Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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I haven' t seen anyone attempt to offer a medical opinion on Casey, they have offered opinions. Their opinions in this situation will not affect any medical treatment Casey may receive. .

But they are making public statements about KC Anthony's character, trustworthiness, and even strongly implying her guilt in a murder, night after night for weeks, on prime time TV.

If you consider the amount of info a therapist normally has prior to offering a medical opinion/diagnosis you would have to admit that it is usually very limited and skewed by the person presenting in a guarded manner. I'm not advocating making diagnosis via media, just highlighting that I do believe there is enough information for people to have opinions on Casey's psychological profile without being unethical or unprofessional. .

People can definitely have opinions, I was talking about a mental health professional appearing on a prime time TV show repeatedly and saying that KC Anthony is a psychopath and implying heavily that she is lying about her daughter's death and her involvement in it.

There are a million reasons a person may act in a certain way. However, most people tend to base their opinions on the most reliable information. There is absolutely no evidence of kidnappers or that Casey is in fear for Caylee. Her own attorney states that it is in Casey's, not Caylee's, best interest for her not to share information. .

What evidence is there that Caylee is deceased, or that KC harmed her in any way? We'll have to see what the evidence actually turns out to be if/when it's presented in court. What information is actually known by the public or media in this case? Not enough to say yet who is lying or how much or about what. Much less to know anything about the personalities of those people, their motivations, or their feelings. How can you say there is no evidence of kidnappers? What evidence would there be? What evidence does a kidnapper leave behind? Also, what evidence would prove KC's fear?

Whatever may motivate a person to lie, steal or harm others is one thing...their response to such behavior is another. The apparent lack of remorse for these behaviors speaks volumes. The pervasiveness of the behavior does as well. Casey chose to lie about having a job instead of actually finding one. That isn't the behavior of someone who is attempting to take responsibility for herself or her child. This was a conscious decision she made about something well within her control..

We still don't know what type of work she may have been doing currently, whether it took place at Universal or wherever else. She did not work for Universal theme park itself. We don't know yet why she took police there. The nature of her current work could even be why she's not been forthcoming, there could even be an element of blackmail. Not known yet. It appears that she did (presumably unpaid) work for two friends in their party/club events promotion.

It isn't a giant leap or pulling things out of thin air for someone to have the opinion that Casey is a sociopath/psychopath. There are many, many behaviors that may lead someone to that belief. It also isn't far-fetched to think that she harmed her child. That is a very reasonable, logical belief based upon the known facts of the case. Could this belief be wrong? Certainly and evidence presented in the courtroom may show as much. .

Whena child is missing and the mother can't say where her child is that is obviously very alarming evidence that something serious could have happened to the child, I agree with you there. We don't yet know what happened, or who was responsible. The child could be alive (hopefully so). (We don't know the details of the "evidence" yet that supposedly proves the child is deceased. We'll see what it actually turns out to be if/when it's brought to court.)

People need to understand things and will seek out information to make sense of events. This is how we learn. If information comes along that disproves our understanding then we learn some more. Otherwise we'd still believe the world is flat. So I guess my point is that having an opinion based on reason isn't "wrong" although it may be proven wrong. If we were prescribing Casey medication or sentencing her to prison then we would be obligated to make sure we have all the information possible. However, to my knowledge no one here or in the media is doing this.

Well, if someone were prescribing Casey medication or sentencing her to prison I sure would hope they would have all the pertinent information! But I also think before someone (especially an "expert" on a primetime TV show) calls someone a psychopath or suggests they have the capability of murdering, that they would want to wait until they had a whole lot more facts. Personally I would never make such a public statement in the media about anyone until they had been convicted of a crime. Statements that have been made repeatedly that I've seen are, that the person in question is a psychopath, is "coldblooded", is "vicious", that her whole life has been a lie, that she's maliciously used everyone she ever knew, that she is lying about her child's death (as if that is a given) and her involvement, etc. I have even heard the word "evil" used. Who could make statements like that about a person on prime time national TV without first waiting to hear the evidence in court? General statements about psychopathic behavior or lying or stealing, sure, but not specific comments about a person by name, with so few facts known. Surely.
my husband and I were discussing how in other cases you would never have heard the vitriol and accusations like in this case, for example, in the Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman murder, there was a very brutal murder scene, the bodies present, items of physical evidence linking the alleged perpetrator to the crime, a gash on his hands, there was the intense coverage of the case and trial in the media, yet no one made comments like this about him in the media pre-trial or even during the whole trial, no one talked on and on nightly for weeks about his "cold-bloodedness", his being a "psychopath", his being "evil" or "vicious", etc, as in this case. It's like it's been a free for all in this case, not only about the main person of interest but even her family.
Of course the defendant in that case was found innocent, also.
...and on and on with the complete speculation, when they have never even met KC Anthony or evaluated her.

You're kidding right? I've seen more of Casey Anthony in the last few months than I've seen my MOM. I feel like I know her myself...Heck I could have BEEN her if my mom hadn't let me make my own choices. I personally think KC was a victim before she killed her daughter...making her way as a ''party girl' the best she could for someone who had no choice but to be a mom. But then something went horribly wrong...maybe she started using would explain the large sums of money she was burning through with no rent or car payments to make...Whatever, I believe she was drunk, or really really high on something to do what she did, but now...what she is doing, blaming everyone but herself? She's no victim now, she's a hunted predator.

I stand by my post that I find it very unprofessional. I certainly never said that those people are not entitled to their opinion, if they get on TV and say, "please note, this is my personal opinion, not a diagnosis of KC Anthony, because I've never actually met or evaluated her and I only know what I've heard in the media myself" that would be very different. And no, this does not mean that I believe the world is flat..... :)

I agree they should say it is their personal opinion...but I'm almost certain they ALWAYS preface their comments with that. Then again, I'm just watching Nancy Grace, I'm sure there are much less credible people out there talking out of know.

(p.s. I'm actually one of the people who loves to see brainstorming on the board and all theories explored)

Me too. ;)
softsoul, you know that awful "happy halloween" picture in your post above that shows KC with blood all over her, etc, is that a photo arrangement that she actually had on one of her web pages or where did that picture come from/ who made it? Thanks for info
Viewers have seen so much repeated about this case they may feel like they "know" KC Anthony, like you say, but what facts do we really know at this stage? So few. It may be the sheer lack of facts that has made the speculation go so wild. Understandably. I'm very frustrated too waiting to find out more facts in this case, remaining in the dark and wondering what on earth happened to the child and where she could be.

Some constantly repeated "facts" that may actually be fairly unsubstantiated:
-that the Anthonys never held KC accountable, never made her be responsible
(in fact according to one friend's interview, they may have required her to pay rent to them at one point, despite her being in a catch-22 situation in which she both needed to babysit her child while at the same time somehow magically finding employment without a GED which would pay enough to support herself and her child + daycare....that's a very hard situation for someone 20-21 years old and many young people in the same situation would find that life transition very hard to make without a lot of assistance, especially with no GED.)
-that KC had never wanted her child/wanted to get rid of her. Interviews with witnesses have indicated the opposite.
-that KC lacked a normal attachment to her child (interviews with witnesses indicate the opposite).
-that KC had been "mooching off of her parents her entire life" as NG has said so often...(KC just turned 22 in March, right, or 23? Many, many young people of that age are just becoming financially independent. KC had had the added factors of a pregnancy and caring for her infant which had delayed completion of her schooling and entry into a career.) What does "mooching off of parents her whole life" mean anyway? When she was a kid? When she was a teenager? Just in the last year or 18 months since turning 21?
-that KC "weasled her way into upstanding young people's lives in order to use them"....All of these young people, including KC, were just friends and acquaintances, some were long-time high school friends (Annie, etc), some were more recent clubbing friends since approx summer 2007 (AH, RM, JP), TL's crowd was the most recent friend set. KC liked her friends and they liked her. They comment that she was known as a really nice person. She had just in that last month moved into the apartments with the RM crowd and the TL crowd due to the falling out at home and pressure from parents to move out and become more independent. She was in a pretty desperate situation, financially, with her small child in tow. At both of these two apartments there were not only the 3 or so roommates, but also other friends and acquaintances of the people hanging around there, particularly at TL's place, there was also the crowd from the work at Fusion.
-that KC partied nonstop (Because she appears in pictures at events/promotions that her friends TL and others were promoting, how many parties, over a span of how much time? The photos are all from the same handful of events, over what, a year and a half or how long? (some of the pictures are from her 21st birthday).
-that the picture of her in the "hot body" dance contest is lascivious somehow, that she was wildly partying. This was a promotion event of TL's, she did the dance as part of her work helping the club events, according to text mssgs she was trying very hard to find someone else to do the next "hot body" contest because she did not want to have to do it again.

Those are just a few of the main "facts" you see a lot that may not be facts.
Of course I don't rule out the effects of the absinthe, though :)
I consider just about anything possible until we get more facts,
my opinion only of course
Fact: 31 days passed, Casey did not know where her daughter was, and she did not tell one person she was missing.
Fact: Even after 31 days Casey did not alert police. Her mother did.

This tells us something about her psychological state.
People (particularly emotionally, psychologically troubled people) operate on more than one level--and there is more than one way in which KC could have accomplished the end result of her self-centered idealized life. IMO the passive, subconscious negligence scenario, followed by self-preservation and deception are the most fitting with what we know about her narcissistic, disorganized, ill-disciplined and disordered personality. For starters, for a crime that's premediated there are FAR too many glaring, clumsy, frankly just plain stupid mistakes. (Without realizing, guess this is why my instincts or "mother's intuition" told me otherwise from the beginning.)

For premediation, she sure didn't execute a plan w the slightest coherence nor could she concoct one single story of remote credibility that could possibly hang together--but rather a series of poorly considered, indecisive, spur-of-the-moment, compulsive acts, followed by jumbled story after story, easily disprovable lie after lie. All of which have made me, from the beginning, think accident. In many tragic cases but particularly under age four (in a home where there just happens to be a swimming pool), neglect alone--poor parenting and selfish priorities--can EASILY cause a toddler's death. Exact date of chloroform searches yet to be officially released by LE, much speculation, conjecture, and misinformation being passed around. So until we know with certainty, for instance, that the chloroform was used on Caylee (vs trunk) PRIOR to her disappearance, then I'm allowing this may have been part of the cover-up. When the "flurry" of calls are made, she IS at home (prior to which she made only one customary call to be sure GA had left to maintain the lie that she was working, vs stealing, for a living). She was totally obsessed w her new boytoy, a new group of friends etc, so likely went there to use the internet and was too self-absorbed to watch her toddler. Within the HOUR she's trying every person possible, on every phone possible. So what could have happened there at that house, in the short span of 60 minutes? And if she was planning to do something, why in the world choose this location where she might be discovered by someone popping in? To further risk borrowing a shovel from a neighbor is yet another glaring indication this was in no way planned. Why take such a risk when she could have secured one beforehand w/out alerting neighbor. Besides, if you were planning a crime, there would be, all along in the commission of that crime a consciousness of guilt IMO, and you would be aware from that point forth that everything--from web searches and postings on social networking sites, to phone calls and text messages; from store purchases and stolen checks, to traffic and surveillance cams--is traceable and will all lead back to you. JMHO (I posted this on theory thread, but think it goes alot to her "state of mind."

Accident or an impulsive fit of rage.... one or the other...but I agree, not premeditated
Accident or an impulsive fit of rage.... one or the other...but I agree, not premeditated

I don't see any "motive" or desire to be rid of child, do not see any premeditation for a crime against the child, and don't even see harming the child in a fit of rage. I'm still considering everything from: (1) accident occured during KC's watch or while Caylee was being watched by friends, either KC knows what happened and decided to keep it quiet, or she bought a story told to her by someone else regarding what happened , to

(2) someone in the large number of people that Casey and Caylee were around during those last weeks/months was a bad apple, or was just too immature or intoxicated to handle the presence of a toddler. There were simply so many people coming and going from those apartments where they spent time, the club, etc. A 22 year old mother could easily be too trusting of friends and acquaintances. (I was just reading that one study among family courts recently indicated that the statistical chance of a child dying of inflicted injuries increases 50 times when the mother is living with one adult who is not the child's biological parent. I'm sorry, I don't know the name of the study, can't speak to its validity. But if it's true, imagine the statistical risk increase when the small child is exposed to and living with this many additional roommates and their friends and friends of friends. However, I am not accusing any individual, all the known players are presumed innocent.)

Or, (3) Caylee simply got lost from one of the apartments when there was a crowd there, wandered off. KC or friends could suspect someone because that's who they last saw Caylee with, their suspicions could be right, or could be totally wrong. Someone could even have snatched Caylee anytime that her mother was in the shower or on the phone. She might suspect a certain person, could be right or wrong.

(4) Casey allowed a friend/sitter to take Caylee for an extended period or even allowed Caylee to be adopted because she felt she could not provide, or because of the *alleged* throttling incident.... I don't think the adoption scenario is likely but you never know.

just a few....Anything from an accident and KC knows Caylee is deceased, to Caylee is deceased but KC doesn't know it and thinks she is safe with someone, to KC knows that Caylee is safe.
I also don't consider it out of the question that Caylee may have been taken in a crime against KC or even against TL, could have been taken to blackmail either of them or silence either of them about something. I don't even rule out a jealous exgirlfriend of one of KC's recent boyfriends having acted out against KC and Caylee.

What if KC with or without others discovered Caylee had been harmed by someone and already exacted revenge on the perpetrator (this is purely theoretical, obviously), and that is the reason for not being forthcoming?

I don't rule out much at this point. Even the main theory of KC harming Caylee, though I would find it unlikely based on the background history. I'm sorry, this belongs more on a "theories" thread. Have a nice day everyone :)
Quote: I'm very frustrated too waiting to find out more facts in this case, remaining in the dark and wondering what on earth happened to the child and where she could be. Some constantly repeated "facts" that may actually be fairly unsubstantiated:
-that the Anthonys never held KC accountable, never made her be responsible
-that KC partied nonstop (Because she appears in pictures at events/promotions that her friends TL and others were promoting, how many parties, over a span of how much time? The photos are all from the same handful of events, over what, a year and a half or how long? (some of the pictures are from her 21st birthday).
-that the picture of her in the "hot body" dance contest is lascivious somehow, that she was wildly partying. This was a promotion event of TL's, she did the dance as part of her work helping the club events, according to text mssgs she was trying very hard to find someone else to do the next "hot body" contest because she did not want to have to do it again.

Wow I never thought of that. Taking a second, part-time job eves (after stealing and passing bad checks all day) partying at Fusion was a laudible sacrifice on behalf of her missing child. Is there no limit to the excuses people will make! (I've argued negligence, vs premeditated to this day but even I am not confused as to what behaviors can possibly fall w/in the range of halfway normal for the innocent mother of a missing child). And for the record, KC never was held accountable but sadly had her outrageously bad behavior rescued, excused and enabled one too many times, until the ultimate price was paid--by CAYLEE.

I am not working with a fraction of what LE has, and even I have observed enough of her deception to know there is a reason, something that she is covering up. And while this may still IMO very well be an accidental (ie negligence) scenario, hiding and disposing of little Caylee's remains, refusing to cooperate with authorities, continuing to lie to investigators (and tampering with evidence) are in and of themselves all CRIMES punishable by law. The reason I and likely others are frustrated isn't just because she has done virtually nothing to actually help find her child she insists is still alive; it isn't just that she's holed up in her attorney's office tickling his (or her mom's) ears w still more lies; it's because even when confronted w/ scientific evidence and a consensus by LE that Caylee IS deceased and was at one time decomposing inside her trunk, she and her colluding family members persist in WASTING PRECIOUS TIME (LE's manpower, OCSO and TES resources, and Lord only knows how many volunteers) misleading and diverting investigators thus minimizing the likelihood with every passing day that little Caylee's remains will ever be FOUND. GO TES GO! YOU'RE IN MY PRAYERS!!! JMHO
I don't see any "motive" or desire to be rid of child, do not see any premeditation for a crime against the child, and don't even see harming the child in a fit of rage. I'm still considering everything from: (1) accident occured during KC's watch or while Caylee was being watched by friends, either KC knows what happened and decided to keep it quiet, or she bought a story told to her by someone else regarding what happened , to

(2) someone in the large number of people that Casey and Caylee were around during those last weeks/months was a bad apple, or was just too immature or intoxicated to handle the presence of a toddler. There were simply so many people coming and going from those apartments where they spent time, the club, etc. A 22 year old mother could easily be too trusting of friends and acquaintances. (I was just reading that one study among family courts recently indicated that the statistical chance of a child dying of inflicted injuries increases 50 times when the mother is living with one adult who is not the child's biological parent. I'm sorry, I don't know the name of the study, can't speak to its validity. But if it's true, imagine the statistical risk increase when the small child is exposed to and living with this many additional roommates and their friends and friends of friends. However, I am not accusing any individual, all the known players are presumed innocent.)

Or, (3) Caylee simply got lost from one of the apartments when there was a crowd there, wandered off. KC or friends could suspect someone because that's who they last saw Caylee with, their suspicions could be right, or could be totally wrong. Someone could even have snatched Caylee anytime that her mother was in the shower or on the phone. She might suspect a certain person, could be right or wrong.

(4) Casey allowed a friend/sitter to take Caylee for an extended period or even allowed Caylee to be adopted because she felt she could not provide, or because of the *alleged* throttling incident.... I don't think the adoption scenario is likely but you never know.

just a few....Anything from an accident and KC knows Caylee is deceased, to Caylee is deceased but KC doesn't know it and thinks she is safe with someone, to KC knows that Caylee is safe.
I also don't consider it out of the question that Caylee may have been taken in a crime against KC or even against TL, could have been taken to blackmail either of them or silence either of them about something. I don't even rule out a jealous exgirlfriend of one of KC's recent boyfriends having acted out against KC and Caylee.

What if KC with or without others discovered Caylee had been harmed by someone and already exacted revenge on the perpetrator (this is purely theoretical, obviously), and that is the reason for not being forthcoming?

I don't rule out much at this point. Even the main theory of KC harming Caylee, though I would find it unlikely based on the background history. I'm sorry, this belongs more on a "theories" thread. Have a nice day everyone :)

Thanks for at least allowing the possibility this was not premeditated. But there's only one "bad apple" in this story--and only one trunk w/ Caylee's decomposition in it. (Furthermore, the statistical odds of the curious toddler of an inattentive mother drowning silently in a backyard pool rise ASTRONOMICALLY... while the chances of a narcissist ever sacrificing their own freedom to save anyone else are roughly equivalent to ZERO ZIPPO ZILCH in a TRILLION-GAZILLION.) JMHO
I never post on this thread but have a thought after seeing all the sales receipts etc today. It sounds to me like she was manic and spent $$ just to spend it.

I agree she is a sociopath and pathological liar. Now it is time to add bi polar to the list.
I don't see any "motive" or desire to be rid of child, do not see any premeditation for a crime against the child, and don't even see harming the child in a fit of rage. I'm still considering everything from: (1) accident occured during KC's watch or while Caylee was being watched by friends, either KC knows what happened and decided to keep it quiet, or she bought a story told to her by someone else regarding what happened , to

(2) someone in the large number of people that Casey and Caylee were around during those last weeks/months was a bad apple, or was just too immature or intoxicated to handle the presence of a toddler. There were simply so many people coming and going from those apartments where they spent time, the club, etc. A 22 year old mother could easily be too trusting of friends and acquaintances. (I was just reading that one study among family courts recently indicated that the statistical chance of a child dying of inflicted injuries increases 50 times when the mother is living with one adult who is not the child's biological parent. I'm sorry, I don't know the name of the study, can't speak to its validity. But if it's true, imagine the statistical risk increase when the small child is exposed to and living with this many additional roommates and their friends and friends of friends. However, I am not accusing any individual, all the known players are presumed innocent.)

Or, (3) Caylee simply got lost from one of the apartments when there was a crowd there, wandered off. KC or friends could suspect someone because that's who they last saw Caylee with, their suspicions could be right, or could be totally wrong. Someone could even have snatched Caylee anytime that her mother was in the shower or on the phone. She might suspect a certain person, could be right or wrong.

(4) Casey allowed a friend/sitter to take Caylee for an extended period or even allowed Caylee to be adopted because she felt she could not provide, or because of the *alleged* throttling incident.... I don't think the adoption scenario is likely but you never know.

just a few....Anything from an accident and KC knows Caylee is deceased, to Caylee is deceased but KC doesn't know it and thinks she is safe with someone, to KC knows that Caylee is safe.
I also don't consider it out of the question that Caylee may have been taken in a crime against KC or even against TL, could have been taken to blackmail either of them or silence either of them about something. I don't even rule out a jealous exgirlfriend of one of KC's recent boyfriends having acted out against KC and Caylee.

What if KC with or without others discovered Caylee had been harmed by someone and already exacted revenge on the perpetrator (this is purely theoretical, obviously), and that is the reason for not being forthcoming?

I don't rule out much at this point. Even the main theory of KC harming Caylee, though I would find it unlikely based on the background history. I'm sorry, this belongs more on a "theories" thread. Have a nice day everyone :)

At face value, the problem I have with the theories about Caylee being lost in large crowds in apt.s and large numbers of friends watching Caylee as somehow being the cause of what has happened to Caylee is that no one outside of the A family has seen Caylee since 6/15. If she got lost, or something happened to her while in the presence of many, then certainly someone else outside the A family would have seen Caylee after 6/15. But no one has.
I also don't think an accident occurred while Casey placed Caylee in the care of someone else because judging solely from Casey's own words and actions she would not take the heat for anyone else. To keep this on topic, it just doesn't fit with Casey's patterns. If there were someone else to blame Casey would have sung by now. She has only herself to blame.
At face value, the problem I have with the theories about Caylee being lost in large crowds in apt.s and large numbers of friends watching Caylee as somehow being the cause of what has happened to Caylee is that no one outside of the A family has seen Caylee since 6/15. If she got lost, or something happened to her while in the presence of many, then certainly someone else outside the A family would have seen Caylee after 6/15. But no one has.
I also don't think an accident occurred while Casey placed Caylee in the care of someone else because judging solely from Casey's own words and actions she would not take the heat for anyone else. To keep this on topic, it just doesn't fit with Casey's patterns. If there were someone else to blame Casey would have sung by now. She has only herself to blame.
Now that I've watched NG again, there's no doubt in my mind it was premeditatd murder.

How can it be overlooked that Casey was looking up chloroform on the internet, and they found high levels of chloroform in the trunk, with her deceased daughter's dna/hair. That's just open and shut to me.
Hi Softsoul, I only said that I was quite shocked to see a couple of TV "psychotherapists" who repeatedly said, point blank, that KC is definitely a pathological liar, and is definitely a psychopath, that she definitely has no real feelings, that she doesn't care where her child is, that everything she has said is a lie, that her entire life has been a lie, that she has only used and manipulated everyone she ever met, and on and on with the complete speculation, when they have never even met KC Anthony or evaluated her.
They didn't say, "if it is shown in this case that she did in fact harm her child and everything she has said does turn out to have been a lie", etc. Not general statements about psychopathology. Specific statements about KC Anthony definitely being a psychopath and a pathological liar. One of these "psychotherapists" in particular has made very definitive statements about KC Anthony's character on prime time TV, over and over and over.
I stand by my post that I find it very unprofessional. I certainly never said that those people are not entitled to their opinion, if they get on TV and say, "please note, this is my personal opinion, not a diagnosis of KC Anthony, because I've never actually met or evaluated her and I only know what I've heard in the media myself" that would be very different. And no, this does not mean that I believe the world is flat..... :)

(p.s. I'm actually one of the people who loves to see brainstorming on the board and all theories explored)

Though I understand where your logic come from I'd like to share mine with you. I have been in and out of therapy since I was a child and always resented it.. as I got older and had issues in my life I did not talk to the therapist about any of it. I left things out or lied to the therapist.. I resisted treatment so obviously my issues went untreated.Many other mentally ill people do the same thing. It's almost a game with us- getting the doctors to believe we are OK, that we worked on the issues we discussed during the last session when in reality we didn't and probably won't.

BUT how is he to know? We only see him 1 time a week or 1 time a month in an isolated enviroment. He never gets to see how we interact with our family members (he only gets our side of the story), he doesn't know that we stole checks from grandma and Amy last week not to mention mom's penny's card. He also has no way of hearing our phone call home from jail or the interview right after going to universal to Casey's "office". furthur, he has no way of even knowing our daughter is missing and has been for an entire month unless we choose to tell him.

We choose how much information we give and how honest we will be about our life while in therapy. But here.. in this case?! We have been exposed to more information about Casey than any therapist could come into contact with.. not only that but what we see is real, un-edited, raw. We don't have to ask how she is dealing with her daughter being missing and simply trust her word (like a therapist does).. we get to watch how she is handling it.
IMO that is a far better evaluater than the glossed over information one chooses to share with a therapist. I stand by my opinion
You're kidding right? I've seen more of Casey Anthony in the last few months than I've seen my MOM. I feel like I know her myself...Heck I could have BEEN her if my mom hadn't let me make my own choices. I personally think KC was a victim before she killed her daughter...making her way as a ''party girl' the best she could for someone who had no choice but to be a mom. But then something went horribly wrong...maybe she started using would explain the large sums of money she was burning through with no rent or car payments to make...Whatever, I believe she was drunk, or really really high on something to do what she did, but now...what she is doing, blaming everyone but herself? She's no victim now, she's a hunted predator.

I stand by my post that I find it very unprofessional. I certainly never said that those people are not entitled to their opinion, if they get on TV and say, "please note, this is my personal opinion, not a diagnosis of KC Anthony, because I've never actually met or evaluated her and I only know what I've heard in the media myself" that would be very different. And no, this does not mean that I believe the world is flat..... :)

I agree they should say it is their personal opinion...but I'm almost certain they ALWAYS preface their comments with that. Then again, I'm just watching Nancy Grace, I'm sure there are much less credible people out there talking out of know.

(p.s. I'm actually one of the people who loves to see brainstorming on the board and all theories explored)

Me too. ;)

Me three! ;)
I never post on this thread but have a thought after seeing all the sales receipts etc today. It sounds to me like she was manic and spent $$ just to spend it.

I agree she is a sociopath and pathological liar. Now it is time to add bi polar to the list.

I seriously doubt it.
I seriously doubt it.

Why do u say that? I lived with a gf that was bi polar and when she was manic she would hit the stores big time.

Symptoms of mania include:
Increased energy level
Less need for sleep
Racing thoughts or mind jumps around
Easily distracted
More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking
More self-confident than usual
Focused on getting things done, but often completing little
Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen

One person describes mania this way:
"The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."

Hypomania is a milder form of mania that has similar but less severe symptoms.
Why do u say that? I lived with a gf that was bi polar and when she was manic she would hit the stores big time.

Symptoms of mania include:
Increased energy level
Less need for sleep
Racing thoughts or mind jumps around
Easily distracted
More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking
More self-confident than usual
Focused on getting things done, but often completing little
Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen

One person describes mania this way:
"The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."

Hypomania is a milder form of mania that has similar but less severe symptoms.

I don't think she's manic, either. JMHO, of course. Many of the manic symptoms cross over into other personality disorders, as well.
Now that I've watched NG again, there's no doubt in my mind it was premeditatd murder.

How can it be overlooked that Casey was looking up chloroform on the internet, and they found high levels of chloroform in the trunk, with her deceased daughter's dna/hair. That's just open and shut to me.

I agree that this was most likely a premeditated murder.
LQQK how happy and normal Casey looks in the videos while she is checking out ! Good heavens, :eek:if your child was missing or dead, a Mother could not even put her feet on the floor in the am for a would stress and upset everything :eek:within you as a human being in mourning. IMO ~ Casey looks happy and relieved, and that was MOST evident while she was partying at Fusion. Lost your kid and u act like this ? :confused:I think not !:liar:
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