Casey Arrested on Fraud Related Charges

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What does presentenced mean? Does that mean she's already plead guilty?
Forgery isn't the same as passing someone else's checks, that's why that Felony charge doesn't count. Forgery is where you make a likeness of something. Like a fake $100 bill, a check tied to someone else's account with different names/monetary amount, etc.
Hi there!

I am not a legal expert, but I do have to wonder what new charges mean in respect to her limited immunity deal. My initial thoughts are that perhaps this is merely a distraction tactic. Maybe the immunity deal is done if there are new charges? Maybe it is to keep her in this process, and busy until Tuesday am. I wondering if they have a body, or enough evidence, to press murder charges and are thereby not worried about getting her to talk any more. Additionally, I wonder if any of these fraud or forgery related offenses are a means by which to establish the case for trial purposes, as a way to prove not only a pattern of criminal behavior; but also, perhaps premeditation.
What does presentenced mean? Does that mean she's already plead guilty?
I would think it means before sentencing or not sentenced yet. I mean she has to be tried or cop a plea first.
Why would the lead investigator for this case feel the need to show up for the arrest of Casey on such minor charges? I'm almost embarrased for LE if this is all they can make happen (and why would they want the nation to witness this?)
What does presentenced mean? Does that mean she's already plead guilty?

Hi Arwen, pre-sentenced simply means that she is only charged right now, and has not been convicted, nor sentenced for any crime.
What does presentenced mean? Does that mean she's already plead guilty?

"Presentenced" means that she hasn't been found guilty in a trial or plead guilty. In other words, her status is as an innocent person, as opposed to those who are being held as punishment for their guilt. I don't know what that means in terms of how each category is treated or if they have the same privileges or not.
You don;t go before a judge to post bail. That is the idea of having bail so you don't have to wait to go before a judge. If the old bond remains in force she can bail out tonight.

If someone is ALREADY out on bail they DO have to go before a judge before they can bond out............the judge can revoke all bonds because of new charges and refuse to allow bond.

It is pretty serious to be arrested when someone is already out on bond, regardless of the charges.
Why would the lead investigator for this case feel the need to show up for the arrest of Casey on such minor charges? I'm almost embarrased for LE if this is all they can make happen (and why would they want the nation to witness this?)

In a homicide investigation, the lead investigator is involved in ALL aspects of the case. Not only with her but everyone else involved too.
Thats what I'm thinking too - I also think a murder indictment is comming Tuesday morning.(long weekend)

They picked her up early on the check charges just to hold her for a few days until the Indictment is ready - (why the homocide detectives?)


I'm gonna super speculate here, and say that Tim Miller went to LE to get ideas of where to look tomorrow, and they are perhaps preventing another murder(of Casey by her parents) if they find Caylee? or maybe they want to keep Casey informed of each sight they are looking in to see if they can see a reaction?
If someone is ALREADY out on bail they DO have to go before a judge before they can bond out............the judge can revoke all bonds because of new charges and refuse to allow bond.

It is pretty serious to be arrested when someone is already out on bond, regardless of the charges.
I gotcha Turbo. that has been explained to me and I totally stand corrected. I have to get it through my thick head that all states are not the same. It is my new mantra and I am repeating it to myself over and over before I post.
I'm exhausted by today. Phew! What a whirlwind week!

I'm thinking that they arrested her with the intention of giving her another taste of jail to get her to take the immunity deal.
I'm thinking that they arrested her with the intention of giving her another taste of jail to get her to take the immunity deal.

That's what I think also....

the whole week has been carefully orchestrated... first the news about the Body Farm air tests...

then the bit about the HAIR in the trunk

then the rumors about revoking her bond

BLAM! They arrest her!

LE is showing her they are DEADLY SERIOUS about this being her last chance to start telling the truth.

I think the problem might be that the limited immunity might ONLY be granted to her IF she stops lying completely & frankly I think Baez knows this is IMPOSSIBLE for her & that will mean LE revokes the immunity as well.

So why should he encourage her to accept the limited immunity deal? He shouldn't... it's NOT in her best interests.
At the home of Casey Anthony's parents, her attorney, Jose Baez said: "This is nothing more than an attempt by law enforcement to play mind games with my client. They leaked the arrest to the media and deliberately avoided telling me so she could turn herself in in a dignified fashion. They clearly wanted the media to capture my client is the worse possible light. Coincidentally, I was on the phone with her when police arrived at her home to arrest her.

LOL!!! Mind games? First you have to HAVE a mind for someone to play mind games with you.

Yeah right... if Baez was by her side, we would have seen her in her arrested in the 'best possible light?' Uh huh.

Poor Casey.... when will she stop being unfairly persecuted? :rolleyes:

Wasn't she in his office all day? and now he's on the phone with her by chance at 8:30 pm. wow. that's one dedicated attorney.
Anyone else sick from seeing the pic of Casey being led out in handcuffs wearing a find Caylee t-shirt!!!!!!! That really burns me!!
Hi there!

I am not a legal expert, but I do have to wonder what new charges mean in respect to her limited immunity deal. My initial thoughts are that perhaps this is merely a distraction tactic. Maybe the immunity deal is done if there are new charges? Maybe it is to keep her in this process, and busy until Tuesday am. I wondering if they have a body, or enough evidence, to press murder charges and are thereby not worried about getting her to talk any more. Additionally, I wonder if any of these fraud or forgery related offenses are a means by which to establish the case for trial purposes, as a way to prove not only a pattern of criminal behavior; but also, perhaps premeditation.

According to the marine, forgot his name now, she was planning on going to California to give him some news. IIRC she was planning on going in July.
Why would the lead investigator for this case feel the need to show up for the arrest of Casey on such minor charges? I'm almost embarrased for LE if this is all they can make happen (and why would they want the nation to witness this?)

I am sure the LE are getting a HUGE amount of heat from the public complaining about her being out on bond, when are you going to arrest her for murder, etc. I do not know how I feel about the demonstration. The people were just standing around, not doing anything until the cops showed up. I think if I were there, I personally would be whooping and hollering too, but my anger is with Casey. I am also angry with Cindy saying she isn't going anywhere, in reference to Casey going back to jail, like she is queen sheeba.

I personally do not care how they re-arrested her, and I am glad I got to see her smug face going back into custody. I think I would do it the same exact way and would continue to do it on every single thing they can until my murder rap is solid and I know i can get a conviction, just to make her life miserable.

Did you hear the guy from TES? He said he had a meeting with the family for a while and the whole time he was there, Casey was at her computer, not being part of the discussion about the search for where her daughter is. He said she would come out every so often and then go on back to her room and on to the computer. I cannot believe they let her be on the computer.

Let's face it, the entire country is angry with this family.
Wasn't she in his office all day? and now he's on the phone with her by chance at 8:30 pm. wow. that's one dedicated attorney.

Why should his client be allowed to be arrested in a dignified manner. I wonder how dignified Caylee's death was?

That man so gets on my nerves.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread, so not sure if this was mentioned yet...but does anyone find it interesting that the child neglect division detectives were the arresting officers for the check charges?

Makes me wonder if fraud and uttering charges aren't the only thing they have in store for Casey.
LE is showing her they are DEADLY SERIOUS about this being her last chance to start telling the truth.

Serious my heiny... if they were serious they would have arrested her for murder..not petty theft. At this point...with all the alleged evidence they have, they don't even need a body. Since when has LE been known to "play games" It's like they're saying
"you better tell us or else you'll be in big big trouble missy"
"we really mean it this time"
"that's it I'll give you to the count of three...1...2..."
come on really!!

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