Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

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KC does not have a prayer of being declared legally insane no matter
what the defense says. She isnt insane she is a person without moral compass or empathy . She knows right from wrong
she just doesnt care to follow those patterns of behavior.

There is nothing special about her - she is run of the mill cluster B -there are plenty just like her in prison

The reason I believe Casey acted alone is because of the half-a$$ed way Caylee's murder was executed and cleaned-up. It is the same way Casey had been committing and covering up her previous actions.

For example, Casey made up a "work night" so Cindy would babysit which was actually a no-clothes party. THEN Casey plasters pictures of herself at the party on the public web.

That is like helpfully texting your best friend about the funky smell in your trunk that is actually a dead body you are hiding...nothing like making sure there is a trail with an actual date. Or making sure you take your phone every single place you go and use it every 2 minutes so LE can map out your every move for every minute you are supposed to be searching for your child.

George would not have left Caylee so close to his house. He would not have left her so close to the road. He would not have left items from his house with Caylee's body.

He would have come up with a better story for Casey than an imaginary nanny living in an empty apartment at Sawgrass.

If the Anthony family had been in on cleaning-up, nobody would have called LE. Ever.

Cindy and George weren't in trouble. Casey wasn't in trouble. Nobody was looking for Caylee. Nobody was going to look for Caylee. There no need for Casey to go to jail. As far as the world knew the Anthony's, including Caylee, were peachy-keen fine.

The ONLY reason for Cindy to call 911 was to try to strongarm Casey into letting her see Caylee.

Cindy had her car back. Casey was close by. Casey was HAPPY where she was at. Johnson's Tow Company didn't care about how bad the car smelled. They hadn't called LE. They were not going to call LE.

When Cindy had hope for Caylee she threw Casey to the wolves. She falsely said Casey was a car thief. She reported Casey's credit card and cash stealing. She called THREE times and was mad because LE was slow getting to her house.

When LE got to the house George pulled LE aside and told LE he and Cindy thought Casey might have harmed Caylee.

That was not helping Casey cover up. Just the opposite.

At some point, obviously, George and Cindy did add Casey's stupid stories up with the car smell (just like the rest of the world did). Then there was no other "girl" left to save but Casey.

But, if George and Cindy had known Caylee was dead before July 15...IMO, everything would have been handled in a different way.

OK I want to remain open so kindly you can help with these.
maybe you can explain Cindy's Freudian slip when she said at LKL that the reason for Casey's Party night was Grieving.. :waitasec: hmmmm. Caylee was supposedly still alive.
Also kindly see if this can be explained also - why there are no finger print anywhere at all? (Casey cant think beyond 2 minuets worth of a plan).
And how about every lie, from all of them?
and maybe you can also explain Cindy saying in her first Jail visit. "you did not tell them...." What is it she was supposed to refrain from telling?????
and I have not forgotten this one at all....why GA called them my daughters (early on - he has finally learned to say granddaughter).

I AM OPEN....But not trusting them.
THEY CALLED LE to save their own back.
Because they did have a granddaughter and they cant go on for ever pretending they did not.
It would show up soon enough that a child is missing and not reported.

What if suddenly 5 people start to wonder where Caylee is? what if an investigation is made
and LE daddy cant pretend that he did not do anything at all about not seeing his granddaughter.
Remember GA knows too much.
OK I want to remain open so kindly you can help with these.
maybe you can explain Cindy's Freudian slip when she said at LKL that the reason for Casey's Party night was Grieving.. :waitasec: hmmmm. Caylee was supposedly still alive.
Also kindly see if this can be explained also - why there are no finger print anywhere at all? (Casey cant think beyond 2 minuets worth of a plan).
And how about every lie, from all of them?
and maybe you can also explain Cindy saying in her first Jail visit. "you did not tell them...." What is it she was supposed to refrain from telling?????
and I have not forgotten this one at all....why GA called them my daughters (early on - he has finally learned to say granddaughter).

I AM OPEN....But not trusting them.

isn't all this behaviour after the fact? jolynna is talking specifically about the period of time before the 15th
Verité;3757288 said:
We don't know this to be true. We don't know, for example, what has/will be revealed on projective tests about the level and cohesion of her psychological functioning,
ego strength, defenses in service of the ego, object relations, or the wealth of data from objective tests of personality and psychopathology, against the backdrop of
our most reliable of psychological tests, i.e. those of intellectual abilities.

At this point, we simply don't have enough data to rule out a major affective (mood) disorder, a diagnosis which can come only from those experts who have had direct contact with this defendant for the approved purpose of establishing diagnoses and recommendations (as specified by either the prosecution and/or defense, or the Court).

I'd appreciate it if you'd cite the source/data for your last statement. Thanks.

Source my statement that she's a dangerous person? I'M the source. IMHO, people who are compulsive thieves and who would murder a toddler, let alone her OWN baby, are dangerous.

Silly me, to think that! ;-):blowkiss:

How do we know she isn't psychotic? No family member, friend, or even LE has noted any hallucination or delusion. She is oriented times four. As another poster, above noted, she generates reams of text messages, and also emails and blog entries. That's not counting all the phone calls. No hallucination or delusion has been noted in any of these, by any person.

The woman is a communicatin' fool. And no one has seen any evidence of any break with reality. No delusions. No hallucinations. No evidence that she doesn't know exactly who and where she is, and exactly what her circumstances are, every minute of every day. She is, of course, a prolific liar. That doesn't make her psychotic. That makes her a liar.

Mood disorders are, of course, different than psychoses. They may involve delusions or hallucinations, from time to time, or depending on severity.

It's estimated that about 10% of the population will suffer from a mood disorder, at some time in life. Clinical depression, for instance, is thought to be nearly epidemic.

KC doesn't show the DMS s/s of Major Depressive Disorder or of Bipolar Disorder. Few depressives feel like partying hearty, or have the energy to do so. Few bipolars can maintain that calm that she can demonstrate, under so much stress.

However, if she DID have a mood disorder, we still have millions of people (30,000,000, if the 10% speculation is correct) who also suffer from a mood disorder, at some point. But, we don't have 30,000,000 baby killers. Nor are most mood disorder sufferers chronic thieves. Nor do most of them not know right from wrong, or understand the consequences of behavior.

My guess is that her psych eval shows at least two, maybe three Axis II disorders, one of which is Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathic Personality Disorder).

Of course, we will see for sure, if it comes into the court. But, for now, we are here to debate and discuss opinions.

Mine, based on a lot of experience working with the population, is that she's 1) APD, 2) NPD, 3) BPD.

BTW-- You think that IQ tests are reliable? In grad school, they asked us to answer whether: 1) an IQ is a valid measurement of intellectual ability, or, 2) an IQ is a score on an IQ test. Quess which answer was RIGHT? :)

There's also a bit of a problem with psychometry, in general. Behavior may be a better predictor, because psych testing can be easily manipulated. We used to have fun making the scales go up and down, back in school. One doesn't even have to be that bright to throw a test-- just alert and cagey.

The tests, though, can be very helpful, if answered honestly, or if the lies fall within the "lie factor."
Scuse me Brini, is this---> "In grad school, they asked us if: 1) an IQ is a valid measurement of intellectual ability, or, 2) an IQ is a score on an IQ test. Quess which answer was RIGHT?", a trick question?

My IQ test was #2
IIRC,Casey was put through a battery of psychological tests before she was allowed out on bail (the first time).
It was one of the judge's conditions. Because of the testing, there was a delay of a day or so before Casey's first bail release.

Is a mood disorder legal insanity?

Not usually. A LOT of people have mood disorders. But, they still know right from wrong, and the consequences of their actions.
Scuse me Brini, is this---> "In grad school, they asked us if: 1) an IQ is a valid measurement of intellectual ability, or, 2) an IQ is a score on an IQ test. Quess which answer was RIGHT?", a trick question?

My IQ test was #2

Good girl! :)

No, not a trick question. A good question for grad students to remember and think about.
Just a few comments on the issue of the insanity defense.
**** Inherent in her attorneys' dispute about the insanity defense is the fact that her expert lawyer wanted to get a mental health examination. There is an underlying assumption here that KC did kill Caylee. An insanity defense is an affirmative defense used after it is established that the main crime was done by this perpetrator. So, it would admit the main crime of the killing of Caylee by KC.
**** If a person is "not guilty by reason of insanity" what does it get them? It gets them a one way ticket to the State hospital for mentally insane criminals. How long? For as long as it takes to restore them to a condition in which they won't be a danger to others. This could be an indefinite term of lock-up in a mental illness facility for treatment.
**** KC is probably the one who wouldn't go for the not guilty by reason of insanity because she wants her freedom and the mental illness defense wouldn't go there for her.

ITA - Casey will never agree to the insanity defense because that would be admitting that she had killed Caylee and (even worse in her eyes) that there was something wrong with her.

Remember Casey bragging about being tested and that the tests (according to her) indicated that she was normal. She was so proud of that "fact".

JB can't use a defense not agreed to by his client right? So they won't argue insanity or plea out either. IMHO. Case said she would "take this as far as she needed to" and that's exactly what she will do.
KC does not have a prayer of being declared legally insane no matter
what the defense says. She isnt insane she is a person without moral compass or empathy . She knows right from wrong
she just doesnt care to follow those patterns of behavior.

There is nothing special about her - she is run of the mill cluster B -there are plenty just like her in prison


Yep. Common as dirt sociopath. As the Brits would say, "A rotter."
She understands the difference between right & wrong. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made up an elaborate story.
Source my statement that she's a dangerous person? I'M the source. IMHO, people who are compulsive thieves and who would murder a toddler, let alone her OWN baby, are dangerous.

Silly me, to think that! ;-):blowkiss:

I was talking about the your last statement which I quoted on my post #235.

When you asked me for a source yesterday, I gladly & promptly provided it.
With respect to tests of intellectual abilities, I was talking about what is known as "test reliability." Perhaps your instructor will explain this to you.

I'm not interested in entering into any kind of less than amicable, reciprocal, intellectually respectful debate.

In fact, give the sudden tone of this thread, I'll happily resume my ever so peaceful retirement.
She understands the difference between right & wrong. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made up an elaborate story.

that's it in a nutshell really, hoping. if she didn't know she'd done something wrong then why would she lie to cover it up.
Verité;3757753 said:
I was talking about the your last statement which I quoted on my post #235.

When you asked me for a source yesterday, I gladly & promptly provided it.
With respect to tests of intellectual abilities, I was talking about what is known as "test reliability." Perhaps your instructor will explain this to you.

I'm not interested in entering into any kind of less than amicable, reciprocal, intellectually respectful debate.

In fact, give the sudden tone of this thread, I'll happily resume my ever so peaceful retirement.

I don't have an instructor. I'm long out of school. I have a junior college credential to teach psychology, but I don't think that counts, for this discussion.

We used to analyze test reliability in statistics class. I HATED stat! :) Particulaly t-tests with small degrees of freedom. :-((((

My last sentence meaning, "Most personality disorder sufferers are not criminals?" Oh, honey! If they were, we'd have a MUCH worse jail overcrowding problem! Most Axis II sufferers are law abiding. They just usually have tempestuous personal lives.

That's fine, if you don't want to play. I see nothing wrong with the tone of the thread, myself. I think we all get along GREAT! Come back if you change your mind!

But, whatever makes you happy. :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss: Take care! :)
that's it in a nutshell really, hoping. if she didn't know she'd done something wrong then why would she lie to cover it up.

Yep! Or try to blame it on JG (failing Zanny).
isn't all this behaviour after the fact? jolynna is talking specifically about the period of time before the 15th
Not all of it no...
Grieving so she went to a party is before the 15th
Having NO finger prints anywhere - is before the 15th.
I think they knew by July 1st.
I think it took 2 weeks to create their presentation of How they all presented
the case to LE, was IMO rehersed. I have called it a "Family Affair" in some poss.
Not all of it no...
Grieving so she went to a party is before the 15th
Having NO finger prints anywhere - is before the 15th.
I think they knew by July 1st. I think it took 2 weeks to create their presentation. How they all presented the case was IMO rehersed.

nobody mentioned grieving before the 15th, nobody looked for prints before the 15th but we know the prints were wiped off on or after the 15th.
i think we're perhaps misunderstanding eachother songline.
I don't have an instructor. I'm long out of school. I have a junior college credential to teach psychology, but I don't think that counts, for this discussion.

We used to analyze test reliability in statistics class. I HATED stat! :) Particulaly t-tests with small degrees of freedom. :-((((

My last sentence meaning, "Most personality disorder sufferers are not criminals?" Oh, honey! If they were, we'd have a MUCH worse jail overcrowding problem! Most Axis II sufferers are law abiding. They just usually have tempestuous personal lives.

That's fine, if you don't want to play. I see nothing wrong with the tone of the thread, myself. I think we all get along GREAT! Come back if you change your mind!

But, whatever makes you happy. :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss: Take care! :)

Brini, Just an FYI I had spent 18 years as a counselor. I stoped in 1990 by choice:
I Had incest cases, relationship cases, and life patterns that had to be corrected.
Many, many personality disorder people lie, lie, lie. they may not all be chriminal but they
do lie a lot. I did not specialize in personality disorders.

HOWEVER: if I may say, while I can see issues, I can not analyze them professionally
I never met them.
I do give plenty of opinions which seem to change with almost every week :blowkiss:
I do not think our credentials matter here. :blowkiss:
Having said that. I would have to say that a profound professional would have a tough time with them.
They do not want to be seen, healed, supported.
Their shield it a mile thick and yes they are transparent too.
I do not see how Casey could or would have come out much differently from her home :(
This is not permission to harm anyone but it is a filter to look through.
nobody mentioned grieving before the 15th, nobody looked for prints before the 15th but we know the prints were wiped off on or after the 15th.
i think we're perhaps misunderstanding eachother songline.
sorry honey I will go and back track maybe I did misunderstand.

I think I did just back track.
IMHO we just have a difference of opinion, and that is OK too.
Brini, Just an FYI I had spent 18 years as a counselor. I stoped in 1990 by choice:
I Had incest cases, relationship cases, and life patterns that had to be corrected.
Many, many personality disorder people lie, lie, lie. they may not all be chriminal but they
do lie a lot. I did not specialize in personality disorders.

HOWEVER: if I may say, while I can see issues, I can not analyze them professionally
I never met them.
I do give plenty of opinions which seem to change with almost every week :blowkiss:
I do not think our credentials matter here. :blowkiss:
Having said that. I would have to say that a profound professional would have a tough time with them.
They do not want to be seen, healed, supported.
Their shield it a mile thick and yes they are transparent too.

Yep! You're right!

Most treators whom I have met, or worked with, say that Axis IIs are the toughest to work with, and have the poorest prognoses. I know that I find them to be a serious challenge, too.

And, one has to watch out. In addition to lying, they often spilt-play people against eachother.

It's a tough caseload!

I recently left a job working with severe Axis IIs. I coulda stayed for the patients. But, it turned out that the boss was an Axis II, too! :confused::eek:

I quit, all but one of the nurses at the residential facility quit, and the psychiatrist quit. All at pretty much the same time.
We used to analyze test reliability in statistics class.

Not to belabor a point, but your above statement is still not what I was talking about. I'll be glad to explain "test reliability" (from the field of
psychometrics) if you really want to know what it is. But I won't/can't debate that which is foundational to the discipline of psychological

I trust, if you do want me to explain it, you'll be respectful of my time, energy, and effort to communicate amicably.
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