Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

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He does know she lies, right? lol

And let's see how many scared jurors won't be so scared with cash on the line.
I won't be watching. I now read here what is going on in IVs so I don't give anyone another viewer and I'll be damned if I would give anyone one red cent of my money. None of them.
"The first question is, 'Did you do it?'" Taylor said. "It's not going to be a softball interview. We're going to grill her like a bad piece of fish. She's going to earn her $1 million. We're going to find out exactly what happened."

Yeah....good luck with that.

Hasn't that already been done and asked an all that? I'm not watching...not even on YOuTUbe.
This guy is affiliated with Hard Copy and Jerry Springer. Very high class. Sounds perfect.

All she will do is say it was George and then sob about how her daddy and brother did her and some idiots will believe it because Princess Casey doesn't lie. LOL
Oh don't forget Vasco..... the guy Jose tried to pull into this at the last minute over the phone number...... he will be suing also.
Oh don't forget Vasco..... the guy Jose tried to pull into this at the last minute over the phone number...... he will be suing also.

Good. I was just thinking about him a bit ago. Shameful how many innocent people were dragged through the mud all for nothing.
I noticed here in NYC that the local papers don't mention her any more at all. After the first shock of her getting off, the next day the front cover of one of them was a different story.

I'm hoping this is a deliberate effort to refuse to promote her.
I'm telling you all, she'll be on with Barbara Walters by the end of the year - "Most Fascinating People of 2011". I can see it now. Lord knows, Barbara couldn't ask a tough question anymore if it was put in front of her face and read for her.

Yup, maybe Casey can pitch AB machines on late nite infomercials like another one of BW's most fascinating people, Kate Gosselin. :floorlaugh:
Do you think she will get her new daddy's, JB, house out of foreclosuer ?

Bet she will. She is such a good little daughter.

Are you kidding? She will be out buying a new car, beer, pretzels and party treats for all her new dumb boyfriends.
But let's see minus $80,000+ penalties and interest for IRS, taxes on the mill is roughly about half. So now we're down to about $400,000. Minus Tim Miller's $112,000 and Zany's however much. Hmmm, let's see. And oh OSCO searches of over another $100,000. Yeah she should be able to buy herself a car maybe. She was going to do alot of traveling, but I don't think she realized exactly how much.
Costs lots of money to stay on the Lam, so she can sleep in her car and be back to square one in less than a month.
+ We can watch her story for free when she testifies for Morgan. That darn old Fla. Sunshine law ya know. :floorlaugh:

I agree if Casey gets money I could see her not sharing with JB, CM or Dotty CS. She would be too interested in using that money to party and other things and I agree she will have to deal with having to pay up if she loses lawsuits and to the IRS.

Also has anyone heard any updates about Baez's foreclosure.
I call BS!

Has this guy actually shopped around for buyers? Hope he pays KC and then can't find a buyer.

Me thinks he just had his 15 minutes of fame...take your cowboy hat, buddy, hop on your horse, and ride on outta town.

I think it's another Gil/Todd situation. I've been searching this guy for well over an hour and I've got nothing.

If he was a real producer and had worked on those shows he'd have credits for them and I can't find anything.




Well I'm thinking that 1 million won't go far. In that Casey is not a supporting parent any longer the tax bite would be in the 30% or there abouts.

400-500 State of Florida for Investigative costs
68K and growing IRS
112 TES
??? Zanny

She would have to pay an agent, financial advisors, mental health care. Living expenses and new clothing and disguises. Her phone and texting bill will be a couple of hundred a month easy...... I hope they return her work phone from Universal so she doesn't have to buy another one ya know. :floorlaugh:

Pretty much will be close to being broke before she even starts.

Don't forget to add Leonard Padilla's new lawsuit :)

Not to mention all the lawyer fees for those upcoming lawsuits (the state doesn't pay for civil trial lawyers, right?), IRS problems & any deals she makes.

And it wouldn't surprise me if she already signed away a percentage of any money she makes to JB years ago.

Probably won't be 5 yrs before she is broke and back to conning and stealing.
I noticed here in NYC that the local papers don't mention her any more at all. After the first shock of her getting off, the next day the front cover of one of them was a different story.

I'm hoping this is a deliberate effort to refuse to promote her.

Well NYC has more important things to discuss in their front covers such as Jeter's 3000th, Murdoch's current troubles, lousy weather, major drug busts, dismembered 9 year old child, etc. ICA is yesterday's news.
Quote from article:

"The first question is, 'Did you do it?'" Taylor said. "It's not going to be a softball interview. We're going to grill her like a bad piece of fish. She's going to earn her $1 million. We're going to find out exactly what happened."

Yeah....good luck with that.

I think Yuri grilled her and...BOMBSHELL...she only lied. WHO would watch her lie some more, everything that we have ever heard out of her mouth has been a lie. I'd really rather watch paint dry. This guy can't pay me enough to watch her in an interview. Now the deposition for Zaneida's case, that's a different story I would pay money for a seat in that room. Not that I think she will be truthful in her deposition, just would like to watch her squirm.
The kid in this vid is hysterical. Tried to sell Baez pink earbuds. :floorlaugh:

Says he bought the cheapest ones he had. Guess the money hasn't started rolling in yet.

He was probably picking up things for ICA. You did say that he bought the cheap ones? :floorlaugh:
This guy is affiliated with Hard Copy and Jerry Springer. Very high class. Sounds perfect.

All she will do is say it was George and then sob about how her daddy and brother did her and some idiots will believe it because Princess Casey doesn't lie. LOL

We all know that Jerry Springer only features white trash.
I think it's another Gil/Todd situation. I've been searching this guy for well over an hour and I've got nothing.

If he was a real producer and had worked on those shows he'd have credits for them and I can't find anything.





Perhaps he's just another one of ICA's imaginary friends.:floorlaugh:
One thing that can't be overlooked is the potential for calls to boycott the advertisers/sponsors who buy commercial time to promote their products/brands.
Are you kidding? She will be out buying a new car, beer, pretzels and party treats for all her new dumb boyfriends.
But let's see minus $80,000+ penalties and interest for IRS, taxes on the mill is roughly about half. So now we're down to about $400,000. Minus Tim Miller's $112,000 and Zany's however much. Hmmm, let's see. And oh OSCO searches of over another $100,000. Yeah she should be able to buy herself a car maybe. She was going to do alot of traveling, but I don't think she realized exactly how much.
Costs lots of money to stay on the Lam, so she can sleep in her car and be back to square one in less than a month.
+ We can watch her story for free when she testifies for Morgan. That darn old Fla. Sunshine law ya know. :floorlaugh:

Don't forget the tax on the 1 million. That should be about $333,000 :great:
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