Casey Has Started Blogging 9-29

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Just going to toss this out there....

Could she be associating herself with PTSD to cover her rear about taking xanax??
She's not really blogging, just copying and pasting other people's words. In the first case wikipedia (Oh come on, does she really think she has some sort of legal case against Nancy Grace? For real?) and the second is just another guy's words.

The one where she's mocking the guy by pasting his words is very telling and disturbing. It shows what a spiteful individual she is and was done in extremely poor taste. She even calls him "bi polar" like some bullying high school kid posting nasty things about someone online. Ridiuclous.
I agree with you.

It makes me sick to see that Casey is on the site.

If you child was in danger, you would go into gear and do something. The PTSD would come later.

People with PTSD still take care of their kids and have mother instincts.

Definitely. If anything, they can be over protective of their kids. I was just reading about it several months ago. I believe I have it (from a stranger abduction and sexual assault), but I haven't mentioned it to my doctor.
I have been diagnosed with PTSD too. There is no way I would be able to carry on as if nothing was wrong if one of my children went missing.

Casey also made up elaborate lies. I'm sorry, but I don't think that had anything to do with inappropriate affect, but more to do with covering her own b*tt.

I'm not attacking your post, but in my opinion she doesn't have PTSD. I could be wrong.

I don't think she does either.

I also know that as long as you can do something, as a mother, you would. The PTSD would come later.

But, if KC killed Caylee or she was killed in an accident, it would be possible for KC to put what happened in another part of her brain and carry on.

I am not trying to defend Casey. I think she is guilty of the worst. I am just explaining what I know about PTSD.

It sounds like Rasgirl has a background that would enable her to explain how the disorder effects some.
Just going to toss this out there....

Could she be associating herself with PTSD to cover her rear about taking xanax??

Could be, but I doubt it. That's the least of her worries. Personally, I think she just wants an excuse or pity. Who knows?

HopeAgainstHope: I agree, it does show her spiteful nature.
I think its interesting because someone said they thought maybe the defense would use PTSD as a defense and now it has turned into that KC is claiming to have it. I have not read one thing where JB or KC are using this disorder as a defense? If there is a link please share it. Further, if they hadnt thought about it im sure after reading this thread it might look like a good idea? I do not believe she has the diorder I have a degree in psychology and her behavior before Caylees disappearence is consistent with her behavior after the fact. People genuinely suffering from post traumatic stress disorder typically have a significant alteration in their behavior. I am not trying to disrespect or negate the talk about it just clarifing that people are jumping to conclusions.:blowkiss:
I think you would find if you had access to her account as a 'friend' that the links to the references (ex: [4]) would be active. Obviously she should have used a 'source', but I don't think it was a deliberate attempt at plagiarizing.
*snipped*I have a degree in psychology and her behavior before Caylees disappearence is consistent with her behavior after the fact.

...based on your training and the limited information available to make an assessment, can you expand on what, if anything, you have observed about Casey's behavior?

I'm honestly interested. Not looking for a nature vs. nuture debate...just a succinct opinion.
Back to the topic of the thread.... again I will say that I think this is most definately KC's blogging. Is it so strange to think she would post these things? There is no admission of guilt or feelings either way. She copied and pasted things that are most definately things that would pertain to her. I am certain she dislikes nancy grace and she found an avenue to discredit her without saying any of her own words. Further she probably gets creepy messages from weird guys all over the place and this was her way of getting even without really saying much, he said it all in his rediculous messages. Of course it may not be her but I will stand by my initial conclusion that if it were someone claiming to be her they would most likely have been way more creative than that. People who steal others identities for attention do it for attention, there is nothing overly interesting about her posts. JMO
If this really is KC's blog, does she think that nobody else has access to Wikipedia? And more than that, does she think anyone really cares about what Wiki says about NG? NG isn't on trial. She's simply one of the few people with the means to keep this case in the forefront of people's minds for the sake of Caylee.

KC needs to realize something here. If it wasn't for the fact that her daughter is missing and the story of her disappearance is at the very least highly suspicious, there are very few of us who would give a rat's behind about KC, her social life, her photos or her opinions. She should get over herself. She needs to grow up and take responsibility for her own life and the fate of her little girl. If by some miracle little Caylee is alive out there, she needs to tell LE or one of her fancy PI's how or where to find her. If she's not alive, for the love of Pete please give that little girl the chance to be laid to rest in a place that will bring everyone who cared for her some closure.

I refuse to give KC any more of the attention that she so clearly craves. A few hundred years ago, a person in her position would have been shunned by the community until the truth came out. While I am all for the Constitution and I don't want to trample anyone's rights, I find it disgusting if she thinks that this nightmare has somehow elevated her to Paris Hilton status, and I find it more disgusting that she thinks providing little tidbits of pointless information to her non-existing legion of fans will give everyone a thrill while she withholds the only information that really matters.

KC, it's all about Caylee. It's not about you - it never was, and it never will be

Excellent points! :clap::clap::clap:I think this post needs to be bumped, it can't be stated any better. Casey and Cindy Anthony, I hope you're reading this thread! We know you read and post here (at least in Cindy's case!)
You know what irritates me about seeing her dressed in a flag? My son is on his second deployment in Iraq. You ask any veteran about that picture and I'm sure they will tell you she is disgracing the flag.
If it was, why didn't she tell TonE that her daughter was kidnapped and it was giving her the nightmares/freak outs. NOPE! This was just a guilty conscience at work.....if indeed she has one of those. More than likely it was Casey freaking out about getting the needle or LWOP.

Yup! That's why she's anti-death penalty, she knows she's gonna face it! That's why the Anti-DP picture and saying on her computer.
Wowie. Interesting. With everyone that has commented, and all that's been said, what exactly was it that NG said that got under Casey's skin soooooooo much that she just couldn't control herself from commenting about NG?

The NG blog post was made a few minutes after 1am this morning. Did NG's show replay ending at 1am? If so, I want to go watch it again.

*Something* NG herself said got under Casey's skin. I want to know what.

I wonder if a profiler could pin it down, or come up with the most likely possibilities, and give NG tips on what more to say on air that just *might* aggravate Casey enough to talk a bit more.

Should this blog info be passed to LE in case there's something they can work on with NG using it?

JMO and just some thoughts.

hmmmm...maybe she heard RG is going to be on there tonight!!
I have never read anywhere that she is not allowed to use the computer while on Home Confinement - I think people just jumped to that conclusion because she is on 'home confinement'. I am pretty sure the only people who would be banned from using computer while on home confinement are people who are charged with crimes that are linked to computers in some way.

As to whether or not it is Casey and why she would be posting - well, according to her, she has not done anything wrong, so why shouldn't she return to as much as her usual life as she can?

Some day soon, and I am hoping it is VERY VERY soon, she won't be able to chat on line or blog - she will be sitting on her rear end in jail - and I hope it's in the general population area. She can make lots of new 'friends' there, right?
...based on your training and the limited information available to make an assessment, can you expand on what, if anything, you have observed about Casey's behavior?

I'm honestly interested. Not looking for a nature vs. nuture debate...just a succinct opinion.

I undertsnad where your coming from. All I can do is expand on my opinion because that is what it is, a professional opinion and nothing more. KC has a long history of theft, deception, promiscuity etc. All of which were a part of KC's everyday life years prior to Caylee's disappearence. She was taking her daughter to parties and staying out all night before and more so just before she departed with Caylee for the month period. If it was premeditated murder or a case of the accidently on purpose she wouldnt have the remorse that a normal person would have.

KC is sociopathic there is no question because regardless of wether or not she had no guilt shortly after the fact she would be expressing concern at this point. Even if not for Caylee, but for her own future. In my observation KC is not suffering from post traumatic stress, if anything she is suffering from a long mental illness. This is just my observation being in New Mexico and having never met her, but I can say that other professionals share my opinion. This doesnt mean were right by any means but again I do feel her history rules out PTSD.
After I watched my daughter take her last breath at age 12, I, too was diagnosed with ptsd. It paralyzes you....I suffered severe anxiety attacks, I couldn't leave my house, I have physcial symptoms, nightmares, I wasn't hardly able to function at all. I had two other small children I had to take care of too, and it was not easy continuing to be their mom and keep their routines going. If dh didn't take over some of the tasks I don't know where I'd be today, so, imo, there is no way CA has way. Also, as I said in another post, my son is on his second deployment in Iraq. I have studied up on ptsd just so I watch for symptoms in my son.
I have never read anywhere that she is not allowed to use the computer while on Home Confinement - I think people just jumped to that conclusion because she is on 'home confinement'. I am pretty sure the only people who would be banned from using computer while on home confinement are people who are charged with crimes that are linked to computers in some way.

As to whether or not it is Casey and why she would be posting - well, according to her, she has not done anything wrong, so why shouldn't she return to as much as her usual life as she can?

Some day soon, and I am hoping it is VERY VERY soon, she won't be able to chat on line or blog - she will be sitting on her rear end in jail - and I hope it's in the general population area. She can make lots of new 'friends' there, right?
CA grandma said in an interview that CA was not allowed on the computer or to have a car. I remember her saying that because I was thinking how bored CA will be if she just has to sit in her room all day. It might have been at the bond hearing because I think they were questioning Cindy about what if CA tried to get the car keys and go somewhere while on home confinement. CA grandma said that CA isn't allowed to have the car or use her computer. I guess she lied again.
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