Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

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I don't know about NG but I do know there is an article in a newstand publication this week that discusses much the same thing.

Don't know if I should mention it. But it's out there in print already.

I had hoped to avoid all of this and I suppose I could have by letting all the misinformation continue but yes, I was an escort. I was many awful horrible things in my time.

I indeed hid it from my husband so I was quite limited in the amount of hours I could work. However I still had enough money within 2 years time to move out, divorce my husband, leave him the house (he did nothing wrong, I was the a$$hole in the relationship, he was suffering enough and I didn't want to take him home from him) and everything in it and continue on with my life (eww, if that's what one calls the thing I was living).

I always read your posts with interest. It is obvious that you lived a troubled young life in the past. Also obvious is your struggle to become "real" or found. You always give me, as the mother of a "lost" daughter, hope and joy for the future as I watch her now struggle to overcome her issues with Borderline Personality Disorder.

I realize that the struggle is ongoing and fragile. I commend you for sharing what is intensely personal and often embarrassing and difficult to reveal. Your insight, especially in this case, is invaluable.

Blessings and hugs to you for being able to share and willing to help educate those of us who were fortunate enough not to endure what you did.

You are very brave, as I have told you before.
Thank you
In one of the interviews I read, I believe it was with the cop she had sex with, he said when she came over for sex after it was over she would just jump out of bed , get dress and leave (or something to that affect) he stated he felt like the girl. Actually he said he felt like the girl twice.

Just sprung out at me when I was reading it.

Could be she was involved in escort/prostitution.

Maybe she just wasn't that into him.
Thanks :)

ahh, that would be presumptuous of me. I was her my entire life, I have only been me now for 6 years. I don't for one second assume I could not be her again.

Back on topic though...

High Five to you on knowing yourself! Every day is a look back at lessons learned, a look at today and thank our lucky stars, and a look ahead with hope and determination. I too had some interesting moments (wild times as a youngin') and know that even those wish I could forget days have made me the woman I am today.
OneLostGrl, I so admire your absolute and total honesty. It's so refreshing that it leaves me speechless. Thank you!

I don't want to derail the conversation except to agree with Fandy's earlier post. The Elliot Spitzer scandal broke, I think, March 12th and from NG's screen shots, the missing children's web site searches started sometime in March, along with the list of escort service searches.

The Spitzer scandal was very public and did, kind of, glamorize the life of Ashlee Dupree. Dupree's Myspace was widely shown nationwide on the news and we all know Casey liked her social networking sites.

I have heard of escorts promoting themselves via Craigslist on "erotic services" and the prices aren't the big bucks that are associated with high priced call girls. I just looked on Craigslist here in NYC and the rates for "sensual massages" are quoted in half hour increments.

I'm not at all sure this is what KC was up to, but my question about stealing is how many times can you hit up the same small groups of friends she had access to? We can all pretty much agree Amy seemed boundless as a "mark," but who else could she steal from repeatedly? Her phone bills alone were outrageous and she was paying them until July. I just don't completely rule it out.
Thank you! Someone reads one article of someone in another country dying from chlorofom used in a sex act, and they think all of us 20-somethings are into chloroform. I've never once seen or heard of anyone I know "into" huffing spray paint or chloroform.

You are both very fortunate to have not been exposed to this. Inhalant abuse is the second most prevalant type of drug abuse in teens and young adults in the United States. It is common in every major city. Chloroform is one of the substances that is used. Google "inhalant abuse" to learn about this.

Your individual experience is not a valid measurement of the prevalence of drug abuse. If individual experience were a valid measurement, I could say there are no smokers in the USA because none of my friends smoke.

Incidentally, I'm not an older person at all. But I am very well educated -so well educated that I would not base any comment I made on a single incident. I simply posted two minor examples that explained in layman's terms the use of chloroform for sex. It is obvious to me that you misread the intent of what I was writing.
I had hoped to avoid all of this and I suppose I could have by letting all the misinformation continue but yes, I was an escort. I was many awful horrible things in my time.

I indeed hid it from my husband so I was quite limited in the amount of hours I could work. However I still had enough money within 2 years time to move out, divorce my husband, leave him the house (he did nothing wrong, I was the a$$hole in the relationship, he was suffering enough and I didn't want to take him home from him) and everything in it and continue on with my life (eww, if that's what one calls the thing I was living).

Onelostgirl, I have to commend you. I love your insights and your posts. Your honesty is commendable. You appear to have climbed out of whatever happened to you in the past and made a new life of yourself. And by your posts, it was not easy. I wish there were more people like you in this world. Your are truely an amazing person. Realize O/T, but had to tell you. (((((((hugs))))).
This Thread is interesting to me...I have thought the same thing a few times since this all 'broke'.

I mean, I would be lying to say I didn't have my fun in my ealry 20's...and I
'get it' that Casey was a MOM & probably should have curtailed those activities somewhat ( to put it midly) But most of the partying she did -if caylee was at home with the GP's seems to be just 'kinda average early 20's party stuff'.....I don't think that is all that unusual, to be fully honest! She is a young single Mom who liked to party-obviously!

That being said I can't shake the thought that she was telling people for 2 years she was going to work- what the hell was she doing the whole time she would be out & about?

And I am still unclear if Caylee was ever known for a fact to have been left with a sitter &/or sitters-aside from the A's ...while she was allegedly going to work??

---all her 'overtime'...'late nights'.....sure-some of it could've-& obviously was partying /hangin' out~

....but she seemed to have a 'pattern' of her 'comings & goings' that she claimed to be work time-that apparantely seemed 'believeable'?

-just seems feels to me something is definitley not 'fully known' in this part of the puzzle either????????????????????????????? I am not sure if I feel she was sleeping with men to 'get what she wanted'-whether it was actually money...or just things she needed or wanted????either way she didn't seem to be 'hurting' in the PARTY DEPARTMENT--she was out havin fun pretty often & yes- this all costs money...sooooooooooooooo:confused:

excuse my mini rant ;

Man, Casey-Get it together....this is a disgrace & sweet Caylee is lost in all the chaos.....let this child rest-do the right thing & end this nightmare.....instead of being 'a spiteful biatch'-who continues to manipulate to save her own behind-do right by your baby & come clean.
just my opinoin-of course!

This Thread is interesting to me...I have thought the same thing a few times since this all 'broke'.

I mean, I would be lying to say I didn't have my fun in my ealry 20's...and I
'get it' that Casey was a MOM & probably should have curtailed those activities somewhat ( to put it midly) But most of the partying she did -if caylee was at home with the GP's seems to be just 'kinda average early 20's party stuff'.....I don't think that is all that unusual, to be fully honest! She is a young single Mom who liked to party-obviously!

That being said I can't shake the thought that she was telling people for 2 years she was going to work- what the hell was she doing the whole time she would be out & about?

And I am still unclear if Caylee was ever known for a fact to have been left with a sitter &/or sitters-aside from the A's ...while she was allegedly going to work??

---all her 'overtime'...'late nights'.....sure-some of it could've-& obviously was partying /hangin' out~

....but she seemed to have a 'pattern' of her 'comings & goings' that she claimed to be work time-that apparantely seemed 'believeable'?

-just seems feels to me something is definitley not 'fully known' in this part of the puzzle either????????????????????????????? I am not sure if I feel she was sleeping with men to 'get what she wanted'-whether it was actually money...or just things she needed or wanted????either way she didn't seem to be 'hurting' in the PARTY DEPARTMENT--she was out havin fun pretty often & yes- this all costs money...sooooooooooooooo:confused:

excuse my mini rant ;

Man, Casey-Get it together....this is a disgrace & sweet Caylee is lost in all the chaos.....let this child rest-do the right thing & end this nightmare.....instead of being 'a spiteful biatch'-who continues to manipulate to save her own behind-do right by your baby & come clean.
just my opinoin-of course!


I agree.. Also,in my early 20's I partied much like KC..I drank and did some other things that weren't exactly great, but I wasn't responsible for anyone but me..thank goodness.
Thank you! Someone reads one article of someone in another country dying from chlorofom used in a sex act, and they think all of us 20-somethings are into chloroform. I've never once seen or heard of anyone I know "into" huffing spray paint or chloroform.
Wow! Can you point me to a post here that a member states what I have bolded in your post?
I have just read that some posters have sleuthed this possibility and found that it is not unheard of.
I must have missed this age group generalization somewhere....:waitasec:
It would be next to impossible for petite Casey to chloroform an alert man. Is he just going to sit by idly while she opens the bottle, pours it on a rag, and applies it to his face? Not likely.

I apologize if this has been pointed out already, I'm not totally caught up on this thread, but all she had to do was go the S&M route and "gag" a man (hence the "I've got tricks you've never seen" quote), and that gag has been saturated with chloroform beforehand...poof...the guy's out and she makes a beeline for his wallet. Let us not forget that she stole $480 (I'm pretty sure that was the amount) from Amy and claimed she had put it somewhere while sleepwalking. So we know she stole money from someone while they were out of it!
Thank you all for your support it's kind of you. I hate sharing all my "nasty's", it's ugly.

it's like flushing the toilet and then be able to watch what actually happens... I happen. but I think it's important- People need to know this stuff- I could be your daughter- your sister, your wife!

Anyway, back on topic..

My only disagreement about Casy and the escort service is the money. I feel if she were working for a service she would not have been living with her mother, she would not have been driving that old ugly car and not have been shopping at target or carrying that crappy cell phone. The rest, hell yeah I can see her selling her body, sure can!

The way I felt was this- I screw people I hate for free, I might as well make some money off of it. For people like us sex does not = love ..and love does not = sex.
I have considered this possibility in my mind also. I have nothing whatsoever to base this on but it's certainly within the realm of possibility. Orlando has a lot of convention business as well as just regular tourism and then, of course, your regular citizens who go this route. Her hours were flexible, apparently, I don't think I've seen anywhere that she seemed to have a 9 to 5 job.

Ok I read it somewhere on here with an interview with Cindy (I beleive) that Casey would leave right after dinner and would never come home until after 9pm. So she was dissappearing most nights during the week. For some reason I thought Cindy said it was to "work" and I remember thinking WHat kind of work could she be doing at night every night? I will have to look up the source of this info but I KNOW it is on here. This is the only site I visit. LOL
I read somewhere that KC was a "manager of shot girls." Does anyone else remember that? Maybe that job entails something closer to what you are referring.

YesI remember the shot girl reference. I beleive AL said it. I seem to remember that he hired her for that position and to drum up business for him at Fusions. SOunds like he was a "john" as well. JMO
You are both very fortunate to have not been exposed to this. Inhalant abuse is the second most prevalant type of drug abuse in teens and young adults in the United States. It is common in every major city. Chloroform is one of the substances that is used. Google "inhalant abuse" to learn about this.

Your individual experience is not a valid measurement of the prevalence of drug abuse. If individual experience were a valid measurement, I could say there are no smokers in the USA because none of my friends smoke.

Incidentally, I'm not an older person at all. But I am very well educated -so well educated that I would not base any comment I made on a single incident. I simply posted two minor examples that explained in layman's terms the use of chloroform for sex. It is obvious to me that you misread the intent of what I was writing.

Inhalant abuse is a horrible, awful, sad, scary thing going on in the world today and it is happening in all of our neighborhoods. Parents would be shocked to learn their children are doing it and they would be shocked to learn which chemicals they are using!

As far as chloroform for breath play during sex, I and anyone I have ever known has simply used scarfs, their hands of other items to cut off their air supply.
I agree.. Also,in my early 20's I partied much like KC..I drank and did some other things that weren't exactly great, but I wasn't responsible for anyone but me..thank goodness.

I didn't like "party", I chilled. I never did the club scene or anything like that.

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