Casey getting SS payments for Caylee?

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i would think if the father really did past Cindy would've pushed for SS
LE would have had that SS info if there is any.

Exactly... I'm sure it's already been checked out. You have to have proof of some kind especially if they were not married.
As to receiving welfare or something... not sure how much she would qualify for since she live with her parents. All income of the household has to be reported.
SS require's some sort of proof of who the father is and there is no signature on the birth certificate. You just can't go in and say "John Doe" is the father, he died and now I want SS.

I agree, I had a client who had a terrible time getting SS because b/f died before baby was born. She had another child with him that could collect but had to prove paternity for the newborn. ( they had to do dna on the deceased b/f's parents.)
I'm wondering if Caylee's father might be part hispanic? With her coloring imo she could be and if Cindy really did have a problem with hispanics that could be why Casey knew she had to keep who the father is a secret.

I can tell u in the state of IN. that if the parents are not married in order to recieve SS 1) you have to have court papers stating the fathers name and all that legal info.
2) If your not married and never went to court and even if the fathers name is on the birth certificate you have to have a DNA test done to prove that the person if the father.

That is why after my son was 11 and yes the father was on the birth certificate i finally decided to have it filed in the courts who my sons biologic father was, for if he were killed and i wasnt aware before the funeral it would have been difficult to get a DNA test done. The father denied a DNA test because he new he was the father so we never acutally went to court just had my lawyer file them.

If u think about it a woman can put any mans name on the birth certificate with out the man sighning. I no my sons father never sighned any papers.

This is just my personal experience on the situation.
Ok this is out there but i'll say it anyhow lets say caylee was getting SS are they cashing the checks and spending the money or maybe putting it in the find caylee fund (cough cough. chock) seems to me since she is missing they would have to hold on to the checks and not cash them or notify SS.
I'm presuming that info might come under the data protection act.

IF there is such a thing in the US, there is here , perhaps it's called something different to you folk.
IF Caylee's father has passed, I can't imagine Casey passing up some free cash.
Cindy was pretty clear in her videotaped interview, for example, that they didn't want any support or record of any father for Caylee. In fact, supposedly the bio dad wanted to meet Caylee and wanted her to meet her half brother but Casey refused that, even at the risk of perhaps Caylee meeting and dating a close relative without knowing it when she was older; and even over Cindy's protests that Caylee may need a half brother or father someday for medical reasons.

Casey's excuse at the time, according to Cindy, was that she didn't want to take any chance on acknowledging any potential bio dad for fear of them trying to get custody of Caylee. Yes, I know this is totally contradictory to her position on insisting JG sign the birth certificate, etc. but there isn't much that comes out of that household that isn't contradictory, imo. Therefore, the more logical reason, imo, is that Casey had so many possible baby-daddies that she didn't want to start pointing fingers because she may end up pointing a dozen.

Bottom line -- no bio-dad ss #; no legal father; no ss payments, I'd bet.
I just mentioned this same subject on another thread. I also find it hard to believe Cindy would not insist on the birth father not contributing to his daughter, especially since it has been stated the family had some money problems. Very strange.....

It really IS very strange!

I know it has been said that Cindy has supported little Caylee. Look at the mountain of toys there which do not even look as if they had even been played with. The playhouse itself was relatively expensive. Again, it looked new as well. My question is, WHERE was all the money coming from?

I do not believe for one moment that Cindy paid for everything around the Anthony home. I am sure she made a good salary, but 2 vehicles & insurance, mortgage, utilities, food and clothing, gas, etc. That would mean quite a lot of money going out every month. The parents also kept Casey's car in their name and paid the insurance, IIRC. If George did not work most of the time, then he was supported also.

So where is the money connection here? Was Caylee's father really married and perhaps wealthy? If so, is there money coming in from him? I have always thought JP was Caylee's Dad. IMO, she looks just like him. His parents are wealthy, IIRC, JP is not married. These are just questions I have.

I am just not believing that Caylee's father is dead.
IF Caylee's father has passed, I can't imagine Casey passing up some free cash.

i agree after all why wouldnt she thats what its there for after all caylee would deserve it to help support her. I no I no casey didnt support her but cindy did Im just saying If she was getting it there is nothing wrong with that.
unless she was spending the money on everything else but caylee. but i do no this my cousin gets SS for her brothers kids cause both parents are expired and she has to fill out a form every year that shows what the monies is being spent on.
Cindy was pretty clear in her videotaped interview, for example, that they didn't want any support or record of any father for Caylee. In fact, supposedly the bio dad wanted to meet Caylee and wanted her to meet her half brother but Casey refused that, even at the risk of perhaps Caylee meeting and dating a close relative without knowing it when she was older; and even over Cindy's protests that Caylee may need a half brother or father someday for medical reasons.

Casey's excuse at the time, according to Cindy, was that she didn't want to take any chance on acknowledging any potential bio dad for fear of them trying to get custody of Caylee. Yes, I know this is totally contradictory to her position on insisting JG sign the birth certificate, etc. but there isn't much that comes out of that household that isn't contradictory, imo. Therefore, the more logical reason, imo, is that Casey had so many possible baby-daddies that she didn't want to start pointing fingers because she may end up pointing a dozen.

Bottom line -- no bio-dad ss #; no legal father; no ss payments, I'd bet.

My point was, on the other thread since she is such a money monger why not persue it post-mortem? Is she just stupid or is it yet another lie? Why deny your daughter the right to those SS benifits? this is something that bothers me much.....
~snip~If u think about it a woman can put any mans name on the birth certificate with out the man sighning. I no my sons father never sighned any papers.

This is just my personal experience on the situation.

I thought it required a signed affidavit (acknowledging paternity)? A friend of mine gave birth out of wedlock and both parents had to sign.
In Florida, where I live, they will only put the father's name on the birth certificate if - and only if - the mother was married to the father at the time of the birth -or- if the father signs a paternity acknowledgement...
I will tell you this, my sister is/was getting SSI for her son,and his father is alive but out of state. She has signed over custody (temporary) to her friend and she is now getting the SSI for the boy.
I don't think signing or rather not signing something before he died matters.

What if he died on the way to the hospital? Point is they can use dna for proof in a court and eventually get the SS. Yes it would take effort and maybe she was too lazy but imho hey to her its free money why would she NOT do this and if she truely cared for Caylee why not persue it on her behlaf anyway?

Well maybe those arguments answer themselves.... or again maybe it's just yet another lie.
I thought it required a signed affidavit (acknowledging paternity)? A friend of mine gave birth out of wedlock and both parents had to sign.

my sons father never signed anything. I filled out the paper work and that was that, but like i said i had to file in the courts 11 years later.
If u think about it if u do have a child out of wedlock and if that hospital has the father sign a affidavite the dont have to show ID so thats why you have to file it in the courts
In Florida, where I live, they will only put the father's name on the birth certificate if - and only if - the mother was married to the father at the time of the birth -or- if the father signs a paternity acknowledgement...

It is the same here in Jersey.
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