This website is an easily accessible, free place for the DT to garner a wealth of the kind of detailed information regarding trial strategy and public perception of their client that usually would be quite costly.
I was becoming concerned about all the commentary and especially the poll that clearly quantified opinion on KC's behavior in court. It (the behavior) was bizarre. It was so bizarre that I wondered if it was encouraged by the DT to offer evidence of some kind of dissociative fugue state that, "as you can see, continues to this day, ladies and gentlemen of the jury!"
Today KC's notetaking and general "busyness" at the defense table was severely curtailed. She actually looked at and listened to her mother and even exchanged eye contact and words, albiet silently mouthed. Unless I've missed something (which is always possible) that was the most interaction she has displayed with her mother since the jail tapes.
She also looked at and appeared to be listening to the other witnesses during testimony. She gave the appearance of being more normally engaged than she has previously.
I noticed far less of the self-grooming tics today.
I wonder if she is newly taking psychoactive medications or has had a change in type or a dosage adjustment. That, or she is finally either receiving or paying attention to coaching that is more than likely based on information gathered here.
Anyway, I think this site has been a gold mine of useful advice and information for the people we least want to help in the world. I know of no way to avoid this except to be a lot more careful of what is said and to be sure to offer them no more polls.
If only there were some way to continue to discuss this case and it's characters without allowing them access! Is there?
Casey Anthony Changes Demeanor in Court
I hope it is not too inappropriate to quote my own previous post. If so, I hope I can be forgiven for a breach in forum ettiquette.
Several people responded to my post by saying, to paraphrase, "no problem, she'll get convicted simply based on the 31 days and that first phone call from jail" and "she's not going to be able to hide, for long, who she really is, so what does it matter that the DT is getting information here on how best to present her to a jury?"
I continue to disagree. People who have been following this case "from day 31", including myself, have a very clear picture of who KC really is. We have had the opportunity to read all the interviews, review all the evidence, watch her strutting and hip swinging into and out of the jail and Baez's office. (I was particularly repulsed by one display where she was wearing a "Cayley is Missing" tee-shirt knotted up on the side to accentuate her waist and hips with multiple bangles on her wrists and her pert little pony tail swinging through the open space in the back of her baseball cap.)
The jury is going to be made up, as much as possible, of people who have had not anywhere near the access to information that we have had. They are not going to see the swaggering vision I have just described. They are not going to know that the whole time she was out of jail, on bond, she was spending all day, everyday, secluded in Baez's office. They are only going to be informed of the behaviors and information that the lawyers, mediated by the judge, are going to allow.
Her behavior can, most absolutely, be restrained and modified by medications. I fully believe that, with our help, she can be molded, to a large degree, into a much more sympathetic "creation" than we all know actually exists.
I get worried by, what appears to me, to be a great deal of over-confidence on the part of many WSers. Hubris always scares me.
Some of you made a point of pointing out, for the benefit of the defense, how her out-fits were coming across. Now she has a new, much more acceptable one. Her demeanor has notably changed in the past couple of hearings. The jury is not going to see what we and the others who follow this case have seen.
I think it would have been so great for the jury to have seen her busy, busy co-counsel act, with all the arrogance, self-confidence, and Baez smacking and grabbing self-importance.
Don't forget that guilty people get off all the time for ridiculous and/or cleverly contrived reasons. Look at OJ. Personnally, I would like for the jury to get to see as much of the information we have had access to as possible. And her self-presentation has been as big a clue (to me) as any other piece of evidence. Look at how much time has been spent observing and speculating about her refusal to look at her parents for all these many months. Now that has changed.
I just feel compelled to repeat that I think we should be more careful.
Just because WE have become convinced of her guilt, (and I too was initially pretty well convinced by the one-two punch of the 31 days and the first call home from jail) doesn't mean that 12 people who do not know what we know will be able to feel the personal conviction to take the monumental responsibility of voting for her execution without as much justification as possible.
MOO, of course, and I hope I haven't offended anyone.