Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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the family tendency is controlling, neurotic and impulsive..including Casey. Cindy has definetely been the ruling factor in that family theme. Casey is neurotic, sociopathic, and now taken a trip IMPULSIVELY into psychopathic...after an angry session with her mother who controls everything. George is a brainwashed, spineless idiot who does what he is told....he pitched right in to help Casey cover everything up. Casey's symptoms of her underlying pathology: Lies, Lies, Lies, stealing, impulsive behavior (ie: practically moving in with a guy after the 2nd date), promiscuity, new interest in the party lifestyle...alcohol, concern about stealing from friends or conscience..(the cliff she dropped off of into sociopathy)...I bet if you asked Jesse Grund if she was organized during the time they were dating/engaged...he would probably say extremely...someone should ask Jesse Grunds father on his website on his take on her during that time as far as being an organized person goes...
I'm scared. I answered correctly, but to be fair I think I heard this one before. (I hope)

So did I, so will many others because it's not all that difficult to understand what motivates a Psychopath. Don't worry about it, it doesn't mean we are Psychopaths.
"A veteran investigator in the case of missing Caylee Anthony describes the child's mother as one of the toughest individuals he's ever run into, according to Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary."

It makes me sick to think that Casey probably smugly patted herself on the back after she read that. Reading that will give her the message that what she's doing is working, and to keep it up. I really wish he hadn't made that statement.
It makes me sick to think that Casey probably smugly patted herself on the back after she read that. Reading that will give her the message that what she's doing is working, and to keep it up. I really wish he hadn't made that statement.

Me too. :mad:
think the mother is the alcoholic. The mother is the classic enabler. She covers up, she lies, she protects and she defends. I'm wondering about another member of that family who seems to have had a rather hard time keeping a career going and ends up as a security guard making less than 20. an hour. Strange that in that member's police interview it more than a few times ended up with that family member bragging and talking about himself when he should have been focused on the subject of the interview. Failure to keep a job even with a family business is a fairly common occurrence with alcoholics. In the interview the father mentions that in 2005 the marriage reached a crisis point especially in regards to finances. He also states that in his current job, "they recruited him" - now how many security firms "recruit" other security companies' employees? A boastful claim that is also repeated by his daughter who tells one of her friends that while working at Sports Authority she "was recruited" by Universal. See a pattern here? Silly, boastful claims that to thinking persons are ludicrous.

The father explains to the interviewers that "his boss is a young man" who has told the father that he is going "to depend" on him for business and security procedures. He has to tell these police officers that even in this marginal "career" he's important and knows more than everyone else. Listen to how many times he is compelled to brag and puff himself up. He even knew something was wrong as he explains to them.

The daughter in this family exhibits all the dysfunctional behavior of children of alcoholics - low achievers themselves, a need to brag and boast, the need to create an alternative reality because the reality they live is abnormal and they sense it. I have no doubt that the daughter fantasized so much that she may well have believed this web of lies and stories that she has told. She no doubt observed early in life that one parent received most of the attention, that the lies and stories that were told by this parent were accepted by the other to avoid a confrontation that would break the illusion of a normal, functioning family. Even the move they made from one section to another part of the country may have been another "fresh start" which so many alcoholic families try after the alcoholic loses a job - he's going to change, he needs to get away from the past, he needs to get away from bad friends and on and on with excuses and promises. One anecdote that says much about this situation is the mother's mentioning to police that she may have been the locus for the story that she was going to get rid of the house because "she couldn't affor the payments" - not "we can't afford it", "she can't afford it" - the responsible parent, the enabler who keeps it all together with the high standards that the daughter can't meet so she's pretty much given up.

It's all so sad, isn't it?
It makes me sick to think that Casey probably smugly patted herself on the back after she read that. Reading that will give her the message that what she's doing is working, and to keep it up. I really wish he hadn't made that statement.

Exactly. They are talking about her like she is some sort of evil genius that has commited the perfect crime.

All she has is 100% lack of remorse for what she has done. That is not a poker face, that is just a face with no emotion!

think the mother is the alcoholic. The mother is the classic enabler. She covers up, she lies, she protects and she defends. I'm wondering about another member of that family who seems to have had a rather hard time keeping a career going and ends up as a security guard making less than 20. an hour. Strange that in that member's police interview it more than a few times ended up with that family member bragging and talking about himself when he should have been focused on the subject of the interview.
....respectfully snipped
It's all so sad, isn't it?

I thought the same thing while listening to that person's interview, only I didn't have the insight that you've brought into it. Very interesting reading. The whole situation is sad.
"A veteran investigator in the case of missing Caylee Anthony describes the child's mother as one of the toughest individuals he's ever run into, according to Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary."

Interesting, I wish Sheriff Kevin Beary could read this - KC is not that difficult to crack. But you have to crack her the right way; the road to her thoughts and inner feelings have everything to do with her relationship with her mom CA. Go there and visit that spot, it is a sore wound. Right now she probably feels like no one understands but if you show some interest in her sore spot she may open up about Caylee.
think the mother is the alcoholic. The mother is the classic enabler. She covers up, she lies, she protects and she defends. I'm wondering about another member of that family who seems to have had a rather hard time keeping a career going and ends up as a security guard making less than 20. an hour. Strange that in that member's police interview it more than a few times ended up with that family member bragging and talking about himself when he should have been focused on the subject of the interview. Failure to keep a job even with a family business is a fairly common occurrence with alcoholics. In the interview the father mentions that in 2005 the marriage reached a crisis point especially in regards to finances. He also states that in his current job, "they recruited him" - now how many security firms "recruit" other security companies' employees? A boastful claim that is also repeated by his daughter who tells one of her friends that while working at Sports Authority she "was recruited" by Universal. See a pattern here? Silly, boastful claims that to thinking persons are ludicrous.

The father explains to the interviewers that "his boss is a young man" who has told the father that he is going "to depend" on him for business and security procedures. He has to tell these police officers that even in this marginal "career" he's important and knows more than everyone else. Listen to how many times he is compelled to brag and puff himself up. He even knew something was wrong as he explains to them.

The daughter in this family exhibits all the dysfunctional behavior of children of alcoholics - low achievers themselves, a need to brag and boast, the need to create an alternative reality because the reality they live is abnormal and they sense it. I have no doubt that the daughter fantasized so much that she may well have believed this web of lies and stories that she has told. She no doubt observed early in life that one parent received most of the attention, that the lies and stories that were told by this parent were accepted by the other to avoid a confrontation that would break the illusion of a normal, functioning family. Even the move they made from one section to another part of the country may have been another "fresh start" which so many alcoholic families try after the alcoholic loses a job - he's going to change, he needs to get away from the past, he needs to get away from bad friends and on and on with excuses and promises. One anecdote that says much about this situation is the mother's mentioning to police that she may have been the locus for the story that she was going to get rid of the house because "she couldn't affor the payments" - not "we can't afford it", "she can't afford it" - the responsible parent, the enabler who keeps it all together with the high standards that the daughter can't meet so she's pretty much given up.

It's all so sad, isn't it?

Is very sad... just shows how one whole family could go down under the control of one single controlling freak / enabler. The members puff themselves up because their self-esteems are snuffed/diminished to such an extent that boasting is the only way to survive.
Well, thanks for the compliment. This family behavior is classic "family of alcoholic" behavior. Alcoholism is a sickness like any other drug addiction. Every member of the family is afflicted with the symptoms. One of the chief problems in this kind of family is that the alcoholic is always the center of attention for the other adult in the situation. The children often act out or tell stories to vie for that attention. Alcoholism is still the most acute drug addiction problem we have in this country and causes more crime and emotional problems than any other.

I have a lot of pity for this family, you know, a mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child and I think CA must have been very unhappy. Resentment, tit for tat, spitefulness seems to be the tools used for sorting out emotional problems in that family. I found it very telling that when CA went through her daughter's wallet, she took the money found in it saying "it's probably my money" - well, technically, no it wasn't. It was KC's money in her wallet even if she stole it from someone else. Not a very good example of coping skills, "stealing" something back, is it? Making comments to her daughter's friends about what a loser her daughter was - I don't think embarrassing a child in front of her friends is going to shame that child into getting ambitious or changing her life. In fact, it usually has the opposite effect. Was the baby used as a means of communicating anger between the two of them? It sure seems that way.
Enablers aren't always control freaks or dominate in relationships. They enable the alcoholic to continue drinking while the enabler maintains the illusion that everything is "normal". Frankly, I really don't see CA as being all that controlling with her daughter. I think KC saw it that way and certainly told everyone she was, but I don't see all that much evidence that she was.
IMHO, I think the ONLY time Casey exhibited any shred of insight into herself was when she came clean about being pregnant (at 7 months!) and told her parents she wanted to put the baby up for adoption. She was 19, she should have been allowed to make that choice for herself. But, no. Cindy steps in, and in her controlling, demanding, short-sighted way, tells Casey that is NOT going to happen. Oh no, she's KEEPING that baby. Forcing an immature, manipulative, self-serving, narcissistic teenager into the instant role of "mommy" to a child she doesn't want. And then Cindy has the nerve to scream at Casey that she's a bad mother, and not supporting Caylee, that she (Cindy) has to do it all. Well, sorry, but DUH??

I know what has happened to Caylee is totally Casey's responsibilty, but I believe this train was set in motion by Cindy with her adamant "NO WAY" to Casey's plea to put the baby up for adoption. If she had, that beautiful precious child would be in the arms of a loving, protective family right now. Instead, she's been thrown away like so much trash. And I think Cindy shares a good part of the blame for that.

Well said.:clap:
Enablers aren't always control freaks or dominate in relationships. They enable the alcoholic to continue drinking while the enabler maintains the illusion that everything is "normal". Frankly, I really don't see CA as being all that controlling with her daughter. I think KC saw it that way and certainly told everyone she was, but I don't see all that much evidence that she was.

I agree, and can't see where Cindy was very controlling, but tries to hold everything together and considers her money her own and separate for some reason. If she were so controlling Casey might not have ever been driving Cindy's car. Cindy would have driven her to work daily and made her work the hours that Cindy was available to drive her. It's hard to tell, but I think Cindy is bullied by more than Casey in that family and isn't the one who seems to have all the important alibis for Casey on certain dates. Cindy seems to have babbled alot as more of a smokescreen.
I was approaching Cindy's control from a "psychological" control angle, not from a healthy disciplined control point of view that a parent can exert (example - driving teenagers to/from places as opposed to allowing them to drive - or - one that makes a child go to work or school) but from a different point of view - one that is manipulating/instrusive/demeaning. When the child misbehaves this type of parent will react by attacking the child as opposed to the behavior. They control by being manipulating/instrusive/demeaning (as when CA goes in the wallet for the stolen money) and then later on (could be within minutes;hours;days) the parent would feel bad for that behavior and do something to make-up with the child by offering gifts;favors;favorite foods just like a "honeymoon phase" etc. (this is what enables KC because she will end up being rewarded). One form of manipulation that is especially damaging is when CA removes love (what is supposed to be unconditional love) from KC for example for a few days CA might not talk to her daughter because of something KC did that upset CA (manipulative control by CA) and then later on CA "feels remorseful" for this treatment to KC and wants to kiss&makeup by gifting things to her child -something KC expects "enabling" her to continue to misbehave. This gets complicated even further when the child learns the cycle well enough they start doing the same back to the parent as well.

There is one more thing that this type of controlling parent does and that is create a situation in which the child must depend on them (so that they can continue to keep controlling them).
I believe that GA mentioned in his interview about meeting CA at the bank and that he wasn't listed on "her" account.
Well, thanks for the compliment. This family behavior is classic "family of alcoholic" behavior. Alcoholism is a sickness like any other drug addiction. Every member of the family is afflicted with the symptoms. One of the chief problems in this kind of family is that the alcoholic is always the center of attention for the other adult in the situation. The children often act out or tell stories to vie for that attention. Alcoholism is still the most acute drug addiction problem we have in this country and causes more crime and emotional problems than any other.

I have a lot of pity for this family, you know, a mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child and I think CA must have been very unhappy. Resentment, tit for tat, spitefulness seems to be the tools used for sorting out emotional problems in that family. I found it very telling that when CA went through her daughter's wallet, she took the money found in it saying "it's probably my money" - well, technically, no it wasn't. It was KC's money in her wallet even if she stole it from someone else. Not a very good example of coping skills, "stealing" something back, is it? Making comments to her daughter's friends about what a loser her daughter was - I don't think embarrassing a child in front of her friends is going to shame that child into getting ambitious or changing her life. In fact, it usually has the opposite effect. Was the baby used as a means of communicating anger between the two of them? It sure seems that way.

I agree. Cindy's behavior is well described here. I think Caylee was the object of a really dysfunctional emotional tug-o-war. So sad.
Personally, I think as long as Cindy Anthony would rather be told half-truths and even bold-faced lies, Casey will continue to insist she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and probable death.
Personally, I think as long as Cindy Anthony would rather be told half-truths and even bold-faced lies, Casey will continue to insist she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and probable death.

yep. They feed off of one another.
We actually know very, very little about KC or her family at this point. A caricature has been created in the media, mainly due to a lack of information and the mysteries of this case, and the supposition that KC must be lying and then the speculation over "how could someone lie like that!" Then from there, the speculation springboards from that to what must the family be like, etc, etc. It's just amazing the diagnoses that have been offered over and over again in the media by professionals WHO HAVE NEVER EVEN MET KC ANTHONY MUCH LESS TESTED OR ASSESSED HER MEDICALLY OR PSYCHOLOGICALLY. This is highly unprofessional and unethical in my opinion. They don't usually even couch their comments in qualifying statements pointing out that they haven't met her before or that they are only guessing or that they are only discussing in general what a psychopath is like, etc, they say right out over and over what their diagnosis of her is. It's just very surprising that any professional would do that.

KC's mother and uncle have claimed that she is a psychopath/sociopath due to the theft of family money. She may also have stolen from AH. We still don't actually know all the circumstances relating to these money matters or what the truth is. If KC did actually steal this money from others she has a serious problem. Stealing can have many causes. Deprivations during childhood, lack of control in one's own life and a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, it can be an addictive sort of compulsion that gives the thief an endorphin rush, it can be a compulsion akin to an eating disorder to momentarily alleviate feelings of worthlessness, or it can be stealing for purely practical reasons, i.e., not having what one needs and not having the preparation, knowledge, or training to know how to go about pursuing those things in the proper fashion. Some young single parents are in a catch-22 situation financially where they are simultaneously responsible for the babysitting of the child while at the same time needing to assume financial responsibility for the child by working. It can be tricky and hard for the young, unprepared, parent with no GED yet to know how to get into the work world properly and earn enough to support herself/himself and a child, while at the same time trying to make appropriate care arrangements for the child, unless they have a lot of help and support.
Some might resort to stealing if they are in a kind of crisis over this situation. You never know. Some kids learn to steal when parents are physically absent a lot, or when parents suffer from substance abuse and are mentally absent a lot, and kids actually need money to get what they need themselves.

LYING: Compulsive lying is known to develop in children who live in constant fear of punishment. That's one well-known developmental cause. Compulsive liars lie because they actually feel safer when they are lying than when they are telling the truth. They don't know how to simply tell the truth, they have no expectation of fairness from others. The punishment they grew up fearing may not necessarily have been from the parents. When they lie they subconsciously feel relieved to be avoiding a punishment they feel they would receive if they told the truth; they may simultaneously enjoy and find comfort in the false reality created in their lies.

Some children grow up not being allowed to tell the truth. For example, children who are molested may be told outright not to tell the truth by their abuser, or they may feel that they will be rejected by a parent or other loved one if they tell the truth. These can be at the root of lying, as can the unworthiness they feel as a result of the abuse they've suffered. Children who are harmed rather than protected by adults experience a complete erosion of trust.

Some children are actually raised in a lying culture, in which inaccuracies are tolerated or even encouraged. In some subcultures, kids are actually trained to deceive people outside of the family or social group. In some families, kids simply are lied to a lot and never learn a culture of truth. In some cultures, embellishing, exaggerating and story-telling are not seen as lying, in some cultures they are.

So there are lots of reasons kids can grow up with a lying problem that can continue into adulthood. Lying can be innocent or can be pathological. It can be conscious or not.

It is beginning to be recognized that lying may also have biological contributors, that genes causing particular chemical processes may predispose a person to lying. Whether for physical/chemical reasons or deeply engrained emotional reasons, some liars don't realize they are lying at the moment they lie, but may recognize it afterward and be deeply embarrassed. They may lie more and more to conceal the original lies. It's an emotionally painful, humiliating, and stressful condition. Other liars never face the reality that they are lying, for them, their tall tales take on a life of their own that they find comfort in, bordering on delusional belief or full-fledged delusional thinking.

Brain injuries can contribute to many mental illnesses and behaviors that fall outside of the societal norm, including lying. Brains can obviously be injured by chemicals, by disease, by physical trauma, and other causes.

So far, (a) we don't actually know whether or to what extent KCA is lying or isn't lying. We don't know what happened. Wait until a court case to find out what the actual evidence turns out to be.

(b) if she is lying, we don't yet know the cause, whether there is an organic brain disorder, a chemical dependancy problem, a learned behavior, whether she believes the alleged lies and is delusional, whether she is suffering from shock or emotional trauma which has disconnected her from reality, whether she might suffer from a seizure disorder that has caused her to miss or forget things that have happened (she was allegedly taken to the hospital once by a friend due to a seizure). There could be anything going on medically or otherwise that we simply don't know about. Of course it is possible that she is actually lying, and in a deliberate a purposeful manner, though in that case it is odd that she would tell lies that can be immediately disproved, as this does not serve any purpose and only ruins her credibility.

(c) There is NO evidence so far in this case that KC had any MOTIVE to harm her child or any desire to do so. There is no history of her being hostile toward her child or harmful toward her child. On the contrary, every single person interviewed who knew her said she was a doting and affectionate mother. The caricature created in the media of the KC who wanted to be rid of her daughter may be completely off the mark. The fact is, if KC had actually wanted to be rid of her daughter, she always knew that her mother would gladly take the child. KC said this to the police, and it is completely logical and appears to be true. Even during the pregnancy, when a school friend of KC's told her she would like to adopt the baby, KC did not take her up on her offer. She had never said at any time since then to anyone that she wanted to be free or rid of Caylee (at least not according to the people who were interviewed, including the one she allegedly stole from, as well as ex-boyfriends).

This persona created in the media of this cold blooded psychopathic murderer may be completely wrong. It has been very shocking to see how KCA has been vilified in the media, when the facts in this case are still not known, much less her mental state, how much of what she has been saying is true or untrue, her reason for not being forthcoming, etc. There could be many reasons why she would feel unable to tell the police where Caylee is, one possibility is that she is guilty of harming Caylee, another possibility is that she is guilty of something else that she doesn't want revealed, she could be covering for someone else, she could be genuinely afraid of telling who has Caylee or who has harmed Caylee, or, she could actually know (or believe) that Caylee is alive and safe. We don't know yet. M.O.O. of course, please excuse my typos
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