Casey Anthony Legal Defense Strategies #2

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Shhhhh (quiet). You are going to give the defense ideas for a different strategy, "It was the Wrong Dead Child Strategy" or "It Really Wasn't Caylee's Body Strategy".

I'd like to type "just kidding" here, but it is too early to tell how desperate the defense team will be at the time of trial.

Oh I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think defense would bother logging on to a site like this nor do I think they would bother to have people log on here to test their theories out. I mean, really, what would be the point they say there is no evidence to link KC to the crime, errr, accident, errrr no I believe right now they're thinking is it was a crime. So no worries. Defense says there's no evidence so they really don't have to say anything at trial, just let the state try and prove it. But this is JMO.
Oh I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think defense would bother logging on to a site like this nor do I think they would bother to have people log on here to test their theories out. I mean, really, what would be the point they say there is no evidence to link KC to the crime, errr, accident, errrr no I believe right now they're thinking is it was a crime. So no worries. Defense says there's no evidence so they really don't have to say anything at trial, just let the state try and prove it. But this is JMO.
Pssssst!... Actually, we've learned from other cases, that defense teams do read here, and we know for a fact that Cindy has read Websleuths.
Shhhhh (quiet). You are going to give the defense ideas for a different strategy, "It was the Wrong Dead Child Strategy" or "It Really Wasn't Caylee's Body Strategy".

I'd like to type "just kidding" here, but it is too early to tell how desperate the defense team will be at the time of trial.

Pensfan, I agree with you completely.They have mentioned this more than once.Espcially CA.They are lucky I'm not the Judge! I would order the remains returned since "they are not Caylees"! I'd do it if I had to give them to KC. or Baez..CA needs to be taught she is not above the Law of the land!:banghead:Someone needs a psychatrist!:crazy: .There is one avenue I have a feeling about.If I am right and this comes out at trial,all he!! will break loose.I cant wait for the trial.I have checked with the mods and Tricia.I cannot post it.:dance::blowkiss:
I had to bump this thread now that JS has stepped down.... What are peoples ideas about why the defense pulled such a stupid move?

I for one believe that Cheney is wanting JB off this case, Perry is no one to mess with and JB is going to choke under JP, I can see JP charging JB with contempt many times over...So what do you guys think the defense is trying to pull here?
^What are peoples ideas about why the defense pulled such a stupid move?

Stall long enough and the initial demands for the death penalty may peter out. (?)

Get more time for KC to practice her profuse crying, bodily shaking, head hanging in shame, and general histrionics before the jury.(?)

Get more time to develop the "black rage defense." A strategy which exposes the really awful, terrible, yicky, and painful hardships suffered by KC to justify why she killed Caylee. (?):boohoo:

Or..... maybe they need more time to work on KC’s self defense strategy.
(sure, why not with all the other lies)
I had to bump this thread now that JS has stepped down.... What are peoples ideas about why the defense pulled such a stupid move?

I for one believe that Cheney is wanting JB off this case, Perry is no one to mess with and JB is going to choke under JP, I can see JP charging JB with contempt many times over...So what do you guys think the defense is trying to pull here?

I don't think they were "judge shopping" as it looks like they probably knew that it would be Judge Perry. I think they were shopping for any new judge so as to have a do-over on their previous motions, as one of our resident legal experts said yesterday.

IMO CM is in control of the case now and JB is there in name only. CM is starting from square 1 trying to undo what he perceives that JB has screwed up from the get go.
I do believe Baez and Cheny made the biggest mistake in wanting JS off this case. Seems like sabatoge to me! Inmate Anthony liked JS, she thought he was fair and funny, IMO...I wonder if Inmate Anthony went along willingly??? I do feel JS ruled very fair to Inmate Anthony during her sentencing for her fraud charges and on some motions in her murder case. I do hope this new judge would have no problems sentencing a DP conviction for I feel Baez just did his client in. He knew the type of judge SS is and doesn't know the judge he will now try a case in front of..I do hope it comes back and bites him in his arse...JMHO

In step BC, he tried one case with Judge Perry, JR. and is now an expert!

Conway recalled that when he first appeared before Perry years ago, the judge invited him into chambers and gave him two rules: "One, the train leaves at 8:30 a.m. Be on it. Two, be prepared."

Conway said that Perry assured him, "If you follow those two rules, you'll be fine."

So if those two rules would apply to Baez, he's in a world of chit..he is never prepared...LOL JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I also feel her jailhouse letters and conversations will be the icing on this cake! I too feel, the State can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt! Hopefully Judge Selvin Perry, Jr. when found guilty would have no problems sentencing this unremorseful, unrepenting so called "mother" to death...Beth Karas has said, one case she covered in the '90's he did just that!

BETH KARAS, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION" ON TRUTV: Well, Belvin Perry would have received this judge -- this trial if Judge Standing Strickland didn`t hold onto it. It was decided that Strickland, when he was moving into the civil decision, would hold onto it because he had started with the case. He didn`t ask for it, he was told to stick with it. It would have gone to Belvin Perry months ago when Strickland moved out of the criminal division.

Belvin Perry`s been around for a long time. I covered a case where he was the judge in the 1990s, a death penalty case. He`s a no-nonsense judge. He wants the lawyers who appear before him to be prompt and to be prepared.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think he`s going to be tougher than Strickland?

KARAS: Yes. I think he`ll be tougher than Strickland. Although he`s -- both are equally knowledgeable about the law, it`s just that Strickland lets the lawyers make their arguments. He`s extremely patient. And lawyers who have appeared before him, including Brad Conway, who represents George and Cindy Anthony, have told me this, that it`s been Conway`s experience in front of Belvin Perry that Strickland is perhaps a little more patient. Perry is, Be prompt, be prepared. And I don`t think he`s going to stand for lot of, like, argument.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I guess everybody`s trying to figure out, Mark Eiglarsh, is this a brilliant move on the part of the defense, or will it boomerang and bite them, to put it bluntly? What now? What is going to happen now? It was going to be a year before we got to this case anyway. Doesn`t this put us back at square one?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: To a certain degree.

EIGLARSH: The next judge...


EIGLARSH: ... will step in. And I think this was completely ill- advised. This judge, Judge Strickland, gave the defense wide latitude to do what they needed to do in court. I think it was transparent, what the defense did, and that`s why there was the sarcasm in the order. Legally, the judge had to do it. By agreeing to this motion, he`s not saying that anything the defense is saying is truthful. What he`s saying under the law here in Florida is that it`s legally sufficient, that you have met the requirements under the law, and thus I have to recuse myself.
MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Absolutely, and I -- you know, but I agree with Mark, you know? Mark and I have been working on this case for a long time. And I agree, this judge is just -- I think he`s going to just pick up the pace. And again, it could have backfired on the defense team because, as Beth said, this guy -- and I`ve talked to people down in Florida today -- this guy is no nonsense.

EIGLARSH: Way too risky. They spun the wheel of justice, hoping to get Judge Liberal, who somehow is OK with women that don`t report their child missing? They made a bad move. And in trial, he`s going to hold Jose Baez very tight. And the defense is not going to have the liberal go of the courtroom like they had during all the motions...

We can expect that defense attorney Jose Baez and his team will try to discredit the letters and jailhouse talk as not reliable information (i.e. obtained from snitches who simply wanted a better deal in their own cases). But how many bullets can Baez dodge? How many coinky-dinks can he possibly claim? How many other people can he point fingers at? Ladies and Gentleman, I believe the People rest and can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Mark my words!

Be careful what you wish for Baez!

Justice for Caylee!
I had to bump this thread now that JS has stepped down.... What are peoples ideas about why the defense pulled such a stupid move?

I for one believe that Cheney is wanting JB off this case, Perry is no one to mess with and JB is going to choke under JP, I can see JP charging JB with contempt many times over...So what do you guys think the defense is trying to pull here?

It's all strategy. The defense has to work with what the client gives them, and in this case that ain't much! They need time and they will buy it any way they can, one motion at a time. The more paper they can push, the more objections they can raise, the more hoopla they can stir up, etc......the greater chance they have to stall, relocate, confuse and muddle (really KC's only chance)
So, once again AL is asking for judicial review of the death penalty law in Florida. Her arguments on this the first time around with Judge Strickland failed to meet the required criteria for actually finding the law unconstitutional; Instead her arguments were more like a solicitation for the judge to legislate from the bench-AL wanted his honor to find moral, economical and political reasons not to impose the death penalty moreso than she was able to actually demonstrate that the procedure infringed the rights granted in the constitution.
Strickland's response was that he would not reinvent the wheel.

I will be curious to see why exactly Ms. Lyon believes that Florida's death penalty procedure is unconstitutional, as the Orlando Sentinel reports she will include in her motion. She will have to cite very specific law...And this will be the test of all tests with this new judge (Perry)-Will he make AL find specific violation? Or will he allow a broad and emotionally based argument as to why the law is "bad" from a humanity standpoint (not a constitutional standpoint), so he should commence with dismantling it himself?

Ms. Lyon will take one of these positions up the ladder. She may be seeing what argument will work best now, or collecting a pile of "no's" from those pesky state level justices to bring before the more politicized U.S. Supreme Court.

She came to Florida to slay the death penalty. That alone is her defense strategy.
Hmmm...let's see...their legal defense strategy...that IS tough.

Delay do interview delay do interview stall spend money hide money delay stall spend money do interview trash state spend money dinner at the ritz delay spend money declare indigency delay recuse judge delay stall declare indigency to be fault of state do interviews I missing anything?:waitasec:
Like attracts like and this is the defense team she has acquired for herself from Baez to Lyons to Cheney. The best of the lot is Cheney, but he is quite full of himself and when he asked Strickland if "he trusted him", he was disrespectful and it was a bad move and showed me how he plans to act in this Courtroom. I don't think Judge Perry would have reacted as Strickland did and said "of course but hat has nothing to do ....". A simple that has nothing to do with this case should have been said to Cheney, but he got it by.

Baez - what can one say except that after seeing him question Detective Melich, Casey should be concerned, if anything concerns her.

Diane Lyons - Beyond being one of the more vulgar people to grace the scene, I don't know what else to say. She was vulgar in her speech and vulgar on tv with Meredith ? when she referred to Caylee as the "kid". She is dead by horrific means and deserves her name to be said.

So, in all in all, I think it should be an interesting trial - we can sit back and watch the ad nauseum mistakes the defense makes from their sloppy paperwork (the latest is an example, outdated notary) to their smark alec attitudes in the Courtroom.

This was a mistake on their part. They now have Judge Perry who was brought up in a home where law is important - his father being a cop who believed the law is important and should be followed. This is not something that should be overlooked and apparently it was by the defense, which is again not surprising. Judge Perry is going to go by the letter of the law in his courtroom and he is going to demand respect from everyone and by everyone.

Its getting interesting.

I especially cannot wait when it is proven that Casey had Caylee out of the house some five nights a week beginning around February 2008, when she was seeing Ricardo. So George and Cindy saying Caysey stayed out maybe twice a month is another example of their lying. It is beyong comprehension why they keep lying. It is also around this time that Cindy consulted a psychiatrist and was told to get full custody and kick Casey out. I guess Cindy and Geore think Mr. George, Ms. Drane-Burdick and the others cannot put this together.

What I dont' understand is when Casey snuck out of the house after giving Caylee chloroform, and this happened often, didn't George or Cindy hear her car starting.

And didn't the baby ever throw up from the chrloroform. Any thoughts. Thanks.
If KC were using "cough syrup" to put Caylee out at some point would Caylee have built up a resistance to the drug? Or maybe it's possible the Caylee was having an adverse reaction to the drug by being hyperactive. KC did complain in jail that she had problems getting Caylee to sleep. So suppose instead of getting sleepy, Caylee wanted to stay up all night putting a damper on KC's social life. Even in KC's texts she mentioned that finally Caylee was "knocked out".

At some point the drugs don't work anymore and maybe this one time she decided to use the chloroform?

What bothers me is RM stating that he woke up one morning and Caylee was gone. KC said her mother had called (in the middle of the night) and asked her to bring Caylee home. Problem is, CA denies the phone call and the conversation. Where was Caylee? Either CA does not care for the truth or she believe RM is also lying. Everyone is lying but KC. Something else ironic: the "Knock her out with Chloroform" was on RM's computer. Did RM have it and did KC steal some to use on Caylee? Funny, I don't remember LE asking RM that question, or did I miss it????

If KC were using "cough syrup" to put Caylee out at some point would Caylee have built up a resistance to the drug? Or maybe it's possible the Caylee was having an adverse reaction to the drug by being hyperactive. KC did complain in jail that she had problems getting Caylee to sleep. So suppose instead of getting sleepy, Caylee wanted to stay up all night putting a damper on KC's social life. Even in KC's texts she mentioned that finally Caylee was "knocked out".

At some point the drugs don't work anymore and maybe this one time she decided to use the chloroform?

What bothers me is RM stating that he woke up one morning and Caylee was gone. KC said her mother had called (in the middle of the night) and asked her to bring Caylee home. Problem is, CA denies the phone call and the conversation. Where was Caylee? Either CA does not care for the truth or she believe RM is also lying. Everyone is lying but KC. Something else ironic: the "Knock her out with Chloroform" was on RM's computer. Did RM have it and did KC steal some to use on Caylee? Funny, I don't remember LE asking RM that question, or did I miss it????



Cindy may not have called, maybe Casey just decided to bring her home and left here there so there was no problem. You cannot believe what Casey says either. They are both habitual liars and Cindy has proven it time and time. I have seen her do it with her interviews with Melich when she is caught she changes the subject and cries that she is a grieving grandmother.

I don't think RM had it. Casey was probably looking it up on his computer. She was there often enough. This has nothing to do - this murder- with any of her newer friends - this is Casey - she hated the relationship Caylee and Cindy had and she also wanted out of the house without the burden of Caylee, but her hate for Cindy's and Caylee's bond was deep. She said so to Maia (witness recently interviewed) that as soon as Caylee was born, Casey did not matter anymore.

Also, I have not heard anyone mention this BUT thenight before the murder, Casey came home to find Cindy and Caylee in the pool (after the visit with the grandfather) and Casey was going to join them and Cindy said we are getting out and it is getting cold - why don't you run her a bath. May not seem much to most of us, but if someone feels LEFT OUT, she is going to feel it from that "slight". It tells me that Cindy should have invited Casey in (knowing full well that there was animosity there - if Cindy really wanted to mend this relationship) but did what she wanted and felt was right.

Not defending Casey - she murdered this child- but it very much sounds that Cindy basically took over the role because she now had a doll to play with and raise and Casey felt slighted and the hate started. Cindy knew that Casey had problems and was a liar and had stolen (she stole 200 from her brother when she was about 15). That is not a small amount - $5 is a small amount. She knew she had problems. She knew she was pregnant early on and did nothing. She knew a lot more about Casey's state of mind and let it go.

And when Casey started staying out (which she most certainly did with Ricardo) it bothered Cindy but she was also afraid of losing Caylee so a good part of the time she said nothing. She said nothing when she let her PRETEND to be working for the past two years. Everyday.

Also Cindy lies to detectives and FBI when she said she did not see Caylee the morning of June 15th. George tells the Prosecutors Caylee got up and he and Cindy gave her breakfast. George also tells Prosecutors that when he got home about 12:30 p.m. he checked on Casey's room and he saw Caylee, NOT CASEY. He does not remember her car either. So she was gone that night also.

This has to weigh heavy on this family and will show up in many ways. They know their daughter killed their granddaugher and they are backing her and having their son do the same - albeit his choice - but they can never come to terms with this when they continue to live this horrendous lie.
So, once again AL is asking for judicial review of the death penalty law in Florida. Her arguments on this the first time around with Judge Strickland failed to meet the required criteria for actually finding the law unconstitutional; Instead her arguments were more like a solicitation for the judge to legislate from the bench-AL wanted his honor to find moral, economical and political reasons not to impose the death penalty moreso than she was able to actually demonstrate that the procedure infringed the rights granted in the constitution.
Strickland's response was that he would not reinvent the wheel.

I will be curious to see why exactly Ms. Lyon believes that Florida's death penalty procedure is unconstitutional, as the Orlando Sentinel reports she will include in her motion. She will have to cite very specific law...And this will be the test of all tests with this new judge (Perry)-Will he make AL find specific violation? Or will he allow a broad and emotionally based argument as to why the law is "bad" from a humanity standpoint (not a constitutional standpoint), so he should commence with dismantling it himself?

Ms. Lyon will take one of these positions up the ladder. She may be seeing what argument will work best now, or collecting a pile of "no's" from those pesky state level justices to bring before the more politicized U.S. Supreme Court.

She came to Florida to slay the death penalty. That alone is her defense strategy.

It's unconscionable for her to try to override the legislative process and ask the judge t rewrite laws from the bench. It is ALWAYS wrong when judges do this, and lawyers should be disbarred for even trying. We have a 3 branch government for a reason...
I don't think it is good mothering to bring your child home in the middle of the night, drop her off and then leave. CA said she was unaware of any phone call in the middle of the night asking KC to bring Caylee home. KC was with RM in the morning, same bed and asleep. When both your parents work, dropping your child off and taking off to spend the rest of the night with your boy friend is not something CA would have put up with. Also CA or GA waking up to a Caylee without her mother also would not have been tolerated by CA. jmo

Cindy may not have called, maybe Casey just decided to bring her home and left here there so there was no problem. You cannot believe what Casey says either. They are both habitual liars and Cindy has proven it time and time. I have seen her do it with her interviews with Melich when she is caught she changes the subject and cries that she is a grieving grandmother.

I don't think RM had it. Casey was probably looking it up on his computer. She was there often enough. This has nothing to do - this murder- with any of her newer friends - this is Casey - she hated the relationship Caylee and Cindy had and she also wanted out of the house without the burden of Caylee, but her hate for Cindy's and Caylee's bond was deep. She said so to Maia (witness recently interviewed) that as soon as Caylee was born, Casey did not matter anymore.

Also, I have not heard anyone mention this BUT thenight before the murder, Casey came home to find Cindy and Caylee in the pool (after the visit with the grandfather) and Casey was going to join them and Cindy said we are getting out and it is getting cold - why don't you run her a bath. May not seem much to most of us, but if someone feels LEFT OUT, she is going to feel it from that "slight". It tells me that Cindy should have invited Casey in (knowing full well that there was animosity there - if Cindy really wanted to mend this relationship) but did what she wanted and felt was right.

Not defending Casey - she murdered this child- but it very much sounds that Cindy basically took over the role because she now had a doll to play with and raise and Casey felt slighted and the hate started. Cindy knew that Casey had problems and was a liar and had stolen (she stole 200 from her brother when she was about 15). That is not a small amount - $5 is a small amount. She knew she had problems. She knew she was pregnant early on and did nothing. She knew a lot more about Casey's state of mind and let it go.

And when Casey started staying out (which she most certainly did with Ricardo) it bothered Cindy but she was also afraid of losing Caylee so a good part of the time she said nothing. She said nothing when she let her PRETEND to be working for the past two years. Everyday.

Also Cindy lies to detectives and FBI when she said she did not see Caylee the morning of June 15th. George tells the Prosecutors Caylee got up and he and Cindy gave her breakfast. George also tells Prosecutors that when he got home about 12:30 p.m. he checked on Casey's room and he saw Caylee, NOT CASEY. He does not remember her car either. So she was gone that night also.

This has to weigh heavy on this family and will show up in many ways. They know their daughter killed their granddaugher and they are backing her and having their son do the same - albeit his choice - but they can never come to terms with this when they continue to live this horrendous lie.

Yes I think those interviews with Yuri were as damning as anything to Cindy's credibility, I mean she is caught in several blatant lies and simply gets angrier at Yuri. Have fun with her on the stand!
Well, the A's would surely like everyone to buy that scenario.

Wow. If they actually try to go with THAT defense...I can't even put into words how freaking DUMB that would be.

Didn't the Anthony's already say this? Didn't they say that if there was a body in the trunk, it wasn't their granddaughter? Wasn't the scenerio that someone broke into the car, put a body in there, then broke back in and took the body out, to frame Casey???

This could be so many stories ago, it's what I remember.
Didn't the Anthony's already say this? Didn't they say that if there was a body in the trunk, it wasn't their granddaughter? Wasn't the scenerio that someone broke into the car, put a body in there, then broke back in and took the body out, to frame Casey???

This could be so many stories ago, it's what I remember.

Yes, they did. At least it sounded like that. But then they were working very hard on different scenarios at that time according to GA's depo. so they may have gotten their facts (insert laughter here) mixed up. JMO
Not sure where to put this, so this looked the best place. In todays doc dump there is evidence of a hair found at the crime scene that can not be identified. It is a womans hair I assume brown in colour. Zenaidas? This, along with NO EVIDENCE of Casey at the scene or Caylee being dead at the house is looking BAD for the SA!
Not sure where to put this, so this looked the best place. In todays doc dump there is evidence of a hair found at the crime scene that can not be identified. It is a womans hair I assume brown in colour. Zenaidas? This, along with NO EVIDENCE of Casey at the scene or Caylee being dead at the house is looking BAD for the SA!

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