didnt look back. BUT he at least pretended to cry! He knew he was weird! Casey doesnt even pretend so I go with Number 2..the cold blooded premeditation!

That is what has confused me even more. Scott peterson, Susan Smith, Darley Routier... They all cried on camera to the media. Maybe she is just the lowest of the lows of sociopaths!
I respectfully disagree. JB's job is to advocate for his client's best defense. In a case where Casey undoubtably knows where Caylee is, it's in her best legal interests to take the prosecution up on the limited immunity deal--not help her perpetuate the lies she told to LE. JMO

I have been following this case from the beginning and when my family and I were down in Orlando at the end of July I was looking around at the swampy areas wondering if poor little Caylee was there somewhere. Tonight though when I was looking around YouTube I was watching videos of Caylees pictures and then came across the video of the backpacks and clothes that were found in the woods.

Does anyone know if anything came of this? Here's why I ask......
When we were in the Magic Kingdom I stopped in the Tinkerbell Store and bought my daughter the entire Belle costume; the dress, the tiara, the necklaces, the wand and of course the shoes. Well while I was watching the video of the items that were found in the woods I saw the same little yellow shoe that my daughter prances around the house in and while watching her pictures I came across a picture of Caylee in the Belle costume that I bought for my own daughter. Like so many of you my hopes of believing this little princess is alive are gone and now my heart is broken having seen these videos. Of course it could be coincidence but in my heart I really dont think it is. :(

I fear it is too. Where did Casey's backpack go? They found Caylee's in the car but where is the backpack George described her leaving the house with. It sure isn't the one she's carried recently.

Aside, where is she getting the money to buy new backpacks and bracelets and stuffed animals, etc. She hasn't had a job and her parents are supposedly on the brink of bankruptcy?!?
I've kicked around the idea that George helped Casey get rid of Caylee's body, but then I think what g/p could do that? I'm reserving judgment until it goes to trial.
As for the refusal to help search... maybe there are logical reasons why they can't. I don't know if I could after this much time... but I think I would want to be there. Also, I've read that LE does not encourage family members to search for a dead body, so as not to compromise the crime scene. And... I think the Anthony's know deep down that Caylee is no longer alive, but they won't admit it because that would hurt Casey's defense.
Originally Posted by ibyoungr
If LE had DNA evidence that the human decomp was Caylee's they would have already ARRESTED casey for MURDER.

Can anyone her PROVE the car was not driven off the tow yard lot?

My point is about reasonable doubt... jurors are not idiots.. but they can be confused. How else do you explain OJ getting off after they find bloody gloves and clothes yet Scott Peterson gets the clanker with only circumstantial evidence.

In my heart Casey may have killed Caylee... she is a horrible, evil person (proof is in the pdf's of that) However, as an American I have to believe in the presumption of innonence until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. I do not want to lose this fundamental right.

Several previous posters already responded to this in ways that were right in line with my point of view. I want to add just a few things...

I lived in LA during the time of the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman and the subsequent trial of OJ. His getting off even with the evidence that was there is really not an issue of jurors getting confused. You've got to remember that a lot more was going on in that case that does not make it a level comparison to what happened in the Peterson case or this one. The race issue was huge. Jurors even admitted that after the fact. This was one of the first big cases where DNA evidence was used like it was and at that time, it simply was not understood in the way that it is now. It has been a long time since then and even regular, non crime following people seem to understand the strength of DNA evidence. I could add on what has since been noted about the prosecution, the judge, and any other number of things...but Caylee is not about OJ. There is simply not another regular case that I can think of that could truly, logically use that case as a comparison. The only real comparison between that and this is the circus surrounding them.

Remember, you can indeed convict on circumstantial evidence. And, jurors need only find a person guilty beyond a REASONABLE doubt. I agree that it is in the courtroom where someone will be convicted. However, with what we already know to be fact from the 400 pages, from scientific evidence released, etc. it seems that to say Casey didn't tell anyone Caylee was missing for 31 days (and did so only when forced to by her mother), was out partying during that time, was proven to have lied to numerous people about where she claimed Caylee was during that time, was hanging out at her boyfriends house cooking and cleaning and being fun and outgoing, was stealing from friends, going to get tattoos (all of this while she theoretically was "conducting her own investigation") -- THEN, when LE gets involved, she lies, lies and lies again (yes, this can be proven -- see the 400 pages), and one would also have to assume it reasonable that while nobody else around Casey is missing but Caylee, with decomposition proven to be in her trunk --somebody else got into the car and put in a different dead body and just happened to pick the car of a mother with a missing child who had not reported her missing -- (wow, big coincidence) and also lied countless times to investigators.

I could add on more and more and more! (Although I don't think I could make that run on sentence any worse!) But again, reasonable doubt. No, we aren't in a court of law and I have no doubt Casey will indeed see her day in court. Even with the very small fraction of LE's case that has been made public, it seems her defense team will have to overcome quite a large amount of evidence -- circumstancial AND otherwise -- to make any juror's doubt be beyond what is reasonsble. JMO
I know. If I were not in calif and anywhere near florida I would be helping to search. This has got to be one of the strangest missing child cases I have ever seen. Usually neighbors and friends ralley together to see what they can do. The Anthony's are pretty much alone in everything and even they stay home most of the time if they are at police headquarters. I remember Damon Van Dam out 10 or 12 hours a day looking for his daughter with 1000s of people helping. This is one strange case.

Well I heard that they got around 250 and the search had to be called off at 3:30 because of rain. Yes, they need more people...But I do some are not searching becasue they know that Casey knows exactly where she is...and they resent the whole family not helping..especially Lee.

But I hope they get more tomorrow. I really do. If I werent in Ohio, I would be there.
If it was an accidect , that has anything to do with the pool my take is casey and Caylee were in the pool , casey got out and Caylee drowned.
But JMHO i don't think it was an accident.

But, wait, remember George saying Caylee has been kidnapped, they know who the kidnappers are, and the kidnappers are being watched? Well, how do you factor an accident into those comments? And if you can't, doesn't that bring George into the same making false statements to LE scenario as Casey?

And, BTW, some of the best people in the world (TES) are engaged in a search of Caylee. If the kidnappers are being watched, George, please, tell TES, and I suspect they'll figure out a way to get her back. You know, TES isn't law enforcement, so they should be able to be trusted.

IMHO, of course.
The anger bothers me a lot. Anger is not an appropriate response to anything going on. It almost appears to me that t he anger is a result of being "found out." I have heard no "thank you for your help" to ANYONE. I still say there are lots and lots of skeletons in the closet with this family and the disappearance of Caylee has opened up ther lives and they can't hide any more. If you don't want the media, you ask them to leave you alone, or if you can't do that civilly, you leave a note on your door that no interviews will be given. You don't scream at them, then step up to the mike with the attorney later that same day. You don't physically attack someone half your size. There's so MUCH wrong with the family, their reactions, and behavior that it would inspire a horror novel imo

Great insight! I was thinking about where my anger would be placed if I believed that "Zenaida" took my grandchild--I would be on every media outlet screaming that I will find her and get my baby back! I would be FURIOUS that someone ripped my baby from me! I haven't heard one Anthony family member lashing out at the one person they insist has brought this anguish on their family!
I don't think the MyFox cam is working right. Go look now; doesn't it look like someone standing by the palm tree by the front door? If so, they have been standing in that same position for minutes now. And earlier, it kept refreshing a car driving by; it took that car minutes to pass the house. Weird. Anyone else wondering about this?
I'm not sure which story is the truth but I have a couple of pet theories....

1.) Casey moves out with Caylee living wild and crazy lifestyle. Caylee acts up because she's used to a more structured life with grandma, Casey blows her top and either shakes her or somehow hits her and kills her.

2.) Casey wanted to wipe out her existence because she's a cold-blooded sociopath. Once Caylee's gone, she can go back to having fun like she deserves to.

I have other theories that tie in with both of these theories, but I've been pretty vocal about those before so I'll refrain right now.

George said he saw the two of them leave at approx 12:50 p.m. on 6/16.
(,2933,398490,00.html )
Mark Fuhrmann reported George left for work at 2:30 p.m. The flurry of phone calls began around 3:00 p.m. (,2933,399183,00.html )

I wonder how Caylee was acting when they left that day.
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