Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

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:eek:All I can say is....Holy Cow.....Ok.....:confused::crazy::doh:
All of his children, especially me, my son, and my nephew are so brilliant that no one can wrap their minds around our way of thinking; so we have all gone through life misunderstood, and we are living in poverty.

Casey is not living her life in the normal way, but she is showing she is generous, caring, loving, emotional: every good thing that makes a person beautiful; and yet, the world is trying to put her away, even kill her. If she had been in the sex business like I theorize, run by unscrupulous people, and now she is protecting her daughter from those evil people by all the things she is doing, including lying and stealing, then she is a saint.

Is this a joke?
Ya... she's the Patron Saint of imaginary Nannies and lost phones, don't ya know?

You really should brush up on your Saints to keep up.

We also have Saint CA - the Patron Saint of Mothers of the Year and hammers. (yes, even hammers need spiritual guidance and protection, lest they might strike the wrong target.)

And then there is Saint GA - he is the Patron of Hands and their fingers, Gas Cans and CA.

And you should also know that there is Saint LA - he watches over Code-Talkers.

I'm sure I am missing a few, but I'm sure someone else can add to the list.

:dance::clap::clap: thanks for the laugh! I knew they were "good people"---just didn't think "saints"---NOW I KNOW!!! However, when you closed with "missing a few"----I thought perhaps you meant to put in st. la in that as he is "missing".......and a few?????:doh:

With most of her Internet visits to Orlando Escort Services, the press has always avoided that part of the story. Was Casey working for them or not? From reports out of the press, we don’t actually know.

Her main emotional concern that she has expressed has been there are evil people who will kill Caylee if Casey talks.

Why has the press avoided the Orlando Escort Services part of the story, and who are these evil people?
I can think of so many reasons as to why KC 's attorney can't use the insane alibi. That bird aint gonna fly..

First: She is out Bar Hopping the night of possibly Caylee died.. (Was she partying during those dates).

Second: She is out stealing Amy blind. (Poor Girl).

Third: She is robbing her grandparents blind that are on a fixed income.

Fourth- She an Lee and caught on video ( High fiving each other).

Any Others you can think of.....I would like to hear them.
She's a card carrying psychopath or sociopath but she's not insane in the sense of being delusional or not being able to discern between right and wrong.
She can she just has no empathy for anyone but herself and her wants.
Being between a sociopath and what they want is a dangerous place to be.
Poor Caylee didnt have any choice in the matter.
For me personally she is insane, because you have to be insane to even kill any other living human being. You have to be insane to put their body in a trash bag and put it in your trunk, you have to be insane to dump that body in the woods like yesterdays garbage.
Is she Insane according to the law? probably not.......but anyone that "knows" right from wrong wouldnt kill their daughter in the first place, because they KNOW its wrong.
ah, guess its a fine line for me.
Clearly Casey is extremely mentally ill. She'll fit in perfectly with the other 99% of whatever prison population she's placed in.
That being said. Legally she has to prove she didn't know what she was doing was wrong because of her as yet to be diagnosed mental defect.
She knew she had to hide the body. She knew she couldn't let TonE or whoever smell the car. She knew she had to make up excuses for Caylees absence and she knew she needed an elaborate story to cover the fact her child was missing while she acted as though nothing was wrong.
KC's Mommy is an RN, who should have known the signs of insanity in her loved one, and missed all the signs. ( I have a theory why) So , because she doesn't have any history of treatment for a mental defect, there's no chance she can use that defense successfully now IMHO.
But they'll try :)
For me personally she is insane, because you have to be insane to even kill any other living human being. You have to be insane to put their body in a trash bag and put it in your trunk, you have to be insane to dump that body in the woods like yesterdays garbage.
Is she Insane according to the law? probably not.......but anyone that "knows" right from wrong wouldnt kill their daughter in the first place, because they KNOW its wrong.
ah, guess its a fine line for me.

I think she is just pure evil, not insane.
For me personally she is insane, because you have to be insane to even kill any other living human being. You have to be insane to put their body in a trash bag and put it in your trunk, you have to be insane to dump that body in the woods like yesterdays garbage.

not insane, darling, just broken.
She is not insane. And remember, insane is a LEGAL defense. It does not play into mental health issues as identified by doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists....that said:

Proof: No emotion when the other searches came up empty. Panic attack and a sedative yesterday.

After that, it's just that she is a pathological liarpants who got her rocks off playing Clue with her child's body.
I don't think she is insane. She definitely knew right from wrong which is why she has told lie, after lie, after lie to cover her butt. It is the lying and lack of empathy for Caylee and her family as well as her putting her desire above all else that proves she is not insane. She has a cold, cruel, malignant heart that lacks compassion but she is not insane. Monster? yes! Insane? No....mho
The sociopath knows whats right and wrong,they just choose to do what ever they want because to them its all relative.
She was well aware that murdering Caylee was wrong hence her efforts to conceal the truth to keep from facing punishment.
But she wanted to be free to do what she wanted Caylee was an obstacle so she removed her.
Caylee's feelings and the harm her actions would cause to others were of no consequence.
Guilt and empathy are completely absent.
No emotion for Caylee all this time yet when the remains are discovered and she KC is in danger she has a 'panic attack'.Typical.
She may look like the all american 20something but she's no different then some inner city who would weigh your life against the 20 dollars in your purse and kill you or the serial killer who would take a life for sexual gratification.
No way is she anything NEAR approaching insane.

Andrea Yates - INSANE. Did not know what she was doing was wrong. Did not lie and cover up what she did. Responded to medication and was remorseful during sane periods. People who knew her were aware way before the event that she was mentally ill.

KC - lied and manipulated to cover her tracks. Hid the body (why hide it if you dont know you did anything wrong) Was sneaky and enjoyed herself while the baby was "missing". Actually I could go on and on about how NOT insane she was.

I feel it is an insult to people who are mentally ill to say KC's behaviour mirrored mental illness. People having been killing people since the dawn of time. It doesnt automatically mean that there is an organic problem with brain chemicals or function. Some people do it for fun! They are not crazy - they just LIKE IT. Some people do it because they have something to gain and they do not feel bad at all. KC is one of those people. She had her own agenda. Doesnt make her crazy AT ALL. Just spoilt with no compassion or empathy for anyone but herself.

The insanity plea will not fly. Not for ONE. SECOND.
Respectfully snipped: Proof: No emotion when the other searches came up empty. Panic attack and a sedative yesterday.

Great point. Suddenly, she is petrified. If she were completely out of touch with reality, she wouldn't understand the ramifications of this discovery. Also, I think we will find that she behaved with calculating premeditation that negates the crime of passion, temporary insanity type of defense.
Not insane, but morally degenerate.
Respectfully snipped: Proof: No emotion when the other searches came up empty. Panic attack and a sedative yesterday.

Great point. Suddenly, she is petrified. If she were completely out of touch with reality, she wouldn't understand the ramifications of this discovery. Also, I think we will find that she behaved with calculating premeditation that negates the crime of passion, temporary insanity type of defense.
Not insane, but morally degenerate.
Exactly.Fortunately being an unprincipaled moral degenerate is no legal defense.(No Casey...not even 'Hot' moral degenerates.Sorry. 'Club' rules dont apply here.)
She knows right from wrong-and uses that knowledge to manipulate the people around her.

She knew right from wrong at the time her child expired-and used that knowledge to deceive friends and family into believing the child was still alive.

She is of sound mind and capable of making her own decisions-unfortunately, she is the queen of poor decision making. Poor decision making is a personality defect...not a mental defect.
1. She concealed her crime.
2. She stayed away from home to avoid being confronted by her parents' questions.
3. She was ostensibly preparing a getaway, perhaps to California, where she could start a new life, and no one would ever know.
4. She lies with facility.
5. She lacks empathy and is narcissistic, but is in complete touch with reality.
6. Her thought patterns are organized.
7. She has a plausible (if you didn't know better) and highly detailed response for EVERY question.
8. She painstakingly researched prior to committing her crimes.
9. She carefully planned her crime.
10.She's stuck to the same story, more or less, for months.
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