Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
good strategy because it keeps ICA occupied so she doesn't make faces and twirl her hair and rub her palms. bad strategy because it's making her look so self-important and delusional like she thinks she is on the defense team (wait- maybe that's good?) it would be best if ICA could watch a dvd of some cartoons while the trial goes on so she won't be bored and grooming and fidgety.

YES!!!!!! Have a Tom & Jerry cartoon going so she can burst out into giggling fits!! :great:
It really seems like the defense continues to try new looks and behaviors on their client. I suspect all these blogs are being monitored to see how her latest shirt, sweater, hair style or behavior is being received by the potential jury pool. So far, they haven't really found anything that screams "I'm innocent". The whole shuffling through papers, taking notes just looks ridiculous to me. If I'm on a jury, I want to see the defendant interested, engaged but making eye contact with the witness, judge and jury. Not taking copious notes and definitely not smiling, laughing, or flirting. She is on trial for her life and she still doesn't get it. Still a game, isn't it.
So glad you brought this up! IMO, this trial is the "biggest" one, media-wise, since Peterson was sent to Death Row.:bananajump: I still think of that trial and agree w/everyone's comments above re. SP's horrendously disgusting arrogance and also the way his PARENTS defended him!! I remember his dad Lee making an azz out of himself, shouting and then storming out of the courtroom during sentencing- also how I loved Brent Rocha's scathing comments to Scott during Victim's Impact statements ("I never liked you!...bought a gun, planned to KILL you!") I only wish that Lee Anthony could truly face down Casey in court and tell her what we all know that HE knows, that his lying sister MURDERED his precious niece. WHY won't any of the Anthonys STAND UP FOR CAYLEE???!! Just like Casey right now, there was a time when Scott had cameras on him and lawyers fawning over him and a family enabling him to the very end.... but look where he is now! Every once in a while, when it's a beautiful, sunny day, I will think to myself, "Hmmm, wonder what Scott Peterson is doing right now?? How's that tiny, smelly cell today? Play any rounds of golf lately, Scott? Fishing much?" HA. And, a year from now, when this trial is fading away, little miss Casey Anthony is going to be behind PRISON bars and she AIN'T gonna like it- no Target, no internet, no cameras, no take-out food delivered to her, and especially, no BOYS!! She and Scott are just alike, if you ask me. (Sorry if too O/T, MOO, IMO, etc.)

Exactly- and like so many in her wake, if she's lucky, a news show might take an interest in her in 20 years when her final appeal is, up to ask her how she 'feels' about her crime and if she still thinks she's been wrongly imprisoned- At which time we will get a glimpse of an aging ICA with long grey hair, grossly overweight or grossly underweight, and heavily wrinkled skin.........Just think back on Susan Smith, Pame Smart, etc. We'll hear from ICA again, but when the media takes interest and that will be either at her execution, or if she gets LWOP- then it will be when an appellate attorney brings up some obnoxious glitch he THINKS he found in the trial transcript and tries for a new trial some years down the line.

Party is over. When the verdict is in, there will be a new sociopath to take her/his rightful place in the media almost immediately- count on it.
Here are my thoughts about ICA behaving as co-counsel.

1. If I was on trial accused for murdering my own child I would be an emotional wreck. I would be grieving over the death of my child. I would be listening to every word of testimony that had any connection of explaining how my child died, the evidence that had been collected, focusing on witness's testimony regarding their involvment of my childs death in order to see if he/she is lying and if so why. All things that paperword, documents or articles can't answer. Leave that to my defense. Only I will be able to who is lying and that is a contribution worth more than sifting through documents.

2. When I watch ICA flip through papers, scribble notes, flirt with attorneys, carry on conversations during sidebar that involve smiling and laughing I don't see a mother who is grieving. I see an individual who has no emotional investment for the child.

3. When the SA's start describing what ICA did during those 31 days I'm going to see some of ICA's reported behavior first hand and it's going to provide that image of deceit, ambivalence, cold heartedness, lack of emotional attachment to her own child.

I'm going to see ICA as a narcisstic monster with an over inflated ego whose present "role" is a member of the legal profession. (but then I'll look at who's sitting to her right and.....:doh:)

Novice Seeker
Exactly- and like so many in her wake, if she's lucky, a news show might take an interest in her in 20 years when her final appeal is, up to ask her how she 'feels' about her crime and if she still thinks she's been wrongly imprisoned- At which time we will get a glimpse of an aging ICA with long grey hair, grossly overweight or grossly underweight, and heavily wrinkled skin.........Just think back on Susan Smith, Pame Smart, etc. We'll hear from ICA again, but when the media takes interest and that will be either at her execution, or if she gets LWOP- then it will be when an appellate attorney brings up some obnoxious glitch he THINKS he found in the trial transcript and tries for a new trial some years down the line.

Party is over. When the verdict is in, there will be a new sociopath to take her/his rightful place in the media almost immediately- count on it.

I, for one, am just counting down the days when these people are gone...forgotten....adios. The whole bunch of 'em from KC, CA, GA, LA, JB, CM, each and every one. Their 15 minutes will be one will think of them again except when a rerun of a Lifetime movie comes on. KC will be working on her own appeal from a cold, gray jail cell. CA and GA will be looking at each other in the silence of their guilt....LA and fiance will move on with their lives, sending their beloved KC a card on her birthday, or a copy of the book they've written on their "ordeal", JB may or may not be disbarred, but he most assuredly won't be famous, CM will be rocking in his rocking chair on a front porch somewhere.....I JUST CAN'T WAIT.
It really seems like the defense continues to try new looks and behaviors on their client. I suspect all these blogs are being monitored to see how her latest shirt, sweater, hair style or behavior is being received by the potential jury pool. So far, they haven't really found anything that screams "I'm innocent". The whole shuffling through papers, taking notes just looks ridiculous to me. If I'm on a jury, I want to see the defendant interested, engaged but making eye contact with the witness, judge and jury. Not taking copious notes and definitely not smiling, laughing, or flirting. She is on trial for her life and she still doesn't get it. Still a game, isn't it.

Honestly, I don't think that they are that clever. Plus it is obvious that they are not spending a lot of time with their client in order to go over things like courtroom demeanor. JB certainly was not doing that two years ago when he was spending every day with her. And she is not seeing enough visitors or time with her defense team now where they could conceivably be squeezing it in. I think someone on the defense team is doing a cursory review of what CA brings with an eye towards how it will look in court, but I don't think anyone is really spending any real time thinking about it.
Bad strategy IMO. I mean unless they are trying to portray KC as an astute, meticulous, conscientious, brilliant woman who's smart enough to assist in her own defense, but not smart enough to pick up the phone and dial 911 when her child is missing?

In fact, what is their strategy?

I agree, they need to do something about the constant fidgeting when she's not writing, stacking or shuffling, but I'm not so sure this is it.

Back to the think tank defense team.
Sorry this OT to ICA as defense team strategy, but the JVM thread was closed and I wanted to add my 2 Cents to what I heard them say...

Tonight on JVM when she was spouting off that JB had denied that they were going to go after George in defense of ICA what he actually said, or at least what I heard, was that good ol' Jose was playing with words! What he denied was that there has been no change in the defense strategy!

IMO because everyone has been saying in regards to all of the evidence possibly now coming in that she will have to change her strategy (ie the Nanny story) so he is using a play on words... they are not changing their strategy.

All the defense has ever protected during these past three years is their actual strategy, so if this has always been their strategy (to go after George somehow- and we know ICA hates her father) then Jose aint lyin'- if you catch my drift... they haven't changed their strategy!

That's the way I heard it, at least... take it for what its worth!
That's right. Their strategy is that someone other than KC killed Caylee.
I voted 'No'. It makes her look deranged. It's a little better since they gave her the binders to work with, but not much. The yellow legal pad thing, with the 'write, tear, fold, insert in back of pad, repeat....', that's the part that makes her look loony.

ETA: The plastic pencil box kind of overrode the value of the binders, IMO
Voted "OTHER"

I haven't read completely through this thread.
My first view of the video of her walking in and how she sit rights down to "business."

My feelings immediately was she was looking as if she was this little child whose Mom is talking to a someone on the phone and keeps handing her little child things to eat or to color.....busy keep them preoccupied so they won't make ANY noise and bother her. (I was watching it on MUTE as well) They were READY for her to walk in. Baez had that folder IN HIS HAND....this is all so staged...for what I don't know but it doesn't bode well on her. It was even worse for her when I saw her open that stupid pencil box. It all didn't look good to me.....those papers were NOT important...they would be important ONLY if she was representing herself!! Nothing will bode well on her, as they try to make her look human and interested intelligently in her own life because when those images of her gyrating and grinding on that woman in the bar while she was "investigating" Caylee's whereabouts will speak a different story. This is all an act. I for one, cannot wait for the Casey Show to start and watch her demeanor change with every testimony and especially when they say GUILTY.....DP or LWOP!!!
In retrospect, I don't think this is about STRATEGY at all!

I think the DT has been struggling to get KC out of their way during court appearances, and this is just their latest attempt that they feel is working...for now...

Thinking back to the first hearings, KC's behavior in court (apart from the hair twisting, fidgeting, etc), she was putting Baez in jeopardy of a reprimand from the judge....remember the "flirty pen fight"? KC was SO BORED, she decided to "play" with front of the judge and HE played along..

AL appeared to try to control KC by coaching her to look like a "sympathetic mother", as AL tried to portray the role of "protective Mama"....that didn't work either! KC is incapable of pulling off an acting role of emotions she is not capable of feeling. In fact, this blew up in AL's face....remember the angry "Make him STOP!" that was portrayed on live TV and then replayed over and over...

Then recently, KC started reaching out and grabbing Baez to get his attention...

NONE of this will play well during the trial, so I think someone on the DT finally zoned in on the one thing KC LOVES to do......WRITE (recall all the cookie letters and the numerous purchases of pads and pens from commissary).....and finally hit on a way to get her OUT OF THE WAY....

LET HER WRITE.....but she is so unfocused, they had to give her something to write about!

So no strategy....just a manipulative way of getting her out of THEIR hair!!!
No matter what ploy the defense uses to keep Casey in line, they can't find one that makes her keep her spontaneous emotional "leaks" from coming out. She's done it a number of times since she's taken on her role as paralegal, co-counsel, whatever it's supposed to be.

Cindy needs some coaching on choosing clothes for Casey as well. Loud-colored tops do not exactly fit the role of grieving mother. Mute the colors, raise the neckline, make them less form-fitting. The last thing Casey needs is to stand out like a sore thumb at the defense table. Other than Dorothy Sims, the Defense Team and the prosecutors avoid bright colors.
No matter what ploy the defense uses to keep Casey in line, they can't find one that makes her keep her spontaneous emotional "leaks" from coming out. She's done it a number of times since she's taken on her role as paralegal, co-counsel, whatever it's supposed to be.

Cindy needs some coaching on choosing clothes for Casey as well. Loud-colored tops do not exactly fit the role of grieving mother. Mute the colors, raise the neckline, make them less form-fitting. The last thing Casey needs is to stand out like a sore thumb at the defense table. Other than Dorothy Sims, the Defense Team and the prosecutors avoid bright colors.

Are we even sure that Cindy....or ANY woman for that choosing the clothing for KC?

Loud, ill-fitting, plunging neckline....are we sure Baez isn't hitting Target since he knows that was KC's favorite place to shop???? :floorlaugh:
Didn't they hire a Jury Consultant? I was under the impression that they had one. This is the person who needs to go out and buy clothes that won't offend a jury. Whoever is choosing them doesn't seem to realize that the 'plunging neckline' is out of place in a courtroom. I've noticed at a few court appearances her clothes have been wrinkled (like they were wadded up and left in a bag) and she has repeated wearing blouses two court appearances in a row.

I know she is suppose to be 'broke' but surely some of her family owns an iron?
good strategy because it keeps ICA occupied so she doesn't make faces and twirl her hair and rub her palms. bad strategy because it's making her look so self-important and delusional like she thinks she is on the defense team (wait- maybe that's good?) it would be best if ICA could watch a dvd of some cartoons while the trial goes on so she won't be bored and grooming and fidgety.

She still finds time to do it......
Didn't they hire a Jury Consultant? I was under the impression that they had one. This is the person who needs to go out and buy clothes that won't offend a jury. Whoever is choosing them doesn't seem to realize that the 'plunging neckline' is out of place in a courtroom. I've noticed at a few court appearances her clothes have been wrinkled (like they were wadded up and left in a bag) and she has repeated wearing blouses two court appearances in a row.

I know she is suppose to be 'broke' but surely some of her family owns an iron?

I thought Baez requested a jury consultant during JAC hearing and Perry said NO!!!!????? :waitasec:
I thought Baez requested a jury consultant during JAC hearing and Perry said NO!!!!????? :waitasec:

I believe you are correct. IIRC, Judge Perry said that Cheny Mason is perfectly capable of being the Jury Consultant.
I think it is good defense strategy for KC to be kept busy. She can't be the defendant in a first degree murder trial and a member of the defense team at the same time, can she? If she is distracted with her busywork, her attention won't be focused on all the convicting evidence against her and less chance that she will react in a bad way. It is always best when you have a client with evil, empty snake eyes, to have those eyes averted downward as much as possible so their malevolence won't be seen by the jury.
Didn't they hire a Jury Consultant? I was under the impression that they had one. This is the person who needs to go out and buy clothes that won't offend a jury. Whoever is choosing them doesn't seem to realize that the 'plunging neckline' is out of place in a courtroom. I've noticed at a few court appearances her clothes have been wrinkled (like they were wadded up and left in a bag) and she has repeated wearing blouses two court appearances in a row.

I know she is suppose to be 'broke' but surely some of her family owns an iron?

I thought Baez requested a jury consultant during JAC hearing and Perry said NO!!!!????? :waitasec:

I believe you are correct. IIRC, Judge Perry said that Cheny Mason is perfectly capable of being the Jury Consultant.

Judge Perry said NO to the JAC paying for a Jury Consultant and he also said he was confident Mason could do it
If the DT wanted to hire a Jury Consultant it would be on their dime not the States and I also IIRC think they did hire a Jury consultant..
I thought I read it somewhere Maybe in the Casey's Jail Visitation Logs Thread.

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