Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

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It this can be tied up for years and years, does that mean that JB and his team will continue to draw from the State for their "expenses and investigations"?
IMO, the answer to this should be no. Baez & Co represented her on the criminal case which is no over. UNLESS Baez is also acting as her agent for interviews, books, movies, etc.
BBM The state will be footing the bill for her appeal as well.

Unbelievable. The gall this woman has is unbelievable. FCA will ALWAYS come out on top, always. I honestly don't know why the state even bothers. FCA will drag this out as long as possible mainly just out of spite.

I truly feel for the FL taxpayers. Truly.
So, to clarify and review, there are at least THREE main reasons they filed this appeal:

1. As a Hail Mary, a longshot, that perhaps the higher courts will agree with the DT that it was just ONE big Lie, thus reducing her verdict to one misdemeanor, instead of four.
[ a big help in future suits against her.]

2. As a legal remedy to ensure that she can take the 5th at any imminent depositions, thus preventing any other suits from getting more ammo against her.

3. Perhaps most important, a way to keep her from testifying NOW, so she can get out and cash in that million dollar ticket for an interview.

So it is just legal manipulations, and further BS. It is certainly not going to help her to become more acceptable to the public though.
Well, this first judge didn't want to get involved so he buy seven hours and soo they will be gone for the day. What a crock!!!
The early videos involving the media and ZG are still out there I would think and there are the discovery documents still available. Anyone with doubts can easily research what actually happened. jmo

You've mentioned Z?G being let go from her 'new' job a number of times. Please share where this information about Z?G having a job lined up comes from.
Where did the 4 counts of lying come from? How did they come up with the 4 counts against Casey?
She's not denying that she lied. She is appealing the fact that she was charged/convicted four times for lying rather than once. In her mind, it was all ONE lie, not 4 separate lies. That is the issue with the appeal.

That's because her entire life was one big lie.
These attorneys are crawling out from their rocks like crazy. Isn't this disgusting? Amazing how so many are willing to sell their souls for the likes of this monster.

Here's wishing all the jury all the karma they are due.
I would be happy to agree to disagree. I don't want to fight with anyone over this and that was not my intention in answering. I was just giving some insight, as a person who owns a business, why some company may not have wanted her as an employee. I would be very unhappy if ANY of the players in this case had been on my payroll just because I believe that all of the attention in the case would have been very distracting from business as usual.

As far as ZG goes, I imagine, if it were me and these things that she claims were happening, I might try to eventually go on TV to say that I was not guilty to try to help stop these people from doing the things she said they were doing. If she had hidden and never spoke, some might believe that showed proof of guilt. She claims that there were threats. As of now, I have been given no reason to believe that she is being less than truthful and until then, I will believe her. After that initial round, I have not seen her on TV every five minutes like some.

Thank you HRCODEPINK for the video attachment.

For those of us who feel ZG is unjust in her lawsuit please view the attached video. It will answer your questions. jmo
I think I will change her initials to KCA for Killer casey anthony.
I agree. It amazes me that quite a lot of folks want her to be awarded compensation, and to me that is just another person wanting to profit off a dead baby. She saw the chance to grab some bucks, thought it would be quick and jumped on the bandwagon. Her life was not ruined because of this case, she ruined it herself.

Also, Morgan seems to want to ask a lot of questions that have nothing to do with a defamation suit, he tried to fish for information about the murder case. What makes him think he is going to get answers from Casey when no one else except possibly Baez has been able to?

What if Casey had told LE and everyone else that woman she met on the internet, named TxLady2, had kidnapped Caylee. Wouldn't you want to sue?
Unbelievable. The gall this woman has is unbelievable. FCA will ALWAYS come out on top, always. I honestly don't know why the state even bothers. FCA will drag this out as long as possible mainly just out of spite.

I truly feel for the FL taxpayers. Truly.

BBM: I agree! And yep ... the "GALL" she has ... :maddening:

I can't remember seeing anyone who is as "UNTOUCHABLE" as CFCA is ... :maddening:


You have got to be kidding me???????????? Really? They have ALL admitted what a liar she is! Why not just slink away and keep your head low?

Because she's CASEY ANTHONY. One piece of solace for me is she and possibly JB will be spending their days in court for the next few yrs. Doesn't leave much time for partying. :floorlaugh:
Unbelievable. The gall this woman has is unbelievable. FCA will ALWAYS come out on top, always. I honestly don't know why the state even bothers. FCA will drag this out as long as possible mainly just out of spite.

I truly feel for the FL taxpayers. Truly.

I am angered by this, too. But I disagree, she will not always come out on top. I'm not spiritual or religious, but I believe that sooner or later, what goes around comes around. Sometimes it seems to take forever. I felt this way a few years ago about a situation, but to save myself, eventually accepted (not condoned, just accepted) it. Then, when I least expected it, matters resolved themselves.

Caylee can't be brought back, but her mother will not be on a cake walk for long. I believe that with all my heart.
Sorry to "quote" myself but I posted this earlier ...

Below is a link to Judge Perry reading the 4 Counts of giving False Info to LE from the "Sentencing Hearing" as well as Judge Perry CLEARLY STATING that these are 4 SEPARATE AND DISTINCT LIES :

I went back to find the video from the "sentencing hearing" ...


These are the 4 Counts that Judge Perry stated are "4 SEPARATE AND DISTINCT LIES" ...

Count 4: False info to LE -- CFCA lies about "employment at Universal Studios".

Count 5: False info to LE -- CFCA lied about dropping off Caylee with "babysitter, Zanny, at Sawgrass Apts".

Count 6: False info to LE -- CFCA lied about "2 employees at Universal Studios -- Jeff Hopkins and Juliette Lewis -- about disappearance of Caylee".

Count 7: False info to LE -- CFCA lied about "receiving a telephone call and spoke to Caylee on July 15, 2008".

At appx. 12:05 mark Judge Perry instructs on "right to appeal" ...


It is just UNBELIEVABLE that they are APPEALING these 4 counts ...:maddening:

I am "guessing" it is to DELAY CFCA's appearance at the deposition of Zenaida ...

Gonzalez' attorney Matt Morgan says former case Judge Rodriguez accused of bias by #CaseyAnthony attorney before recusal this AM.

by bobkealing via twitter3:13 PM

Nice, huh?
So, to clarify and review, there are at least THREE main reasons they filed this appeal:

1. As a Hail Mary, a longshot, that perhaps the higher courts will agree with the DT that it was just ONE big Lie, thus reducing her verdict to one misdemeanor, instead of four.
[ a big help in future suits against her.]

2. As a legal remedy to ensure that she can take the 5th at any imminent depositions, thus preventing any other suits from getting more ammo against her.

3. Perhaps most important, a way to keep her from testifying NOW, so she can get out and cash in that million dollar ticket for an interview.

So it is just legal manipulations, and further BS. It is certainly not going to help her to become more acceptable to the public though.

Pretty much completely agreed.

However, I don't think it matters if she becomes more acceptable to the public. FCA is Miss Casey Anthony the unstoppable. I don't think she will grace us (the United States Public) with her presence for very long, if at all. She will bolt from the states and only return to pose for magazine spreads, tape interviews, and meet with book publishers. FCA will never get the opportunity to deal with the vengeance of the public at large that KNOW exactly what she got away with.

I for one am sick to my stomach and my blood is boiling with anger at how much FCA has been able to come out smelling like a damn rose from this. She's gotten her Bella Vita more than she could ever dream possible. She's been able to get everything and more from murdering Caylee.

1- She successfully destroyed her parents and family
2- She never has to deal with "snothead" again
3- She will be rolling in the dough one day (albeit not as soon as she would like)
4- She gets to enjoy a lifetime vacation in some unknown far away destination
5- She's a celebrity
6- She'll never see or deal with her parents again but can smile like a Cheshire cat that she destroyed them
7- and most importantly she'll never have to work another day in her life.

I don't know what the hell the world has come to, it's like I'm seriously in the twilight zone. It's like the devil himself is continually stomping on Caylee's memory over and over again and rewarding FCA with more than she could ever dream. It's literally unbelievable.
Well, this first judge didn't want to get involved so he buy seven hours and soo they will be gone for the day. What a crock!!!

True but would you want to come in contact with KC? Think about it, everyone who's path she crossed is now paying the Piper, even Judge Perry.
Gonzalez' attorney Matt Morgan says former case Judge Rodriguez accused of bias by #CaseyAnthony attorney before recusal this AM.

by bobkealing via twitter3:13 PM

Nice, huh?


I can't take much more of this case. I really can't.

I would like to say something about FCA and her ENTIRE defense team but I will refrain so as to not get banned. I just hope God deals with THEM ALL accordingly.

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