Casey at Colonial High

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I see Cindy as a control freak parent, who worries more about appearances and how they will reflect on her. JMO

Bingo, TripleA. That's how I see Cindy too. In my thinking, Casey became the person her mother accused her of being - irresponsible, lazy and immature. I speak from experience of having a mother who was constantly worried about how things appear to other people. These moms are quick to critize their children enough that it borders on verbal and mental abuse.
I can imagine that Casey becoming pregnant was just unbearable to Cindy.
I was pregnant before I was married and my mother was beside herself. She kept saying "Look what you did to me!" And she also claimed my baby would be my punishment for what I did. I can hear Cindy telling Casey the same. Cindy wanted Casey to feel ashamed and that Caylee was a punishment.
I believe teens form the opinion about themselves from what others are always telling them. If Cindy was always telling Casey what a bad mother she was, in time Casey would see herself that way.
I won't go into the amount of abuse I received from my mother (everything from her keeping my few wedding gifts to forbidding me from sending out birth announcements when my son was born, but wait until 4 months later for those counting on their fingers) but Cindy appears to be the same type of person as my mother.
None of this excuses any harm Casey may have done to her daughter, Caylee. But perhaps it may provide the coldness and lack of caring in Casey's personality.
By the way, it took a couple of years, but I finally told my mom to back off and go to hell if she was going to continue to treat me that way.
I would be willing to bet that Cindy was also one to harp about not being easy. What better way to rebel than to hang out in clubs dirty dancing. Very telling. It seems to be all about Casey VS Cindy but Caylee paid the price for all of it. Maybe she wants to be a lawyer because Cindy is angry with the legal system. Cindy doesn't like hispanic people. Look at how many of the boyfriends are hispanic. It's like an evil game with Casey.

We heard that from one person, who also said KC wanted to give up her baby for adoption.

All the other people close to KC at the time who have been asked the adoption question have out right denied this from being the truth. We have seen hispanics, blacks and whites coming and going from the A house for months now, CA invited Richardo personally to her house after KC was arrested. Maybe CA had a problem with one of KC's friends who just happened to be hispanic.

We should be careful about labeling anyone...:blowkiss:
IIRC, According to Cindy (don't know how true it is) Casey was also short .5 credit.

KC frd Jessica sd CA put so much pressure on kc she gave up and started skipping school/classes and it was normal for kc to hide out in there make shift fort…this was the start of kc inventing an alternate reality—also-kc was lazy. imho…..kc did noit want to work make an effort kc wanted to hang out at the mall with frds…..

IMHO-- kc began to skip school; invented her job at sportsmart then she made excuses for why her grades where failing....Ryan P. sd KC often used him as her alibi to be late- IE doing inventory etc…when in fact kc was at the mall hanging out with frds or partying with frds per Ryan P. first interview….....KC was an entire semester school year behind that’s why she did not go back to summer school and make it up....this is also where she invented her jobs

Then Cindy physically drover her to an interview 2004-and hooked KC up with an actual job at Universal.....if u look at it...kc can’t do anything unless Cindy does it for her.....Cindy was so ashamed at kc and kc pregnancy that Cindy also went along with the fake facade of kc being a student at Valencia even though all kc did was inquire about the school, Cindy also went along with kc being a virgin until kc was 7 months then it went to the baby daddy died......Cindy is as much to blame as Casey.....
Cindy created this monster!!

She either took the rath for Casey's f#ck-up's or covered them up and made them go away.

So, why wouldnt Casey think she could get away with this as well?
Crazy or not, she seems like a bright person. I can see her in a physics class.
Not an AP class tho. Cindy is the kind of parent that teachers loathe. They don't know their children and their children are "perfect." I can guarantee you that there are no perfect children.
I see Cindy as a control freak parent, who worries more about appearances and how they will reflect on her. JMO
Bingo, TripleA. That's how I see Cindy too. In my thinking, Casey became the person her mother accused her of being - irresponsible, lazy and immature. I speak from experience of having a mother who was constantly worried about how things appear to other people. These moms are quick to critize their children enough that it borders on verbal and mental abuse.
I can imagine that Casey becoming pregnant was just unbearable to Cindy.
I was pregnant before I was married and my mother was beside herself. She kept saying "Look what you did to me!" And she also claimed my baby would be my punishment for what I did. I can hear Cindy telling Casey the same. Cindy wanted Casey to feel ashamed and that Caylee was a punishment.
I believe teens form the opinion about themselves from what others are always telling them. If Cindy was always telling Casey what a bad mother she was, in time Casey would see herself that way.
I won't go into the amount of abuse I received from my mother (everything from her keeping my few wedding gifts to forbidding me from sending out birth announcements when my son was born, but wait until 4 months later for those counting on their fingers) but Cindy appears to be the same type of person as my mother.
None of this excuses any harm Casey may have done to her daughter, Caylee. But perhaps it may provide the coldness and lack of caring in Casey's personality.
By the way, it took a couple of years, but I finally told my mom to back off and go to hell if she was going to continue to treat me that way.

Moms and their never ending desire to improve the lives of their kids!:bang:

Congratulations for rising above.:blowkiss:

My mom was a 'little controlling', but I don't think I could say abusive. It was a constant battle for me not to do some of the same to my kids when they were teenagers. :thewhip: Counting helped me alot.:)
I see Cindy as a control freak parent, who worries more about appearances and how they will reflect on her. JMO QUOTE]

Bingo, TripleA. That's how I see Cindy too. In my thinking, Casey became the person her mother accused her of being - irresponsible, lazy and immature. I speak from experience of having a mother who was constantly worried about how things appear to other people. These moms are quick to critize their children enough that it borders on verbal and mental abuse.
I can imagine that Casey becoming pregnant was just unbearable to Cindy.
I was pregnant before I was married and my mother was beside herself. She kept saying "Look what you did to me!" And she also claimed my baby would be my punishment for what I did. I can hear Cindy telling Casey the same. Cindy wanted Casey to feel ashamed and that Caylee was a punishment.
I believe teens form the opinion about themselves from what others are always telling them. If Cindy was always telling Casey what a bad mother she was, in time Casey would see herself that way.
I won't go into the amount of abuse I received from my mother (everything from her keeping my few wedding gifts to forbidding me from sending out birth announcements when my son was born, but wait until 4 months later for those counting on their fingers) but Cindy appears to be the same type of person as my mother.
None of this excuses any harm Casey may have done to her daughter, Caylee. But perhaps it may provide the coldness and lack of caring in Casey's personality.
By the way, it took a couple of years, but I finally told my mom to back off and go to hell if she was going to continue to treat me that way.

Very well said:clap: I myself am 40 years old and made a conscious decision not to have children, because I was afraid I would be just like my mother.

Sounds like you are really strong with a good head on your shoulder. You go girl:woohoo:

I do believe CA should be held accountable for her lies trying to protect KC.

But, KC is responsible for her own actions.

Based on Sharon Rocha's statement to SP: "Divorce was always an option, not murder!"

To KC: "Adoption was always an option, not murder!"

You didn't have to give her to Cindy. A lot of people would have taken her and you could have lived your life the way you wanted. Just makes me sick.
Very well said:clap: I myself am 40 years old and made a conscious decision not to have children, because I was afraid I would be just like my mother.

Sounds like you are really strong with a good head on your shoulder. You go girl:woohoo:

I do believe CA should be held accountable for her lies trying to protect KC.

But, KC is responsible for her own actions.

Based on Sharon Rocha's statement to SP: "Divorce was always an option, not murder!"

To KC: "Adoption was always an option, not murder!"

You didn't have to give her to Cindy. A lot of people would have taken her and you could have lived your life the way you wanted. Just makes me sick.

Wow Karen, that is a very powerful statement about not having children. It takes a lot of guts to admit that and to follow through, especially when there is so much pressure from parents to make them grandparents. You are very brave to sick to your decision!
My husband (my second) never wanted to have children for the exact same reason. He hid that reason, almost ashamed for having that opinion. But, luckly, he married me just as my kids were grown and were having little ones of their own.He has loved being a grandparent but still is very positive about his conviction to not be a parent and totally responsible for raising children.
Very well said:clap: I myself am 40 years old and made a conscious decision not to have children, because I was afraid I would be just like my mother.

Sounds like you are really strong with a good head on your shoulder. You go girl:woohoo:

I do believe CA should be held accountable for her lies trying to protect KC.

But, KC is responsible for her own actions.

Based on Sharon Rocha's statement to SP: "Divorce was always an option, not murder!"

To KC: "Adoption was always an option, not murder!"

You didn't have to give her to Cindy. A lot of people would have taken her and you could have lived your life the way you wanted. Just makes me sick.

There comes a time in every parent's life when they have to accept that they have done the best they can and let go. That's when the prayers really start. It's pretty obvious that Cindy doesn't let go of anything. I betg she holds grudges too. moo
Bingo, TripleA. That's how I see Cindy too. In my thinking, Casey became the person her mother accused her of being - irresponsible, lazy and immature. I speak from experience of having a mother who was constantly worried about how things appear to other people. These moms are quick to critize their children enough that it borders on verbal and mental abuse.
I can imagine that Casey becoming pregnant was just unbearable to Cindy.
I was pregnant before I was married and my mother was beside herself. She kept saying "Look what you did to me!" And she also claimed my baby would be my punishment for what I did. I can hear Cindy telling Casey the same. Cindy wanted Casey to feel ashamed and that Caylee was a punishment.
I believe teens form the opinion about themselves from what others are always telling them. If Cindy was always telling Casey what a bad mother she was, in time Casey would see herself that way.
I won't go into the amount of abuse I received from my mother (everything from her keeping my few wedding gifts to forbidding me from sending out birth announcements when my son was born, but wait until 4 months later for those counting on their fingers) but Cindy appears to be the same type of person as my mother.
None of this excuses any harm Casey may have done to her daughter, Caylee. But perhaps it may provide the coldness and lack of caring in Casey's personality.
By the way, it took a couple of years, but I finally told my mom to back off and go to hell if she was going to continue to treat me that way.

*hugs*, sistah- we survive, don't we? :blowkiss:

yup yup yup and YUP! My mom was like Cindy too, I see Cindy and my tummy flips because she reminds me sooo much of my mother.

I never knew that I like Jelly and dislike Jam until I was in my late 20's when I began therapy and even after I figured it out- one time while my mother and I were shopping together (each of us had our own households) I grabbed jelly and put it into my buggy and my mother reached in grabbed my jelly and put it back on the shelf and put Jam in my buggy. So I said "Mom- I hate Jam" and took it back out. She put it back in and said "No you don't- this is what you always eat" I said, " I have not eaten it since I moved out of your house when I was 19". And she laughed at me and put the jam in my buggy and went on with her shopping.

I recall christmas's where my husband and I would have family over and she would come with her fake smiles covering her spitting insults about everything in sight- my home, my hair, my food, my clothes, my childs hair, his clothes.. me, just me, period.

I have been suicidal and a self mutilator for as long as I can remember. But I have no memorys whatsoever before the age of 6. Hated myself-destroyed everything and everyone I came in contact with. I felt ugly and needy and anxious and lonely and sad and angry and empty and scared. I sought out men who caused me pain because I felt I deserved it.. I sought out pain period because I thought I deserved it. and more than anything in the world I just wanted my mom to love and accept me and she didn't. How on earth could I love me if my own mother couldn't? I ended up being everything she accused me of being and worse. The worse was my touch, for the spit in her face touch!

Our good enough is never good enough. ever! Nothing we can ever do will please them... enough. We just have to accept that and stop trying to make them happy and start trying to change our life and make sure we can someday be happy and safe and "normal". Screw that B!tch!

Parents don't realize what they do to their children. but they need to- they really really need to!
It may be that she developed the pathology of a sociopath after the conception of her daughter for unknown reasons, which is about the time she abandoned her job and started a downward spiral into murder for spite.

I disagree, the pattern began before Caylee was born.
here is actually a picture of Casey in highschool . This pic might explain why she was so shy. (ok-that was kinda mean-just kiddin')


yeah, I thought that yearbook site was just like a myspace type site.
Okay, dont shoot the messenger...

But KC is 22 years old,,,,, I dont think for her age, a year into legal drinking. She partied, texted, had sex alot, and hung out with friends, thats not any more than other 22 year olds. I know alot of 20 somethings and what she is doing is more the norm than the exception. Even with a child they go out ALOT and leave the baby with friends, babysitter, parents or grandparents. And they dont even start to go out until after 10pm so the child is usually asleep anyway. (Im in bed by 10, so that really freaked me out)

She was a studious kid in HS, she was smart. I know alot of kids who were all honors in HS then went off to college and turned into exactly what you see in KC, a typical 20 something. Inappropriate with a missing child, granted, but she was probably doing the same things she had always wanted to do and all her friends were able to do, but she couldnt because of the responsiblity. If I had to take a bet, I would say CA told her, okay you dont want me to take physical custody of Caylee, then you have to take care of her and only watched her minimally and never for KC to go out with her friends, which is why she lied about going to work night after night. That was the only way CA would watch her.

Im way older than that, and find it wierd how much sex and parties these kids do, but it is what it is... I wouldnt read to much into it.

I agree, I don't see that she partied excessively only that the partying after her daughter went missing was whoaaaa, innapropriate to say the least?
We heard that from one person, who also said KC wanted to give up her baby for adoption.

All the other people close to KC at the time who have been asked the adoption question have out right denied this from being the truth. We have seen hispanics, blacks and whites coming and going from the A house for months now, CA invited Richardo personally to her house after KC was arrested. Maybe CA had a problem with one of KC's friends who just happened to be hispanic.

We should be careful about labeling anyone...:blowkiss:

yeah, I don't take any of that stuff as fact either.
I agree, I don't see that she partied excessively only that the partying after her daughter went missing was whoaaaa, innapropriate to say the least?

Definately inappropriate!! to say the least...
there is no doubt something wrong with this girl but it's not acting like a normal 22 yo.
The only thing Im waiting for is the release of the "sex tape". There is no doubt in my mind there is one out there just waiting to be released.
KC frd Jessica sd CA put so much pressure on kc she gave up and started skipping school/classes and it was normal for kc to hide out in there make shift fort…this was the start of kc inventing an alternate reality—also-kc was lazy. imho…..kc did noit want to work make an effort kc wanted to hang out at the mall with frds…..

IMHO-- kc began to skip school; invented her job at sportsmart then she made excuses for why her grades where failing....Ryan P. sd KC often used him as her alibi to be late- IE doing inventory etc…when in fact kc was at the mall hanging out with frds or partying with frds per Ryan P. first interview….....KC was an entire semester school year behind that’s why she did not go back to summer school and make it up....this is also where she invented her jobs

Then Cindy physically drover her to an interview 2004-and hooked KC up with an actual job at Universal.....if u look at it...kc can’t do anything unless Cindy does it for her.....Cindy was so ashamed at kc and kc pregnancy that Cindy also went along with the fake facade of kc being a student at Valencia even though all kc did was inquire about the school, Cindy also went along with kc being a virgin until kc was 7 months then it went to the baby daddy died......Cindy is as much to blame as Casey.....

ahhh wow hey- where did you read all this??!! THIS stuff is the info I figured would be out there about her and highschool!!! this is the stuff I was looking for!

Do you have a link?!
Definately inappropriate!! to say the least...
there is no doubt something wrong with this girl but it's not acting like a normal 22 yo.
The only thing Im waiting for is the release of the "sex tape". There is no doubt in my mind there is one out there just waiting to be released.

lol I woudln't be surprised, we have the picture she took of herself in her bra and panties. Wonder if mommy and daddy let her have a webcam too,?ohhboy, bet the cops had fun sorting through that computer!
Very well said:clap: I myself am 40 years old and made a conscious decision not to have children, because I was afraid I would be just like my mother.

Sounds like you are really strong with a good head on your shoulder. You go girl:woohoo:

I do believe CA should be held accountable for her lies trying to protect KC.

But, KC is responsible for her own actions.

Based on Sharon Rocha's statement to SP: "Divorce was always an option, not murder!"

To KC: "Adoption was always an option, not murder!"

You didn't have to give her to Cindy. A lot of people would have taken her and you could have lived your life the way you wanted. Just makes me sick.

It's good you thought through your choices- You did the right thing! you could have just winged it.
Bingo, TripleA. That's how I see Cindy too. In my thinking, Casey became the person her mother accused her of being - irresponsible, lazy and immature. I speak from experience of having a mother who was constantly worried about how things appear to other people. These moms are quick to critize their children enough that it borders on verbal and mental abuse.
I can imagine that Casey becoming pregnant was just unbearable to Cindy.
I was pregnant before I was married and my mother was beside herself. She kept saying "Look what you did to me!" And she also claimed my baby would be my punishment for what I did. I can hear Cindy telling Casey the same. Cindy wanted Casey to feel ashamed and that Caylee was a punishment.
I believe teens form the opinion about themselves from what others are always telling them. If Cindy was always telling Casey what a bad mother she was, in time Casey would see herself that way.
I won't go into the amount of abuse I received from my mother (everything from her keeping my few wedding gifts to forbidding me from sending out birth announcements when my son was born, but wait until 4 months later for those counting on their fingers) but Cindy appears to be the same type of person as my mother.
None of this excuses any harm Casey may have done to her daughter, Caylee. But perhaps it may provide the coldness and lack of caring in Casey's personality.
By the way, it took a couple of years, but I finally told my mom to back off and go to hell if she was going to continue to treat me that way.

My mother was the same way except I never married my boyfriend, but my mother told everyone we got married in Mexico. Now all my family thinks I've been married once more than I really was. I was told how "sorry" I am, and how I ruined her life for years. My mother is nothing like Cindy though, because mine would have never cared if I graduated, did drugs, who my friends were, where I went at night, whether I worked, etc. as long as it didn't affect or embarass her. There's no way I would ever have confided or turned to my mother for anything. Actually, I wouldn't have minded having Cindy as a mother in comparison and I'm not a psychopath or even depressed by it all. It's a shame that all girls can't have nice mothers.
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