Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
Didn't they hire a Jury Consultant? I was under the impression that they had one. This is the person who needs to go out and buy clothes that won't offend a jury. Whoever is choosing them doesn't seem to realize that the 'plunging neckline' is out of place in a courtroom. I've noticed at a few court appearances her clothes have been wrinkled (like they were wadded up and left in a bag) and she has repeated wearing blouses two court appearances in a row.

I know she is suppose to be 'broke' but surely some of her family owns an iron?

No, the DT asked for money but HHJP told CM he had enough experience with juries to be their own jury consultant....:waitasec: :innocent:....
So glad you brought this up! IMO, this trial is the "biggest" one, media-wise, since Peterson was sent to Death Row.:bananajump: I still think of that trial and agree w/everyone's comments above re. SP's horrendously disgusting arrogance and also the way his PARENTS defended him!! I remember his dad Lee making an azz out of himself, shouting and then storming out of the courtroom during sentencing- also how I loved Brent Rocha's scathing comments to Scott during Victim's Impact statements ("I never liked you!...bought a gun, planned to KILL you!") I only wish that Lee Anthony could truly face down Casey in court and tell her what we all know that HE knows, that his lying sister MURDERED his precious niece. WHY won't any of the Anthonys STAND UP FOR CAYLEE???!! Just like Casey right now, there was a time when Scott had cameras on him and lawyers fawning over him and a family enabling him to the very end.... but look where he is now! Every once in a while, when it's a beautiful, sunny day, I will think to myself, "Hmmm, wonder what Scott Peterson is doing right now?? How's that tiny, smelly cell today? Play any rounds of golf lately, Scott? Fishing much?" HA. And, a year from now, when this trial is fading away, little miss Casey Anthony is going to be behind PRISON bars and she AIN'T gonna like it- no Target, no internet, no cameras, no take-out food delivered to her, and especially, no BOYS!! She and Scott are just alike, if you ask me. (Sorry if too O/T, MOO, IMO, etc.)

Thanks for your comments - well said!

Do you or anyone else reading remember how long it was from the time Scott was charged to the start of actual trial? Was the time as drawn out as the ICA trial has been - almost three years? I don't remember it being that long but ..:waitasec:..

I voted No. But after seeing her today, it appears that neither is helping her image. The paralegal routine makes her appear detached yet the fidgeting makes her appear she has a guilty conscience. I really think the clothes they choose for her makes a big difference in her courtroom confidence. It appeared to me today that she was extremely uncomfortable and preoccupied with the image the sweater was creating as it was totally stretched out of shape. The sleeves around her wrists had tripled in size and the bottom of the sweater was stretched and flopping around. It looked very sloppy today and she was aware of it. She was very embarrassed of her image in the sweater which totally threw her 'game face' off, imo.
I don't know anything about KC helping her defense; I do however know that she is getting bigger and bigger in the lower posterior area.

Also notice SHE DOES NOT acknowledge her mother at all.
I voted No. But after seeing her today, it appears that neither is helping her image. The paralegal routine makes her appear detached yet the fidgeting makes her appear she has a guilty conscience. I really think the clothes they choose for her makes a big difference in her courtroom confidence. It appeared to me today that she was extremely uncomfortable and preoccupied with the image the sweater was creating as it was totally stretched out of shape. The sleeves around her wrists had tripled in size and the bottom of the sweater was stretched and flopping around. It looked very sloppy today and she was aware of it. She was very embarrassed of her image in the sweater which totally threw her 'game face' off, imo.

I fully expect that come trial time, they will be parading KC into the courtroom in a Nun's Habit, complete with beads and ICA crossing herself. :crazy: Won't work though. As Forrest Gump would say, "Evil is as Evil does."
I am VERY curious to see if today was a fluke (no paralegal act), or if tomorrow's hearings will be the same--in other words, if they were reading here and elsewhere and figured out that the paper shuffling routine was an abject flop?
I fully expect that come trial time, they will be parading KC into the courtroom in a Nun's Habit, complete with beads and ICA crossing herself. :crazy: Won't work though. As Forrest Gump would say, "Evil is as Evil does."
True that! I am guessing her coping skills will greatly diminish as well come real trial time. I think her tics will double or triple fold.
I am VERY curious to see if today was a fluke (no paralegal act), or if tomorrow's hearings will be the same--in other words, if they were reading here and elsewhere and figured out that the paper shuffling routine was an abject flop?

She knew it was going to be short. She'll be writing again tomorrow.
I watched KC sorting through the large file on the K9 and his handler, she was underlining passages and writing supposed salient points of dispute. Somehow that is very chilling, trying to get ones self off on a technicality/point of law when one has been indicted for murdering ones own child.

Most defendants sit there with a note pad in front of them which is usually so they can scribble a note to their attorney off and on. Watching Casey just shows that she is putting on a show and trying to look important. She has a whole legal team and I doubt that they need some soon to be convict going through their paperwork and making notes or corrections. That is what her team is getting paid for! She isn't even listening to what is being said at the hearings. Well, no one claims that Casey or Biaz are the smartest of the bunch. Maybe they should give Casey a coloring book and crayons too. Her and Couey had/have a lot in common.
I missed the hearing today, but from what I understand, little Casey Anthony is lost without her pen and pad. Her constantly trying to cover her hands makes me so sick because I know that she is trying to hide the murder weapons. I do not even think she knows she is doing it. I don't know if a jury would pick up on this, especially if she is staying busy all the time... but it is really frightening to watch.

She will never get rid of the murder weapon. I really hope that when she is in the comfort of her own cell... she is tortured by the hands that murdered Caylee.
I agree that Casey's behavior this morning, divested of her busy-work, was horrid. Filled with preening, adjusting and hand-hiding, she reminded me of Lady Macbeth (I kept looking for the damned spot, lol). Let's face it, there is nothing that she can change or do to make herself look innocent. It doesn't matter if she files, doodles, sits silently, writes notes or throws kisses to the jury ~ she will look guilty because she knows she is guilty and her body will let her little secret out with its every move. Nothing can hide or change that so she might as well find something that she's comfortable doing because she has several weeks to be on display . . . and whatever it is that her defense team finally decides on will not hide the guilt that her body continues to scream. :scream: moo
I think that it makes her look EXTREMELY disinterested but also think that the defense has very little to work with. they cant make her act normal so they havent got much. it doesnt help nor hinder her because she keeps slipping up, you see, and letting "if looks could kill" glares to people she shouldnt - like her parents. none of this will be lost on the jury.
that is it I am not making anymore comments on the DT strategy ...obviously the read here daily and yet again taking the opinion here and applying it in court
chckmate22 I second that thought.. I do not want to help them out at all !!
I missed the hearing today, but from what I understand, little Casey Anthony is lost without her pen and pad. Her constantly trying to cover her hands makes me so sick because I know that she is trying to hide the murder weapons. I do not even think she knows she is doing it. I don't know if a jury would pick up on this, especially if she is staying busy all the time... but it is really frightening to watch.

She will never get rid of the murder weapon. I really hope that when she is in the comfort of her own cell... she is tortured by the hands that murdered Caylee.

Wow.....I am speechless. Excellent post!!!
So we know for a fact that Dorthy Clay Sims reads the forums on this case... anyone have any more suggestions for the defense for Miss Casey? I have a one...

1) Leave Cheney Mason to babysit Casey while you are away from the desk. At least I can say that Cheney Mason doesn't seem to encourage Casey's disgusting behavior. The young male attorney... that Casey is clearly flirting with looks really bad!! Medina sitting with Casey having idle "girl talk" about her fashion looks real bad!! She is going to be on trial for the murder of her beautiful, innocent baby. In case you forgot... her name is Caylee Marie Anthony.
I agree that Casey's behavior this morning, divested of her busy-work, was horrid. Filled with preening, adjusting and hand-hiding, she reminded me of Lady Macbeth (I kept looking for the damned spot, lol). Let's face it, there is nothing that she can change or do to make herself look innocent. It doesn't matter if she files, doodles, sits silently, writes notes or throws kisses to the jury ~ she will look guilty because she knows she is guilty and her body will let her little secret out with its every move. Nothing can hide or change that so she might as well find something that she's comfortable doing because she has several weeks to be on display . . . and whatever it is that her defense team finally decides on will not hide the guilt that her body continues to scream. :scream: moo


that is it I am not making anymore comments on the DT strategy ...obviously the read here daily and yet again taking the opinion here and applying it in court

And again yep.

ETA from Magpie over at HM:

"I can guarantee that the defense and State are getting intel from the blogs (a
few respected ones like our Val’s) and media site comment sections. I’ve heard
enough comments about things to feel confident in confirming that. Now, don’t
go all crazy on me and make other assumptions. From what I understand bloggers,
although much more knowledgeable about the case, are a good indication of how a
juror will react. And….it’s free, no jury consulting fees needed."

And again yep.

ETA from Magpie over at HM:

"I can guarantee that the defense and State are getting intel from the blogs (a
few respected ones like our Val’s) and media site comment sections. I’ve heard
enough comments about things to feel confident in confirming that. Now, don’t
go all crazy on me and make other assumptions. From what I understand bloggers,
although much more knowledgeable about the case, are a good indication of how a
juror will react. And….it’s free, no jury consulting fees needed."

LOL didn't some wiseacre on WS here say something about Medina looking at her BB and raising her eyebrows and looking very surprised/shocked this morning.

LOL - obviously reading in our hearing with discussion thread. :floorlaugh:

Hi Ms. Medina :seeya: - Sure, the pocket square matched perfectly!
LOL didn't some wiseacre on WS here say something about Medina looking at her BB and raising her eyebrows and looking very surprised/shocked this morning.

LOL - obviously reading in our hearing with discussion thread. :floorlaugh:

Hi Ms. Medina :seeya: - Sure, the pocket square matched perfectly!

OH, LG, it goes way back, on this forum at least and IMO on at least one other. For example, there is a certain lawyer here from a westerly state, who once upon a time suggested a defense strateegery that then showed up almost within the hour in a DT motion (one that was not thwarted by traffic, IIRC).

And then there's the sudden absence of paperwork tomfoolery, about which numbers of us have grumped. Though they seem to be sticking fast to their "Rapunzel" look despite our best efforts.

One thing I was glad of is that Magpie indicated that both the defense AND the SA are reading and taking notes from us NLBs. The DT might be making more obvious use of this info leading up to trial but who's to say what will happen when they have finally molded their client into the best possible defendant they can present (fidgets and self-grooming aside), and the game is on with a jury seated and the SA ready at the gates? :waitasec:
ynotdivein I just posted this in the "Trial By Ambush" thread.

The HUGE thing that bugs the living crap out of me is knowing that the DT reads here and uses "our" lawyers' (AZ, etc.) arguments! :furious: Evidently they read here that ICA looked ridiculous "playing attorney" while in court so they toned that down a notch today. :furious: I really wish the DT wasn't allowed to read here because they are getting their brilliant ideas here at WS!!!! :banghead:

It makes me sick to know the DT not only reads here but "steals" ideas/theories from our posters! :furious:

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