Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
Oh, I'm sure KC isn't writing, flipping pages, highlighting, etc., to assist in HER defense. This isn't really serious - you she wasn't 7 months pregnant - she only had a little female problem, and...she was an event coordinator at Universal - you all remember - with Lanyard, ID, and an office...and that dreaded Zanny - how dare she steal KC's child.

Oh, right....I should have said "pretending to.....":floorlaugh:
To me it seems as if she is pretending... scribble, scribble...refer to tabbed page, look up important information, scribble some more... it reminded me of the days in middle school when you KNEW someone was watching you so you pretended to be totally absorbed in what you were doing; but really you were just going through the motions and writing down jibberish.

I really hope the jury sees right through it.

I bet if we could read what she writes it would turn out to be nothing more than doodling. She writes a few words, underlines it, folds it over. Repeat.
She is trying hard to look intelligent. Waste, big waste of time.
My guess is the DT has her doing this to keep her busy so she's not making as many facial expressions, OCD grooming, etc. It works, to a certain degree, but they can do nothing about the subconscious 'tells' she had, the most glaring of which (to me) is her constant fussing with her hands. (Out damned spot! Out, I say!) Either that, or her new 'paralegal' role is going to be part of the new mental health tactic...."after all, just LOOK at how detached she is!" :cow:

I have always noticed her attention to her hands,the folding them in sweater sleeves,the wringing,the wiping as "out damned spot" you called it exactly as I had been seeing it all along,and did not know how to put in words.IMHO those hands are the murder weapons and when she is in court she attempts to hide them :maddening:
To me it seems as if she is pretending... scribble, scribble...refer to tabbed page, look up important information, scribble some more... it reminded me of the days in middle school when you KNEW someone was watching you so you pretended to be totally absorbed in what you were doing; but really you were just going through the motions and writing down jibberish.

I really hope the jury sees right through it.

I concur.:D
I voted BAD! Nobody will watch her play "legal assistant" and think for one second this is a mother of a murdered child! I think we'll see tears at her trial though, we'll see them when AL, AH, and other "friends" testify (because she misses that life) as well as during sentencing when she gets life!
Why in the hello does she always folder over a blank piece of paper and stick it into the legal pad? What is that about? Tear, fold, stick.
It's one thing if you can manage to make your client seem interested and engaged in the proceedings. To make it seem like they are taking things seriously and doing everything possible to assist in their own defense.

But that's not what is happening here. There is a subtle line between engaged and what KC is doing when we see her. It is rather clearly a behavior to simply disengage her further from her crimes. It comes across as cold and manipulative. It makes the lay people wonder who is running the show. It will hurt her in the end. (although granted it is still probably better than her simply sitting there and giving the jury her cold sociopath stare.)

BBM - Glad you mentioned that, as I've often wondered if the DT, or at least Baez is taking his queues from ICA... At times, it almost seems as if they get in tiffs because she wants him to do something that he doesn't want to do....or vice versa.
I voted "other"....because I know the DT reads here and I waaaaant her to keep up the good work. I want the jury to see just how hard she is working to free the know....that other person KC has invented in her mind as the Defendant. Not herself, of course.
Keep up the good work KC. I want you to get "paralegal of the year" hang next to your MOTY award, and your EOTM.
I voted "Bad" because I looked at it from the point of me sitting on the jury.

To me it gives me the impression that she is cold and calculating adding proof that the lies she told were all true just to cover for "her" and "her" alone. That cold and calculating attitude also makes me believe she would do anything to get the lifestyle she wanted no matter what it took. She just does not portray a grieving mother even if she would try to claim it was an accident.
Casey better muster up some kind of emotion for Caylee at her trial. Talking about her decomposing body in the trunk of her car sure didn't do it at these hearings... so I don't know what will?

I have no problem with them keeping Casey busy... but Casey needs to stop being the little "helper" long enough to remember that they are talking about her murdered daughter... if she wants a jury to believe, even for one moment, that she is innocent.

Maybe showing the outline of Caylee's little body in a fetal position will get some emotion out of her... but will she even be crying for Caylee... or herself because she is busted?

I can't wait until Friday/Saturday!
Let her play co counsel and a disinterested mother of a murdered child and let her
dig her own hole, IMOO
I think everyone is right. i.e. It may be good and bad. 12 different jurors=possibly 12 different opinions. If I were a juror I would find it more appalling what she Isn't doing. i.e. Acting like an innocent mother who has lost her baby. MOO

Totally agree. She never has shown correct responses regarding her child no calls all the lies. Her Attu saying she can't help law enforcement due tt not helping her-~innocent people do t care-they just want their child back. No one helped. Instead conducted their own investigations and put down LE

If the DT reads this thread, maybe we'll see a whole new KC look by trial time. No more flipping pages, writing constantly, and shuffling through binders. What will be next? Hankies, smelling salts, and woeful face? :waitasec:
Is Casey allowed to have her notes or legal files in her cell? Does she have to be in a meeting with an attorney to review her important paperwork?
If the DT reads this thread, maybe we'll see a whole new KC look by trial time. No more flipping pages, writing constantly, and shuffling through binders. What will be next? Hankies, smelling salts, and woeful face? :waitasec:

I don't think she's good enough of an actress to pull that off, she gets "frushtrated" way too easily. You can tell how hard it is for her to "schwallow". I don't think the defense wants her showing that side of her personality. The only way the smelling salts etc. would work is if they put her on same major drugs to make her look catatonic :)
I voted bad because the question for the survey wasn't which is better, the constant grooming, twitching, dead staring etc OR the steno pretense.

I watch her writing writing writing, flipping flipping flipping, poking at JB, pointing things out to CM who gets startled awake to answer her, and all the while someone is testifying to the decomp smell in her trunk or whether or not parts of her babe's body were found in her back yard - and she doesn't even look up? Are you kidding me? No reaction at all?

If I was a juror and was watching all this for the first time I'd be thinking WTH? What's with no reaction? THIS is the child's MOTHER????

Now we all know why she isn't reacting, and it still disgusts me. Best to sit and twitch and groom than be completely oblivious to the testimony regarding her dead child.
Is Casey allowed to have her notes or legal files in her cell? Does she have to be in a meeting with an attorney to review her important paperwork?

They take the note pads away from her before she is taken back into custody. I am pretty sure the defense holds on to them and they talk about it during her visits though.
I personally think it's horribly embarassing. As a mother of a MURDERED child, she should not be sorting through papers, or yapping endlessly at her attorney's. She is showing no emotion what-so-ever. Well, unless she looks 1/2 way up with those glaring eyes to show a sincere distate as to what was said from the witness stand.

For example, George Anthony, or the nice gentleman who described the smell from the can. IMHO she is not doing herself any favours.

View attachment ICA.doc


I completely agree... What struck me most while watching her do this ... is that it is the same behavior she has always exhibited. Years of pretending to have a job, rattling off about this event or something she was working on at work (would bet ya dollars to donuts that she has work "notes" laying around that she flashed on and off) and then even going to work. This is the true Casey.. the one that is completely comfortable living a lie, keeping herself busy by pretending to get ready for work, packing her work bag, and having to leave somewhere so she can head to "work". Casey's home life was nothing more than a charade... and she is continuing it just as she always has done. She is more than comfortable with this type of behavior, she ENJOYS it.

as always.. just my opinion


Absolutely agree w you on this Pat. It's what she knows best. Going through the motions, never surrendering. I think emotions = weakness for her. She might figure its smarter to appear all put together, well dressed, involved and paying attention, taking notes. She doesn't comprehend the emotional, so she doesn't understand that she really should be distraught or upset with the whole ordeal. Her best coping skill is lying and being someone she is not. So that's the most logical way for her to behave now. For her to even show sadness or emotion would be I think, in her mind, to admit guilt. Why should she cry? She didn't do it! Why shouldn't she be sitting there taking notes, trying to save her or arse? She's not guilty!

In her mind, maybe this is how an innocent person would act. All smiley, confident and involved in their own defense. Maybe she thinks she needs to act as though nothing happened and that way, in her mind, nothing has happened.

I also think that her sitting there "co counseling" it up, is the ultimate disassociation. She's not the defendant, she is on the defense! It's not her dp trial for the murder of her own daughter. It's her first real hands on experience in court. She can pretend All she wants! I would rather watch her pretending to look important while disengaging than watch her spazz out and react in her usual selfish, entitled brat BS. Her face and facial expressions disgust me and when she is scribbling, I don't have to look at it. I certainly think it will be another nail in her coffin tho. Just live her interview w Yuri at US and her written statement and the convo in her room w Yuri as well. She's signing her own death warrant. Gawsh. The more she acts like a disconnected secretary for the DT, the more the jury will see that she truly is a disgusting human being. Have atter Casey! I hope it gets you the needle!
I voted "other"....because I know the DT reads here and I waaaaant her to keep up the good work. I want the jury to see just how hard she is working to free the know....that other person KC has invented in her mind as the Defendant. Not herself, of course.
Keep up the good work KC. I want you to get "paralegal of the year" hang next to your MOTY award, and your EOTM.


I think we give the DT too much here a lot of the time but the DT needs to quit reading here and come up with their own defense strategy really soon!

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