Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

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:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I see a trainwreck coming!!!:woohoo:

Me too. If this is true, it is probably from the influence of Cindy Anthony.

I can hear her now, "sweetheart, Jose ........ blah blah blah"

After all, doesn't momma Kardashian handle her girl's money?
I'll reserve my excitement for now. This IS Fox News after all.

From the article:

"Anthony's original attorney, Cheney Mason, will take over as her representative to the media, and sources say an announcement is imminent."

Anthony's original attorney was Baez, not Mason.
Of course it could all be lies, smoke and mirrors designed to get free publicity for her 'plight'... the article I read said CM will be taking over as her representative. That should be interesting - or laughable depending on how you view him. He can't string a sentence together or get any factual information right without inserting his foot straight into his mouth.

I guess if worst comes to worst Casey could always get a job..
Someone mentioned in another thread that apparently Casey thought Baez would go from lawyer to PR respresentative after the trial. I think it's more than that. Baez worked for CASEY in Casey's mind. He was whatever she wanted him to be, and he was willing to go along with it because all he could see was big money in his future because of Casey. Now, he hasn't been able to get her anything, and as usual, it's not Casey's fault, it's Baez's fault. She just doesn't get it that no one wants to touch her with a ten foot pole. I think he did try hard to get her an interview, but he just couldn't sell her to anyone. I don't think Mason or anyone else is going to do any better. She'll just keep blaming and firing people until she has to run home to mommy. What a waste, a huge waste.
Before I start my "falling over laughing" dance - I'm taking a "hmm - let's wait and see" attitude! Are we hearing more hype to make headlines?

Since when does someone leak information they are "planning" on firing their lawyer? Huh? Don't you just fire someone? I don't think it's a slow drawn out process, is it?

This might be more carp because that's the way she rolls, or this is her way of reigning him in because he hasn't been answering her multi texts, hasn't been dropping by for friendly chats and hasn't brought her that juicy network deal she's been coveting.

Seriously, if you had a choice of lawyers and you were 26 years old - would you really pick Mason even if Baez is no catch? Eeeeuuuuwww!

Has Mason ever filed a winning motion? Ummm...hmmm.
Someone mentioned in another thread that apparently Casey thought Baez would go from lawyer to PR respresentative after the trial. I think it's more than that. Baez worked for CASEY in Casey's mind. He was whatever she wanted him to be, and he was willing to go along with it because all he could see was big money in his future because of Casey. Now, he hasn't been able to get her anything, and as usual, it's not Casey's fault, it's Baez's fault. She just doesn't get it that no one wants to touch her with a ten foot pole. I think he did try hard to get her an interview, but he just couldn't sell her to anyone. I don't think Mason or anyone else is going to do any better. She'll just keep blaming and firing people until she has to run home to mommy. What a waste, a huge waste.

Well of course he did....worked for her I mean. Remember she was the thumb...or the finger....whatever it was...the CEO of her own life...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Before I start my "falling over laughing" dance - I'm taking a "hmm - let's wait and see" attitude! Are we hearing more hype to make headlines?

Since when does someone leak information they are "planning" on firing their lawyer? Huh? Don't you just fire someone? I don't think it's a slow drawn out process, is it?

This might be more carp because that's the way she rolls, or this is her way of reigning him in because he hasn't been answering her multi texts, hasn't been dropping by for friendly chats and hasn't brought her that juicy network deal she's been coveting.

Seriously, if you had a choice of lawyers and you were 26 years old - would you really pick Mason even if Baez is no catch? Eeeeuuuuwww!

Has Mason ever filed a winning motion? Ummm...hmmm.

I wouldn't, but I'm sure Mason coddles Casey and treats her like a granddaughter whereas Baez has been gone, not codding her, and telling her he's working on deals that never come through. Casey is selfish and vain enough that Mason is the better catch right now. I don't see that lasting long as I don't think he could give away water for free much less land a deal for Casey Anthony!
Will these repulsive people never go away??
Too bad Jose will never believe it.
He's way too full of himself.

It's been obvious she wanted rid of him for a while.. I think deep down he feels guilty for helping a murderer walk free... he sold his soul to the devil and he knows it.

I think it is equally as likely that HE dumped HER. I suspect he's been sick of her for AGES. he barely saw her in jail at all in the end, and that comment he made about her acting like a 2 year old, then there was that moment of RAGE from OCA during trial, some say it was to LDB but I believe it was to JB as she stopped REAL fast when HE turned towards her...

then, the video of her release, you'd expect him to be hanging onto her like he did in the beginning, and beaming with glee, but he was as far from her as he could get and still say he was walking with her, and he looked MUCH less than impressed.

soon as the verdict was read, JB saw his future with her IMO and wanted NONE of it.

And now we know why this came out. Perry just unsealed Casey's psych evals!!!!! No WONDER she needed a distraction!!!!

And now we know why this came out. Perry just unsealed Casey's psych evals!!!!! No WONDER she needed a distraction!!!!

doesnt it seem like we read their minds? ugh, I feel dirty, like I've been in OCA's trailer.
I'll reserve my excitement for now. This IS Fox News after all.

From the article:

"Anthony's original attorney, Cheney Mason, will take over as her representative to the media, and sources say an announcement is imminent."

Anthony's original attorney was Baez, not Mason.


I know what ya mean re. the bold, but think about it -

Fox News = Geraldo. Geraldo = Baez's BFF. Add it all together and it equals Baez giving Geraldo a scoop, imo.
I'll reserve my excitement for now. This IS Fox News after all.

From the article:

"Anthony's original attorney, Cheney Mason, will take over as her representative to the media, and sources say an announcement is imminent."

Anthony's original attorney was Baez, not Mason.

Oh...they probably put this crap out and sit back and read the forums and just laugh and laugh....but life has a funny way of imitating art..or in this case we shall see in the end just who comes out on the top of this steaming pile of crapola. I know people have said in the past that it would be a conflict for JB to be her attorney AND her agent...not that scruples ever stopped him before. But it is probably something as simple as him bowing out at her attorney of record so he can be free to make that million dollar deal for her.
Baffling that he is, he saved her life. What an ungrateful woman.
Color me verrrry suspicious, but why can't I help but think, yet again, this is all part of a bigger plan??
Whichever way it's done...who fired whom is not the big question in my mind. It's WHY?? There's some other underlying reason and this whole video thing played right into it. Almost like a big 'ol trip to CaseyWorld.
IMO...all this JB hype is leading up to a "tell all" book by JB...profits which will probably be split with KC.
I'm not at all someone who has even the remotest idea about law, but, IMO, if the public is led to believe there's a "real" rift between KC and JB, they're not considered "lawyer/client".
Everyone will say this is a blow to KC.
JB can come out with a supposed "tell all" book...because she's NOT his client, the public now thinks he's "removed" from her, and just MAYBE he "saw the light" about this liar.
Even though the "lawyer/client" relationship is still in place.....remember what CM had said a while ago when JA's book was out and reporters asked HIS take on it....he said he, IMO, the defense, is gonna come out with a behind the scenes sort of book.
What better way to get the public interest than the "estranged" lawyer, JB, writing a "tell all".

Hope this makes sense, and, as always, just IMO.
Psyche reports just unsealed by judge.

Here is the thread to discuss the psych evals.

Lots of breaking news. Let's try to keep the threads on topic, please.

[ame=""]Casey's Psych Evals unsealed [/ame]

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