Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

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Could this be KC? Do not click on but google I found this when researching from the rumor thread. Any of our computer people here to asess the website? There are sidebars about child abuse that you can click on but the site has not been finished. Be easy on me, I had to read alot of disgusting information to find this site. If this is nothing no thrashing please!

Karen, I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you suggesting Casey set up the site, that she is a member of the site, or that she should be a member?
I thought at first KC was setting up a website while pregnant or shortley after giving birth. On the rumore thread a poster found this wasn't the KC we refer to but a woman in another state. So my post isn't correct. Mistakes while sluething.
If Casey is a sociopath, and like all of you say, sociopathy is passed down from generation to generation. Wouldn't Caylee end up growing up to be a sociopath?
If Casey is a sociopath, and like all of you say, sociopathy is passed down from generation to generation. Wouldn't Caylee end up growing up to be a sociopath?

Again, I need to interject...from a standpoint of the use of the word "empathy". To state "people without empathy turn into predators is absolutely not true and unfounded." This word has been exploited to the hilt and gives a wrong impression when used such as stated above. Can you imagine if you should learn that your neighbor has an teen without empathy as they may have Aspergers and the entire neighborhood fears that she will turn into a predator?

And yes, this is from a personal standpoint. I've written about this over and again. One of my purposes in this thread, after discovering how much the word is being used, was to help keep the posters educated on the proper usage of the word as to alleviate misconceptions of those who lack or do not have empathy in sentences such as above. Apparently my goal is failing. Let me clarify. Not all people who lack empathy are going to be sociopathic, destructive, or a Casey Anthony.

Remember, there are those who are born without the ability to empathize (such as those with autism spectrum disorders) and it is unfair to state they will turn into predators. Nor, in my opinion, is the most destructive "is the lack of empathy".

In my personal opinion the most destructive are those who lack conscience, moral goodness and self control.

This is a pretty good article that basically asks the question: Why do autistics have a sense of morality while psychopaths do not, given that they both display a deficit of empathy? (ASD=autism spectrum disorder)

I have never thought of children with ASD as being without empathy. Many times their emotions are buried very deeply but that doesn't mean they are not there. What they know/feel, and what they display to the world may be two different things, but this doesn't mean they are lacking. Any ASD is so far from my understanding as someone like KC we could almost call them opposites. I never consciously considered KC and others like her as only lacking empathy, as I believe she also enjoys the suffering of others. This doesn't sound like any form of autism or Asperger's I know of.

Please forgive my ignorance on the subject, but how often are people with autism involved in the types of crimes only a sociopath could commit? Will someone with autism look you in the eye and freeze your very soul with what lurks in theirs? In all honesty the amount of time I have spent around people at the severe end of ASD is limited. But the time that I have spent usually left me feeling sad that there isn't more being done to help cure or prevent this and never once did I ever feel fear for my safety or anyone else's.

Thank you for educating us, it's funny how our calling can be dropped in our lap when we least expect it.
Denial...When something splits your world into pieces and what you lived and believed is not reality. Just like the body goes into to shock in major trauma, so does the mind shut down the facts. The feeling of helplessness compounds the inability to believe or remember what happened. ( An expample is many accident victims or soldiers from war,
do not recall the event at all...even without physical injury.)

Mind Student

IMO it's more like they dissasociate themselves from the truth. they know what it is.. but don't want it to be.. so they make it go away.
When my neighbor's daughter was 5 years old, they were warned that she carries several 'traits' that doctors find in serial killers.

This little girl was 4 when we met and it didn't take long to discover she had serious issues. Constantly doing things that seemed accidental, that ended in injury to children younger than her.

The first week of kindergarten she was suspended 2 times for hurting other children, on the 3rd incident she was expelled until they got her examined by a child psychologist. One child was bit, drawing blood cos the kid was first in line, and she wanted that spot, another kicked in the shin, the third was punched in the mouth also drawing blood.

She is an absolutely gorgeous little girl, her nik name was Angel Face, from the time she was a tiny tot. And it was more fitting than on any child I had ever seen. She looked like a little angel but there is something missing in this child and unless they figure out how to "fix it" she is headed for heart break.

Mom is bi polar, grandma is bi polar, it was a tough family to be born into. Due to circumstances beyond my control we no longer have any communication, so I don't know what she's like at 9. I pray they finally got her help.

But then you have the people who choose to DO something about it, to stop the cycle. The majority of my family members are/were just riddled with mental illness & addiction issues. And ya'll get the basic "idea" of my issues.. My son has been diagnosed with Bipolar (as well as a couple of co-morbid disorders & Tourettes syndrome) and is certainly more at "risk" of screwing up because of those dx's. By the time I was my sons age I was 3 years into a prescription drug addiction, black out drinking on weekends, "dating" grown men, getting suspended from school, getting into physical altercations, blah blah.

But he is a completely different kid than I was, and we have the same illnesses, the same tendencies. I firmly believe it is because he has been held accountable for his actions since the day his actions became his own. Because I haven't run around fixing everything for him, rescuing and enabling him. I am consistant in my love for him, I don't depend on him for my emotional well being. I allow him to be who he is, to express himself and to be independent from me. I have taught him about personal responsiblility & I have taught him how to use the stove & washing machine. I don't let him manipulate me.. I don't expect him to live his life to please me . I respect him but I expect him to respect me too. And it works because we both give each another reasons to.

A parents job is to RAISE their children.. not to make them dependent on you. I get that illnesses are genetic (I had my tubes tied when I was diagnosed with Bipolar for that very reason!) but I also get that how a person is raised has a huge impact on the person they become.

But then you have the people who choose to DO something about it, to stop the cycle. The majority of my family members are/were just riddled with mental illness & addiction issues. And ya'll get the basic "idea" of my issues.. My son has been diagnosed with Bipolar (as well as a couple of co-morbid disorders & Tourettes syndrome) and is certainly more at "risk" of screwing up because of those dx's. By the time I was my sons age I was 3 years into a prescription drug addiction, black out drinking on weekends, "dating" grown men, getting suspended from school, getting into physical altercations, blah blah.

But he is a completely different kid than I was, and we have the same illnesses, the same tendencies. I firmly believe it is because he has been held accountable for his actions since the day his actions became his own. Because I haven't run around fixing everything for him, rescuing and enabling him. I am consistant in my love for him, I don't depend on him for my emotional well being. I allow him to be who he is, to express himself and to be independent from me. I have taught him about personal responsiblility & I have taught him how to use the stove & washing machine. I don't let him manipulate me.. I don't expect him to live his life to please me . I respect him but I expect him to respect me too. And it works because we both give each another reasons to.

A parents job is to RAISE their children.. not to make them dependent on you. I get that illnesses are genetic (I had my tubes tied when I was diagnosed with Bipolar for that very reason!) but I also get that how a person is raised has a huge impact on the person they become.


I think you are very right in what you're saying and how you're raising your son. I'm sure he'll thank you for it, if he hasn't already.

It stands to reason that if a person with no history of mental illness can be pushed into the abyss by circumstance, another person with family history or known tendencies can be kept mentally healthy by a stable environment, good role models and loving guidance.

Not to excuse the adults in your life when you were growing up, but there is so much more known and understood about mental illness now, than even 20 years ago. Medications that are now available keep people functioning and living a productive life. People who who would have spent their entire life screaming about voices only they could hear warehoused, with other people screaming about demons only they could see. Hopefully a time in our history that will never be repeated.

BTW you can't drown, your friends here will keep you afloat. :grouphug:
But then you have the people who choose to DO something about it, to stop the cycle. The majority of my family members are/were just riddled with mental illness & addiction issues. And ya'll get the basic "idea" of my issues.. My son has been diagnosed with Bipolar (as well as a couple of co-morbid disorders & Tourettes syndrome) and is certainly more at "risk" of screwing up because of those dx's. By the time I was my sons age I was 3 years into a prescription drug addiction, black out drinking on weekends, "dating" grown men, getting suspended from school, getting into physical altercations, blah blah.

But he is a completely different kid than I was, and we have the same illnesses, the same tendencies. I firmly believe it is because he has been held accountable for his actions since the day his actions became his own. Because I haven't run around fixing everything for him, rescuing and enabling him. I am consistant in my love for him, I don't depend on him for my emotional well being. I allow him to be who he is, to express himself and to be independent from me. I have taught him about personal responsiblility & I have taught him how to use the stove & washing machine. I don't let him manipulate me.. I don't expect him to live his life to please me . I respect him but I expect him to respect me too. And it works because we both give each another reasons to.

A parents job is to RAISE their children.. not to make them dependent on you. I get that illnesses are genetic (I had my tubes tied when I was diagnosed with Bipolar for that very reason!) but I also get that how a person is raised has a huge impact on the person they become.

What One said!!! Wow u go girl, powerful post. I am very grateful to you for sharing, you are doing so many right things! JMO

If Casey is a sociopath, and like all of you say, sociopathy is passed down from generation to generation. Wouldn't Caylee end up growing up to be a sociopath?

The chances would be greater but given a good upbringing they could be OK. IMO
I think you are very right in what you're saying and how you're raising your son. I'm sure he'll thank you for it, if he hasn't already.

It stands to reason that if a person with no history of mental illness can be pushed into the abyss by circumstance, another person with family history or known tendencies can be kept mentally healthy by a stable environment, good role models and loving guidance.

Not to excuse the adults in your life when you were growing up, but there is so much more known and understood about mental illness now, than even 20 years ago. Medications that are now available keep people functioning and living a productive life. People who who would have spent their entire life screaming about voices only they could hear warehoused, with other people screaming about demons only they could see. Hopefully a time in our history that will never be repeated.

BTW you can't drown, your friends here will keep you afloat. :grouphug:

I wanted to say this so that others don't think that the information I share is me sitting around blaming my mother for my screw ups or hating her for her mistakes during my childhood. I love my mother very much.. she was sick. She truly knew no different. She is getting treatment for her Borderline personality and though she still has her issues she is much improved. We have become close in recent years and for that I am very thankful.

Thanks for your sweet post :)
Not twisting at all, only emphasizing the denial within families and the tendency on the part of many parents to blameshift thereby avoid taking responsibility (a pattern we've clearly seen demonstrated in this particular family). And offering what I believe is a more credible explanation for all the obvious dysfunction we've observed or heard described in the KC and A family--the very unhealthy patterns which are learned and passed on down through generations. JMHUO


Did you even laugh at my avatar?! I put it up there for you, ya know! LOL
What One said!!! Wow u go girl, powerful post. I am very grateful to you for sharing, you are doing so many right things! JMO


I consider this day seized! Who the hell knows what I'll do tomorrow though! :bang:
I wanted to say this so that others don't think that the information I share is me sitting around blaming my mother for my screw ups or hating her for her mistakes during my childhood. I love my mother very much.. she was sick. She truly knew no different. She is getting treatment for her Borderline personality and though she still has her issues she is much improved. We have become close in recent years and for that I am very thankful.

Thanks for your sweet post :)

OLG, I see you jumped ship from the other thread, don't:shutup::saythat:

I think you're Great!:):beamup:
The story of the little girl who is five years old and is practically already labeled a psychopath is shocking. The girl has two close relatives who are diagnosed bipolar. Why can't the little girl also be bipolar now in childhood instead of a psychopath? Maybe untreated childhood bipolar could turn a young adult into a sociopath or psychopath. I believe it's inherited in the genes, but murder is just choosing to do evil unless completely insane. I will never believe that having an absent parent or unloving parent will actually cause the brain to change or whatever. Casey could have inherited bipolar and was never treated. She does have some symptoms of mania, at least according to all that I've read.
The story of the little girl who is five years old and is practically already labeled a psychopath is shocking. The girl has two close relatives who are diagnosed bipolar. Why can't the little girl also be bipolar now in childhood instead of a psychopath? Maybe untreated childhood bipolar could turn a young adult into a sociopath or psychopath. I believe it's inherited in the genes, but murder is just choosing to do evil unless completely insane. I will never believe that having an absent parent or unloving parent will actually cause the brain to change or whatever. Casey could have inherited bipolar and was never treated. She does have some symptoms of mania, at least according to all that I've read.

No, it can't change the brain.. though it can certainly form unhealthy coping mechanisms which in turn may change their behaviors.
OLG, I see you jumped ship from the other thread, don't:shutup::saythat:

I think you're Great!:):beamup:

hahah ya looking to see me get myself banned? One thing I still need to learn is when to keep my mouth shut! LOL
Just to refresh lol... the above referenced article states research shows the brain is indeed neurologically changed during the formative years of childhood--the great majority of which is attributed to a child's quality of parenting. Though on a more hopeful note it states it is also possible to alter the course of a sociopath before their hardware becomes permanently hardwired for life. JMO

"Brain growth and changes can occur in the developing human because of environmental and social factors. The fact abnormal physical changes have been found in the brains of sociopaths does not mean they were born this way."
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