Casey Anthony Relationship History

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I think that the reason that people are quick to disagree with you Seebra, is the idea that these men were using Casey. That’s just a guess.

I think Casey actually really lucked out with the guys she was with. They didn’t expect too much from her (like an actual job schedule). They either loved or really liked her daughter. TL didn’t seem unhappy with spending time with Caylee, in fact, he seemed to like her quite a lot. Can you really blame him for not wanting a two year old to spend the night in a place where she didn’t have a bed, her own changes of clothes, bath toys, special kid dishes… every kid has that stuff, and if your home is just not outfitted for a child (and you don’t necessarily want it to be), doesn’t make them bad guys who were using Casey. Also, let’s just pause on the “TL wanted boys” line. People say all kinds of things when they say “someday”. I doubt very much TL would have asked his future partner to abort any female fetuses. It’s like being a kid and saying “I want one boy and one girl, and they should be twins and I’m going to name them Mark and Mary!” I don’t think TL was actually thinking that Casey was listening to him for clues for how –she- could be Mrs. RightForever.

Also, I don’t think Casey was “upset” or “desperate”. Unless you’re talking about her not getting what she wanted at the particular moment she wanted it. It wasn’t about some deep desire to be accepted and loved (this is just my opinion). It was about her desire to be out of her parents house and to not need them anymore, but not because they put constant pressure on her. It was because their –recent- questions were beginning to interfere with her lies, and she really didn’t like that. They’d always sat back and took what she said as gospel. She didn’t see it, but stealing from her grandparents was a -major- NONO for what Cindy was willing to put up with. She wasn’t willing to just let it go (though she protected her from the law, she wasn’t going to act like it never happened—until Caylee was gone and she was afraid of losing Casey too).

All the excuses that Casey was giving for not meeting up with… was it WW?? Sorry! Brainfart! ;) … were not because she didn’t want to go. I think the –one- babysitter she truly had was probably home but unwilling to babysit Caylee for whatever reason (wanting Casey to start acting like a mom, maybe she really wasn’t feeling well?), and she thought she could convince Cindy to watch her if she kept at it, or at least could get Caylee to sleep and then her mother might let her go out if Caylee were down for the night.

For me it comes down my feeling that the guys that Casey was with were generally good guys. They weren’t rich, though Casey may have seen TL as headed in that direction, or at least headed toward a career that would allow her to have fun! I think her lies were no longer doing what she wanted them to… making her mother believe that she had a good job and was going to it on whatever night she wanted to do ‘her thing’.

Please don’t interpret this to mean that I think Cindy was a perfect mother… I actually think she was far from it (and George from being the perfect father too!). I just think there are lots of parents that act the way that Cindy and George did, and their children don’t grow up to be sociopaths (though I’m not entirely sure that’s what she is either… though I do tend to –lean- that way) or murderers.
I think that the reason that people are quick to disagree with you Seebra, is the idea that these men were using Casey. That’s just a guess.

I think Casey actually really lucked out with the guys she was with. They didn’t expect too much from her (like an actual job schedule). They either loved or really liked her daughter. TL didn’t seem unhappy with spending time with Caylee, in fact, he seemed to like her quite a lot. Can you really blame him for not wanting a two year old to spend the night in a place where she didn’t have a bed, her own changes of clothes, bath toys, special kid dishes… every kid has that stuff, and if your home is just not outfitted for a child (and you don’t necessarily want it to be), doesn’t make them bad guys who were using Casey. Also, let’s just pause on the “TL wanted boys” line. People say all kinds of things when they say “someday”. I doubt very much TL would have asked his future partner to abort any female fetuses. It’s like being a kid and saying “I want one boy and one girl, and they should be twins and I’m going to name them Mark and Mary!” I don’t think TL was actually thinking that Casey was listening to him for clues for how –she- could be Mrs. RightForever.

Also, I don’t think Casey was “upset” or “desperate”. Unless you’re talking about her not getting what she wanted at the particular moment she wanted it. It wasn’t about some deep desire to be accepted and loved (this is just my opinion). It was about her desire to be out of her parents house and to not need them anymore, but not because they put constant pressure on her. It was because their –recent- questions were beginning to interfere with her lies, and she really didn’t like that. They’d always sat back and took what she said as gospel. She didn’t see it, but stealing from her grandparents was a -major- NONO for what Cindy was willing to put up with. She wasn’t willing to just let it go (though she protected her from the law, she wasn’t going to act like it never happened—until Caylee was gone and she was afraid of losing Casey too).

All the excuses that Casey was giving for not meeting up with… was it WW?? Sorry! Brainfart! ;) … were not because she didn’t want to go. I think the –one- babysitter she truly had was probably home but unwilling to babysit Caylee for whatever reason (wanting Casey to start acting like a mom, maybe she really wasn’t feeling well?), and she thought she could convince Cindy to watch her if she kept at it, or at least could get Caylee to sleep and then her mother might let her go out if Caylee were down for the night.

For me it comes down my feeling that the guys that Casey was with were generally good guys. They weren’t rich, though Casey may have seen TL as headed in that direction, or at least headed toward a career that would allow her to have fun! I think her lies were no longer doing what she wanted them to… making her mother believe that she had a good job and was going to it on whatever night she wanted to do ‘her thing’.

Please don’t interpret this to mean that I think Cindy was a perfect mother… I actually think she was far from it (and George from being the perfect father too!). I just think there are lots of parents that act the way that Cindy and George did, and their children don’t grow up to be sociopaths (though I’m not entirely sure that’s what she is either… though I do tend to –lean- that way) or murderers.

Not everyone gets out unscathed... Yup, most of us do, you are correct! But there is a very small amount of people who are not so lucky and those are the ones we hear about on the news. That's WHY we hear about them, because it is not a common thing... if people like this were an every day event it wouldn't be news-worthy, we wouldn't be here (society, Nancy Grace, WS, national media...) all up in this case the way we are.

Many people have had far worse parents, far worse of a childhood and grow up to be wonderful people. There are wonderful parents who have monsters for children. Monsters can grow in any type of home with any parent. Anyone with eyes realize there are obvious long term issues in this home. But as far as we know, Cindy nor George murdered Caylee, Casey did- that was her choice. She's a big girl now, mommy needs to back up, and let her daughter accept responsibility for what she chose to do. For the first time in her life. You cannot tell me all of a sudden Cindy was gonna put on her big girl panties and be a mother... Cindy would never crack down on Casey, ever, she needs Casey.
Not everyone gets out unscathed... Yup, most of us do, you are correct! But there is a very small amount of people who are not so lucky and those are the ones we hear about on the news. That's WHY we hear about them, because it is not a common thing... if people like this were an every day event it wouldn't be news-worthy, we wouldn't be here (society, Nancy Grace, WS, national media...) all up in this case the way we are.

Many people have had far worse parents, far worse of a childhood and grow up to be wonderful people. There are wonderful parents who have monsters for children. Monsters can grow in any type of home with any parent. Anyone with eyes realize there are obvious long term issues in this home. But as far as we know, Cindy nor George murdered Caylee, Casey did- that was her choice. She's a big girl now, mommy needs to back up, and let her daughter accept responsibility for what she chose to do. For the first time in her life. You cannot tell me all of a sudden Cindy was gonna put on her big girl panties and be a mother... Cindy would never crack down on Casey, ever, she needs Casey.

I agree, OneLostGrl, that Cindy needs Casey too... I just think that her breaking point was obviously Casey stealing from her father. I think that was her first step (however she handled it, which may have been totally wrong) toward not buying the lines.

Just my opinion.

And I think something has to be said about people who do not get out 'unscathed'... there are so many of us out there! And if I had to throw out a number, I'd say 99% of us scathed souls do not kill or abuse. What does that say about the small percentage that do? Not that we're superb people, certainly... I think it likely says that the small percentage that -do- were messed up no matter what...
Am I wrong there??

ETA: Actually, the last I read was that 1 in 8 of those who've abused abuse as well... but I don't know the percentage of those who were not abused that abuse? Anyone know off the top of their heads?
I agree, OneLostGrl, that Cindy needs Casey too... I just think that her breaking point was obviously Casey stealing from her father. I think that was her first step (however she handled it, which may have been totally wrong) toward not buying the lines.

Just my opinion.

And I think something has to be said about people who do not get out 'unscathed'... there are so many of us out there! And if I had to throw out a number, I'd say 99% of us scathed souls do not kill or abuse. What does that say about the small percentage that do? Not that we're superb people, certainly... I think it likely says that the small percentage that -do- were messed up no matter what...
Am I wrong there??

ETA: Actually, the last I read was that 1 in 8 of those who've abused abuse as well... but I don't know the percentage of those who were not abused that abuse? Anyone know off the top of their heads?

I suppose that's where we are different, I don't think anyone one is born "messed up no matter what". If a person is born with a "risk" of becoming a psychopath/sociopath (ie, genetics) steps can be taken in the way they are raised, the things they are or are not exposed to, and chances are future criminal behavior can be avoided. There are many "functional psychopath's" out there who never kill, who are never a blip on anyones radar.

Anyway, I'm not here to try and change your mind.. I won't change mine either and that's OK! We can agree to disagree. :blowkiss:
Actually, this convo took place the night before GA saw KC leave with Caylee the next day.

Well, GA SAYS he saw KC leave with Caylee the next day, but last nite on NG it was mentioned about 22 thousand times that LE seems to be trying to prove the baby was murdered in her own room, which would tend to prove that GA didn't see them leave the next day... or that they circled back after GA and CA went to work, to diddle away the day (as we don't really know what KC was doing to fill the time). However, this would have been after the big fight, right? So the timing is all wacked.
Well, GA SAYS he saw KC leave with Caylee the next day, but last nite on NG it was mentioned about 22 thousand times that LE seems to be trying to prove the baby was murdered in her own room, which would tend to prove that GA didn't see them leave the next day... or that they circled back after GA and CA went to work, to diddle away the day (as we don't really know what KC was doing to fill the time). However, this would have been after the big fight, right? So the timing is all wacked.

Wow - between this post and the NG thread of 2/25 I am once again in awe and totally fascinated. I never thought of the fact that KC returned to the house and murdered her child in her bedroom but this does make a lot of sense!

I need to think this one through and process the information. I all along thought the act was done in KC's car, driving around. This opens up a whole new set of possibilities.

OT and vent: I hate you KC.
Well, GA SAYS he saw KC leave with Caylee the next day, but last nite on NG it was mentioned about 22 thousand times that LE seems to be trying to prove the baby was murdered in her own room, which would tend to prove that GA didn't see them leave the next day... or that they circled back after GA and CA went to work, to diddle away the day (as we don't really know what KC was doing to fill the time). However, this would have been after the big fight, right? So the timing is all wacked.

I've always had a hard time with GA's interview on the details on that day. He had such a vivid recollection of their outfits....right down to Caylee's shoes. Did he keep a running tab of his daughter/grand daughter's wardrobe? I can barely remember what I wore on Monday, let alone a month ago....although it could be because I'm plagued with CRS disease. It only gets worse as the years go by...:crazy:

As far as CA's "relationships"...I don't think she ever REALLY had any....meaningful ones, that is. Even JG was a setup to quell rumors, and dispell the "what would people think" comments, and keep the "perfect" family image in Cindy's mind, IMO.

All the guys in her life were just "reinforcements" for her self satisfaction....and in an odd way, to dispell the sense of her feelings of being "not good enough", or her lack of self ego boost, so to speak.

ETA : OR, she just could have been a horn dog!
I also don't buy the idea that KC dumped JG for liking Caylee more than her. That may be the story she sold to JG himself, because she couldn't push him to give her any other reason-the poor boy was actually in love with her. She left because she was tired of the KC she had become-the church going, maternal, wife to be.
I also don't buy the idea that KC dumped JG for liking Caylee more than her. That may be the story she sold to JG himself, because she couldn't push him to give her any other reason-the poor boy was actually in love with her. She left because she was tired of the KC she had become-the church going, maternal, wife to be.

I don't know that KC ever told JG this when they broke up (not positive though). I always thought it was a combo of CA influence over KC and KC herself realizing that JG was not going to support her financially - afterall he still lived with his parents as well.
I also don't buy the idea that KC dumped JG for liking Caylee more than her. That may be the story she sold to JG himself, because she couldn't push him to give her any other reason-the poor boy was actually in love with her. She left because she was tired of the KC she had become-the church going, maternal, wife to be.

I thought they broke up because she cheated on him. :confused:
I'm rabidly curious to know what they talked about then, too. My theory's that Caylee was already gone, and KC was experiencing an intense adrenaline rush and needed an audience...
This is interesting. I thought her motive in killing Caylee was most likely the fact that she was "missing out" on boys, parties, etc..but, did not connect it to one specific conversation between her and TL. I wonder if such a conversation is what the state will use to show premeditation ? It seems LE knew there was premeditation fairly early on, CA suggested an accident to JA and he said he didn't think so. I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that a phone conversation led to Caylee's death. KC placed so much emphasis on being with someone, anyone, it seems like it was almost an addiction or something she needed to feel good. I am not bashing TL, but it has been shown through the evidence that he could say some cruel things (no, this would never be an excuse for harming a child, ever). I remember when TL mentioned to KC his thoughts about not staying in FL, it was almost as if he was teasing her. Also, any guy that says I want only boys, to a mother who has a daughter, well...instead of getting the hint though, KC tried harder to keep him ? I bet TL wishes he had never met her, and I can't say as I blame him.

Imagine, and this is how I believe the conversation played out that night:

KC: I can't stay here anymore, had a fight with my mom, we need to talk about where our relationship is going, do you want to be with me or not, blah blah blah.

AL: I don't know KC. I mean I'm young. I want to have fun. You're a mom. I'm not ready to be a dad yet. I'm still in school, planning for my (exciting) future and when I want to have kids I want all boys. I am not sure we have a future together.

KC: upset, desperate. Can't we just see where this takes us? I thought you loved me... I can't stay here. My family is evil. I am losing my mind here.

AL: If you want to talk about it, why don't you stay over tomorrow night and we can talk about it. Come over say about (time)

KC: (wheels rapidly turning) I might not have anyone to watch Caylee. I am DEFINITELY not going to leave her here with my crazy mother.

AL: (SIGHS) see? That's what I'm talking about - you're not free to go out, do anything, you have responsibilities that I am not ready to deal with. Look - I'm here if you find someone to watch her, if you want to talk and be with me, just let me know tomorrow.

Could KC have been so selfish to realize she had to rid herself of her daughter to go hold on to a man? Could she have thought that the only thing standing in the way of her future with Tony was her child? Could she have planned on going to New York with him and realized that bringing Caylee wasn't an option? Did she imagine a life in NY that did not include having a child with her?

Absolutely I believe this could be a very likely scenario.

And the movie "Untraceable" that she rented that night. I think her ulterior motive was that scene with the body in the trunk, sort of a study guide for her.
Out of all the theories, this is about the only one that I read and said yeah, I can really see that happening. With what we know now about KC and her relationships, her "neediness", I believe this may have very well been the scenario, or close to it.
IDK, IMO she was fishing pretty hard at the time Caylee was killed. She put on the pretense of being hopelessly in love with TL...BUT, she was working angles on her CA beau, making moves on Will, still talkin sweet to RM and TR....all of that points to her being on the brink of moving on. Either she feared TL was really going to move without her (deep down she knew he was not that into her) or she knew this wasn't going to play out well and was hoping for a white knight to rescue her from the impending doom. She had her feelers out for the next man. When she was arrested, she thought that the only one she had groomed into a position to hold onto was TL. Unfortunately for her, she bet wrong. If only she had known how smitten Will was--he'd probably still be visiting her in jail today!

Point is, she'd been playing this game since Caylee was conceived. I just don't see boy trouble as being the main contributer to Caylee's demise. Yes, her relationship history has bearing on the case-it visually amplifies her inability to really make a deep connection with ANYBODY. If this was a premeditated murder-motive is more than likely spite-killing Caylee was the ultimate effyou to CA.
I would think the more probable theory would include the aspect that Casey could not allow Cindy to raise Caylee (and all the psychological negatives Cindy would impose on Casey for doing so) and could not transition into the role of single mother wanting to date responsibly. None of the men Casey seemed to want to be with appeared in any fashion to be ready to be in a long term relationship, let alone a step daddy. I have always considered that Casey was much more capable of looking at killing Caylee because of a guy. If she had actually looked at killing Caylee because she just did not want her mother to damage her or Caylee for the rest of their lives, well....That would be far too close to the truth, and as we know, the Anthony's veer far to the left of the truth. Killing Caylee because of her mother would be the same as killing herself. Killing Caylee because of a guy, well.....easy peasy. But that is not the truth.

(and now, for whatever reason, the song "ONE STEP BEYOND!" is going through my head.
Well, one year prior Mark was texting her and hoping to be a "good male role model" for Caylee. She did manage to catch a good one once in a while (possible father figures)...she just never kept them. She's a "catch and release" angler.
Well, one year prior Mark was texting her and hoping to be a "good male role model" for Caylee. She did manage to catch a good one once in a while (possible father figures)...she just never kept them. She's a "catch and release" angler.

Finding out that the woman whose name Casey hissed between her teeth after Cindy asked if she was someone to look into was Mark's ex-wife, the woman purported to have had an affair with Lee, gotten pregnant and subsequently returned to her husband only to abort Lee's child, I kinda figured that Casey's interchanges with Mark were to get back at her somehow. I don't believe there was an ounce of sincerity in her communications with him, and while he may have felt like he was something special to her, he was just another bullet for the gun of revenge in the Anthony family.
If this was a premeditated murder-motive is more than likely spite-killing Caylee was the ultimate effyou to CA.

I wonder if it were this scenario or she just flipped out and killed her.
Finding out that the woman whose name Casey hissed between her teeth after Cindy asked if she was someone to look into was Mark's ex-wife, the woman purported to have had an affair with Lee, gotten pregnant and subsequently returned to her husband only to abort Lee's child, I kinda figured that Casey's interchanges with Mark were to get back at her somehow. I don't believe there was an ounce of sincerity in her communications with him, and while he may have felt like he was something special to her, he was just another bullet for the gun of revenge in the Anthony family.

Whoa! I missed that memo! Which thread discussed that interchange? (not the name hissing-I got that one-but the Lee vs Mark's wife connection)
Umm did anyone read the AIM between KC and Tony? I just read it and WOW. She not only comes off as extremely desperate but also wayyyy too obsessed and in love with someone she only met maybe 2 weeks prior. And he really treated her like crap in the convo..knowing KC, I'm surprised she put up with it.
Umm did anyone read the AIM between KC and Tony? I just read it and WOW. She not only comes off as extremely desperate but also wayyyy too obsessed and in love with someone she only met maybe 2 weeks prior. And he really treated her like crap in the convo..knowing KC, I'm surprised she put up with it.

Hey trixi-- I missed that, where do I go? Gotta link? tia

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