Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

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Yep! You're right!

Most treators whom I have met, or worked with, say that Axis IIs are the toughest to work with, and have the poorest prognoses. I know that I find them to be a serious challenge, too.

And, one has to watch out. In addition to lying, they often spilt-play people against eachother.

It's a tough caseload!

I recently left a job working with severe Axis IIs. I coulda stayed for the patients. But, it turned out that the boss was an Axis II, too! :confused::eek:

I quit, all but one of the nurses at the residential facility quit, and the psychiatrist quit. All at pretty much the same time.
WOW! It is not an easy field. :(

I can see this case taking a tole on the Prosecutor.
I can see this being an OJ type of case, but going on and on and on...
That is why I keep on saying that I pray that one piece will come out that will make the case.
I think it will happen on the 12th hour.
Because as it stands right now the clean up and diversion took this case to another level.

I also have had cops, detectives, and PI along with secret service man in my family since I was born.
I do not only look at what may be obvious. Cindy is loud but it is GA that I am watching.
Verité;3758336 said:
Not to belabor a point, but your above statement is still not what I was talking about. I'll be glad to explain "test reliability" (from the field of
psychometrics) if you really want to know what it is. But I won't/can't debate that which is foundational to the discipline of psychological

I trust, if you do want me to explain it, you'll be respectful of my time, energy, and effort to communicate amicably.

Thanks, honey, but I've done psychometric testing.

Appreciate it, though! :blowkiss:

BTW-- I have no wish to be other than respectful of you, and amicable toward you. We all deserve respect, don't we?

Besides, I think I'll miss your posts, if you retire.
I have no wish to be other than respectful of you, and amicable toward you.

Thanks for being "respectful" enough to say this.

We all deserve respect, don't we?

For sure! Thanks for joining me in this pursuit.

Besides, I think I'll miss your posts, if you retire.

And, bless you for saying this. Now, I feel that I, too, have something to offer.
Verité;3758536 said:
Thanks for being "respectful" enough to say this.

For sure! Thanks for joining me in this pursuit.

verite said:
And, bless you for saying this. Now, I feel that I, too, have something to offer.

You have a very great deal to offer! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
My apologies to Casey-I miswrote.I suppose then my question is still what is so compelling about her that she and her child would draw this kind of attention when prior to killing her child, she did little to stand out from a pack of millions of young women just like her?

She is not compelling IMO
All missing or Murdered Children have a voice in our society.Every last child should be cared for, that is our job as adults.
And we live in one of the more civil societies that do not allow a child to be missing without looking for them.
what gives her more Tabloid and TV time is 31 days.
It turned it into a sensation, and sensation sells. NOW it is because it is sensation that's selling so well.
CAYLEE captured our hearts, and the family captured everytnhing we feel is wrong in our society.
Not because it is a more important story then the other missing or murdered children.
But it touches on the dysfunctional silver lining that lives in different parts of our lives in different degrees.
Brini, Just an FYI I had spent 18 years as a counselor. I stoped in 1990 by choice:
I Had incest cases, relationship cases, and life patterns that had to be corrected.
Many, many personality disorder people lie, lie, lie. they may not all be chriminal but they
do lie a lot. I did not specialize in personality disorders.

HOWEVER: if I may say, while I can see issues, I can not analyze them professionally
I never met them.
I do give plenty of opinions which seem to change with almost every week :blowkiss:
I do not think our credentials matter here. :blowkiss:
Having said that. I would have to say that a profound professional would have a tough time with them.
They do not want to be seen, healed, supported.
Their shield it a mile thick and yes they are transparent too.
I do not see how Casey could or would have come out much differently from her home :(
This is not permission to harm anyone but it is a filter to look through

Bold mine.

You are so right about that.
Bold mine.

You are so right about that.

Well, that's true. Some of the finest people on this w/s came from bad homes.

A close friend of mine was raped by a "stepfather," from age 8 to age 12. She's one of the finest women whom I've ever met.
She's not psychotic-- no break with reality. She always knows exactly who and where she is, and what she's doing. She also knows that she is doing harm, but doesn't care. She even robbed her sick grandfather, and stole from her baby's piggy bank. When confronted, she lies, evades, and tries to conceal. When cornered, she throws a tantrum.

I do think that she has more than one personality disorder. But, most Axis II suffers are not criminals, nor do they become psychotic.

She characterologically deficient, not psychotic.

She's another Scott Peterson-- a shallow, amoral con artist.

This woman is not some delicate, damaged flower. She's a very dangerous person.

I understand what you're saying abot the Axis diagnoses. I've wondered whether or not it's possible she suffered a psychotic break when she allegedly killed Caylee. Not saying she did, just mulling that one over. I know a man who recently lost everything after Hurricane Katrina. House, job, brother, and eventually wife and kids too. He was a spazz case, but got some Road Home money and bought a house. He torched it. Not for the insurance either. Just completely came unhinged with no apparent trigger and burned a beautiful $200,000 house to the ground. His attorney claims he is innocent of arson b/c he was in the midst of a psychotic break when he did so. Now, I'm not saying we have a parallel here, because clearly this man had been pushed past his breaking point, and there were signs aplenty, but there's been so much PTSD post-Katrina that he didn't stand out as unusual (which is sad but understandable). In your opinion is that a possiblity in this case?
I understand what you're saying abot the Axis diagnoses. I've wondered whether or not it's possible she suffered a psychotic break when she allegedly killed Caylee. Not saying she did, just mulling that one over. I know a man who recently lost everything after Hurricane Katrina. House, job, brother, and eventually wife and kids too. He was a spazz case, but got some Road Home money and bought a house. He torched it. Not for the insurance either. Just completely came unhinged with no apparent trigger and burned a beautiful $200,000 house to the ground. His attorney claims he is innocent of arson b/c he was in the midst of a psychotic break when he did so. Now, I'm not saying we have a parallel here, because clearly this man had been pushed past his breaking point, and there were signs aplenty, but there's been so much PTSD post-Katrina that he didn't stand out as unusual (which is sad but understandable). In your opinion is that a possiblity in this case?

Well, nobody's seen any psychosis. No break from reality. She hasn't had to go in for treatment. No hallucinations or delusions.

A psychotic break is pretty hard to miss.
The reason I believe Casey acted alone is because of the half-a$$ed way Caylee's murder was executed and cleaned-up. It is the same way Casey had been committing and covering up her previous actions.

For example, Casey made up a "work night" so Cindy would babysit which was actually a no-clothes party. THEN Casey plasters pictures of herself at the party on the public web.

That is like helpfully texting your best friend about the funky smell in your trunk that is actually a dead body you are hiding...nothing like making sure there is a trail with an actual date. Or making sure you take your phone every single place you go and use it every 2 minutes so LE can map out your every move for every minute you are supposed to be searching for your child.

George would not have left Caylee so close to his house. He would not have left her so close to the road. He would not have left items from his house with Caylee's body.

He would have come up with a better story for Casey than an imaginary nanny living in an empty apartment at Sawgrass.

If the Anthony family had been in on cleaning-up, nobody would have called LE. Ever.

Cindy and George weren't in trouble. Casey wasn't in trouble. Nobody was looking for Caylee. Nobody was going to look for Caylee. There no need for Casey to go to jail. As far as the world knew the Anthony's, including Caylee, were peachy-keen fine.

The ONLY reason for Cindy to call 911 was to try to strongarm Casey into letting her see Caylee.

Cindy had her car back. Casey was close by. Casey was HAPPY where she was at. Johnson's Tow Company didn't care about how bad the car smelled. They hadn't called LE. They were not going to call LE.

When Cindy had hope for Caylee she threw Casey to the wolves. She falsely said Casey was a car thief. She reported Casey's credit card and cash stealing. She called THREE times and was mad because LE was slow getting to her house.

When LE got to the house George pulled LE aside and told LE he and Cindy thought Casey might have harmed Caylee.

That was not helping Casey cover up. Just the opposite.

At some point, obviously, George and Cindy did add Casey's stupid stories up with the car smell (just like the rest of the world did). Then there was no other "girl" left to save but Casey.

But, if George and Cindy had known Caylee was dead before July 15...IMO, everything would have been handled in a different way.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Worth repeating.

Well, nobody's seen any psychosis. No break from reality. She hasn't had to go in for treatment. No hallucinations or delusions.

A psychotic break is pretty hard to miss.



Sorry for shouting. But people, come on- think about it- if casey were psychotic they would have her on meds, they would be trying to "make" her sane. They would not have let her out on bail if she was psychotic.. If she were insane. They gave her a psych eval before she was allowed to be released on bail- one of the reasons they do that is to make sure you are safe from your self and that society will be safe from YOU!

We know, for a FACT that Casey was released on bail. We know for a FACT that Casey is not on medication. So.. it seems to me her Psych evals went pretty well.
Verité;3757492 said:
And so am I. . .in the forensic/criminal justice system.

But not to me. I can't speak for the entire universe of personality disorders,
even though I've had extensive experience with them. We must rely on
professionals who constructed our nomenclature, i.e. The American
Psychiatric Association's task force on the various editions of the Diagnostic
& Statistic Manuals--and those practioner/researchers who devote an
entire lifetime to ensuring that our communication with each other is
accurate and reliable.

I can't agree with you there. Overly subjective statements are always
prone to individual bias (known as "confirmatory bias"). That's why jury
selection is such an important part of our justice system, e.g. with our
pre-formed opinions, probably none of us writing on this Board can honestly
say that we could sit on the KC jury when it convenes. :behindbar

But, please feel free to think & believe in the way that works best 4 U!:rolleyes:

As been said before... I'll keep my real life experience- we'll all be here during trial when we get to hear about her psych evaluations. My arm chair is well earned and worn. :blowkiss:
WOW! It is not an easy field. :(

I can see this case taking a tole on the Prosecutor.
I can see this being an OJ type of case, but going on and on and on...
That is why I keep on saying that I pray that one piece will come out that will make the case.
I think it will happen on the 12th hour.
Because as it stands right now the clean up and diversion took this case to another level.

I also have had cops, detectives, and PI along with secret service man in my family since I was born.
I do not only look at what may be obvious. Cindy is loud but it is GA that I am watching.

I kinda have my eye on Lee for the moment


Sorry for shouting. But people, come on- think about it- if casey were psychotic they would have her on meds, they would be trying to "make" her sane. They would not have let her out on bail if she was psychotic.. If she were insane. They gave her a psych eval before she was allowed to be released on bail- one of the reasons they do that is to make sure you are safe from your self and that society will be safe from YOU!

We know, for a FACT that Casey was released on bail. We know for a FACT that Casey is not on medication. So.. it seems to me her Psych evals went pretty well.

Maybbe she lied/faked her way through it or her psychologist wasn't that thorough...KC fooled quite a few people before. Not a medical opinion nor is this meant to hurt any feelings because I know squat about ya'lls conversation but my humble opinion is: KC is nuttier than squirrel , but still knows right from wrong.:blowkiss:
I understand what you're saying abot the Axis diagnoses. I've wondered whether or not it's possible she suffered a psychotic break when she allegedly killed Caylee. Not saying she did, just mulling that one over. I know a man who recently lost everything after Hurricane Katrina. House, job, brother, and eventually wife and kids too. He was a spazz case, but got some Road Home money and bought a house. He torched it. Not for the insurance either. Just completely came unhinged with no apparent trigger and burned a beautiful $200,000 house to the ground. His attorney claims he is innocent of arson b/c he was in the midst of a psychotic break when he did so. Now, I'm not saying we have a parallel here, because clearly this man had been pushed past his breaking point, and there were signs aplenty, but there's been so much PTSD post-Katrina that he didn't stand out as unusual (which is sad but understandable). In your opinion is that a possiblity in this case?

That has always been in my head.. what if she like blacked out (For example-I've got a history of anger issues when not on my meds.. sometimes I'd black out, not remember any of a fight or whatever the situation was) and doesn't remember what happend?! But in thinking about it even that doesn't work, IMO because you know you blacked out. You know you have a missing hunk of time. So then you notice your child is missing- OMG!! Call LE! But nope, not Casey.
Maybbe she lied/faked her way through it or her psychologist wasn't that thorough...KC fooled quite a few people before. Not a medical opinion nor is this meant to hurt any feelings because I know squat about ya'lls conversation but my humble opinion is: KC is nuttier than squirrel , but still knows right from wrong.:blowkiss:

I seriously doubt that. The MMPI-2 has validitiy scales, they can tell when someone is faking- for the most part (I know they can't catch 'em all). I also believe she had 2 different doctors evaluate her. IMO Casey is pretty transparent- they would see her as she is.
I seriously doubt that. The MMPI-2 has validitiy scales, they can tell when someone is faking- for the most part (I know they can't catch 'em all). I also believe she had 2 different doctors evaluate her. IMO Casey is pretty transparent- they would see her as she is.

Well, that's good to know!
I seriously doubt that. The MMPI-2 has validitiy scales, they can tell when someone is faking- for the most part (I know they can't catch 'em all). I also believe she had 2 different doctors evaluate her. IMO Casey is pretty transparent- they would see her as she is.
I do not agree with that. While a lot is transparent there so much more then meets the eye that is slippery that goes deep.
I doubt that there was a through evaluation of Casey.
Just because she can text, drive,lie, & steal does not make of of sound mind. LOL
Actually Casey WAS DIFFERENT than other young women in Orlando. She spent her days sitting on her fanny, talking, texting and web surfing. She was willing to borrow "rent" money she didn't need from a friend, steal from her elderly grandparents, steal from her parents, steal from her best friend and write bad checks to her fiancee and brother.

The whole time she did those things she knew what she was doing. She left a trail of coherent, appropriate and on-topic texts, posts and instant messages showing she was not suffering from delusions.

People with personality disorders can be selfish, unfeeling, manipulative or worse. But, the whole time they know what they are doing and what they are going to get out of it.


The reason I believe Casey acted alone is because of the half-a$$ed way Caylee's murder was executed and cleaned-up. It is the same way Casey had been committing and covering up her previous actions.

For example, Casey made up a "work night" so Cindy would babysit which was actually a no-clothes party. THEN Casey plasters pictures of herself at the party on the public web.

That is like helpfully texting your best friend about the funky smell in your trunk that is actually a dead body you are hiding...nothing like making sure there is a trail with an actual date. Or making sure you take your phone every single place you go and use it every 2 minutes so LE can map out your every move for every minute you are supposed to be searching for your child.

George would not have left Caylee so close to his house. He would not have left her so close to the road. He would not have left items from his house with Caylee's body.

He would have come up with a better story for Casey than an imaginary nanny living in an empty apartment at Sawgrass.

If the Anthony family had been in on cleaning-up, nobody would have called LE. Ever.

Cindy and George weren't in trouble. Casey wasn't in trouble. Nobody was looking for Caylee. Nobody was going to look for Caylee. There no need for Casey to go to jail. As far as the world knew the Anthony's, including Caylee, were peachy-keen fine.

The ONLY reason for Cindy to call 911 was to try to strongarm Casey into letting her see Caylee.

Cindy had her car back. Casey was close by. Casey was HAPPY where she was at. Johnson's Tow Company didn't care about how bad the car smelled. They hadn't called LE. They were not going to call LE.

When Cindy had hope for Caylee she threw Casey to the wolves. She falsely said Casey was a car thief. She reported Casey's credit card and cash stealing. She called THREE times and was mad because LE was slow getting to her house.

When LE got to the house George pulled LE aside and told LE he and Cindy thought Casey might have harmed Caylee.

That was not helping Casey cover up. Just the opposite.

At some point, obviously, George and Cindy did add Casey's stupid stories up with the car smell (just like the rest of the world did). Then there was no other "girl" left to save but Casey.

But, if George and Cindy had known Caylee was dead before July 15...IMO, everything would have been handled in a different way.


Excellent posts, Jolynna!
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