Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

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Well stated, ITA. Also, I've been thinking about how different she looked last week, how many people commented on those very specific differences. To me, she looked more grown-up, a self-assuredness emanating from her, that almost appeared to be fulfilling? Nor did she look guilty, which if Caylee's death was due to an unsupervised moment, not directly caused by her, she would not feel guilt to what she has been charged with. I know many attributed this to her maybe being sedated, drugged, etc., but I don't agree with that. My immediate thought was,(this is probably the longest she has ever been away from Cindy) she has become the "self" she was never allowed to be. Just my thoughts.....

(bold mine) Yes I agree, or in most cases attributed to a lack of any conscience whatsoever. But where I'm guessing a psychopath might not be capable of feeling anything about even the most malicious act w foresight, and perhaps the sociopath would choose to feel nothing about either a rage killing or even an intentional act, a narcissistic young mother eg, whose life is lived "ten minutes at a time," guilty of her child's death by simple negligence yet while she stands accused of something far more heinous, might as you say not feel compelled to walk around with her head hung in shame. I understand what you are saying. And in her blameshifting she's no doubt excused and in convenient (or traumatic) denial of the many horrendous actions that followed. What's hard to guage for me is a) where on the spectrum of narcissism she falls; b) whether something short of full-blown NPD might still eg permit her some shred of empathy; and whether she has co-existing ASPD. Because right or wrong, clearly LE, and one day no doubt a jury, will equate her capacity or incapacity for empathy--for the dignity of her daughter, her family etc in the aftermath even of an accidental death--w the final measure of her innocence. JMO

Different kid, different problems.

My thoughts now are what is projected onto individuals that triggers some pathology. Pathologies develop over time due to many variables. What if CA's ego projections onto Casey were so great that she,Casey, could never live up to them, or didn't wanted to and that dynamic cause so much resentment that Casey developed the lying and deceit for the purpose of gaining control over her life. Sure a dumb way to go, but those were the skills she learned at home and in the school culture.

What if CA's ego projections were so complete that it became all about her and with her financial burdens she is the resentful one and becomes antagonistic, actually both do, and as Casey doesn't live up to her expectations, Cindy gets Caylee as a substitute and psychologically diminishes Casey's status and therefore Casey steals as a symbolic way of getting the mothering she lost.

So different kids get a different load of junk projected onto them allowing for some of the differences in their problems with adjusting. Many variables.

I have learned a great deal by reading about shadow projection as relayed through the studies of Carl Jung. Casey has been described as having no self. I guess they mean 'Self' that higher since of being as opposed to the ego self that causes all the personality problems, false self. She sure created a false life through a lot of ignorance of the alternatives, if she could see any alternatives.

There is much more with the relationships in the Anthony home that might come out later. Sure wonder if Casey wasn't scapegoated a bit as part of her lack of healthy ego/Self development. The whole area of shadow projection creates different interpretations. She has to take responsibility for her poor choices, but there could be argued that her belief system was warped by the lack of awareness of her caregivers all along.

Great post! You point out some important things, imo. I don't have much doubt that Casey was "made" rather than born. Though I'm fully aware that some are indeed "born" that way.
Keeping in mind that information changes with time, I am sharing what I learned from a Documentary, some years ago.

The children were all from loving homes and educated parents. Physically, the children were above average in
apparence. The one girl was beautiful. In all cases the homes were in constant chaos because of the behavior of the child. As soon as the child began to interact, there
was violence against other children or parents. If there were animals, the child would hurt or try to kill them and start fires. When there were younger children in the same home, the threat of harming
the little one was a ongoing problem. There was no emotional connection between the child (sociopath) and anyone or anything. Sometimes, the child would admit they wanted to hurt or kill..with no emotional. The parents lived in terror, trying to protect all in their home, while trying to help the child they could not understand.

The point of the documentary was to remove these children and they were taken to a farm that was set up
so that there was a therapist to each child. The child was basically stripped of their own will. Every single thing they did has to be approved and controlled 24 hrs a day. It lasted for many months. The child was assigned an animal to care for as part of the treatment. By the end,
it indicated that the girl had been able to develope empathy with her therapist and the animal. It did show
that the little girl was returned home and was doing well.

However...IMO if this has been completely successful,
we would hear more about it. As I have mentioned before,
mental health care is so far down on the list, insurance is not likely to cover such treatment.

Mind Student

True, dat! It seems our government is happy to continue filling our prisons with the mentally ill and funding for their care in that manner instead.
Great Post, Thought Provoking!
I think you may have something here! Just watching CA, even from the very beginning of all this, I felt phychologically diminished, each time she rambled on & on, blah, blah, blah, I was always trying to sift through all the unnecessary chatter to extract the important & relevant points! First, I must say, I am a sponge, easilly affected by nuances that would not bother most people. Unconsciously, I would transport myself into being a member of her family, & always had the same, overwhelming feeling of worthlessness. With that being said, I am a firecely independent person, strong in my convictions, & not easilly swayed by others. In my own experiences, I have met certain individuals with such an overpowering, intense energy field, in what feels like "their very life depends on it", personality, that to "Yield" is the only response acceptable to them. I have, many times, felt for KC living with a mother like this, & even George, as I feel people like CA are a force, like a vampire that just sucks the life right out of you, as it being necessary for their own survival....Whew! JMO!! This, in no way excuses KC's guilt, or the choices she has made. IMO, her lying & stealing were symptomatic of an emptiness, something missing, & sadly were never addressed appropriately.

In one of the jail visits, when KC said, "I'm still here", it was like someone waving a flag for some slight recognition.

Such is the way of life in a personality disordered home. You are not given a chance to find out who you are, you are told and then you are expected to act as such.
(respectfully snipped) The child was also stripped of the environment in which certain inevitable dynamics are present, providing her w an opportunity to learn healthier skills for interacting and meeting her needs, tools for managing her aggression, more effective coping strategies, etc. JMO[/COLOR]

*nodding head in agreement*
I have never posted a link before. I hope this is the right place.
I dont know if this has been posted yet. It is a video of her court appearance last Friday.

Interesting clip from a body language expert.

Hey there Shivs! :blowkiss:

Thanks for the link- yeah, I watched that the other day... interesting, huh?
On the other hand, we can also easily view this in the light of KC's unwillingness--even after 20 years of being CA's baby and do-no-wrong darling--to move over and allow someone else to be the center of attention. By this, I mean as the youngest (and for a couple years essentially only) child, she had never before been displaced. Caylee's arrival changed all that. And CA it seems may have just as swifly changed narcissistic suppliers. The former source (a once compliant KC) for meeting CA's neediness had long dried up and no longer available from her now rebelling daughter... after having faithfully run KC's brain for 20 years, and dutifully sparing her every possible consequence, her child had repaid her w the audacity to try in desperation to separate herself and become independent. (While CA no longer appreciated KC financially depending upon her, neither could she really accept nor permit KC to become emotionally free from her in their enmeshed battle for control.) Clearly a sick codependency as KC by then had also learned an incredible sense of entitlement and envy, how to exploit and manipulate, to deceive and control other's impressions and reactions, and to give as good as she got. And obviously her own failed attempts at establishing any genuine independence engendered great bitterness and resentment on KC's part IMO much more toward CA than Caylee. JMO

Great post!!
Well stated, ITA. Also, I've been thinking about how different she looked last week, how many people commented on those very specific differences. To me, she looked more grown-up, a self-assuredness emanating from her, that almost appeared to be fulfilling? Nor did she look guilty, which if Caylee's death was due to an unsupervised moment, not directly caused by her, she would not feel guilt to what she has been charged with. I know many attributed this to her maybe being sedated, drugged, etc., but I don't agree with that. My immediate thought was,(this is probably the longest she has ever been away from Cindy) she has become the "self" she was never allowed to be. Just my thoughts.....

I agree! I thought she looked pretty good, she put on some (IMO) needed weight and looked healthy and calm. I don't think she was drugged either.
(bold mine) Yes I agree, or in most cases attributed to a lack of any conscience whatsoever. But where I'm guessing a psychopath might not be capable of feeling anything about even the most malicious act w foresight, and perhaps the sociopath would choose to feel nothing about either a rage killing or even an intentional act, a narcissistic young mother eg, whose life is lived "ten minutes at a time," guilty of her child's death by simple negligence yet while she stands accused of something far more heinous, might as you say not feel compelled to walk around with her head hung in shame. I understand what you are saying. And in her blameshifting she's no doubt excused and in convenient (or traumatic) denial of the many horrendous actions that followed. What's hard to guage for me is a) where on the spectrum of narcissism she falls; b) whether something short of full-blown NPD might still eg permit her some shred of empathy; and whether she has co-existing ASPD. Because right or wrong, clearly LE, and one day no doubt a jury, will equate her capacity or incapacity for empathy--for the dignity of her daughter, her family etc in the aftermath even of an accidental death--w the final measure of her innocence. JMO

Blameshifting is a perfect word for what they do, love it!
On the other hand, we can also easily view this in the light of KC's unwillingness--even after 20 years of being CA's baby and do-no-wrong darling--to move over and allow someone else to be the center of attention. By this, I mean as the youngest (and for a couple years essentially only) child, she had never before been displaced. Caylee's arrival changed all that. And CA it seems may have just as swifly changed narcissistic suppliers. The former source (a once compliant KC) for meeting CA's neediness had long dried up and no longer available from her now rebelling daughter... after having faithfully run KC's brain for 20 years, and dutifully sparing her every possible consequence, her child had repaid her w the audacity to try in desperation to separate herself and become independent. (While CA no longer appreciated KC financially depending upon her, neither could she really accept nor permit KC to become emotionally free from her in their enmeshed battle for control.) Clearly a sick codependency as KC by then had also learned an incredible sense of entitlement and envy, how to exploit and manipulate, to deceive and control other's impressions and reactions, and to give as good as she got. And obviously her own failed attempts at establishing any genuine independence engendered great bitterness and resentment on KC's part IMO much more toward CA than Caylee. JMO

Parrot gets a WHOLE box of crackers!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Brilliant bird!

Has anyone on this thread seen this? I've alread posted on the Caylee MySpace thread, at the cost of repeating myself, this is so:rage::burn::scream: if I say more I'll be:censored:

On the left side there is an ad that reads Pimp My Profile......Ironic!

Pimp My Grandaughter $10

What hemisphere are these people from?? There is not an ounce of SHAME!

:behindbar must seem like heaven! HELP..........

Has anyone on this thread seen this? I've alread posted on the Caylee MySpace thread, at the cost of repeating myself, this is so:rage::burn::scream: if I say more I'll be:censored:

On the left side there is an ad that reads Pimp My Profile......Ironic!

Pimp My Grandaughter $10

What hemisphere are these people from?? There is not an ounce of SHAME!

:behindbar must seem like heaven! HELP..........

And the madness is not going to ever end unless Cindy gets some real help somehow. In an email to Lois as per the daily update thread Cindy is still proclaiming KC's innocence. Not that I expected any less but the trial is going to be interesting to watch...lots more insight into Cindy's mind.:bang:
Listening to the body imaging expert was interesting......couldn't agree more. That last gesture to Baez and that smile she gave is very telling. There is something going on here and may not be only in her mind.
And the madness is not going to ever end unless Cindy gets some real help somehow. In an email to Lois as per the daily update thread Cindy is still proclaiming KC's innocence. Not that I expected any less but the trial is going to be interesting to watch...lots more insight into Cindy's mind.:bang:

Can you tell me who Lois is? daily update thread? My interest is peaked!!


I heard on Issues with JVM tonight that one of the "Talking Heads" (blond lady - can't remember who) mentioned Casey's psych eval, and said that they found sociopathic traits or tendancies or something like that. While I don't doubt it for a minute, this is the first I've heard of anyone mentioning anything "abnormal" found during the evals. Have we even heard word of what was found in the evals?

And the madness is not going to ever end unless Cindy gets some real help somehow. In an email to Lois as per the daily update thread Cindy is still proclaiming KC's innocence. Not that I expected any less but the trial is going to be interesting to watch...lots more insight into Cindy's mind.:bang:

Do we really want to know what is in Cindy's mind? It might be pretty scary. :eek:

Okay, I'm off to my corner now. :)

I heard on Issues with JVM tonight that one of the "Talking Heads" (blond lady - can't remember who) mentioned Casey's psych eval, and said that they found sociopathic traits or tendancies or something like that. While I don't doubt it for a minute, this is the first I've heard of anyone mentioning anything "abnormal" found during the evals. Have we even heard word of what was found in the evals?


Not that I am aware of. And trust me if it were made public I'd be all over it LOL.
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