Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

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I think that applies to some things that have been coming up lately, which have been incriminating. We are fairly sure someone has been hacking into their computers, because incriminating emails were sent from home while everyone was away.

But there were so many visits to escort websites; and the fact of the entire financial situation says loudly Casey was working as an escort, and giving all the money to her family. Now she seems to be entangled in this world that exploits children, and Caylee is alive but in serious danger. It is intriguing to say the least.

All I can say is, death band on hair with Anthony DNA, and human decomposition in car trunk.
Everything that comes to mind for me to say, I know I can't. Have never been banned and no wish to be now.

Did anyone see CA talking on Local 6 about her take on the jail interviews? She said that she's been saying all along that everyone needed to see those tapes, so they could see that KC is not cold hearted. She talked about her crying and showing emotion. During the interview, she kept shifting her eyes to the upper right. She said that KC is a "desperate, loving mother" Then all of a sudden she loses her train of thought and shifts them to the lower right. In particular, it was when she began to say "loving". Of course, everyone knows that psychiatrists say that when you change your field of view abruptly during speech, you are lying. I guess she believes that KC is desperate but not a loving mother.

Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share....

ITA! I wondered if anyone else thought the same thing. The whole time I am I was watching this, I was thinking ...WHAT? ..Cindy, do you seriously believe what you are saying? Then I remembered the source! :rolleyes:
Remember when CA was telling the agents that KC was always so helpful to someone in need? I thought yeah right, she views someone in need as an easy target and her next victim. Below is a quote from your link:

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
And I can attest, unfortunately, that this is ABSOLUTELY the truth!
Enable, enable, enable. Cindy just continues to excuse and perpetuate the very behavior that landed her little princess behind bars in the first place.

And what about when Casey makes a statement about getting a job after all of it is over (yeah, right), and Cindy immediately says "You don't have to work." What else would she have her doing, more of the same behavior as the previous 2 1/2 years? Casey actually took a baby step forward to say "I know I need to get a (real) job" and Cindy tells her NO, she doesn't! Just keep lying and stealing as your "job"!

Cindy must just absolutely relish raising a sociopath.
That whole exchange was one of the most difficult to angered me so. Casey will have her way here, she will be put to work...just NOT when she gets out.
I figured out that Casey and Jesse had Caylee adopted in a way that would have allowed Casey to stay in close physical contact with Caylee.

That kind of adoption isn't possible, except illegally; but Jesse had family ties to authorities who could have arranged an illegal adoption, and then looked the other way. That is the only type of adoption Casey would have accepted. Casey said, “I was willing for Caylee to have another home.”

Jesse got his family friend in Missing and Exploited Children to arrange such an adoption. Missing and Exploited Children were more than willing to help, because they have an agenda. They want to lower the boom on mothers like Casey, and have the power to take their children away from them.

The people who helped Casey and Jesse get an illegal adoption double crossed Casey… and that is the whole story Casey is going to tell in court.

But Casey hasn't even told her parents, so they don't know what happened. I figured out what happened by looking at the evidence and circumstances. Caylee is still alive, and the grandparents know Caylee is alive.

Casey had numerous, continuous visits to Escort websites, which surprisingly, no one has talked about much. That was her job, she was an escort, in Orlando: a booming business. Why haven't the press talked about this? Odd, because most of her Internet visits were to escort services, where she would be looking to hook up with someone for money, but no one has talked about that. Maybe because it’s a huge business making a lot of money for powerful people. Those people are apparently being protected by the press.

I heard last night that Casey said in her description of Zenaida, “5’7, brown hair; she has a lot of money.” Nannies don’t have a lot of money, but this mysterious nanny does, according to one of Casey’s descriptions where Casey’s concern was trying to get Caylee back, after by her own words, she stupidly on her own had tried for thirty days.

Now, when Casey says she will get a real job when this is all over, she means not to be an escort anymore. Yet, her ignoble mother and father naturally think, "Why not? the money is fantastic." The family has serious financial issues, and moral issues. And who in the family has a "real job". I don't know, I haven't researched that, but Cindy and George don't appear to have serious jobs. Casey spends thousands of dollars on her "mother's" credit card, and the mother is not concerned. Is Casey generating this money in her escort job? Is the mother laundering the money to cover up Casey's escort job?

There is your enabling family dynamic; which explains a lot of the family weirdness.

The most amazing part is, Casey hasn’t told anyone the real story, not even her own parents. She is waiting patiently until she gets to court; which shows real resolve. She is fighting against very powerful people. She knows that, but her story – the real story – won’t be believed unless something else happens.
PS- CA did have a real job FWIW.
Ironically, if Casey had been making money in the sex trade, that will show she is a saint not a sinner, because Casey obviously didn't seem to have much money of her own. Yet, she might have been making a bundle.

George is a little messed up, like my father who has 9 million dollars and all of his children and grandchildren are living in poverty. I told him and the family that he could give each of us a million dollars and he would still have 5 million left, so he got a lawyer to threaten me and keep me away from him. That's sick, since all of his chldren are in poverty, but people get twisted up about money.

George is the same twisted type. Casey could be giving him all her money but if she takes money from her daughter's piggy bank, he thinks that is wrong.

However, if it turns out she was working the sex trade -- easily provable, but a fact everyone is covering up if it's true -- ironically, that fact would now turn her into a saint.
To me it makes her a ............nevermind.
Here is the clip on the nightly news. She is delusional IMO.

How convenient that they are able to follow up on a local sighting while they are in CA to spread doubt over the air waves on the Larry King show. Great way to kill two birds with one stone. I am sick of these people and their devious tactics. Oh, and it is pretty obvious that they are still being adversarial (sp?) with the OCSO by threatenting to subpoena the store videos. More media blitz for planting reasonable doubt in the jury pool. IMO.
Saint there's a new one...

Ya... she's the Patron Saint of imaginary Nannies and lost phones, don't ya know?

You really should brush up on your Saints to keep up.

We also have Saint CA - the Patron Saint of Mothers of the Year and hammers. (yes, even hammers need spiritual guidance and protection, lest they might strike the wrong target.)

And then there is Saint GA - he is the Patron of Hands and their fingers, Gas Cans and CA.

And you should also know that there is Saint LA - he watches over Code-Talkers.

I'm sure I am missing a few, but I'm sure someone else can add to the list.
She sure does! She's the best.:)

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, someone once told me about the ignore feature. It was suggested as an alternative to mentioning the need for a whole team of psychiatrists on-call 24/7.

I wonder now whether that was for me............hmmm.......... :)
It's good to know that poverty level people can still afford computers and internet access. :rolleyes:
And on that note, I believe it's definitely time to change my signature line.
I don't want a time out.
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