Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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I don't think she's manic, either. JMHO, of course. Many of the manic symptoms cross over into other personality disorders, as well.

Agreed...I do not see Bi Polar Disorder with Casey.
I have not heard of a person with BP murdering ?
She must be the spawn of Charlie Manson...:eek:
Agreed...I do not see Bi Polar Disorder with Casey.
I have not heard of a person with BP murdering ?
She must be the spawn of Charlie Manson...:eek:

I don't think BP would drove someone to murder either. She very well may be BP, add that to Sociopath and pathalogical liar, as I first posted, and you come up with KC.
Why do u say that? I lived with a gf that was bi polar and when she was manic she would hit the stores big time.

Symptoms of mania include:
Increased energy level
Less need for sleep
Racing thoughts or mind jumps around
Easily distracted
More talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talking
More self-confident than usual
Focused on getting things done, but often completing little
Risky or unusual activities to the extreme, even if it’s likely bad things will happen

One person describes mania this way:
"The fast ideas become too fast and there are far too many…overwhelming confusion replaces clarity… Your friends become frightened…everything is now against the grain…you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped."

Hypomania is a milder form of mania that has similar but less severe symptoms.

Because I have Bipolar disorder and I see none of the symptoms of it in Casey. Personality disorder, yes... mood disorder, no

IF someone with Bipolar murdered their child out of anger or during a psychosis, when they realized what they did, they would more than likely kill themself. We are f'd up and have many issues but we have souls, rlms56;2793051.
Maybe Kc was spending "maniacally" because -she knew she did not have much time before being possibly caught stealing.
I don't understand her signing her own name to the check. WOW- that is chutzpah. Unless, she had only her I.D. and not Amy's. Still ...........beyond my comprehension.
I guess she has had lots of practice on how to ge a stolen check verified and O.K.'d . my :twocents:
I never post on this thread but have a thought after seeing all the sales receipts etc today. It sounds to me like she was manic and spent $$ just to spend it.

I agree she is a sociopath and pathological liar. Now it is time to add bi polar to the list.

Not bi polar - bi polar is a chemical imbalance and can be treated
and evened out with medication . An organic cause and effect if you will

acting out - out of control behaviors from personality disorders
are reactions and learned inflexible modes of behavior - they dont
respond to medication

KC is not bi polar .......
I don't think BP would drove someone to murder either. She very well may be BP, add that to Sociopath and pathalogical liar, as I first posted, and you come up with KC.

I'd love to know what her teachers from high school have to say about the type of person she was then. They would be non-biased mature adults, instead of the young immature "friends" of Casey we've been hearing from regarding her personality, and I bet we'd get a clearer look into what makes her tick.
I'd love to know what her teachers from high school have to say about the type of person she was then. They would be non-biased mature adults, instead of the young immature "friends" of Casey we've been hearing from regarding her personality, and I bet we'd get a clearer look into what makes her tick.

Yes I agree we havent' heard from any other adults about KC except from her family. IIRC it was said a while back that she was considered quiet in school. My mother always told me to watch out for the quiet ones!:)
As much as Casey has stolen from friends and family, I am suprised
that she hasn't been picked up for shoplifting.
Take a look at the WFTV report. Not sure it belongs on this thread, but might give some insight into her personality:

<<Casey bought plenty of things for herself during the shopping sprees, but not a thing for Caylee, no diapers, no children's toys, no little girl's clothing.

Instead, Casey bought lingerie, beer and those big white sunglasses she's always hiding behind. She actually hit two Target stores within two hours. She even went home and changed clothes in between, right after she shopped at the Target on North Goldenrod Road.

Casey Anthony walked into the Winter Park Target on the morning of July 10 dressed in all black. Her daughter had disappeared more than three weeks earlier, but she didn't appear to be in mourning. Casey bought the big white sunglasses she's always wearing, bras, camisoles, chemises and she bought the blue hoodie (see hoodie) that she wore the first time she was arrested (see receipt).

Video shows her fidgeting when the cashier was about to verify the check, but the cashier never really took a close look even though Casey signed Amy Huizenga's name to the check and used her own driver's license as identification (read Huizenga's statement).

An hour and a half later, wearing the new white sunglasses and a totally different outfit, Casey Anthony walked into the Target on Alafaya Trail. She bought Bud Lite and a lot of food, but again nothing for her daughter Caylee. She was in the same store two days earlier, also paying with an allegedly stolen check.

Images | Raw Video

It appears Casey never had to lie her way through at Target stores, at the Winn Dixie, where she bought more beer, or even at the Bank of America on South Conway on July 15, the day before she was arrested.>>

Interesting that she used Amy's check, signed Amy's name, but used her own drivers license. Also intersting that she had a wardrobe change between Target store hits, even wearing the just-purchased-with-Amy's-stolen-checks infamous white shades.
Softsoul: I'm not sure how easily the phone calls, IMs, stolen checks or store receipts could be used to prove murder.

ALL of the above can and ARE being used to pile up circumstancial evidence including tracing her movements during time period in question (before, during and following her daughter's disappearance) which may eventually lead to disposal site; disproving her lies, and alibis; proving consciousness of guilt; and establishing a motive.
I understand that all of this is being used but none of it proves murder in and of itself. Also, I don't believe Casey would have thought for a second that making phone calls or talking to people online would be incriminating against her....unless that communication involved a confession. It doesn't prove premeditation or disprove it IMO. In hindsight it obviously means a lot more to LE than it did to Casey at the time it occurred. JMO
But they are making public statements about KC Anthony's character, trustworthiness, and even strongly implying her guilt in a murder, night after night for weeks, on prime time TV.

People can definitely have opinions, I was talking about a mental health professional appearing on a prime time TV show repeatedly and saying that KC Anthony is a psychopath and implying heavily that she is lying about her daughter's death and her involvement in it.

What evidence is there that Caylee is deceased, or that KC harmed her in any way? We'll have to see what the evidence actually turns out to be if/when it's presented in court. What information is actually known by the public or media in this case? Not enough to say yet who is lying or how much or about what. Much less to know anything about the personalities of those people, their motivations, or their feelings. How can you say there is no evidence of kidnappers? What evidence would there be? What evidence does a kidnapper leave behind? Also, what evidence would prove KC's fear?

We still don't know what type of work she may have been doing currently, whether it took place at Universal or wherever else. She did not work for Universal theme park itself. We don't know yet why she took police there. The nature of her current work could even be why she's not been forthcoming, there could even be an element of blackmail. Not known yet. It appears that she did (presumably unpaid) work for two friends in their party/club events promotion.

Whena child is missing and the mother can't say where her child is that is obviously very alarming evidence that something serious could have happened to the child, I agree with you there. We don't yet know what happened, or who was responsible. The child could be alive (hopefully so). (We don't know the details of the "evidence" yet that supposedly proves the child is deceased. We'll see what it actually turns out to be if/when it's brought to court.)

Well, if someone were prescribing Casey medication or sentencing her to prison I sure would hope they would have all the pertinent information! But I also think before someone (especially an "expert" on a primetime TV show) calls someone a psychopath or suggests they have the capability of murdering, that they would want to wait until they had a whole lot more facts. Personally I would never make such a public statement in the media about anyone until they had been convicted of a crime. Statements that have been made repeatedly that I've seen are, that the person in question is a psychopath, is "coldblooded", is "vicious", that her whole life has been a lie, that she's maliciously used everyone she ever knew, that she is lying about her child's death (as if that is a given) and her involvement, etc. I have even heard the word "evil" used. Who could make statements like that about a person on prime time national TV without first waiting to hear the evidence in court? General statements about psychopathic behavior or lying or stealing, sure, but not specific comments about a person by name, with so few facts known. Surely.
I truly don't know how to respond. If you don't think there is enough proof that Casey is a sociopathic compulsive liar then so be it. I respectfully and strongly disagree.
Yes I agree we havent' heard from any other adults about KC except from her family. IIRC it was said a while back that she was considered quiet in school. My mother always told me to watch out for the quiet ones!:)
LOL. I've always heard that as well. How often do we hear from neighbors "He was always quiet, kinda kept to himself but was respectful," after some guy is arrested for a hideous crime. It seems much less common that you hear any such person described as a noisy, rowdy neighbor.
Though I understand where your logic come from I'd like to share mine with you. I have been in and out of therapy since I was a child and always resented it.. as I got older and had issues in my life I did not talk to the therapist about any of it. I left things out or lied to the therapist.. I resisted treatment so obviously my issues went untreated.Many other mentally ill people do the same thing. It's almost a game with us- getting the doctors to believe we are OK, that we worked on the issues we discussed during the last session when in reality we didn't and probably won't.

BUT how is he to know? We only see him 1 time a week or 1 time a month in an isolated enviroment. He never gets to see how we interact with our family members (he only gets our side of the story), he doesn't know that we stole checks from grandma and Amy last week not to mention mom's penny's card. He also has no way of hearing our phone call home from jail or the interview right after going to universal to Casey's "office". furthur, he has no way of even knowing our daughter is missing and has been for an entire month unless we choose to tell him.

We choose how much information we give and how honest we will be about our life while in therapy. But here.. in this case?! We have been exposed to more information about Casey than any therapist could come into contact with.. not only that but what we see is real, un-edited, raw. We don't have to ask how she is dealing with her daughter being missing and simply trust her word (like a therapist does).. we get to watch how she is handling it.
IMO that is a far better evaluater than the glossed over information one chooses to share with a therapist. I stand by my opinion
Thanks for sharing your experience which so clearly states what I was trying to convey. Mental health is so different from physical health. For most, but certainly not all, physical illnesses a physician can run tests that clearly show some condition or disease. You can see a brain tumor, an infected toe, an enlarged liver, etc.. Mental health is much more subjective.

When doing a mental health assessment you are almost always solely dependent upon information provided by the person being assessed. Some lie while others may just lack self-awareness. A good example is if you listen to a couple experiencing marital problems. Chances are great that you will get two different stories or views of what the problems are, yet neither are lying. People tend not to be objective about their own behavior. Therapists cannot read minds. Thus, in situations when you are able to observe the person interacting with others or get information from other sources you are getting a more complete understanding of how this person functions, how they see themselves, others and the world in general.

The DSM provides qualifiers for this shortcoming in diagnosis...such as "rule out" option or "based on history" but you can only objectify human behavior and emotion so much.

Just to add...I also don't see Casey's spending as manic. I think she knew she only had so long to spend all Amy's money. Amy was going to find out before too long.
I seriously doubt she is bi-polar, or even a borderline personality.

Being bi-polar myself I would hate to be lumped in with the likes of her, lol

She displays anti-social personality disorder for sure. It looks like
she's becoming more and more defiant in her actions. No more of the
trying to blend in and be what everyone else might have perceived her
to be (parents, boyfriends, friends) she's letting her own horrid personality
out now.
As much as Casey has stolen from friends and family, I am suprised
that she hasn't been picked up for shoplifting.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, it does speak to motive and what I think is that Casey was probably horribly resentful that Cindy and George were spending their excess resources towards little Caylee, horribly envious, and what do we do when we`re envious?

We want to destroy the object of our envy. That would be a motive for not handling the little girl over to the grandparents simply destroying her and not having her around.

Now this -- getting rid of the little girl initiates a crime spree. Amy Huizinga goes to Puerto Rico, right? Or on holiday. Casey wants to go, can`t go, keeps texting. What does she do? She takes Amy`s checkbook. She takes what`s not hers.

She`s a thief and the spending spree and the crime spree is a celebration of the fact that the little girl is out of the way. Now she can indulge in her own lifestyle and she can live without the little girl, she can do whatever she wants to do.

But it`s not just a homicide. It`s the -- or a possible homicide, it is the
beginning of a crime spree.


I liked the way she put that because I had felt for some time that KC sort of 'snapped.'
This lady indicates that as soon as she killed Caylee........she just continued to commit crimes.
I now understand.
I think sometimes people are just plain selfish, narcissitic, and evil. And I think that's what Casey is. Anything else in a way "excuses" her behavior and actions. She knew full well what she was doing, thus the lies and coverup. She needs to be held FULLY accountable for ONCE in her life.
I don't think she is "mentally ill" as in a defect in her brain that she can't control. I think she was raised with no boundaries or respect. I think she knew stealing and lying were wrong but she always got by with it, so why not continue? She had stolen and lied for so long, that is was second nature to her. It almost seems as though she was wanting to be held accountable. Who steals a check and writes it out to them self? I do believe that her mother put her down so much and was so controlling that her self worth and all that goes along with it, was lost a long time ago. The lying was a way to make her bigger than she was. Since it seems that Cindy controls everything...Casey was probably never allowed the skills to develop into a person she was comfortable being. Children need to be able to learn the skills needed through trial and error but most importantly they need to be accountable for their actions. Parents that have the "my child does no wrong" mentality are usually the ones that get their children out of every wrong they do until they get older and mommy or daddy can't save them and they are screwed. When she would lie to get out of prior engagements, she would lie about her dad having a stroke etc. she obviously doesn't have the skills and/or boundaries needed to say NO. All the people Casey associated with had jobs, their own places, basically INDEPENDENCE something she wanted and she based her whole identity around it. This is evident in the lies about going to school, having a job, getting her own place. She wanted those things but b/c of whatever reason (Caylee or her mom's control) she couldn't, so to "fit" in she did the easiest thing in her mind and that was to lie. I blame the parents for the way in which Casey turned out. I don't doubt for one second that whatever happened to Caylee was either to a) protect Caylee from Cindy or b) to get back at Cindy or both.
I'd love to know what her teachers from high school have to say about the type of person she was then. They would be non-biased mature adults, instead of the young immature "friends" of Casey we've been hearing from regarding her personality, and I bet we'd get a clearer look into what makes her tick.

me too me tooo... I wish we knew more about her history from other, non personality disordered adults.
As much as Casey has stolen from friends and family, I am suprised
that she hasn't been picked up for shoplifting.

Me too! Larceny 3 was like my anti-drug for the longest time. It didn't matter if I wanted or needed the crap I stole or if I had the money to pay for it, it was the act stealing that I did it for.

LMAO- I love your siggy!
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